The novel coronavirus outbreak is causing me to assess our home medicine cabinet situation. It’s difficult to prepare for a true viral pandemic especially for those living in close proximity to others.
So how does the average person properly prepare for this type of emergency?
The best way is to create strong immune systems by taking and having proven natural remedies already IN YOUR HOME to weaken and dispose of any virus, should it be needed !
Everyone can have the simple, relatively inexpensive natural antiviral remedies I list below on hand! We are called to be wise.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Please read the details as I’ve included ‘how to’ for adults and children (and in some cases babies)!
1. High Dose Vitamin C Protects Against Viral Pandemic
Humans do not manufacture their own Vitamin C.
Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular. (source)
The basis for using high doses of buffered vitamin C to prevent and combat virus-caused illness may be traced back to vitamin C’s early success against polio, first reported in the late 1940s. [6] Further clinical evidence built up over the decades, leading to an anti-virus protocol published in 1980. [7]
How To Flush Your Body With Vitamin C
A Vitamin C Flush is one of the easiest and quickest detoxification methods. It’s simply introducing high amounts of vitamin C into the body at regular intervals until the intestines flush themselves with a loose stool. Choose a day at home, near the bathroom.
- Begin the cleanse first thing in the morning, before you eat. (eat normally throughout the day)
- Take 1000mg of buffered vitamin C powder in half a glass of water (or diluted fruit juice). May also use lipo-spheric C gel in 500 mg doses (babies in the cheek) or Sufficient-C (for resistant kids).
- Repeat this exactly every hour, recording it each time. You will notice your lower GI tract begin to rumble. You are looking for the bowel to pass a loose stool. Once this occurs, the flush is finished and you can taper down drinking the vitamin C over the next day.
- Your bowels should return to normal pretty quickly.
- Note what total amount of vitamin C it took to achieve bowel tolerance.
The best Vitamin C brands are the same brands Suzanne Humphries recommends for whooping cough: this one, this one, or this one or which takes a child’s needs into consideration. Also Vitamin C is recommended in pregnancy!!!!
Vitamin C Flush Tips in an acute setting
- It is recommended you use a buffered vitamin C powder, making it less acidic which reduces the risk of heartburn.
- Keep water intake up as, when bowel tolerance is reached, fluid is lost through the bowel.
- Bloating and gas may occur; keep going until you actually pass a watery stool.
- If you are normally UNHEALTHY, consider DOUBLING the vitamin C dose each hour, i.e. consume 2000 mg. of vitamin C every hour.
Studies Supporting Vitamin C High Dose Use
(Evans et al., 1982), (Kim et al. 2013), (Madhusudana et al. 2004), (Jariwalla and Harakeh, 1996) (Byun and Jean, 2011).
“I have not seen any bacterial or viral flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C.” ~Robert F. Cathcart, MD
2. Vitamin A & Vitamin D for Viral Pandemic
In pandemic, adults can use Vitamins A and D safely together at 100,000 IU for 3-4 days unless you are pregnant.
Vitamin A: adults can safely take 100,000 IUs of Vit. A softgels for 3-4 days (short course) unless you are pregnant.
Vitamin D: adults can safely take 100,000 units of Vit. D softgels for 3-4 days.
Vitamin A supplementation reduces morbidity and mortality in human immunodeficiency virus infection as well as measles and measles-related pneumonia. [1, 2, 3, 4, and many more]
Vitamin D has been repeatedly shown to be inhibitory of viral infections in the human body. [1,2,3,4 and many more]
For children who cannot take gelcaps, 2 options: Vitamin A drops, (1 drop/d for 1 week short-term use)
OR use CLO with natural Vit. A and D indefinitely (babies do well with a smidgen (1/8th tsp) rubbed on their tummy).
See TESTED CLO BRANDS and basic Dosages here.
3. Zinc:
Zinc is needed for immune cell development and communication and plays an important role in inflammatory response.
As early as 1967, researchers testing soy formula found that it caused negative zinc balance in every infant to whom it was given.
Zinc is the intelligence mineral; it is required for optimal brain and neurological development. As a result, deficiency of this nutrient in infants at a time when the brain is growing at its most rapid rate could have lifelong implications and possibly reduce IQ.
Zinc deficiency affects around 2 billion people worldwide and is very common in older adults. In fact, up to 30% of older adults are considered deficient in this nutrient (
Taking zinc long term is safe for healthy adults, as long as the daily dose is under 40 mg./d. (
- Children 4 to 10 years of age—zinc 10 -15 mg per day (may be taken for several weeks at a time, then a few weeks break, off and on)
- Children birth to 3 years of age—zinc 5 to 10 mg per day (source)
4. Quercetin w/ Bromelain, 2/day
Quercetin is helpful for both the vaccinated and those avoiding transmission.
It has was found to have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and has multi-faceted antiinflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions.
Also documented to prevent platelet aggregation, capillary permeability, and enhances mitochondrial biogenesis.
5. Iodine
Dr. Brownstein recommends Lugol’s at 25-50 mg. (10-20 drops) a day when really faced with a strong invader!
In the early 19th century iodine saved the lives of people who would otherwise have died from common infectious diseases such as cholera or typhoid. (source)
Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses
Lugol’s 2% drops are recommended at this rate:
One drop of lugol’s 2% equals 2.5mg
10 drops equals 25.0mg
Iodine, in the brand Iodoral, is essentially the same thing as Lugol’s but in a tablet form. [1,2,3,4]
6. Don’t Forget Elderberry Syrup and Tincture
Every household should have elderberry on hand with their high levels of Vit. C, Quercetin, and more.
Here are my easy recipes and here are the DOSAGES for ALL AGES.
Adding Toxin Removal System for Immune Strength
Remedies generally cannot work unless the immune system can respond! That is why I am such a fan of this extraordinary detox. (see Avalyn’s Story)
TRS (the blue bottles) has a special electrical attraction for heavy metals and other positively charged toxins. These include:
- aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead
- fluoride, gadolinium contrast in MRIs
- barium, strontium, uranium
- herbicides and pesticides
- mold and yeast toxins
- carcinogens from smoke and haze
- plastic residues
- radioactive materials in the body including cesium
And as they leave, it removes environmental toxins and metals that allow infectious invaders to thrive!
The body’s biochemistry can adjust back to health. See this definitive PubMed study.
Neurologist Dr. Teryn Clarke with her August 28, 2020, recommendations:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
~Isaiah 41:10
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes!
I’m still on FB but shadow-banned hard… If you want to stay connected, here is one way…
Censorship is real. My Pinterest account was just suspended; surprisingly, part of my main board is still available through this link, and it scrolls down a long way so all is not lost!
You can also find me on Instagram, MeWe, and Telegram.
And please join me for my FREE newsletter. Click here.
Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2024 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
I ordered more vitamin A, c and vitamin d today. I am stocked up on elderberry! I have the TRS. I don’t have any masks or gloves. I have several bottles of fire cider and also a huge bottle of colloidal silver. I just ordered iodine too over a natural health physicians comments.
My mom is. Canada and said she is not worried…I feel there are a lot of things that could happen and if I’m wrong, then I’m prepared,
Yes, Amen, Debbie! I changes up the post a little bit, and am praying it will help in some small way! Sending love! ~J
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that was skeptical of the origin of the virus. I thought it was mighty peculiar that there were major protests then all of the sudden a virus came on the scene and virtually ended them.
Hope you are doing well. 🙂
Hi, Toni! Yes, very well with my soul, but struggling to see the corruption and forcing of harmful man-made things on all of us at large. Let’s keep praying! Thanks for the sweet encouragement today, too! ~J
Thank you so much for the details of each item we need, the doses, what each one actually does,the details of the Vit C detox, and Dr Humphries brands… everything I wanted to know and had in bits and pieces you have put it all together to make it so easy to get prepared. I so appreciate your organizational abilities, something I so lack! I have zeal, but how to find my info I saved, LOL! Now I can get all the supplies to prepare a kit for ANY Flu pandemic, or just the regular flu. And love the scripture to keep us from panicing!
Aw, Beverly, you are so kind to encourage me! It took a lot of time, but I understand sometimes time is what others lack with little ones and big concerns! All glory to the Lord Himself! Thank you! 😀 ~J
You are so right! Time is hard to come by with little ones but we still need this info so thank you for doing the hard work for us! I really appreciate your blog and have shared it with several of my friends.
Many blessings to you.
God bless you, Sharon! The Lord is on the throne and will at the same time, never leave us or forsake us! <3 Praying for you ALL! ~J
This is excellent information that helps so many busy moms be prepared and organized for our families. Thank you! Could you please send me the updated July 2021 Master email that you mention in the article? Blessings to you and your family!
Lisa, I just sent it!
The one you said can be for children , sufficient c, says that it’s not meant for children?
Hi, Debbie! This is what Dr. Humphries states: “A more recent discovery of mine was Sufficient-C brand ascorbic acid. The benefit of this brand is that it tastes amazing. It is a bit more expensive than nutribiotic SA and it is Ascorbic Acid (AA) not Sodium Ascorbate (SA), but I recommend you use it for older children and older toddlers who are weaned from breast milk IF you have to give very high doses of PSA or LSA. Why? Because you can hide the PSA and LSA in it. I have yet to see one adult or child say they didn’t love this brand of ascorbic acid. Best of all, it is sweetened with stevia and nothing harmful. It also contains caffeine free-green tea extract, L-lysine and bromelain. You can use a 50:50 PSA and Sufficient-C combination, or add some LSA to the sufficient-C to hide the taste of the LSA.”
It is from this post:
I will/may alter text a bit in the coronavirus post! Thank you! ~J
What will be the dosage of you are breastfeeding for these vitamins? Can you take then while nursing
Yes, Irma, I believe you can. I cannot tell you in detail here, but this post will give you a good idea!
God bless you! ~J
Thank you! This makes it so easy to be prepared. I’ll be adding a few more items to my natural medicine cabinet. Also thank you for the great reminder with that wonderful scripture at the end of your article. God bless you, Autumn
Hi Jacqueline,
I am confused about which Vitamin A to take….the one linked to in this post is Retinyl Palmitate, but I read something else that said that is the synthetic form and not to take it. However, when I read about Vitamin A as Retinol it said not to take more than 10,000 IUs per day of vitamin A retinol. So which one do I need for my natural medicine chest and specifically to have on hand in case of pandemic?
Also, what dosing do you recommend for children? Go by weight and if they are approximately half the weight of an adult, give half a dose?
Thanks for clearing this up for me. I don’t have anyone local that I know to ask!!
Hi, Karen! The Vitamin A in this post is for an emergency crisis and to be taken at that high rate in that scenario only. Here is how I worded it: Vitamin A: “you can safely take 100,000 IUs of Vit. A softgels for 3-4 days (short course) unless you are pregnant.”
For your natural medicine cabinet, I have not listed a separate vitamin A bc it is almost impossible to find without retinyl palmitate. Cod Liver oil is the natural way to get good (but NOT emergency levels of) Vit A.
I hope that makes sense!
Blessings, ~J
Thanks Jacqueline! That clears it up for me…..I over-think sometimes and then misunderstand!! Thank you again for your reply, and for taking the time to do this post (and the blog in general). 🙂 I enjoy learning from you; I assume we live far apart from each other, but I kinda wish we could sit down for a face-to-face chat. 😀
Blessings to you!
Jenny G
Hello:-) My daughter is allergic to fish so I do not want to give her any Cod/fish oils. Allergist stated it is ok to take Krill oil. Is this a sufficient replacement or is there anything else i can give her to get the Vit A if there should be a need? Thanks for your input and also thanks for being a great source of information for so many!
Hi, Jenny G,
I will email you now! ~J
Lindsay Lucas
Hi! So, I have a 4 and 7 year old. Would these doses: 100,000 for A and 50,000 for D be for kids that young as well, or should that be decreased? Thanks!
Lindsay, for 5 -10 years old: use 3/4 tsp of this CLO per day (3,750 IU Vitamin A/day and 375 IU of Vit D)
This information is in this post:
CLO oil gives both vit A and D in one product. If they can’t take capsules, they will need the liquid and you can hide it in unsweetened apple sauce.
I hope that helps!
Amber Landavazo
Thank you so much for making this info available. I have questions, and to-date you are the only one I “know” of with any answers!
How can I calculate the dosage of any of the mentioned supplements for my family? Are there weight based recommendations even for adults? Or would a 120 pound adult be dosed the same as a 300 pound adult? Also, my children are aged 20, 12, 6,3, and a newborn.
How can I figure out the dosing?
Is my newborn able to take ANY of these recommendations? How can I figure out how much? Is there anything I can do, in particular, to strengthen him? He is just 5lbs. 6oz. He is currently 100% breastfed, but it isn’t easy going, we are still trying to get that completely established. Can I take anything that will be transferred to him in breastmilk?
Thank you again for making yourself and your knowledge available. I appreciate you.
Hi, Amber, I will email you first thing tomorrow around 11A EST. ~J
PS I am sorry, my day has been not my own! I will hope to email you tomorrow! I apologize!
Ruth Walker
Thank you, Jackie, for the helpful info. The best is your quote from Isaiah, which is so encouraging, especially now. We can thrash around for answers about what to do, but our God can direct us in a way we never could by ourselves.
Ruth Walker
Dear Ruth, we serve a mighty Lord who does guide and lead us when we call! We can put our faith in a good Lord and in our sovereign, kind Father!
In this world we will have trouble, but He has overcome the world!
Warm hugs, friend. I am praying for you! ~J
Ruth Walker
Thank you so much. We’ll pray for you too.
Can you give some direction as to how many hourly doses of Vitamin C are usual during the flush? What if you are at 8 hourly dosings of 2000mg and still no results???
Natalie, would you re-read the whole section titled: How To Flush Your Body With Vitamin C ?
You will see the answer there! I am sorry, but I need to be away from home. Every hour. The sicker we are (with anything), the more we will need to get to tolerance. A body that is not well is so happy to utilize Vitamin C, it will absorb and use all you can get it. You will know by the rumblings when yo get to tolerance…. if you are not getting there, you can increase how often to take a dose…just increase the frequency so you can get more in your waking hours!
I hope that helps!
Hi- when do we use this group of supplements? I can’t tell if this stuff is all for when you are struck with the symptoms? This isn’t preventative, right? Preventative doses would all be smaller, did you do anything for preventative?
Hi, there, Heidi!
Yes, you are correct! This is a acute dose, and I inferred it in these words up top:
“Everyone can have the simple, relatively inexpensive natural antiviral remedies I list below on hand!
Here is how I will care for myself and my family should it come to that. We are called to be wise.”
Preventative dose would be smaller, but I have done high dose vitamin C for a while… that would be like 3-4,ooo mg a day and I do 1/2 tsp of CLO EVERY day!
Vitamins A,C, and D are SOOOOO powerful! Plus I use elderberry tincture ever 2-3 days and have a marvelous immune system.
PS part of this is that my husband and I do a constant TRS detox bc we had advanced Lyme’s and also prions and so we are proactive with our health at 68 and 69 years old! You can read more on TRS here:
I hope that helps!
Hi! When I play the video, I’m getting a pop up that says “Do you want to allow “” to use cookies and website data while browsing “”? This will allow “” to track your activity.
Don’t Allow / Allow
If I click Don’t Allow, the video stops. If I don’t click anything, it continues to play, but the pop up stays in the middle of the video and I can’t see the time bar at the bottom, etc. I opened the link to the blog from FB originally, but then in a private browser on Safari. The same message popped up. I tried it again on Firefox and it didn’t pop up. It’s probably a cache issue, but thought I’d let you know.
Heather, I got it fixed! There is a widespread concerted attempt to disable sound advice so we can stop covid WITHOUT a vaccine!
Thanks! Please send me the master email, as well 🙂
Sending now, Heather!
I would love to get the master email
I would love the email please! Thank you for all the helpful information!
Laura Cron
I am stocking up my medicine cabinet just in case. Please send me the email you suggested. Thank you for all you do! Blessings!!
Hi, Laura,
I am sending it now.. ~Jacque
Becki H
Such great info. You are SUCH a blessing to all! Please email me the full protocol. Thank you sincerely for all you do.
Becki H., thank you for your kindness and encouragement.
I will send it to you now,
Lisa Clower
I would love the master email as well, Jacque. God bless you for your work in the Lord, your blog is a true gem!!
Lisa, sorry for the delay! It is sent! Jacque
Please send me master email with newest full protocol to protect against Covid -19/Delta Variant
Tammy, i hope to send it later today. ~Jacque
I would love to receive the latest full protocols as of 7/25/21. Thank you for the useful and faithful information you provide – it is much appreciated!
Kat, It is sent 😀 Blessings, J
I’d love the email with protocol. So many people are getting it around me and I’d like to be on top of what to do ahead
Hi, Lauren,
I will email you now! ~J
Hi, Jacqueline! I would love for you to send me the email with the most updated protocol. I already receive your newsletter and am so appreciative of all of the wonderful advice you provide.
My husband and I have a 4-year-old and 2-year-old. I make my own elderberry syrup (from your recipe) and give them a teaspoon each, in addition to Vitamin D3 and Manuka honey daily. My daughter has never been vaccinated and my son is only through his 9 month vaccinations. (I think it was around that time when I stumbled upon your website and read ALL about vaccinations.) I also homeschool and plan to for the long-haul. Is there anything else you would suggest giving them to further boost their immune systems?
Thank you so much!
Hi, Amber, I will send that now.
(Btw. elderberry is very helpful and has such good ability to reduce the viral load and strengthen the lungs!)
Blessings, and thank you for your kind encouragement!
Hi Jacqueline 🙂
Thank you for all this amazing information.
I have clicked on the NAC protocol link and put in my email address twice now and i am not receiving the protocol….is there a way you can send it direct please….my husband (not jabbed) has a chronic cough since 10 months (since he has been caring for his sick jabbed father and touching him alot) we really need to start asap and need to get rid of this..and other suggestion swelcomethank you.
A word of caution on quercetin and iodine. Quercetin blocks iodine uptake, so I choose to take them on alternate days.