By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with written permission.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has repeatedly asked the CDC to create studies which compare outcomes between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
Hidden Evidence of Injuries
We are being lied to, folks!
During a 2012 Congressional hearing on autism before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Dr. Coleen Boyle, the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, gave evasive answers to lawmakers pressing her on this point. (see video here)
After considerable badgering, she finally stated, “We have not studied vaccinated versus unvaccinated [children].”
She perjured herself, because that is not true.
CDC researcher Dr. Verstraeten (see below) had found a dramatic link between mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines and several neurological injuries including autism and prepared the study for publication.
Boyle knew that CDC had commissioned an in-house researcher, Thomas Verstraeten to perform vaccinated/unvaccinated study on CDC’s giant Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) in 1999 (I summarize Verstraeten’s secret findings on slide 1). Verstraeten found a dramatic link between mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines and several neurological injuries including autism and prepared the study for publication. CDC shared Verstraeten’s analysis with the then four vaccine makers but kept it secret from the American public.
The world’s largest vaccine maker GSK whisked Verstraeten off to a sinecure in Brussels and CDC handed his raw data to his CDC boss Frank DeStefano and another researcher, Robert Davis who served as a vaccine industry consultant. Those two men tortured the data for 4 years, removing all unvaccinated children, to bury the autism signal and published a sanitized version purporting to exculpate the vaccine.
The CDC then cut off public access to the Vaccine Safety Datalink and to this day aggressively blocks any attempts by researchers to study health outcomes in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations.
Despite CDC’s efforts at suppression, independent scientists and research institutions have managed to conduct and publish several additional vaccinated/unvaccinated studies since 1999. Those studies indicate high incidence of chronic diseases and brain and immune system injuries among vaccinated compared to unvaccinated cohorts. I summarize some of these reports in the following slides.
Forthcoming Evidence of Injuries
(See full-sized Part 1 slides or see the complete Vaxxed-Unvaxxed presentation, Parts 1-7.)
1. Generation 1: The CDC’s Unpublished Verstraeten Study on Hep B Showed Dramatic Increased Risk of Autism (7.6X), Sleep Disorders (5X), Speech Disorders (2.1X) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (1.8X)
2. DTP and Tetanus Vaccinations Increase the Odds of Allergies (1.63X) in Children
3. Hepatitis B Vaccines Increase the Odds for Special Education by 8.63X
4. Hepatitis B Vaccines in Male Newborns Increased the Odds of Autism 3X
5. FLU SHOT risks: Flu Shot Increases Rate of Non-Flu Infection 4.4X
6. DPT KILLS more: DTP Increases Mortality in Girls 10X
7. DON’T Vaccinate your PREEMIE: Vaccination of Preemies Increased Odds of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 6.6X
8. Vaccination Increases Risk of Allergic Rhinitis (30X), Allergy (3.1X), ADHD (4.2X), Autism (4.2X) Eczema (2.9X), Learning Disability (5.2X) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (3.7X)
Vaccines Increase Type 1 Diabetes 3X!
HPV vaccine increases the incidence of asthma 8.1X
157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link:
Media reports claim no scientific evidence supporting the claim of links between aut. and vccs. That is simply NOT true!
Here’s research at your fingertips that shows vacc/aut links and the mechanisms by which they occur.
157 Research Papers Support…on Scribd (Credits to Ginger Taylor)
© [June 25, 2019] Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” ~Hosea 4:6
Want More to Make You Mad?
- Doctors Offit, Hotez, Fauci Warn Vaccine May Trigger Lethal Immune Rxn
- Investigating Chronic Fatigue: The Story of Dr. Judy Mikovits
- Wake Up Church: What if We’re Playing Right Into the Enemy’s Hand?
- The Grooming of a Nation Took Place Right Under Our Noses
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Hi! I would love to see a blog post from you on Vitamin D – the best way to supplement, why we have low levels even when we supplement, and complimentary vitamins to D that help absorption. I read so much of what you write and am so glad that you have this blog!
Hi, Deanna! Thank you, friend!
It’s on my list, and I just need to get it in the schedule! It is needed for a variety of reasons! Thanks for the reminder! ~J
I would like more information on vaccine detox methods for my vaccinated children. Thanks.
Hi Anabell,
This is Rebecca Jacqueline’s daughter. Mom is really sick with the shingles right now so I’m helping her keep up with messages. The first thing mom would recommend is TRS. We have seen firsthand how it has helped our friends and children we know with vaccine detoxes! Also you can do cod liver oil. I recommend Dropi or Virgin Cod Liver Oil since these don’t contain retinyl palmitate (a synthetic form of vitamin A). I’ll send you an email with more information. You can also order TRS through my link: Please let me know if you have any questions at all. We’re here for you!
Chris Hooper
Hi , what is TRS please ?
Hi, Chris, TRS removes ~80,000 toxins and metals. Read “What is Advanced TRS” for insight in the detailed FAQs section on my website:
Here’s the link to learn more about detoxing with TRS or to get your own copy of the Full Protocol that a group of us health care workers have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting).
If you want to read more about how it helps with children on the spectrum and other disorders, read Avalyn’s Story:
Sending peace,