If I could have have just one homeopathic medicine on-hand for acute emotional stresses, it would be Ignatia amara. From grief to homesickness to disappointment, this remedy is indispensable for many of life’s emotional stresses.
[I share this much needed information by homeschool mom and former NASA aerospace engineer Sarah from Nourished and Nurtured Life (with her permission) because we want your family to thrive. For the record, my whole trust is in Christ and not homeopathics—they are simply a gift and a tool.]
Like all homeopathic remedies, Ignatia works by stimulating the body to fix whatever is wrong, be that on the emotional, mental, or physical level. In the wake of an emotional stress, Ignatia can help the body and emotions become reoriented and re-balanced, just as they should be. Rather than suppressing symptoms like conventional drugs/medicines do, homeopathic remedies actually work with the body to heal the underlying problem.
Emotional Stressors
Ignatia is known to help with the following types of emotional stress:
• Grief, such as after the death of a loved one or pet
• Heartbreak or relationship troubles
• Homesickness
• Disappointment or failure
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) characterized by stress reactions that persist long after the danger of a traumatic experience has passed
• Hearing bad news
• Worrying about a loved one, such as following a specific event such as a car crash or medical diagnosis
Here are some more uses for this monumental remedy:
• For those who worry about and are taking care of others who are sick, injured or in danger
• After experiencing any trauma
• For those who are frightened or have lost their confidence for any reason
• For someone who has difficulty trusting again
• For anyone who is depressed or tormented from persistent negative thoughts or fixed ideas
• For when someone has lost their faith and is mired in disillusionment after a disappointment in life
• For when someone has endured unexpected or longstanding sorrow (source)
Symptoms That Often Point to Ignatia
Some of the symptoms that may be present when a person will benefit from Ignatia include the following. These symptoms do NOT have to be present in order for Ignatia to be indicated, as they represent just a few of the many possible symptoms that can indicate Ignatia.
• Sighing and/or yawning
• Sensation of lump in throat or stomach
• Mood swings or alternations/mingling of tears and gaiety
• Unexpressed emotions (silent, withdrawn)
• Paradoxical symptoms (sore throat relieved by swallowing, toothache relieved by chewing, etc.)
• Any symptoms that appear in the wake of an emotional stress (grief, heartbreak, loss, etc.)
Success With Ignatia for Emotional Stresses
Some examples of using Ignatia for acute emotional stress from the homeopathic literature include the following:
1. “I was called to a young girl who during several weeks had vomited frequently and who was rapidly losing strength and weight. She told me that she had no pain in the stomach or anywhere else… Her illness had followed a grave mental upset. Since then she would not speak to anyone, had become very morose, and she wept often. These happen to be the leading symptoms of Ignatia. She was therefore given… Ignatia…, and immediately the vomiting came to an end, and the girl lost her melancholy disposition and became perfectly normal.” ~Materia Medica Viva, Vol. 12
2. “One thin, nervous, alabaster-pale girl of twelve, suffering from growing pains in the legs, had not been placed in the honor section of her class. High expectations of herself had been cultivated by her parents, so she was mortified and began to feel an aversion to everything connected with her school… a dose of Ignatia was prescribed. Shortly afterwards, one evening at dinner, she volunteered, ‘You know, I’m really glad I didn’t make the fast track in school. Now I have more time for extracurricular activities. I’ve signed up for drama and glee club, and I think I’m going to love them!’ Thus, instead of brooding on her failure… she cheerfully and confidently went on to something else.” ~Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines, Vol. 2
3. “Another Ignatia-requiring situation is homesickness, as was perceived in the case of the ten-year-old… boy at camp, who begged his mother to please let him come home he was so homesick… The mother sent her son some Ignatia instead, to be taken twice a day until he felt better. After several days, there were no more pathetic phone calls and the parents received a bracing postcard: ‘The food here is wonderful, the activities are just great, and my cabin leader is a real neat guy!'” ~Homoeopathic Sketches of Children’s Types
In my own family, Ignatia has worked well for various emotional stresses in daily life. One such example was a couple years ago, when one of my daughter’s chickens was taken ill. That same night, my daughter was suddenly ill, with a high fever and by the following day she was quite ill. Ignatia proved to be the right remedy for her, and quickly cleared up her acute illness. On subsequent questioning, my daughter told me that she had been worried that her chicken was going to die.
Since then, there have been several other times when my daughter has felt grief over animals dying, and I’ve been able to give her Ignatia earlier before any physical symptoms have developed. I’ve used Ignatia for myself, as well, at times when I’ve had large disappointments that I kept dwelling on, and other times when there has been loss or grief. Each time, Ignatia has allowed me to quickly get out of the rut I was becoming mired in, and re-normalize my emotional state.
Dosage and Potency Guidance
I generally use homeopathic Ignatia in the 30c or 200c potency for treating acute emotional events. When used very soon after the precipitating event, typically only one dose is needed for the body to restore balance (like our grand-daughter here in #1). When there has been a time lapse between the event and the usage of Ignatia, sometimes more than one dose is needed.
(Joette Calabrese states that Ignatia works wonderfully for many types of stress, not just grief or depression. It’s the first remedy we go to for mental stress whatever the source. She says, “One of the methods for Ignatia amara 200C to be used is two times per day for many days — if not weeks. As improvement ensues, its use may be eliminated and then reinstated later if the suffering reappears.)
With all homeopathic remedies, the least number of doses that give relief is always the best. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body to heal itself. Anytime there is a noticeable improvement, no more doses should be given unless the symptoms start to regress (or unless there is a plateau, where the symptoms get better to a point but then stop improving). And if no improvement is observed within 3 doses of taking a remedy, the remedy should be discontinued.
While Ignatia typically works quite well for treating acute emotional events, in cases of long-standing feelings of grief or loss the selection of the appropriate remedy is typically more complex. Ignatia might still be helpful in those instances, but often the chronic state will instead morph into needing a different remedy such as Natrum mur, Phosphoric acid, or Aurum metallicum.
Hi, I’m Sarah, and I write NourishedandNurturedLife.com. I left my career as a NASA aerospace engineer to become a homeschooling mother of two, natural healthcare practitioner, and real foodie. I’m author of two ecookbooks, Nourished Cooking and Nourishing Eats. My recipes have been featured in Real Food and Health Magazine and Chris Kresser’s Paleo Recipe Generator. I’ve also authored homeschool unit studies on Ancient History and the United States which incorporate regional recipes.
While you’re here, check out: Homeopathy For My Family: Colic, Bladder Infection, Grief & More
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed healthcare professional. I am a homeopathic practitioner whose services are considered complementary and alternative by the state of New Mexico. The uses of homeopathic remedies described herein are provided for educational use only.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Thank you Jacqueline.
Aw, you are welcome, Tina,
I haven’t felt the stress lately, but tonight I felt all the pain of the hurting people around me more than usual – so I took a dose of ignatia 200. It’s been well over a month since the last dose. That
makes 4 doses I have taken in about 8 months. In that time, I have been able to forgive more and over-analyze less with personal things.
I’m an empathetic nurse and carry the weight of my client/patients more than I should. I’m a person of faith and love the Lord and know he is in charge.
I find I can lay things down just a little easier and not stew or grieve quite so hard, and that gives me more energy and joy for my family and grandchildren.
I hope it helps many, because we live in such a harsh world.
Peace and grace,
I ordered some, thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Karen, I am praying that ignatia settles your heart and smooths the road for you!
Grace and peace,
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
Dear Miss Jackie, I feel a push to share with you my recent conviction about homeopathy, with all its remedies. I have taken your advice from your blog on it in the past, and also from my at-the-time cherished mentor in my church, who I considered like a mother to me. Since the whole covid thing began, it has truly lit up people’s true character in the church, for which I am truly grateful, and I have since learned that her religion was a false one and have not only left that church but am wary of any church now, though I know there are some out there with true integrity.
Anyway, though I have an extensive natural home-treatment cabinet that I have built up over the years, and I had a growing homeopathic one, with old books written by the progenitor of it, I believe it was the Lord Who woke me up one night about a month ago and convicted me that homeopathy is another form of witchcraft. It seeks to control circumstances and its methods are not discernible (though I have tried to understand how the strange process works). It is much like dabbling in crystals for healing—it is in the realm of tarot cards and ouija board use. True, crystals are used in electronics, but the use there is clearly understood as it is the counting of pulses of light through the crystals which help keep time.
If we look far example at ignatius as a remedy for grief, is it not good and righteous to rightly grieve if one has lost someone? I understand there are many who can be overcome with it, but the remedy is our Messiah, Christ Jesus, and the comfort of eternal salvation in Him. When I was grieving the death of my husband in 2020 (not from covid, btw, but from cancer), my church-mentor friend had the gall to give me this “remedy” in a moment of intense grief. I thankfully received it, looking wrongly at her as an example of how to be godly. I have had many moments of intense grief for him, but I will not take a remedy anymore besides my comfort in Christ Jesus to make these feelings “go away” or relieve them, as the grief is a sign that he loved me. And the comfort of Christ works all the time.
Then I realize this woman who gave me this “remedy” did not protest her own husband getting the jab, when he had nothing to lose by not taking it, even though we had had many long conversations on how Christians should not partake because murdered babies are used in their development, and she acted as though she agreed with me.
This is getting long and your time is precious too. Plus, I know in many ways I am preaching to the choir, but I beseech you to reexamine your leaning on homeopathy for any sort of healing and to renounce it completely and publicly because of the reasons that it seeks to control one’s destiny through witchcraft—much like pharmaceuticals, which I think you agree is sorcery also. I have no problem with nourishing ourselves in ways that will promote health, but if God ordains our bodies to go through sickness outside of that, we should say, “Amen”, because we know it sanctifies our souls. I do pray for health for you and yours and mine so that we may continue on in our walks with the Lord, and may Christ Jesus return very soon, Amen.
In Him,
Hi, Emily,
I look at homeopathy from a medical standpoint. I associate nothing in it with witchcraft or sorcery like I DO with the chemical, synthetic drugs (pharmakiea) of today which are killing people right and left or making their quality of life far worse. In this post is a video on the studies that show their efficacy and how they work. There is nothing about them that is mystical. I would challenge you to continue to seek the Lord and pray about it after you watch it. https://deeprootsathome.com/homeopathy-for-my-family-colic-bladder-infection-grief-more/
I believe if it was of the world, the world would embrace it. Instead the modern medical world hates it and does everything it can to make it look quack, despite the fact that it works wonderfully for children who can’t possibly have a placebo reaction.
For the record, my whole trust is in Jesus Christ and not homeopathics—they are simply a gift and a tool.
Anyway, I respect that we can have different opinions and that we can agree to disagree. If I was entrenched in witchcraft, your words might make me feel defensive in the least, or angry, but they do not. I do, and will continue to ask the Lord what he would have me do. So far, the Holy Spirit has not put a check in my spirit. I will continue to ask an to listen.
God has given us his gift of plants, minerals, and animals for out our use, and I praise Him for them and what they can do to help his children! His ways are higher than our and we cannot understand all he has done in the invisible world – which is quite a lot!
Thanks for hearing my heart.
Sending peace and grace,