Teens, and even adults, are under the impression that energy drinks are perfectly harmless.
Or think they are a “health” drink! Most people are unaware of the high caffeine, high amounts of sugar and other harsh additives in one drink alone.
The Navy bans their pilots from energy drinks before flying. (see 5:05-5:40). “Pilots were found to make MORE errors when they used energy drinks.”
Increased Blood Stickiness is a primary causative factor for cardiovascular disease. (see from 7:00-8:00)
Underlying Silent Cardiovascular Disease
The main concern is for young and older individuals who have underlying silent cardiovascular disease leading to severe cardiovascular events.
Additives such as guarana, ginseng, and taurine increase the potency and potentiate the effects of caffeine. Just one drink can equal 4 or more cups of coffee, and while sodas generally contain 15 mg of caffeine, one energy drink is likely to contain 2 to 10 times that amount.
Dangerous arrhythmias can easily develop in the hearts of individuals who consume them.
A Purdue University study states mixing energy drinks with alcohol has the same effect as cocaine and that brain changes in adolescents last into adulthood.
The American Heart Association says that just one energy drink can harm your blood vessels.
Energy Drinks May Increase Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac arrest occurs suddenly due to a malfunction in the heart that causes it to stop beating. An electrical signal in the heart may lead to arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, including ventricular fibrillation, which is the No. 1 cause of cardiac arrest. It describes a heartbeat so rapid that the heart trembles instead of pumping blood. (source)
With the rollout of the COVID vaccine and boosters, they then became possibly the greatest reasons for sudden death, myocarditis, blood clotting issues, and other heart-related deaths.
Adding in energy drinks can make these heart-related vaccine injuries worse.
“Energy drinks can trigger life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias,” researchers wrote in the journal Heart Rhythm. “It has been postulated that the highly stimulating and unregulated ingredients alter heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac contractility, and cardiac repolarization in a potentially proarrhythmic manner.”
What about the widespread belief that you can perform better on energy drinks?
Athletes and coaches routinely use energy drinks because there are studies out there that show they improve reaction time and power output. But just because something increases reaction time, does that mean it will increase performance?
What does the research say?
Performance tests were done with Navy pilots both when consuming these drinks and when not using them. They tested complex turns, maneuvers, and ability to respond in emergency scenarios. Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers were found to make more errors when they used energy drinks! Studies has been done on student pilots, as well.
GoFlightMed: “The US Navy categorizes Energy Drinks and Energy Shots as Class C (prohibited in aircrew and mandating a 24 hour removal from flying duties).”
There is a new study released stating that energy drinks may be contributing to the symptoms of PTSD in post-deployed soldiers.
Effects Of Energy Drinks
- Anxiety
- Increased heart rate
- Headache
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Increased blood pressure
- Dehydration
- Caffeine intoxication
- Stomach ache and gastrointestinal issues
- Insomnia
- Muscle twitching and jerking
- Restlessness
- Increased obesity risk
- Increased type 2 diabetes risk
- Dental decay
- Stress response
The Way People Drink Coffee and Energy Drinks Differs Greatly!
People usually sip their coffee, compared to how rapidly energy drink users may guzzle them down to get their buzz. One hears of contests to see who can drink theirs the fastest or who can drink the most! Researchers say this behavior is extremely dangerous.
Story: 16 yo. dies from too much caffeine, too quickly!
Brands like Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar, NOS, and XS Energy are promoted like a health food to increase energy, enhance mental alertness, and physical performance. Next to multivitamins, these drinks are the most popular dietary supplement of American young adults.
Almost one-third of teens between 12 and 17 years drink them regularly.
As the sale of energy drinks increases every year, the need to act becomes obvious. Steps to protect our health that of our children are both feasible and necessary. The problem has been identified – now is the time to act.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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