[Note: As an older RN, I am increasingly concerned over the past 4 decades to see increasing numbers of unhealthy mamas having unhealthy babies. There is NO guilt here! There are SO many reasons, not the least of which is the slew of shots and drugs we are told we need today. Is there a way to decrease our toxic load? Thankfully, yes! Rebecca outlines how she reduced her own toxic load her and also her baby’s].
‘Tis the season for pregnancy and babies, or so at least, it seems to me! So many of my friends are now either pregnant, have a new baby, or are praying for a baby soon. My very own baby is just 14 weeks old!
I will admit that I was nervous about being pregnant, so I probably went a little overboard doing my part in hopes that things would go well.
I limited my sugar intake, exercised a lot, and took Advanced TRS (Toxin Removal System) after researching its safety profile and the studies, among other things.
What I’d like to tell you about today is TRS*.
I had taken Cipro and Levaquin in my past, and they were causing me both depression and panic attacks. The drugs are so toxic I wanted that OUT of my system!
While I cannot attribute everything that I experienced during my pregnancy to TRS*, I do recommend it for optimal health, before, during, and afterwards. I knew I needed to lower my toxic load as soon as possible and deal with which was driving the unusual emotions instead of applying band aids for years to come. And I wanted a safer, less toxic environment for my baby to develop in moving forward.
Here’s my pregnancy story:
My husband and I found out that we were expecting in June. I started taking TRS at 13 weeks. Quite honestly, I started at just one oral spray for several weeks because I was scared. I found soon after starting it, though, that my hormones and emotions started to balance out. I felt more happy and confident.
We were going through an incredibly difficult situation at the time, but contrary to my nature, I felt surprisingly calm and peaceful. I believe TRS helped me to better take my fears to the Lord and trust Him with both our difficult situation and the pregnancy.
As the weeks went by, I marveled that I still had a ton of energy, that I was feeling great, that Baby was healthy, etc. I don’t think that my husband would tell you that I was the stereotypical “moody pregnant woman”, either!
At 20 weeks, we found out that we were expecting a little girl. What a thrill to see her little body, so perfectly formed. I remember thinking that her beautiful spine looked like a perfect string of pearls.
At 22 weeks pregnant, I ran a 5k race, and I played competitive ultimate Frisbee until 24 weeks.
By the third trimester, I was still feeling quite well, and Baby was in the right position, always measuring well and appearing healthy at my prenatal appointments. I finished out the third trimester by walking 3 miles almost every day (up until two days before our baby girl was born).
I continued to feel energized and strong. I didn’t have any heartburn.
And especially nice, I was no longer depressed or having panic attacks from the drugs.
Labor & Birth & Postpartum
Starting at 39 weeks, I had four days of pre-labor with intermittent contractions before my water broke three days before my due date and active labor began. I had a great birth team and my incredible husband help me through labor at a local birth center.
Active labor only lasted seven hours, and then our Baby Girl was born. She was 9lbs, 10 ounces of love and rolls. For a small person like myself, it’s still hard to wrap my brain around the fact that my body could have borne and birthed her so well!
Right away, our little one was able to nurse, was incredibly strong and content, making eye contact, and was very alert. She was even doing a pushup on her daddy’s chest within hours!
Within a day or two, she began to obviously smile. Now, we call her Smiley since if she doesn’t have gas pains, she’s basically smiling the rest of the time!
Now months later, she sleeps on average 8 hours straight each night, followed by another 2 hours or so after a quick nursing.
My postpartum went very well, and I’m now back to normal!
And praise the Lord, I haven’t had any postpartum depression at all.

Since this is my first pregnancy, it’s hard to say how much of my positive experience is due to taking TRS. However, due to TRS’s ability to safely and effectively remove toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides from the body, I think it is safe to say that Baby and I highly benefited by me taking TRS*, and I’m so thankful.
*“This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
If you’re interested in more information on TRS, please feel free to reach out to me by commenting on this post or purchase through my personal link: https://vibrantlife.mycoseva.com/shopline_category.html
Rebecca is enjoying life with her husband and new daughter in the PNW. She loves researching healthier ways to live. Find other posts by Rebecca here:
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.” ~Psalm 127: 3
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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