Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s initial probe into vaccines began 20 years ago. It was to get mercury out of childhood vaccines, because mercury is a neurotoxin. He has since been called an ‘anti-vaxxer’. Before that, he spent 35 years trying to get mercury out of fish, “but then nobody called me anti-fish,” he says.
If you read Steve Kirsch’s fascinating story about how RFK Jr. went from a “good guy” to an anti-vaxxer, the Simpsonwood transcripts are mentioned. “Jake Tapper was with ABC News at the time. ABC News was going to run a massive exposé about Simpsonwood, but the network pulled the plug on the story at the last minute. Jake told RFK Jr. the bad news and explained this had never happened to him before.”
All that made me curious to know why, so I dug deeper.
Listen to RFK, Jr. reveal how the CDC had a hush-hush emergency meeting at Simpsonwood to cover up the damning data in the Verstraeten study.
The first 9 minutes are the makings of a mystery novel…
Here’s the Simpsonwood Transcript. It gets very interesting from page 50 on even though they are cryptic in some of their words. From page 50: “In conclusion, the screening analysis suggests an association between certain neurological developmental disorders. Namely Tics, attention deficit disorder, speech and language disorders and exposure to mercury from Thimerosal containing vaccines before the age of six months.
In 2002, the doctors only understood that the mercury in thimerosal somehow disappeared from the blood very quickly.
But it wasn’t until later that it was discovered that all the mercury goes to the brain. See study by Burbacher.
In short, those highly toxic mercury-containing compounds leave your blood and go to your brain where it stays for the rest of your life (unless you use some special methods to remove it over time using chelation).
The most recent study (2019) confirms ONCE AGAIN:
“..ethylmercury-containing compounds and thimerosal readily cross the BBB, and convert, for the most part, to highly toxic inorganic mercury-containing compounds, which significantly and persistently bind to tissues in the brain, even in the absence of detectable blood mercury levels.”
Megyn Kelly interviewed (actually challenged) Kennedy about his position on vaccines. Here’s 2 minutes of that 2 hour interview.
The Rise in Autism Is a Real Phenomenon
In 1997, the FDA started removing mercury preservatives from childhood vaccines, except for the flu vaccine which contains mercury and was then given to pregnant women.
This, Kennedy believes, may be one of the reasons why autism rates did not decline after ethylmercury was taken out of most childhood vaccines — because around the same time, pregnant women and babies 6 months and older were suddenly told to get an annual flu shot, and it delivers a “huge bolus, 25 micrograms” of mercury even though Prenatal Mercury Exposure Lowers IQ of the babies!
While Kelly suggests autism rates kept rising simply because we got better at diagnosing it — a common industry talking point —Kennedy disagrees, saying:
“Here’s the thing, Megan … It’s simply not true that we’re just noticing it more. You mean we missed it before? … Missing autism is like missing a train wreck. You can’t do it …
“My aunt, Eunice, who was my godmother, started Special Olympics, 10 miles from my home. I worked there every weekend, when I was a kid, from when I was 8 years old … I [also] spent 200 hours during my high school years at Wassaic Home for the Retarded in upstate New York, as a helper, and I never saw a case of full-blown autism …
“Kids today with autism who are nonverbal, non-toilet trained, screaming, biting, head banging, violent, toe walking — we never saw kids like that in the ’60s and ’70s. To this day, I have never seen somebody my age, 68 years old, who has full-blown autism. Where are they?”
When Mercury Was Taken Out, Aluminum Was Put In
What’s more, ethylmercury was replaced with aluminum preservative, and aluminum is also a potent neurotoxin. So, they simply replaced one brain-harming substance with another. “So, now we’re giving kids aluminum vaccines and in the same wellness visit, we’re giving them a mercury flu shot,” he says, adding:
“Anybody who who’s looked at the CDC’s, NIH’s and FDA’s behavior during COVID pandemic understands that these are industries that are not doing public health. They’re doing pharmaceutical profit promotion …
And convincing evidence has been exposed of wrong-doing on the part of the CDC in actively covering up the causal link between mercury in vaccines (Thimerosal) and harm to infants and children. (source)
A lengthy review published in Biomed Research International states, “There are over 165 studies that have focused on Thimerosal, an organic mercury (Hg) based compound, used as a preservative in many childhood vaccines, and found it to be harmful. Of these, 16 were conducted to specifically examine the effects of Thimerosal on human infants or children with reported outcomes of death; poisoning; allergic reaction; auto-immune reaction; developmental delay; and neuro-developmental disorders, including tics, speech delay, language delay, ADD and autism.” [references for the 16 studies can be found here: #3-16]
These [drug] companies have paid the highest criminal penalties of any corporation in history. These are serial felons and they have captured the agencies that’s supposed to be protecting us from their behavior.”
Another important 1 minute section. Megyn Kelly finally sees the light.
When Congress asked the EPA to determine when the autism epidemic began. The EPA came back with a very conclusive answer: 1989.
“What happened in 1989?
“We passed the National Vaccine Injury Act in 1986. We gave immunity from liability to all the [vaccine] companies. There was a gold rush, because suddenly the biggest cost of producing pharmaceuticals and marketing pharmaceuticals, which is downstream liability, had been eliminated.
“They also didn’t have to do upstream testing. So, two of the biggest costs were gone. Plus, they don’t have to do advertising and marketing because the product is MANDATED to 76 million American children. So, it is a dream product for them and they can charge basically anything they want. They added all these new vaccines [to the childhood vaccine] schedule.”
All this and more can be found in RFK, Jr’s New York Bestselling book “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”
Does anyone need more proof?
“Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.“ ~Micah 2:1 (NIV)
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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