Not to shock you or anything, but did you know that…
- Some public school curriculum teaches children they could be born in the wrong body? 1
- Young teens are shown videos (part of curriculum) with techniques to pleasure their sex partners? 2
- Students are told how to get secret abortions legally without telling their parents? 3
Most of us remember what sex education was like when we were in school. A couple of uncomfortable hours. Stick drawings showing human growth and development. Admonitions to be
careful, respect others, and save sex for marriage.
Things are VERY different today.
If you’re not aware of this, your child will likely be exposed to this on some level without your knowledge.
Read on to see why this kind of curriculum is NOT isolated!
PARENTS OUTRAGED: 9th Graders Shown This ‘Sex Ed’ Video About Blowjobs, Sex Toys, G-Spot
Texas School District Implements Pornographic Sex Education Policy
How Illinois Schools Teach Preschoolers To Celebrate Transgenderism
“What was once simply imparting science-based information and skills to save sex until marriage has now become creating young radical sexual ideologues with the desire to exercise their “sexual rights.”” ~Cathy Ruse
International pressure groups have been extraordinarily successful in pushing “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” (CSE) agenda-driven curriculum into American public (government) schools.
It’s About Getting Kids Off Balance: Easier to Manipulate
Programs result in increased sexual activity, increased number of sex partners, and increased sexual experimentation by students. 4
School systems are devoting significant classroom time to them—70 hours per child in one district 5 —even while schools are failing to fulfill their core mission.
Two-thirds of American students can’t read at grade level and reading scores have worsened in 31 states. 6
Preparing children to have sex with multiple partners over the course of a lifetime seems to be a goal of sexual education content.
7 minutes:
You can download the shocking and verified (with links to everything!) PDF Cathy Ruse has created for parents here:
Sex Indoctrination : Some States Can’t Opt Out
California 7 and Illinois 8 have taken this radical step of no-opt-out laws and policies that revoke the right of parents to opt their children out of sexuality-based lessons.
step. When Illinois parents started keeping their kids home during LGBTQ Week (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning), the school board vice president suggested not telling parents when it would occur.
BUT there IS a way to OPT OUT – Download Opt-Out Letter:
Universal Model Opt-Out letter ( provides parents the legal right to withhold consent for their child’s participation in any class, assignment, activity, etc. that involves gender identity, sexual activity, sexual orientation, or abortion/contraception.
“How To” Sex Workshops For Kids & a few of the States
Throughout the country, sex education is increasingly introducing elements of sex instruction for students. And most parents are completely in the dark.
The California State Board of Education recently adopted a Health Education Curriculum Framework which is guidance for all the state’s public schools. Lessons offer “condom demos.” 9
New sex curriculum in Austin, Texas encourages even pre-pubescent children to consider “vaginal intercourse,” “oral intercourse,” and “anal intercourse.”10 Angry parents demand to know who gave the school district the right to teach their child how to have anal and oral sex. 11
Schools in Indiana send teens shopping for condoms, with a worksheet to fill out comparing brands, prices, lubrication, and whether or not they are comfortable shopping in the store. 12
Parents in a rural Virginia high school were outraged when they learned their ninth graders were shown videos teaching “penis pleasure,” how to“ stimulate a prostate” inside the anus, and the joys of “sex toys.”13
Teachers in North Carolina are given comprehensive training on how to introduce transgender concepts into the minds of very young children. 14
Hundreds of schools in Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Texas (and more) have selected Get Real., Planned Parenthood’s curriculum for seventh graders. One lesson is how to use cling wrap as a dental dam for oral sex. 15
All of this is intense sexual grooming! And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Secret Abortions: Your Parents NEVER Have to Know
In Fairfax County, Virginia, one lesson for tenth grade explains how girls can get an abortion without telling their parents if they go before a judge—and that there are helpful organizations that will give them a lawyer to take them to the judge for free. (see link in #27 in PDF)
Tragically, court decisions have made abortion legal for teens. Schools often include lessons promoting abortion as a legitimate/positive option. Many states even require this by law.
Schools in Indiana actually send students to visit clinics with a worksheet to fill out about services provided, and a place to fill out the bus route they took to get there (presumably to avoid parental detection). 16
Homeschooling May Be Your Answer
I would be remiss to end this article without a plea to homeschool your children! It is hard work, but it is fulfilling, and I wouldn’t trade those days for anything.
Was homeschooling hard? I think so.
Did our kids lose out on socialization, fun, skills or advanced opportunities to thrive? I think not!
Did homeschooling help them become confident, independent thinkers and contributors to society? Definitely!
I implore you, parents, please consider homeschooling your children!
Here are a few posts to investigate:
Homeschool: A Healthier Environment For Children To Love Learning
Risks of Homeschool Education?: One Harvard Law Grad’s Response
“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” ~Luke 17:2
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The age of consent for medical treatment varies by state. Some states are as low as 14. 🙁
Gen2003, I am pretty sure most parents DO NOT know that!
It is sad!
Thank you,
This is sad and disgustinf. 💔 And scary….we are getting so twisted….this is how i know the end is near
I am homeschooling a K and 1st grader
It is hard and tiring but it’s my only option..public school can never be an option anymore because of this mess
Mel, I support what you are doing! Homeschooling was the best decision we ever made as a family!
I trust you can do it and will be given the wisdom and strength as you seek the Lord for guidance and direction. My best tip is to not do much seatwork and NO screens at all in these early years, but do lots and lots of cuddly read alouds, cooking, baking, singing hymns and laughing! Spend as much time outside as possible to get the wiggles out and develop their core balance and just play!
Here are a few things that might be helpful:
Enjoy these years for they are gone way too fast! I can’t believe that the years went SO fast and now our adult children are very close, having their own babies, and will be homeschooling them.
Blessings and prayers,
D. Marie
In some states a pregnancy automatically emancipates the girl medically and she doesn’t have to get parental consent for any procedures relating to the pregnancy.
Because of HIPAA, parents can’t be told even if she has complications.
I do not know if the reversing of Roe v Wade has changed that; check your state.