Most people know what shingles is, but did you know that you may be missing out on how to prevent it in the first place? Skip on down the page if you already understand all the characteristics of shingles. You do not need to suffer unnecessarily.
What Is Shingles?
Shingles (Herpes zoster in Latin), is a viral infection marked by intense pain and often a blistering rash, which appears only on one side of the body.
Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After one recovers from chickenpox (usually as a child), the virus can remain dormant in the nerve roots for years. It can then be awakened by some trigger. When awakened, it presents itself as shingles rather than chickenpox.
Unfortunately, it is possible to get shingles twice (or more). Or even have shingles last like it will never go away! The longer you experience severe pain after shingles (called post-herpetic neuralgia), the higher your chances of a shingles recurrence. (source)
But anecdotally, it is possible to put a stop to it, and I’m also one that is benefitting.
“My friend who was having a lot of pain and problems with rather frequently recurring shingles decided to try this bottle of Shingles Nosode. It did not help much with the bout of shingles that she had at the time, but she faithfully finished the whole bottle according to directions on the bottle, and has not had any more shingles ever since, in 3 years. Before, she was having them once or twice a year. In my experience, these bottles take faithful usage for 3-4 weeks (or until bottle is gone) to work as a future preventative. I also took this after my one bout of shingles, and have not had any shingles since. For price, quality, effectiveness and ease of use, it cannot be beat.” ~Deborah, Bordentown, NY
“I have had continual shingles outbreaks for 2.5 years. This product is great the only thing that keeps my shingles outbreaks managed without steroids. I have now been shingles-free for 3.5 weeks. This product also greatly reduces my severe neuropathy to barely noticeable.” ~Linda, Indianapolis
I Call This My ‘Shingles Killer’:
Shingles nosode by Professional Formulas is an OTC remedy (used to be by prescription only) that could be described as an “oral vaccine” in the sense that its purpose is to “immunize” the body against a specific disease —in this case shingles.
If Out-of-Stock above, check here (Amazon), here, here (w/phone consult), or here (only with free phone consultation).
“A nosode is similar to an allopathic vaccination, but without the thiomersal, aluminum hydroxide, MSG, gelatins, and other harmful ingredients found in immunizations. Nosodes have been used throughout homeopathy’s history and are recognized in all homeopathic pharmacopoeias throughout the world.” (source)
Shingles nosode contains equal parts of homeopathic Rhus Toxicodendron 4X (specific for itching and pain); Echinacea Augustifolia 6X; L-Lysine 6X (blocks replication, speeds healing) ; Mezereum 6X (specific for severe itching); Natrum muriaticum 6X (speeds healing for blisters), 30X; Croton tiglium 8X (for itching); Herpes simplex 200X; Herpes zoster 200X; Varicella 200X (these last 3 to stimulate immunity).
“There is a considerable body of evidence (gathered over the last 200 years) that strongly suggests nosodes can and do provide immunity. (source) Historically, early homeopaths found that “Lathyrus” is able to prevent polio. “Mercurius Cyanatus” was effective in preventing diphtheria. “Baptisia” was useful for preventing typhoid fever. The list goes on.” (source)
This effective, inexpensive ($18.) shingles nosode is essentially what my naturopath dispenses to build resistance to shingles, (but she’s way more expensive!)
I love that it contains Lysine because Lysine decreases symptoms of viral infection in 80% of patients by 70% in the first 48 hours. So taken at least once/month, it’s a powerfully shingles preventative. Also works preventatively for cold sores. Shelf life is at least 5 years.
There are 2 ways to use Shingles Nosode:
- For Acute Care: Keep the remedy on hand and treat at the first symptom (read the reviews and the ingredients – impressive!) Dosage: Adults and children 12 and over, take 10 drops up to 3x/d. Place drops under tongue 30 minutes before/after meals.
- For Prevention: Dosage: To aid with future resistance and recovery, take 10-15 drops once weekly or monthly.
And #2 Preventative:
I’ve also heard (and believe) that Vitamin D w/K2 can do wonders taken daily. Could both the shingles nosode and Vit D together totally eradicate shingles?
In this 7 minute video, Dr. Berg explains why this specific amount of Vitamin D may prevent you from ever getting shingles again:
See Dr. Mercola article Study: Daily Vitamin D Shows No Harm, Only Benefits here.
Vit D cream topically (as needed) and no less than 40,000 IU of Vit D w/ K2 orally.
See my protocol for nerve pain and scar prevention (my case was on my poor face) here.
Nosodes: Alternative Advantages to the Dangers of Conventional Vaccinations
Dr. Axe: Homeopathy: How It Works + 5 Major Benefits
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2024 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Thank you for this information! I’ve had shingles twice and it wasn’t too bad, but I’d like to prevent them altogether! I ordered the Nosode and will certainly try it!
Pat, I love how it has helped me, and it has quieted the terrible burning under the skin of my left scapula (shoulder blade).
It is totally safe, but follow the directions exactly.
Hi Pat,
Thank you for sharing that nosode and all that you share. Just wonderful and invaluable information and I always look forward to reading your blog posts.
I’ve treated loved ones using the Banerji Protocol for Shingles/Herpes (as found in the book The Banerji Protocols A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines) and it is incredibly efficacious. The only caveat: is never to begin any allopathic protocol for shingles (through oral route or topically) or it does not work.
Vaxinotoxinum 15C (also called Vaccininum) if given at the onset of eruptions, it can sometimes stop the progression of the disease completely.
If one doesn’t catch it on time, then one can begin the Banerji Protocol for Shingles/Herpes:
“First line: works in 80% of patients:
Antimonium Crudum 6C, one dose every 3 hours. For temperature, Belladonna 3C in liquid, every one hour. For acute pain, Hypericum Perforatum 200 C, one dose every hour.
2nd Line:
Thuja Occidentalis 30C and Arsenicum Album 200C, one dose every 3 hours, alternating. (ex. 12pm Thuja, 3pm Arsenicum, 6pm etc)
3rd Line:
To relieve post-herpes neuralgia, if Hypericum fails for acute pain, then Rhus Toxicodendron 30C and Hypericum Perforatum 200C, one dose every 3 hours alternately, after often helpful.”
Hope this information blesses you and your readers. We need all the help we can get these days. Keep up the great work!
Oh goodness. So very sorry Jacqueline. I had read Pat’s posted and addressed you as Pat. My sincerest apologies. Thank you Jacqueline!
No worries, Penelope! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!
Also, I agree that using allopathic drugs WILL block efficacy of homeopathics and wrote about that in my own experience here:
I do have the Banerji’s hard copy book, but didn’t own it back then when I had shingles! I knew so little then!
Maybe I should do a whole post on just the Banerji’s shingles protocol!! Such a great idea!
I did not know until reading your comment that “Vaxinotoxinum 15C (also called Vaccininum) if given at the onset of eruptions, it can sometimes stop the progression of the disease completely.”
I need to own that medicine!
Many blessings to you,
Dani G
I caught a very mild case of shingles 2 years ago ( I believe it was shedding as I was at a large venue with many va((inated people. I am pure blood )
Apple cider vinegar compresses helped immensely. I also used some of the homeopathic remedies that the previous commenter listed above. Praise The Lord for all these natural remedies!
Dani, G, Thank you for the tip about ACV compresses! I love it and wish I had known!
I read, several years ago, that taking L-Lysine and olive leaf extract, every day will prevent shingles. It is part of my vitamin regimen for that last 5 years. So far, so good…