As many of you who read here regularly know, I love and recommend Advanced TRS* (just TRS for short). TRS contains pure negatively-charged zeolite minerals encapsulated in purified water and works like a toxin magnet. It requires no other bodily chemical reactions to happen. Itʼs easy to conceptualize TRS as being a bottle of tiny toxin-magnets that do their job and then safely leave the body.
The zeolite in TRS can bind and remove a wide range of toxins from the human body and drinking water. Its tiny cages and negative surface charge trap positively-charged heavy metals, natural and chemical poisons, radioactive elements, microbes, metabolic products, and more [1, 7, 8, 9, 10].
Thanks to these potent, but passive, detox properties, zeolite can [3, 11, 12, 13]:
• Reverse oxidative damage
• Maintain a healthy microbiome
• Kill bacteria and viruses
• Boost the levels of minerals and trace elements
• Repair skin lesions and stop bleeding
It is primarily used orally for issues like Lyme, fibromyalgia, thyroid, regressive autism, bed-wetting and meltdowns in children, mold, neurological and seizure disorders, and also gut and autoimmune disorders from underlying toxins and metals.
And over the years, I’ve learned some amazing things about its topical use from families (already using TRS orally) that I’d like to share. What follows are anecdotal stories that you will find both interesting and insightful. There are thousands of these stories from families. These are not isolated cases.
Because of the seriousness of many of these issues, internal and topical use is needed.
Topical Uses:
Wounds, spider bites, bee stings, MRSA, snake bites, conjunctivitis (pink eye), styes, burns, eczema, and incisions respond super well and often heal in half the time if sprayed topically.
#1: History of persistent styes. Let the spray mist into the eye from 10-12 inches away, gently holding the effected eye open, if possible.
#2: Facial rashes and swelling. The root cause is cleared for good.
#3: One of my first “patients”, Paulette, was helped after years of topical steroid creams that suppressed the problem and only made her situation worse.
My personal order link is
#4: Multiple copperhead bites (spray added daily to water bowl and also applied topically):
#5: For fire ant bites and more..
#6: Painful and itchy histamine reaction to mosquito bites quickly addressed.
#7: A possible mold-induced eczema cleared up without medical intervention. TRS is like PAC-Man, gobbling up histamines and endotoxins, and when the holding/binding capacity is full, it is excreted in the urine. Since TRS is a nano-zeolite, the kidneys are never taxed.
#8: Molluscum contagiosum (a contagious viral skin infection) uprooted.
#10: Autoimmune vitiligo – pigment filling in with topical and oral use.
#11: Topical use averted the need for a skin graft.
#12: Precancerous/stage 1 spot on face gone with both oral and topical use. Verified by her doctor.
Dental Health is an Additional Benefit of Daily Use:
Holding the sprays in your mouth, so they are in contact with teeth and gums for a few minutes before swallowing, can have dramatic results.
#13: Zero cavities (I have a number of these stories from families).
#14: Deep gum pockets healing. No root-planing needed.
If there is a dental procedure like amalgam removal, you can go high in the number of sprays before and after the procedure to bind and remove aerosolized or swallowed mercury. This prevents amalgam toxicity and the following neuropathy.
#15: Neuropathy (resembling MS) after unprotected amalgam removal.
Pets benefit, too:
Spray TRS* into your pet’s water bowl or onto food. TRS is tasteless.
#16: Healing of the gut…Goodbye to diarrhea, vomiting, and more.
#17: Trouble after a rabies jab…
And lastly, this testimony is from a mom whose 10 year-old son has come back from severe autism using TRS. They had given up on everything else.
4 minutes. (Refresh this article if the video is slow to load).
I estimate 35% of my client/patients are children on the spectrum with autoimmunity, strabismus, or seizures.
*TRS does not heal or cure anything, but it clears the body of toxins/metals so the body can heal itself exactly as God designed it to do! This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
My personal order link is
It is suggested to use TRS for a minimum of 6 months or the 6 bottles’ equivalent of TRS to see early improvements.
Some families see results very quickly in weeks. But many more report that significant gains start showing up AFTER the 6 – 9 months mark because they need prolonged, DEEP detoxing.
The schedule to start ORAL sprays:
Our family has had first-hand success with TRS to defeat advanced Lyme co-infections, prions and more, and now we are assisting hundreds and hundreds of families to greater health.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” ~2 Timothy 1:7
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” ~Isaiah 26:3
***For the Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not a doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Dear Jacqueline,
It’s so amazing to see all the benefits of TRS. After 6 months if you see improvement and you are happy with the results, do you keep taking it? do you go into a maintenance phase?
Thank you,
Ana, I emailed you! <3
Laura B
Hello Jacqueline,
I am interested in trying out TRS for multiple intended purposes. It sounds like really amazing stuff! I wonder if you ship to Canada, or if not, is there a distributor in Canada I could use?
Hi, Laura B.,
I do not personally ship the product, but the creator of TRS, Coseva, ships worldwide for all distributors. I have patient/clients in Canada, Wales, Australia, Malta, Pakistan, Oman, Israel, Madagascar, and Albania, of all places (and more) but 95% are in the U.S. Word of mouth definitely keeps me busy.
4 years ago, TRS took me from being nearly bedridden with adv. Lyme and lupus, to getting back my health.
It was slow but sure, and I will never stop taking it, bc I am still detoxing the daily toxins we are exposed to now.. except it can’t correct my back! I wish it could do that, too! 😀
Any distributors in Canada would still have to pay the shipping to them and then pass it on to you. Buying 6 or 9 bottles makes more sense bc the shipping would be the same for 1 bottle as 6 or 9.
Distributors and regular customers all purchase for the SAME price options so there is no need to become a distributor to get a better price.
These steps will ensure that you get the lowest prices available which is autoship pricing.
One bottle of TRS is $95 but it drops to $68 on autoship.
Three bottles of TRS retails for $170. The autoship option for 3 bottles costs $150.
The best value would always be the three bottle pack.
The autoship option is very straightforward; it is set to monthly by default but you can cancel or alter the dates at any time. There is no penalty for canceling or any hidden fees for signing up for autoship.
This is the website to amend your autoship details:
Here is my personal link:
It is suggested to use TRS for a minimum of 6 months or the 6 bottles’ equivalent of TRS to see early improvements.
Some families see results very quickly in weeks. But many more report that significant gains start showing up AFTER the 9-12 months mark because they need prolonged, DEEP detoxing.
I hope that helps!
I would love to work with you for maximum results.
Sending peace,
Have you ever heard of anyone using it for chemotherapy induced neuropathy?
Hi, Heather,
Yes, I will email you with several anecdotal stories of the many I have. ~J
I also have an additional recommendation that is a wonderful support as you work to get back feeling and restore nerves.
I am trying to order TRS but my 3 credit cards have all been denied. What should I do?
Hi, Heather,
Hmm… I would call Coseva tomorrow. You always will get a live and helpful person, and they will get it done right away with you there on the phone. They are great to work with.
You can also contact customer service at [email protected]. If you would prefer to call, Coseva’s telephone number is +1(844) 426-7382. Hours are 9am -5pm, Monday to Friday, Mountain Time.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
“Holding the sprays in your mouth, so they are in contact with teeth and gums for a few minutes…”. What does that mean? Does it mean to spray the teeth and gums? How does one hold the spray mist in the mouth? I hope this doesn’t sound stupid, but I’ve wondered about this.
Hi, Geri,
Just hold what you sprayed into your mouth (even if it is just 1 or 2 sprays) and it is enough to do quite a lot of good for teeth and especially the gums and mucosa.
In other words, don’t swallow it immediately.
Make sense?