Thousands of women around the world are reporting disrupted menstrual cycles or worse after receiving injections of COVID-19 experimental gene therapy. (source)
As of April, the U.K.’s government Yellow Card vaccine adverse event system had collected more 2,200 reports of reproductive disorders after coronavirus injections, including excessive or absent menstrual bleeding, delayed menstruation, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, and stillbirths.
Syncytin-1 and Pregnancy
Syncytin-1 is a protein essential to both placental development and function. One of the main concerns about the experimental shots is there is plausible evidence to suggest that the spike proteins in the mRNA vaccines trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy.”
If that is the case, then this would prevent the formation of a placenta, disrupt a current pregnacy, or result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile or sterile.
‘Big Red Flag’: Buried Data in New England Journal of Medicine Study:
A recent study by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) titled ‘Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons‘ published alarming data showing that 82% of pregnant women who received the COVID-19 vaccine either during their first 20 weeks of pregnancy (or within 30 days of becoming pregnant) lost their babies soon afterwards.
Unfortunately, most readers of this report will never find these results.
The NEJM team boldly stated there were “no obvious safety signals among pregnant [women] who received Covid-19 vaccines”.
At first, one may find the conclusions of the study’s abstract “reassuring,” until we discover “Table 4” and the fine print under it.
The correct rate of spontaneous miscarriages among women vaccinated in the first 20 weeks of their pregnancy was not 12.6% but 82% because 104 of these 127 pregnancies were lost.
The study clearly states that a “total of 700 participants (84.6) received their first eligible dose in the third trimester“, and later, that a “total of 96 of 104 spontaneous abortions (92.3%) occurred before 13 weeks of gestation”.
How can you have a spontaneous abortion less than 20 weeks into pregnancy if you got the “vaccine” in your third trimester?
Well-documented. 6 min.
The Warnings Were There:
In December, 2020, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German epidemiologist, wrote a petition to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in an attempt to stop human trials of all Covid-19 vaccines, especially the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA experimental shot since pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from vaccine trials.

Are the “Vaccines” Self-Spreading or Transmitting?
The spike protein can be transmitted to un-vaccinated persons, as well.
Self-spreading vaccines are not a myth. Page number 45 from this PDF produced by Johns Hopkins University demonstrates that self-spreading vaccines do already exist.
Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases has existed since 2016, according to this PubMed study.
A year ago, women who were pregnant or planned on conceiving were hesitant to eat tuna because of its mercury content or to take a Tylenol. Now they are being badgered into taking experimental injections.
To Avoid Miscarriage, Pregnant Women Should Not Take These Shots
Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors has stressed the experimental nature of the vaccines, which have been granted Emergency Use Authorization only by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and are still undergoing phase III clinical trials.
“We know that the survivability rate [from COVID-19] for women of child-bearing age, as well as children, is exceedingly high at over 99.98% per the CDC even without treatment. Using simple logic for a risk assessment would make the decision to give any of the COVID experimental vaccines to a pregnant woman extraordinarily reckless.” ~Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors
“The desire to get pregnant is overwhelming. It’s not something that can be replaced by something else. It’s not something you can mess around with,” Gold told Michelle Malkin in an interview in February. “The cascade of events that has to go on in the human body to get pregnant and to maintain a pregnancy throughout is incredibly complicated and that’s why historically scientists have always excluded pregnant women from clinical trials. It’s lunacy to get this experimental vaccine if you’re a young female”.
Are there a Remedies?
Yes, we believe so!
If you would like the full protocol many of us are using to protect against the spike protein, leave a comment, and I’ll email you my Master email.
Dandelion Tea May Block Spike Protein On Syncitin 1, Prevent Miscarriage
****For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes! https://buff.ly/3KmTZZd
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
What do you make of the idea that the reports on VAERS can’t be confirmed (or denied)? VAERS’ own website says that “VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem.” I’m not questioning the fact that women are having miscarriages and menstrual irregularities, but how sure can we be that the vaccines were the cause? There are any number of reasons a woman could miscarry or have irregularities, especially in very early pregnancies. There are thousands of other women who have had the vaccines and their pregnancies and babies are fine. I just think we have to be careful when we attribute miscarriages to a specific cause when we don’t really know what happened.
Hi, Ann!
I hear you, but there are so many more things that play into the overall perception that VAERS DOES actually represent the higher numbers of deaths, ESP since the Harvard Pilgrim study has establised that it is rountinely only 1% reporting because most doctors discourage it, people don’t know about it, it is harder to do than most are willing to go through when they are already suffering or burying a loved one, etc.
If you watch this video, you will see the death spike goes WAY back up just following a vacc campaign in any country. 1:30 minute video with graphs of over a dozen countries. https://cienciaysaludnatural.com/la-vacunacion-es-la-que-esta-creando-las-variantes-k0-bit-asegura-premio-nobel-luc-montagnier/
Also, the 113 page PDF in this post is graphic, visual proof of MANY documented deaths and who knows if their death ever made VAERS reporting! https://deeprootsathome.com/analyze-risk-benefit-for-yourself-where-to-get-meds/
This post si alos omething you will find informative. It lists just a few of the reported cases to give you an idea of how detailed they are: https://deeprootsathome.com/women-reporting-miscarriage-disrupted-menstrual-cycles/
Enjoy going deeper!
Thank you! I have shared this extensively with friends and relatives. I am going to buy dandelion leaf tomorrow from a local herbalist for my family. Your blog is a blessing ❤
Emily Smith Johnson
What happened to the link in this article to the one you wrote on PITS? It is now 404.
Emily, it is a sad story! The seasoned homeopath who made the remedy from pine, was threatened by someone (in the allopathic medical system?) bc they apparently knew it was a good and safe remedy. Close shop or else! That tells me it is effective, and would cut into their profits!! Sadly, she took her site down 🙁
We are seeing such corruption now, it is sickening!
Josie Amundson
I would love a master list! I have a sister-in-law who took the jab and now has womanly problems. I am very concerned!!
Hi, Josie,
I’m sorry for the delay! Sending now!
Hi Jacque,
Thank you I would love a copy of your master protocol please Jacque, to tie in with my own I am compiling for my ‘Wellbeing Keepers’ Initiative.
In great appreciation for your time and the ongoing great work you are doing and sharing.
Lisa x
Hi, Lisa,
Aw, you are so kind – Thank you for the encouragement! And thank you for what you are doing to build up nurses!
Here’s the link for the full protocol that a group of us health care workers have come up with for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmiting).
Lisa Elks
Received with gratitude thanks Jacque,
My ‘Wellbeing Keepers’ Initiative is for any like minded humans who share integrity and responsibility of self, of truth and of true wellbeing, in freedom, choice, and autonomy.
With appreciation, high vibes and blessings!
Lisa x
I’d like to know about the protocol
Hi, Alex,
Here’s the link to the Master email containing the full protocol that a group of us health care workers have come up with for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmiting).
Sending peace,
I’d love the master list too. Previous miscarriage in Feb, I’m not jabbed but family is. Finally have my rainbow pregnancy and hoping for a better outcome this time around.
Hi, Ang! Okay, I am praying now for you and that precious baby!
Here’s the link to learn more about detoxing or to get your own copy of the full protocol that a group of us health care workers have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting). https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace!
I would like the master list. Thank you!
Hi, Teri,
Here’s the link to get the Master email and full protocol that a group of us health care workers have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting). https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace!
Lisa Potts
I would like a copy of the master list as well.
Thank you,
Hi, Lisa,
Here’s the link to get the Master email and full protocol that we have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting). https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace!
Sebastian Chain
I’d like the protocol for spiked proteins!
Hi, Sebastian,
Here’s the link to get the Master email and full protocol that health care workers have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting). https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace!
I would like the master list as well. Thank you for all the research you do.
Hi, Monica,
I am happy to help. You can get the Master email and full protocol here: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Thank you for this. I am not vaccinated but recently miscarried after 3 healthy pregnancies and am wondering what you know about the covid vA((ine and its ability to shed. I would love to know your protocol/regimen.
Oh, no, Carole 🙁 I’m so sorry.
I am praying now for you now. In the link below, I discuss what you’ve experienced and some ways you can hopefully prevent that from happening again.
Here’s the link to learn more about detoxing or to get your own copy of the full protocol that a group of us health care workers have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting). https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace,
I work as an ultrasound tech in women’s health. I am seeing firsthand an increase in miscarriage and postmenopausal bleeding in jabbed patients. I’ve also noticed a strange increase monochorionic twinning, which I’d only seen once or twice in my entire career before the virus and jabs. ( Monochorionic twins share one placenta) My inquisitive mind asks “What’s different?”…and I can’t help but notice the timeframe for monochorionic twins coincides with the virus as well as the jabs, and that the miscarriages and postmenopausal bleeding directly follow the jabs…
Wow!! Just wow! And from someone who is really able to “see” what is happening inside so this is not anecdotal!
Wendy, thank you for reporting that here.
Question, though you may not see this again… do people connect the dots to what is happening to them? I sure hope so!
Blessings, sister,
Some women do connect the dots…but sadly…so far the physicians either do not, or won’t admit the connection…
Wendy, would you be willing to write your experiences from a medical viewpoint (anonymously) for Deep Roots at Home?
I would be most interested to ge that information to readers.
So many questions people are having, and though it would be anecdotal in a sense (that is isn’t a study), it’s a bird’s eye view of the damage to reproductive systems of women (and probably young girls) from this weaponized spike protein and jab!
I pray you will consider it. I am thinking 400 – 800 (or even more words) if compelling.
Sending peace,
Hi Ladies,
Thank you all for speaking up on this controversial topic. I have been dismissed by so many doctors over the past months I have lost count.
I did not receive the jab nor my family. However, my husband’s family did. We started seeing them again in April after I had been off work for the winter months (professional gardener). Our boys spend one day a week with the grandparents while I work for clients.
Anyhow, I am 34 years old…. I have 2 kids.
I have always been extremely regular with my cycles 26 to 28 days on average. Been tracking them for years. At least 7 years after miscarrying my twins due to be bullied into a flu vaccine. Miscarried the same week I got that shot.
Anyhow, I have always been regular with my cycmes. In April this year my cycle was thrown off (I was around those family and friends who received the vax). Now I am 21 days on average and have had some periods with bleeding so heavy it was running down my leg like a faucet was turned on. Never been a heavy bleeder before.
I have had SEVERE pain several months in a row now (since early July) Each episode of pain has started about 2 days following my cycle.
I had an appendectomy after the second episode of pain, which the doctor later deemed unnecessary since the appendix was perfectly healthy and normal. Had a colonoscopy two weeks ago to rule things out there. All good. Just had an ultrasound last week to check on my ovaries as a CT scan in July showed I had an ovarian cyst. The doctor attending that appointmentdidn’t seemed concerned at all and when I politely mentioned my concerns about being around the vaccinated she all but told me I was crazy and pretty much dismissed me. The doctors are baffled and my pain still persists. But to my current knowledge, no one is studying whether being in close proximity to the vaxxed can affect menstrual cycles. I have seen two studies looking at those who did receive the jab though.
I also have another friend, much older than I, and 13 months into menopause, that started her period again around the same time my cycle started changing. Coincidence? 🤷♀️
Does anyone know of any studies going on currently that can record what’s happening to those of us unvaxxed who are experiencing these changes?
I was encouraged by several friends to start a FB group to see if anyone else out there is going through anything like I am.
Amber, I would first recommend you and anyone you know with these abnormalities, to please report to VAERS, the CDC reporting arm. With between only 1 and 10% reporting, we still are seeing crazy high adverse effects such as yours.
There is also a protocol that is helping (both from transmission and for those that are v’d) and you at least need to be aware of it:
I am praying for you all,
Sending peace,
I would definitely like a copy of your Master paper. Thank you for speaking up and staying strong. God’s blessings upon you.
Thank you, Wren! I appreciate your encouragement 😀
I am happy to help you. You can get the Master email and full protocol here: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace to you now,
Please send me the protocol…thanks for the work you are doing!
Lauren S
I am a long time follower here and I also have extensive allergies and food allergies. I have a difficult time integrating natural cures and homeopathy due to my allergies. Any ideas on how I can fix this? I don’t live in an area with a lot of resources for natural living so I’m trying to educate myself and do my own research.
Hi, Lauren,
I apologize for the long delay in replying to your question.
TRS is what I recommend to bind/remove toxins and metals that aggravate allergies and asthma. As an RN I have consulted with close to 1000 families using TRS with amazing results for over 2 years.
You can get the Master email and full protocol here: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
I will email with you after you read the master email with the remaining questions you have then.
And the protocol is helping many BOTH unvacc’d and the vacc’d.
Time is my major challenge… I am happy to help, but please read first to see if this is a fit for you.
Sending peace,
Penny Charles
Master list, please.
Hi, Penny,
With all the kinds of adverse reactions that are occurring (vascular, skin, respiratory, neurological) both from the vaccine, but also from what the vaccinated transmitting to the unvacc’d.,
my master email addresses what is causing these reactions and how to address/remove them.
For my master email and the Full protocol go here: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Blessings, friend!
Regina Piercce
Please send me the master list as well. Thank you.
Hi, Regina,
You can get the Master email and full protocol here: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Sending peace,
I’d like the protocol please. Also. I have family members that have taken this experimental shot. Is there a way to somehow reverse the jabs effects or reduce what the spike proteins do ?
Thank you
Yes, Janelle, we now believe we can reduce the damaging effects of the covid ‘V’ with aggressive work with proper supplement and natural plants/food.
That is what this protocol is designed to do. It is what many of us Healthcare workers are using and recommending: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
I would do the protocol to protect and heal yourself and your family! We are.
Sending peace,
I would like the full protocol you are using to protect against the spike protein. Thank you!
Laura, here is that protocol in a post instead of sending you an email (it is all in here): https://deeprootsathome.com/the-spike-protein-protocol-what-we-all-can-do-to-stay-healthy/
If you would like to chat, we can email. I am here to help.
Sending peace,