My reading list for summer has finally come together! There is something here for almost everyone, with no trashy content surprises.
(And here’s my recent list for preparedness, health and gardening books, too.)
Here are my top 3 reasons for reading:
1.) Brain Enhancer– Our mind is our central processor – the factory where all our hopes and dreams are formed. Proper investment is never wasted. Our brain, once stretched (figuratively speaking), may never return to its original capacity.
2.) Leadership Factor – I believe that great leaders are great readers. The more you read and apply what you read in your life, the better you lead.
3.) Learning from the Best– Through reading, I get to pick the brains of people whom I may never meet in person like my favorite authors.
Happy book choosing and reading, readers. I had fun putting my list together. I’m wishing for even more fun knocking them off my list, some again!
Heavenly Man, by Brother Yun
The Auschwitz Escape, Joel C. Rosenberg
Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, by
Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses, by
A Lineage of Grace: Five Stories of Unlikely Women Who Changed Eternity, by
Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and a Renegade Monk, by
Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That’s in You for Your Family and Your Faith, by Heidi St. John
Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus by Rifqa Bary
Rose’s Journey: A Christian in the Holocaust, by Myrna Grant
Running for My Life: One Lost Boy’s Journey from the Killing Fields of Sudan to the Olympic Games, by Lopez Lumong
God’s Pursuit of Man by A.W.Tozer
The Accidental Feminist, by Courtney Reissig
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi
Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life, by Eric Metaxas
A Noble Treason: Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Revolt Against Hitler, by Richard Hanser
This Life I Live: One Man’s Extraordinary, Ordinary Life and the Woman Who Changed It Forever, by Rory Feek
Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, Say Something New, by
Business Boutique by Christy Wright (guide to helping women make money doing what they love, without debt)
The Liberty Of Obedience, by Elisabeth Elliot (quietly living among the Aucas)
Quiet Hero: Secrets From My Father’s Past, by Rita Cosby
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, by
Evidence Not Seen, by Darlene Rose – it’s a toss-up with “Redeeming Love” for my favorite book!
Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers (for any woman with a difficult past or who feels shame and desires spiritual healing – my favorite all time read!)
Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior by Kimberly Wagner
List to Read (or Listen to) Again!
Les Miserables (Radio Theatre) Audio CD by
The Cross and the Switchblade, by David Wilkerson
Jane Eyre, by Bronte (unabridged) on audio for full richness of the beauty of the gospel
The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness, by Dave Ramsey
For Family listening time: Robinson Crusoe Audio CD, Unabridged. Such very real struggles with which even young (5-8 yo) children can identify. A favorite book for many years. The vocabulary is daunting which makes audio such a blessing (let’s NOT lose daunting words!). The gospel is rich, rich, rich in this, but never in anyway sentimental.
Quest For Meekness and Quietness of Spirit, by Matthew Henry
GIVE ME A HAND: If you have books you’re planning on reading or re-reading in 2018 that aren’t on my list and would highly recommend, please (I beg!) let me know, and I may add them to this list!
What books did you read in 2017 that you would recommend to me and Deep Roots readers?
Check out other book lists here at Deep Roots for completely different lists of children’s books!
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Thank you for all the suggestions. I tried reading Redeeming Love a few weeks ago and I couldn’t make it past the prologue. It was too sad for me and I felt convicted that there were other things that would be better use of my time than reading the book. I know so many enjoyed this book based on the Amazon reviews. On the other hand, I love Total Money Makeover (a must read for any adult). Happy New Year!
Heather Stover
I feel the same way about Redeeming Love. I have been trying to read it for several months now and have made little headway. Just so very sad! So many girls and boys trapped in similar situations today and it feels like such a daunting and overwhelming problem. Thank you for your response! I can give up on this book and not feel guilty!
Jayne Miner
For children, I would recommend all of Ed Dunlop’s series. For adults, ” The Third Target”, by Joel C Rosenberg
Haha, Jane! The Third Target was on there, but I had to shorten it and removed a good many!! I LOVE great Books! Will just need to do another list 😀
And I do have children’s lists, so will have to read some of Ed Dunlop’s writing!!! Thanks!
June McLaren
The Happiest People on Earth by Demos Shakarian
Appointment in Jerusalem by Derek Prince
Babsie – Go Teach My People by Babsie Bleasdell
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
Prison to Praise by Merlin Carothers
Which None Can Shut by Reema Goode
Wow, God! by Sister Claire
Sooo many others, but these are among my all time favorites!
Heidi K.
If I Perish, by Esther Ahn Kim. One of my all time favorites!
Yes! I have it in another book list! Excellent! Thanks, Heidi K!
Thank you for such a great list! Especially for bringing the story of Rifqa Bary into my attention–I had never heard of her before! Will get her book!
It is so riveting and strengthening! I am glad you found it here, Johanna 😀 Happy New Year, friend!
Charlotte Moore
I loved reading This Life I Live by Rory Feek. I had never heard of Joey and Rory until I saw a Pray for Joey on someone’s Facebook. From then on I read their blog and it was the most beautiful love story I have ever read. They had something so very special.
I have been touched by their story, too, Charlotte! Can’t help but want to hug that little Indy! Stories like their help us so much with perspective when things are difficult in our lives! Happy New Year, dear friend!
Knowing God. Y JIPacker was the best book I read in 2018.
Yes, Bobby, and really everything JIPacker wrote is very gripping! He and Tozer are 2 of my favorites for my faith walk!
Thanks for adding it here! Happy New Year!
Lisa Hudson
Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Diebler Rose should always be on everyone’s list!
Lisa, I so agree! That’s why, even though some may think it redundant, I added it to this one 🙂 I even have 2 other posts on DR’s life and links to the book elsewhere 😀 Can’t have too much of a wonderful thing!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for the book list. I love seeing what other people’s favorite books are. Some of my favorites are included in the list but some others are:
China Cry by Nora Lam — get the first edition, not the movie edition
Trapped in Hitler’s Hell by Anita Dittman
A Rose From the Ashes by Rose Price
Chasing the Dragon by Jackie Pullinger
The Agape Road by Bob Mumford
If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers
A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot
Anything that I have ever read that was written by Isabel Kuhn
A Loving Life by Paul Miller
Vanya by Myrna Grant
I would also say there are a lot more. It’s fun to share lists. ?
Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!
THANK YOU, Amanda!! I am so glad to learn of these new titles and be reminded of Isabel Kuhn! I would be so thankful if you would consider taking a moment and sharing the others you know of so I can share them further! Wonderful! So important to be able to point to excellent reading material!
Happy New Year!
I Read Unholy Devotion in 2017 by Harold Busell. A good re-read is Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
And, Christianity in Crisis by Hank Hanegraaf.
Everything I have read by Randy Alcorn has been great!
Our church library has many biographies from a series called “Christian Heroes: Then & Now” which we’ve been reading aloud at meal times for several months. These have been the favorites and when we finish one, the kids are quick to make sure they choose the next one to read right away!
Thank you, Katie! I have heard of them and know many other homeschool families that love them too!
Hi Ms. Jacqueline! It has been a long time since I have commented, but I just can’t resist a booklist! 🙂
A few on my favorites list are:
Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot
Mimosa by Amy Carmichael
Kohila by Amy Carmichael
John and Betty Stam: Missionary Martyrs by Mrs. Howard Taylor
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by Dr and Mrs Howard Taylor
Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Conqueror of Demons by Mrs. Howard Taylor
Discpiline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot
The King’s Gold by Elisabeth Cheney
My Desire by Susan Warner
Pink and White Tyranny by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Just to name a few…
I hope your 2018 is crowned with remarkable answers to prayer!
Hilary (formerly from Wholesome Reads)
Hi! Thank you for the list. I was wandering if you ever posted the cookbook list? Im obsessed with cookbooks. Have you read Her mothers hope and her daughters dream by Francine rivers or The Mark of the Lion series? So good.
Hi, Karena! I Have!!!! I LOVE Francine Rivers books (from her writing as a Christian..not the ones beforehand!) Ha I have not read “Her Mother’s hope and her daughter;s dream”, but Yes, I loved the Mark of the Lion series! Rich and thought-provoking writing! ~J
A Skeptic’s Search for God by Ralph Muncaster.
Hi Jacqueline
Thanks for all the heads up emails! Much appreciated!
Are you on other social media beside Instagram?
I read Quora everyday but can’t find Deep Roots at Home there so I’m assuming you’re under your own name?
Would love it if you could send me some links to any other social media profiles.
👏You are a responsible netizen. 😇May God bless your work. Keep going!🤗
Kind Regards
Hi, Deb! Thank you for your sweet encouragement! I am over at MeWe and at Parler, but cannot get good traction there.
I will keep the blog Deep Roots at Home going as long a it is allowed by the censors..
Hugs, Jacqueline
Vickie Atkins
Hi Jacqueline,
My daughter came across your blog and loves it all so passed your link to me… overwhelming, wonderful info! Do you have a fav cookbook I could get my daughter for Christmas?
Thanks so much!
Vickie, is she into healthy basic and generational cooking with a lot of sound teaching thrown in? If so, I recommend Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions. It is becoming a classic…
You might take a “look inside” to see if it is something she would really enjoy!
Thank you for your sweet encouragement.
Merry Christmas to both of you!
Just popping by to share my favorite books from this year (’22) that I’ve read so far.
“First We Have Coffee” by Margaret Jensen – This is a book my husband grabbed from the church library. I saw the cover and said, “Meh.” Then he finished the book and said I should read it, so he checked it out again from the church library for me. I’m not done yet, but if I could, I’d sit down and finish it in one sitting. Highly recommended.
In addition to the above title, below are my top recommendations from what I’ve read so far this year. I wish I’d read these before I had children!
“Windows to Our World” by Sarah Janisse Brown (found this one through your blog!)
“Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy” by Marie Chapian (PERFECT for the times we’re living through now!)
“Changes that Heal” by Dr. Henry Cloud (wish I’d known this all my life!)
Kisses for Katie
In His Steps
The Castle and the Scroll (series)
A Journey to Unshakable Faith
Caroline, those are great books! Thank you! ~J