Dyslexia Games has been successful in helping so many who have struggled with dyslexia, so I want to spread the word!
Brain research shows that Non-Dyslexics (easy readers) use the left brain when reading.
But when struggling dyslexics attempt to read, brain scans reveal an absence of activity in the left brain.

Research also shows that when a dyslexic person learns to read the brain activity is seen in the RIGHT SIDE of the brain, and not the left.
The right brain must learn to compensate for the absence of activity in the left brain.
Sarah J. Brown, a homeschooling mother who lived near us before they moved to Ukraine, developed it because her daughter Anna struggled with dyslexia.
She shared her successful discovery with the world. Now thousands of children around the globe use Dyslexia Games with a 99% satisfaction rate.
Dyslexia Games is a fun therapy based on this research. The workbooks begin with ART, Puzzle Games and many 3D drawings.
School doesn’t have to be stressful! Visual thinkers are full of talent but have a unique way of learning! They may excel in art, music, sports and creativity, but fail in school.
We know the right brain can be trained to read.
But the right brain learns differently.
Typical teaching methods fail with dyslexic learners, yet most therapy for dyslexia just calls for more kindergarten level (baby stuff!).
This is wrong!
To train the right brain to read we must use vivid 3D images, art, logic, creative thinking, and hands on techniques, NOT childish phonics lessons!
“I am a former public school elementary teacher who worked primarily with kids that had print disabilities. I know all the latest literature, all the tricks and have taught pretty much every dyslexia curriculum out there. Yet, my 7 year old could not read. She was clearly dyslexic, and she knew all her sounds. Yet, we had been working on “the” since kindergarten and she still hadn’t mastered it. I bought Dyslexia Games, and dropped everything else we were doing for reading. We just did her “puzzle pages” and a month later, she was reading picture books. Now 3 months later she is at grade level. I cannot express my gratitude to Sarah Janisse Brown and Dyslexia Games enough.” -Ashlee Geesaman
The Games – How Do They Work?
We know that dyslexic learners have a knack for figuring out these Puzzles because of their visual thinking talents and skills:
- The Puzzle Games activate the right brain
- Over time the games begin to introduce symbols, letters and numbers – as part of the art!
Dyslexia Games is a series of workbooks packed with learning activities that empower your student’s brain with new abilities and new brain connections for literacy. Even older children, teens and adults who have been struggling for a long time can quickly build the mental skills needed to succeed in reading, writing and spelling!
The games are so intuitive that student will rarely need help from parents or teachers! This makes your job easy! Just use the books in order, and watch your student thrive! Before long, he or she will be able to move on to normal schoolwork without the mental confusion caused by Dyslexia.
With Dyslexia Games there are:
- NO grueling memorization
- NO flash cards
- NO boring text books
- NO endless repetition of the same dull facts!
Just fun and games for 15 to 20 minutes a day!
The art and puzzles in Dyslexia Games gradually transform into reading activities and over the course of 2 to 3 months, depending on the pace of the student, the right brain takes over the job of reading!
Eventually the student is weaned away from the art, as drawings are replaced with normal words, sentences and poetry. At the end of Dyslexia Games Series B the student is doing normal schoolwork. They can even read black letters on a white page. Once the therapy is complete the reading confusion is gone, and students are able to move on to normal reading and writing activities!
Dyslexia Games Builds Your Child’s Confidence
Did you know that Dyslexics are brilliant and many will learn to read, with or without therapy? The natural process can take years! Dyslexia Games accelerates this process, empowering the student to overcome symptoms of dyslexia in a few months, not a few years! This is wonderful for a child’s self-confidence!
The pages include art games, pattern games and puzzles that require the student to tap into his natural problem solving skills and unique intelligence.
Each workbook presents the student with increasingly challenging activities, while introducing him to the complexities of the written language through simple word games and poetry.
Dyslexia Games Therapy is easy for kids to use without much help from parents or teachers! It’s FUN!
Dyslexia Games website and Thinking Tree PDF Fun-Schooling Curriculum.
See Dyslexia Games Samples
We hope you will use Dyslexia Games (see samples) with your child. We hope that your Dyslexic child will be given the tools to quickly overcome his or her struggles with Dyslexia! Read Anna’s story.
(If you buy the Print At Home Version you can download the books to your computer and print pages for all your children. Little ones who use Series A at age 4 to 6 rarely have any problems with dyslexia in the future. See videos to use before each new book.)
Meet Sarah J. Brown, the creator of Dyslexia Games and read Anna’s story.
Sarah J. Brown, creator of Dyslexia Games, is a Creative Learning Specialist, who also home-educates her children. The Browns have a beautiful, large family of ten children, and they all enjoy music, art, traveling and working with orphans in Eastern Europe.

Also, by Sarah J. Brown: Creativity In Learning: Don’t Raise A Child Who’s Afraid Of Mistakes
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
I have a friend with a half brother with dyslexia, and he, in turn, has five sons, four of which also have dyslexia. Danny, the father, is around 50, and his sons are now all adults. The oldest son can read some, only because when he was in prison for five years some kind soul worked with him and helped him out. The family is an unbelievable disaster story, I will leave it at that none of them finished school, two of the boys, last I knew, had done time in prison, and two had attempted suicide. I have followed them and am still quite fond of a couple of the boys.
Is there any chance those books might help the boys and their dad to be able to learn to read and write?One of the boys used to get in trouble all the time at school and would get violent when told he had to read in class. Somehow or another the school was not aware the boy had dyslexia. Apparently the boy had chosen to get violent rather than try to read aloud in front of the entire class which I have to guess he knew he would be teased or bullied for.He had at one point tried to hang himself and was barely alive when found.
I am fairly sure all five boys are involved in gangs, if they are not by now dead or in prison. I might sound like a fool, but I just really don’t want to give up on them, if there is any way I can help them. I have known these kids (not really kids anymore) about 20 years now.
GenaT, you are not a fool and have a big heart. Would you see what you can find out and see if you can contact them? If you are able, and if they are willing, we can get them started on these books. We will have to find out first if they are willing to start. I have seem great things and also heard many more stories where they have been the answer to this terrible challenge! You can leave a new comment on this post when you find out more. I am sure that Sarah and I can pitch in together to at least get them the appropriate Dyslexia games book for each to start! Wouldn’t that be something if they all were willing and learned to read! It could change their lives!
Thanks for following this prompting!
Blessings, Jacqueline
I will try to get in contact with them. I love two of the boys so much, Michael and Chris, and would love to be able to help them get out of this no good end cycle they have been in. They really are good boys and life has so far really not dealt them a good hand.
Sounds great, GenaT. I am praying that you can find them and that they are receptive! Blessings!
Ive been wanting to get these for my girls! Did I miss the 25%off code? I can’t seem to be able to find it!
No, Katrina M, It will be out in the giveaway post later today, if it all comes together. I am just learning some new things with this giveaway platform and so have patience with me 😉
Blessings! J
Any chance there’s a discount code available now? I just saw your post on this today.
Hi Stephanie,
I’d reach out to Sarah Brown and tell her that you found out about her product from my blog. See if she will give you a code you can use!
Here’s her contact info: +1 (317) 622-8852; [email protected].