Do you remember the “Mad Hatter” from Alice and Wonderland? Did you know that the term “mad as a hatter” originated from a disease peculiar to the hat making industry in the 1800s?
The process needed to turn fur into a fine felt hat required brushing a solution of mercury compound on the fur to toughen the fibers. The hat makers breathed in the fumes of this highly toxic metal, leading to an accumulation of mercury in their bodies. (source) This resulted in slurred speech, loss of coordination, anxiety, personality changes, depression, and memory loss which became known as “Mad Hatter Syndrome.”
[As a healthcare consumer, the following information may be very hard to hear at first… Please view this information as a Gift. With information, we can take action.]
Fast forward 200 years, and let’s focus on pharmacists rather than hat makers…
Back in 2004, the CDC and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) released a dangerous-drug alert warning that working with chemotherapy drugs and other common pharmaceuticals can be a serious danger to your health.
They were right because on July 10, 2010, the Seattle Times carried the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of 20 years, who had spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs. Sue died in 2011 from pancreatic cancer and one of her dying wishes was that the truth be told about how her on-the-job exposure to toxic chemotherapy drugs caused her own cancer. The list of chemicals Crump worked with included cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, fluorouracil, and methotrexate.
Does Chemotherapy Cause Cancer?
I am not surprised by Sue’s story because one of the effects of chemotherapy is that it actually CAUSES cancer! Insane, right?
You may have heard it said that folks who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Well, much like the hatters who went mad from the mercury, when it comes to chemo… pharmacists and other health care workers who dispense toxic drugs shouldn’t be surprised if one day it kills them.
OSHA does not regulate exposure to these toxins in the workplace − despite multiple studies documenting ongoing contamination and exposures. Studies reaching back to the 1970s have linked increased rates of certain cancers to nurses and physicians.
Every oncologist knows that chemotherapy drugs cause genetic and mitochondrial damage. Due to inadvertent spills, chemotherapy drugs have been found on floors, counter tops, knobs, keyboards, printers, computers, and garbage cans. Most chemo is genotoxic, meaning that it interacts with genes (DNA) and causes mutations. And yes, genetic mutations are a known risk factor for developing cancer, while secondary cancers are a known side effect (actually a “direct effect”) of chemo.
Cancer patients are encouraged to not even touch their oral chemo drugs and have specific instructions for administration.
Danish epidemiologists used cancer data from the 1940s through the 1980s to report a significantly increased risk of leukemia among oncology nurses and doctors. In 2009, another Danish study of over 92,000 nurses determined that they had an increased risk for brain cancer, breast cancer, and thyroid cancer.
Playing Chemo “Roulette”
Dr. Glenn Warner, was one of the most highly-qualified cancer specialists in the United States. He used alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success. On the treatment of cancer in this country he said, “We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.”
Dr. Alan C. Nixon, past-president of the American Chemical Society writes, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”
And according to Dr. Charles Mathe, French cancer specialist:
“If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center. Only cancer victims who live far from such centers have a chance.”
Truth be told, if a person has one type of cancer and allowed themselves to be injected with chemotherapy, this person will later often develop a different type of cancer as a result. The oncologist will likely claim to have cured their initial cancer even though a second or third cancer developed which was directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer.
The serious toxic effects of chemotherapy have long been ignored by virtually everyone in medicine and the federal government. Chemotherapy drugs have always been assumed to be safe just because they’re used to treat cancer. This is an outright lie!
The truth is that chemo is toxic, carcinogenic (causes cancer), destroys erythrocytes (red blood cells), devastates the immune system, and destroys vital organs.
Obvious Signs that Chemotherapy is Highly Toxic
Think about it… a person’s hair falls out, their immune system is destroyed, they are constantly nauseous and often vomit. Frequent dizziness is also the norm as are severe headaches. Are these signs that maybe, just maybe, chemotherapy is poison and doesn’t belong in the human body? I’m not a doctor, but I think this is a very, very strange way to “heal” someone.
Chemotherapy is a derivative of the mustard gas used in World War I. As the Seattle Times reported,
“A just-completed study from the CDC (10 years in the making and largest to date) confirms that chemo continues to contaminate the work spaces where it’s used and is still being found in the urine of those who handle it…”
Yet drugs (like Tamoxifen) are routinely used to “treat” breast cancer even though the NIH declared Tamoxifen to be a “known carcinogen” in 2000. The level of quackery in the cancer industry is amazing. Chemotherapy doesn’t work at anything other than causing cancer! If you have cancer and are considering chemotherapy, please ask yourself this vitally important question: If chemotherapy causes cancer, how can it also treat or cure cancer?
Digest this quote from Mike Adams…
“Treating cancer with chemotherapy is like treating alcoholism with vodka. It’s like treating heart disease with Velveeta cheese, or diabetes with high-fructose corn syrup. Cancer cannot be cured by the very thing that causes it. Don’t let some cancer doctor talk you into chemotherapy using his (or her) fear tactics. They’re good at that. So next time he insists that you take chemotherapy, ask him to take some first. If your oncologist isn’t willing to take chemotherapy in front of you to prove it’s safe, why on earth would you agree to have it injected in your body?”
This is a reprint from The Truth About Cancer.
Chris Wark, past cancer patient, is a wealth of information!
I know of many who are using fenbendazole. See my post on Fenbendazole here.
What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?
The Magic of Ivermectin in Oncology lists ivermectin protocols (see section “Application and Dose”)
Shockingly, Studies Show Ivermectin Is A Safe, Potent Cancer Fighter
The Most Amazing, Personalized Testing for Cancer on the Market
Breast Cancer: Does Turmeric Compare to Traditional Chemo?
Find a Doctor Who Will Prescribe Ivermectin & Early Covid Treatment
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Deborah Berko
Thank you for taking this on. I am sickened to hear people at church talking about chemo “therapy.” They have such blind trust in the cancer industry and sadly will not listen to warnings. Perhaps your well documented article will open some eyes and save some lives.
Deborah, Yes, I am sad, too. I pray it opens some eyes!
Please pray people will seek Him instead of pharmakeia!
When I was just starting work in the 80ties I worked as a temp in cancer research of Degussa in Germany. I was very excited when I got that posting and thought what an interesting field to work in. I knew at the time only that all charities collected money to stop that illness and that they tried desperately to find a cure. At the time, my part was simply writing protocols and typing out patient history and treatment progression with different experimental chemotherapy drugs. The names were conveniently omitted and only numbers included. Every file had a power of attorney for the treatment that by allowing the company to do these trials there might be a future cure found and the patient was made believe that he might just be the “lucky” one and so on.
It felt like subterfuge. The patient progression was like swollen neck and glands…, hair fallout, nails fall out, open lesions, inner bleeding the list went on. It was very quickly clear to me that this all was torture not medicine. Once I realized that I had a protocol with the same serum which killed in the most horrible way 90 other people I had enough.
I was young and naïve.
I went into the office of one of the researchers and asked what they believed they would find when the first 10 people died with excruciating pain, what the outcome for number 100 was going to bring them? No answer?
Why did they not allow these people to know the truth and let them die in dignity and with little pain? I was asking them why they did not go to the hospitals where all this was administered to see first hand the people?
The answer was to stay objective. I questioned them at every point.
Only one woman answered some of my questions vaguely. I remember I went into 3 offices. The first person did not give me any answer the two other avoided mostly any responsibility or compassion.
When I left the office I remember my thoughts to this day “these researcher are dead – their eyes are dead – their soul is muted. What they do to others takes bit by bit their own soul and they don’t realize it”.
Looking at that time behind the scenes gave me a disdain for that industry and treatment. I asked to be posted to another job, but for the 3 weeks I continued writing the treatment process protocols there was not one cure! Not one person who was healed.
How all the doctors ignore this for decades is beyond me. When I try to warn people they are mostly in disbelieve and those who understand have had first hand insights themselves. The power of the “authority of MDs” is still strong. The latest assault of vaxxed deaths will wake some up and hopefully, we can start new with real medicine – natural and divine – herbs and aligned thoughts to the divine… and most of all a balanced fresh plant based diet…
Cancer is very easily linked to toxins… read natural healing protocols and you have a better chance to heal and restore yourself if you are having this condition. There are so many wonderful options – read Ann Wigmore with Wheatgrass and all the other protocols… and look into your soul and mind – to help with your mental awareness of love and beauty – Dr. Joseph Murphy is classic but again so many other wonderful way will bring a life of quality and love.
Gary McCollom
If you have to have chemo at least be sure to take CO-Q10
Wonderful story here.
Thank you, Gary! Will read soon! ~J
Sadly if you have a child with cancer, there is no other choice for you because CPS will intervene because you’re harming the child by not giving them chemotherapy.
But is this not against the constitution? Child or adult – it is our choice what we take or do not take – medical decisions cannot be dictated by government (have we not learned this in the last 2 years of madness).
…there is no-one stopping the parent to support the child with HydrogenWater e.g. like presented by Hydrogenman 144 – or Advanced TRS, fresh organic food choices and loving mental spiritual support with beautiful music and stories…. there are so many wonderful herbs as well and approaches which can help or continued…
As a mom who had a child diagnosed with leukemia at age 7, you are under a very watchful eye by the care staff at the hospital. Even going against the recommended flu shot raised eyebrows. There are many herbs and vitamins that interact with the different medicines, so often things cannot be used in conjunction with. Sadly, if a child is under the age of 18, they won’t allow you to not treat them with chemo in the US and if you try to go against it, CPS will be involved because you’re considered harming your child. The child isn’t legally old enough to make their own decisions (except if they want to change their gender ). And while I think herbs and other natural approaches are wonderful, playing Russian roulette with a child’s life would be exactly this in my opinion. You can’t try both ways to know what the outcome will be. If you tried to treat it naturally and your child died, could you ever forgive yourself?
Yes, I read the sheets they gave us on each drug. I cried so many times about putting poison in my child’s body and the potential side effects. But honestly, I wanted my child to live. Thankfully, pediatric oncology is more standardized than adult oncology. There are more studies done to find the treatment with the best outcome and the least medicine possible. The care is standardized across the country so what you do in one city will be the same thing done in any other city if your child is in pediatrics.
My son had nearly 40 months of chemo to treat his cancer. It’s by God’s grace that is his now deemed cured and will be 19 this summer. He’s doing amazing and we see no repercussions of the medicines. We prayed over him daily asking the Lord to kill his cancer, but do the least amount of damage to his body. We praise the Lord for his provision and continue to ask him to safeguard all our children’s health so they can serve Him.
Obviously you may disagree with me, but after having a child with cancer, I will say that I am very thankful for the modern medicine, which saved my son’s life. He was diagnosed nearly 11 years ago and is now a 6’3″ man. All praise to God for bringing us through this valley of the shadow of death.
Melissa, I am so thankful your son made it! It is the mercy of God!
Sending peace,
Your love, dedication and trust in God saved your children. What an amazing testimony to the healing of love.
That is why I so strongly believe that women need to regain their position of healers in their families… to know your tea, herbs, the hot-cold compresses, nutrition is the main powerhouse of healing. No MD will ever have the intuition or love a mother has for her child… that combined with basic healing knowledge will overcome 90% of all illnesses… My grandparents lived on a farm more or less isolated from the world before their had to flee – and there were no doctors nearby – anything that happened from cuts bruises to major illnesses they had to deal with on their own. That is why I just know this is the better way and we can take our power back as women. God bless you and your family.
Danae, thank you for that response and encouragement! There is much we can do all along preventatively and even if they pressure a family, parents can still do as you suggest, to support both body and spirit!
We have been having good success with all the things you have mentioned!
Thank you!
I love what you do, Jacqueline. You help so many to find a better way…in harmony with God’s and natures laws. This is the way we all come back to the blessings of life and learn as a family of this planet to work to make this a place of learning and cooperation, of healing and love. Thank you.
Danae, Thank YOU! Our Lord is the Great Physician and he gifts his children with knowledge when we seek Him! ((Hugs)) ~J
Melissa, it is criminal, but they are doing it!
Threatening parents with taking their child! I’m working with one such instance right now..
Those people will one day pay dearly..
C Thompson
My 15 year old had an organ transplant 8 years ago. She hasn’t had any complications but recently her kidneys are being affected. These medications can become harsh on the kidneys.
What would you suggest for this situation? We can’t just stop the immunosuppressants or her organ could reject.
C. Thompson, I will be emailing you soon. ~Jacque