A quiet house. A listening ear. Whispering a prayer of thanks before I throw back the covers. Slipping out of the warm bed and scrabbling quickly into my clothes to avoid a chill, turning on the teapot and the already-soaking oats to cook … these few minutes, well spent, set my path, serve to give me a jump start on the day.
I feel a bit accomplished! Even in opening wide the curtains to the dawn has an effect on my outlook.
Cupping the steaming spiced chai in both hands and capturing those precious moments alone with God is a strong fortifier.
The Words on the page, written as if for me alone, speak needed encouragement and instruction.
My heart is quieted. I wish to linger in the reverie, but hearing the light creaking of the floorboards overhead tells me our home is awakening.
Popping in that first load of laundry, taking breakfast and prayer with my husband and children before they undertake their day, grabbing my camera for a quick stroll in the garden … all ground me very nicely and start the day off right.
Mornings are a sweet time to reflect on the majesty and mystery of the Lord. If you listen with your heart, you will hear Him calling you.
“God’s poet is silence! His song is unspoken,
And yet so profound, so loud, and so far,
It fills you, it thrills you with measures unbroken,
And as soft, and as fair, and as far as a star.”
~Joaquin Miller, American poet and frontiersman, 1837-1913
My life is changing. We are no longer in the midst of read-alouds, science experiments, and music lessons. I am ready and enthusiastic now to grow in a new direction the Lord will show me one step at a time. He gently shows me His path when I am in the garden or tending the berries alone. I sing the old hymns that come to mind and let my whole heart, mind, and soul worship the Almighty.
I know His leading after all these years and can trust Him.
Meanwhile my husband and I are processing with our young adults as they choose from the many options available to them. Our last two are graduating our homeschool in June. We are thrilled, as are they, but because we are all life-long learners, this is not the end of their education.
Now they embark on their own path.
It is really just the beginning of an adventure. Our deepest desire is that they would follow the Captain of our souls, Jesus Christ.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.” ~Proverbs 3: 5-6
“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” ~Proverbs 4: 18
“He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” ~Isaiah 40: 11
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Wonderful words of truth! Very inspired this morning. Thank you.
Thanks for linking up and sharing your heart.
Much Love and Blessings,
This Good Life
Beautiful, beautiful photography and what a wonderful, grounding way to start the day.
Tea and Scripture… simply lovely! I should take the time to do that more often!
This Good Life
Yes!!… so agree with you ❤️??♥️ I, too am done with the homeschool (crazy) days… but, truth be told… I sometimes… miss them… just the interaction and keeping up with the exciting days of what my girls were into, and plans for their lives!!…. so, am thkfl that my hubby doesn’t mind me reading to him… I.e…. continuing our “home education “!!???❤️ Reading some of the books that we didn’t quite get to… or want to reread… Rascal was our first realoud ?… but the quietness in the morning can be nice, as you refer to… thinking of how God’s love and mercies are new every day… ready to greet, and comfort us, and give us strength to keep going on… Judy ??♥️
So beautiful to know there are others who are with you on the journey…that the path leads to eternity with our Savior! Thank you, Judy!
Blessings to you! ~J
Marianne W. Gum
What a beautiful and inspiring post. Thank you , J.We homeschooled our sons who are now in their thirties and live very far away. How I miss them and the teaching/learning we all shared.
Your morning routine is perfect. Our God is good and delightful, His Name is Wonderful!
Hi, Marianne! Yes, the empty nest years (for lack of another better term) are a season for intercessory prayer and service of a different kind! It is rich, can be lonelier, but there may be the most eternal rewards of all. We can and must stand in the gap!!
Blessings, J