The following Case Report is submitted by the daughter of an 80-year-old woman who had a persistent lesion on one of her fingers. Her diagnosis was revised to squamous cell skin cancer after biopsy results. After about a 3 month course of systemic (oral) fenbendazole treatment, with a topical component added about one month into the treatment, the very nasty lesion is completely healed.
(Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer presents Case Reports of people who have treated their own cancers along with other articles to help understand how fenbendazole works to treat cancer. Previous articles covering other cancers are in the Archives link.)
Hi Ben,
I’ve followed the Substack for a while and was curious enough to buy FenBen powder from the Lithuanian supplier.
No one had cancer, but I thought it would be good to at least use it as a dewormer and do a 3-day clean out of any parasites every few months. Hopefully, it would also provide some protective benefits from any cancers.
As “luck” would have it, my 80 year old mom was diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma of the finger.
For about 4 years the finger has bothered her. She thought it was an injury that wasn’t healing up because it was in her knuckle. Combine that with thin aging skin and she would regularly knock the sore open just as it seemed to be healing. Over the past year it had been getting infected on a regular basis. It would scab over, heal slightly but still be stiff and painful. A slight bump that would burst open oozing yellow pus.
She saw her GP as no amount of bandaging and antiseptic lotion seemed to effect any healing.
Travacort and an oral fungicide were prescribed. No improvement.
They then took a culture, found bacterial growth, and was given a course of antibiotics. It almost seemed to worsen with a nasty open wound causing her tremendous pain in the finger joint.
She saw a nurse at the local hospital wound clinic who scraped it all clean, bandaged it up and strongly suggested she request her GP do a biopsy as “sores which don’t heal over several years are suspicious”.
This was done and it proved to be a squamous cell.
The problem now was how to help it on a joint. No skin left to suture and she’s 80 years old.
He said to leave it a couple of weeks as he was going to be away and he would give it some thought as to how to proceed but it would likely require in hospital treatment and anesthesia to be able to do a skin graft.
This worried me greatly.
So I went over to her with the FenBen powder and told her she was going to be the family Guinea pig. At worse she’d be thoroughly dewormed and there might be some benefit.
(What Brands Fenbendazole?: In the experience of Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer and those that write in, it appears that the three readily available brands of fenbendazole (Panacur-C, FenBen Labs, Happy Healing Labs) are equally effective. Panacur-C can be obtained locally in pet stores, and they all can be obtained from Amazon.) (source) Dr. Wm Makis has seen fenben paste work on basal cell carcinoma here.
I have attached photos. The first is the sore on the day the biopsy was done. Call it Day 1 and you’ll see the pus and raw nature of the sore.

Day 7. Looking vastly improved and she had no pain for the first time in over a year.

Day 21. The last photo is taken 3 weeks after the initial oral dose of powder. 222mg as dosed by the little spoon in the tub. Taken daily with cheese or something fatty.

As you can see, the skin has healed over. She has free use of the finger and there is no pain.
She’s had no obvious side-effects from taking the Fenben.
She’s seeing her GP next week.
Hope this is interesting to you! She’s not the best of photographers but there’s clearly been a massive improvement. We are so grateful to you for posting these self studies!
Follow-up 5 weeks later
My mother saw her GP not long after I last emailed you and he seemed quite surprised to see how well the finger was doing and ascribed it to the fact that he had cut some of it out when he sampled for the biopsy and put stitches in. She mentioned the FenBen and he was reluctant to believe that it had anything to do with it but he had to concede that it was looking very good and all plans to surgically remove the carcinoma and do a skin graft under general anesthesia could be shelved. For now…. I suspect he thinks it will be back.
Since the wound had closed completely she has been applying FenBen paste topically every day (Panacur “horse dewormer”). She leaves her finger exposed to the sun and fresh air as much as possible, putting a plaster over when she goes out as she’s worried about knocking the new skin open after years of pain.
It continues to look good with no external signs of infection, no pain in the affected area or joint and the skin has healed beautifully. Really quite astonishing given how many years this carcinoma has had to eat away at the skin and being 80 it’s quite thin without any extra stresses on it.
Mom says she sometimes imagines there might be a small amount of the cancer left as she sometimes “feels” like there’s “something” moving around under the skin but this is as likely to be residual deep tissue damage resolving itself. She says it tingles sometimes but this really does seem more likely to be healing than cancer. There’s no way she will biopsy the area to confirm the cancer has gone, as there’s just no obvious reason to traumatize healthy looking skin.
I’ve attached photos of the finger as of today. I’m not sure of where you are in the world but it’s midwinter here so her skin does look a bit dry but that’s the weather.

She has had no obvious side effects from taking the FenBen and will continue with it both orally and with the topical cream. I bought her a milk thistle supplement only because if she’s been clearing the cancer it might be a good thing. Just me fussing there was no obvious reason to do so!
June 19, 2024
Mom went to see her GP today. Since he excised some of the carcinoma when he took the biopsy sample, he feels this is the reason for the improved appearance. I’m not so sure …. cancer sores don’t get better as far as I’m aware!!
In any event, her full diagnosis is attached. Seems it’s a squamous cell carcinoma and there’s also some signs of Bowen’s disease and solar elastosis.
We’re about 2 months down the road treating a 4 year old tumor. I find it hard to believe there’s a festering tumor underneath all that healthy new skin as she has full use of the finger and has no pain at all.
August 10, 2024
It’s been 3 months now and my mom’s finger seems to have healed completely since we last corresponded. In her words “If you didn’t know history you’d never guess”.
Many thanks,
September 28, 2024 to C. D., Johannesburg, South Africa:
Q: How is your Mom doing now?
A: Good and 110% convinced the FenBen has cleared the cancer.
Q: Is your Mom continuing to take or apply fenben?
A: Yes. Although she seems asymptomatic she’ll apply the cream topically and take 222mg a day for another 3 months. We’ve no real idea as to how long to treat her! If we do this, she will have had a total of 6 months on the powder and 4 months of topical application. (Recall the first two months, the finger had an open festering wound, often infected applying cream would possibly have been unwise).
After these 6 months, I’ll suggest she stop taking it daily, and move to the prophylaxis type dosing regime of 222mg daily for 3 days each month, possibly weaning her off it over a period by taking every 2 days, then 3 days, ….then weekly etc. Regarding preventing a recurrance this is what I’ve seen between extremes of taking the stuff ad infinitum and a cold stop. Once a month for 3 days seems as good a choice as any.
Congratulations to Caroline and her mother for taking an active role in dealing with her Mom’s persistent condition. This report is just one of several demonstrating the therapeutic effect of fenbendazole on various skin cancers including melanoma, basal and squamous cell. It is also noteworthy that this report includes the topical application of fenbendazole as an effective route of administration.
Excerpts from Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer, written by a retired University scientist who happened across fenbendazole when a loved one developed terminal cancer.
“Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common skin carcinoma after basal cell carcinoma. For the vast majority of patients, squamous cell carcinoma is relatively innocuous. It is a small lesion that is easily detectable, grows within the skin, and is easily treated with surgery or other modalities. The unique aspect of skin squamous cell carcinoma is the rare instances the skin cancer can be highly malignant and life-threatening.” (source)
Squamous cell carcinomas can appear anywhere on the skin. In people who sunburn easily, the cancer is usually found on areas of skin that have had a lot of sun. In people with black and brown skin, squamous cell carcinomas are more likely to be on skin that isn’t exposed to sun, such as the genitals – which conflicts with the notion that topical UV radiation is the primary cause.
Check out more stories of “cures” here:
Ivermectin, Fenbendazole Beat Tumors, IBD, Alzheimer’s: 9 Stories
Insightful Topical Ivermectin Stories on Skin Cancer & More
Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cancer Cleared in 2 Mo. w/Mebendazole
Joe Tippin’s Fenbendazole Protocol For Cancer
Fabulous Fenbendazole: Doctor’s Dosage For Aggressive Cancers
Case Studies of Patients Who Cured Their Own Stage 4 Cancers
“We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.” ~Lance Armstrong
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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