WiFi, aka wireless, is microwave radiation.
As a parent this information was very hard to hear at first… Please view this information as a Gift. With information, we can take Action.
You and your family are worth the moment it takes to change your understanding:
9 Facts About Wireless
FACT #1: Children absorb more of this (wireless) radiation than adults.
“The average exposure from use of the same mobile phone is higher by a factor of 2 in a child’s brain and higher by a factor of 10 in the bone marrow of the skull.”
Children using mobile phones absorb as much as double the amount of radiation through their heads as adults. Dr. Om Ghandi, a leading scientist and professor of electrical engineering at the University of Utah found that young children under 10 years of age could absorb radiation across their entire brain. He found that more radiation is able to go past the ear and into the head since a child’s ear is thinner and the telephone is closer to the head. All it takes is two millimeters difference,” Dr Ghandi said. (source)
The picture below shows how wireless radiation penetrates the brain of a five-year-old deeper than an adult.
Enlarged for detail:
FACT #2: US exposure standards do not protect children.
The radiation absorption model is of a 200-pound, 6-foot tall male brain (called SAM). This standard was set up almost 20 years ago. Wireless radiation standards do not protect the 97% of the population with heads smaller than this adult male SAM model. Read more about children’s absorption compared to adults and all about the research that informed the picture above here.
FACT #3: Current exposure limits are based solely on the heating of tissue.
They do not take into account accumulating research showing serious biological effects at low level “nonthermal” radiation levels. These effects include DNA impacts, sleep damage, altered brain activity, and increased cancer. Also cellular changes, skin tissue changes, damaged sperm motility and viability, decreased cognitive functioning, memory impairment, and disruption of the blood brain barrier.
FACT #4: The biggest window of vulnerability occurs in utero and during childhood when the immune system and brain are developing.
Small insults can have large effects while cells are rapidly dividing. Microwave radiation has been shown to more strongly impact stem cells and children have more active stem cells.
Professor Leif Salford, who headed the research at Sweden’s prestigious Lund University, says “the voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones” is “the largest human biological experiment ever”. Research suggests that mobile phones and the new wireless technology could cause a “whole generation” of today’s teenagers to GO SENILE in the prime of their lives.
Professor Salford and his team have spent 15 years investigating microwave radiation. Their studies proved radiation could open the blood-brain barrier, allowing a protein called albumin to pass into the brain. Their latest work shows the process is linked to serious brain damage. Professor Salford said neurons that would normally not become “senile” until people reached their 60s may now do so when they were in their 30s. (source)
International Parenting Association/BrainDevelopment/Cellphones
FACT #5: Wireless radiation is classified by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Class 2 B carcinogen.
This classification is based on evidence of increased numbers of brain tumors in heavy users of cell phones observed over ten years. Heavy use was defined as 30 minutes a day. Adults who started using wireless devices as teens had a 4 times greater risk of brain tumors. Other Class 2 B Carcinogens include: lead, dioxin, DDT, chloroform, and ethylbenzene.
FACT #6: Wireless radiation impacts brain maturation.
Accumulating research shows significant impacts on the neuron development of young brains.
Dr. Hugh Taylor, Chief of Obstetrics at Yale, lead in utero research showing that wireless radiation during pregnancy resulted in developmental and behavioral problems in offspring. The baby mice had impaired memory and increased hyperactivity.
Dr. Suleyman Kaplan did several research studies showing decreased neurons in the hippocampus and cerebellum after exposures to wireless radiation. He summarized his state of the art research in his FCC submission.
Furthermore, brain imaging studies show changed electrical activity during wireless exposures. See below the picture of a brain from the National Institute of Health study showing increased glucose metabolism in the brain areas exposed to wireless radiation.
Cell Phone On Cell Phone Off
FACT #7: The United States is lagging behind on protections for Children.
The governments of France, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Russia, India and the European Union have all taken steps toward reducing children’s exposure to radiation from wireless devices. This ranges from banning the marketing of cell phones to children under 14 to restricting wireless routers at schools.
The latest nation to join in this precautionary principle is Belgium. As of March 1, 2014, sale and advertising of cell phones especially designed for children under the age of 7 years old is banned. So is advertising for cell phones during children’s programs on TV, radio, and the internet. Recently, France’s National Assembly passed legislation banning Wi-Fi from nursery schools. They strongly recommended wired connections rather than Wi-Fi until safety is proven.
FACT #8: NO ONE is offering safety assurances.
The EPA states “More research is needed to clarify the question of safety.”
We know of no medical organization stating that this radiation is safe. Instead, they all state more research is needed.
Dr Samet of the World Health Organization states that the IARC classification means that “safety cannot be assured. It is a particular concern, given the prospect that most of the world’s population will have lifelong exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.”
Several World Health Organization scientists have now stated that the evidence has increased and that the proper classification for this radiation is in a higher risk category. Please see Dr. Anthony Miller testifying to the City of Toronto that wireless exposure should be a 2A (probable) carcinogen.
FACT #9: Low power does not mean LOW effects.
When it comes to Wi-Fi radiation many will say that Wi-Fi is “lower” power so we should not worry. We wish that were true.
1. Our children are now exposed to chronic low-level radiation for hours a day and no research has been done to quantify this risk. Scientists are specifically concerned with the erratic nature of the pulsed digital signal rather than the power.
2. In addition to the radiation from routers, the wireless devices in a classroom emit radiation. Unlike cell phone radiation, this results in full body exposures on our children. When children rest their laptops on their laps, their reproductive organs are absorbing most of this radiation. Since experimental research is showing damage to sperm and ovaries from this radiation, we can assume that there is a serious risk to our children’s reproductive health as well as their brains.
3. Under 1ghz is generally referred to RF and above 1ghz is generally considered MW. The body (tissue type depending) does absorb more as you up in frequency.
No comprehensive research has been done to evaluate the levels of radiation exposure in classrooms where 30 or more devices are in use in a single room.
Our Children Are At Risk
Wi-Fi is microwave radiation, a possible human carcinogen.
What if this radiation is proven to conclusively cause cancer a decade from now?
If so, our children will have had a massive exposure since birth. We can act now to reduce the risk. As thoughtful parents, we are not comfortable playing Russian Roulette with our children’s health. Why risk our children’s future?
Proven, safe technologies exist. National Association for Children and Safe Technology has a page that shows us how. Create a Safe Home. Let’s use them!
7 Ways to Reduce Potential Health Risks of Cell Phones:
1. Don’t allow children to use a cell phone for calling.
2. Limit calls to those that are absolutely necessary.
3. Carry and store cell phones away from the body.
4. Don’t use your telephone when in a moving vehicle or a parked one.
5. Use an air-filled, wire-less tube headset, or use a speaker instead of holding phones close to the head.
6. Make longer calls from a land line when possible.
7. Only use your cell phone in conditions of optimum reception.
8. Avoid time near call towers
If it turns out that cell phones are as safe as sunbonnets, great. In the meantime, take a better-safe-than-sorry approach to this wonderful and potentially dangerous modern convenience.
Research About Microwave Energy & Health Issues:
• Sleep
• Reproduction: Sperm and the Ovaries
• ADHD, Autism, Learning and Emotional Behavioral Issues
• Stress and the Immune System
• The Brain: Neurological Damage
• Cancer
• Leukemia
• Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Please Get the Digital Baby Monitor Out of the Nursery
“Mobile phones are arguably the most radiative appliance we have ever invented apart from the microwave oven, People are putting them up to their head – arguably the most sensitive part of the body. Human brains may absorb up to 40% of a cell phones radio frequency energy and as much as 60% of its microwave energy.” ~Dr. Roger Coghill, Coghill Research Laboratory
“Look the world straight in the eye.”
~Helen Keller
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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