I was asked again, recently, if we vaccinated our children.
Before I begin, I believe in parental rights. I hope we can all respect each others choice to decide what is best for our individual children and resist the temptation to judge one another. That said, you need to realize that aborted fetuses are needed for (and their DNA are IN) vaccines.
As a mother and RN, I’ve been researching this topic in depth for quite a while (spurred on by an adverse reaction in my first son with his first (and only) Dtap back in ’91), and I have many reasons for not trusting common vaccine science.
12 Basic Reasons For Our Decisions & the Research Behind It
1. You really should be concerned about the toxic ingredients in vaccines.
Injecting neurotoxins like aluminum and formaldehyde, aborted fetal cells, multiple antibiotics and various animal serums into the body is going to cause a lot more harm than even a rough week of the measles or chickenpox…. In my cost-benefit analysis, the chances of my child being harmed from vaccines is far greater than the chances of my child being harmed from one of those illnesses. Once you digest this fact, you will understand why there should be less fear about diseases and more about vaccines.
Many moms are coming to this conclusion!
2. Read the latest pilot study of unvaccinated vs. vaccinated children which found significantly higher rates of allergies, chronic diseases, ear infections and learning disabilities in those vaccinated on schedule.
I felt this deserved a whole post, here.
Who do you think will grow up to be healthier?
3. Can someone please explain how we survived the 1980s with vaccination rates well below “herd immunity” thresholds and far fewer vaccines?
Why didn’t everyone die?
Here’s the data from CDC:
4. Vaccines aren’t as effective as we are told.
Actually there is a huge failure rate. That’s why booster shots are given so often. That’s also why highly vaccinated populations show just as high rates of disease.
5. The diseases we vaccinate for are mild and build lifelong immunity. Why risk a forever vaccine injury?
The immune systems of normally healthy children do the work and the diseases leave with no serious, lasting effects. An excellent natural cure is Vitamin C. Frederick Klenner, MD., observed that safe, high doses of vitamin C could quickly dry up chicken pox and cure measles, polio and hepatitis. Vitamin C/Na Ascorbate for Whooping Cough by Suzanne Humphries, MD
Between 2005 and 2014, there have been NO deaths from measles in the U.S. and 108 deaths from the MMR vaccine. There was 1 death in 2015 and NONE since that. (source CDC, pg 5)
Measles was a rite of passage for growing up and it was not deadly until they told us it was and we believed them! I was there and saw the deception.
6. I don’t believe that vaccines played much of a role in eliminating diseases.
History offers little evidence that vaccines are responsible for eradicating disease even when “herd immunity” vaccination levels have been reached. Most of the diseases we vaccinate for today were already on a steep decline before their respective vaccines were widely introduced.
Before you laugh, since this may go against everything you’ve ever been taught, I’d ask you to look into this further with actual CDC statistics (see CDC Fig. 1 graph) where arrow says Passage of Vaccine Assistance Act!
7. Many vaccines were designed using aborted fetal tissue as a growth medium
No, there’s not fetal tissue in vaccines (a common misconception), there are unavoidable traces of fetal cells/foreign human DNA in many of them. I cannot support a medical practice that benefits from abortion, but no matter your views on abortion, you have to admit that there’s a flaw with this practice. NO safety studies have been done on the effects of foreign DNA in the bloodstream.
8. You can vaccinate, but you can’t unvaccinate! Please look at the risks and disorders on each vaccine insert
Adverse events are listed on the vaccine package inserts themselves if we would take the time to read them. Your doctor probably won’t show you these. Adverse events are NOT rare. That’s why the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the USA has paid out almost $4.6 billion in vaccine injury compensation claims. Not the one-in-a-million case as we are lead to believe.
9. Unvaccinated children pose no risk to others (it’s the other way around!)
In an open letter to senators, immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, states unequivocally that unvaccinated children pose no additional threat/risk to vaccinated children.
“It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide. You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement.” ~Dr. Tatyana
10. If You vaccinate, you will be shedding live virus vaccines (includes the measles and chickenpox vaccine) after shots
The Johns-Hopkins patient guide to caring for the immunocompromised once contained information warning patients to stay away from those recently vaccinated. Interestingly, it has been changed, I believe, under pressure from those who reap huge financial benefits from vaccine sales.
Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of disease.10,11,12
Nat’l Acad. of Sciences: Flu Vaccine Recipients Shedding More Flu Virus
Next time you hear someone blame unvaccinated children, please remember who is really spreading these diseases.
11. Healthy human cells can TAKE UP foreign DNA spontaneously. Foreign human DNA will be transported into nuclei and be integrated into host genome. The effects of injecting foreign DNA (from the opposite gender) has effects that are devastating and far reaching. We don’t realize the breadth or depth of them yet, but we’re seeing some of them manifested in the chronically ill sick children in our nation.
12. Those trying to teach about vaccine dangers have only one motivation: to prevent more suffering. We have either witnessed it first hand in our own family or know those who have.
13. We must question what doctors and government tell us before many more children and families are harmed….(possibly yours!)
14. All those years ago, it wasn’t too late for me to change my mind when I saw what it did to our first child, and it’s not too late for you to change your mind, either.
If you decided to vaccinate and now regret it, you can still detox that vaccine. Read Avalyn’s Story. A Short Guide to Recovery.
“Vaccine science is severely lacking. It is the tobacco science of our time. The current vaccine schedule (which has more than tripled since vaccine manufacturers became protected from liability) has never been tested for safety. There hasn’t been a randomized double blind placebo controlled study comparing the outcomes of the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.” ~Unknown
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