![See Cosmetics, Drugs, & Food Additives Mfg. Using Aborted Fetal Cells See Cosmetics, Drugs, & Food Additives Mfg. Using Aborted Fetal Cells. Baby holding dad's finger](https://cdn.deeprootsathome.com/media.deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/19041903/See-Cosmetics-Drugs-Food-Additives-Mfg.-Using-Aborted-Fetal-Cells.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1)
“There are numerous FDA approved moral cell lines and if human cells are desired, they can be obtained from a plethora of non-objectionable sources including umbilical cord, cord blood or other adult stem cells,” according to Debi Vinnedge, of Children of God for Life.
But the organization noted that there are some vaccines, medicines and cosmetics that do use fetal materials derived from aborted babies in testing or directly in the product.
The list, which can be found here, provides details about the products.
![Vaccine E-Book](https://cdn.deeprootsathome.com/media.deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/19042217/Deep-Roots-at-Home-Vaccine-Ebook-Thumbnail.png?strip=all&lossy=1&w=720&ssl=1)
Let’s look at them:
Cosmetics that Contain Fetal Cells
Neocutis Anti-Aging Skin Creams: Contain cells from a 14 week-gestation aborted male baby. Neocutis defended the use of its trademarked ingredient, Processed Skin Cell Proteins, or PSP, arguing that the fetal cell line was harvested in a responsible, ethical manner. Neocutis uses an unexpected ingredient (tropoelastin) in its anti-aging creams: skin-cell proteins from aborted fetus. (Source – Washington Times)
Following is the list of the creams:
- Bio-Gel
- Prevedem
- JourneeBio-Serum
- Lumiere
- Bio Restorative Skin Cream
From 2011 through 2014 alone, 97 research institutions — mostly universities and hospitals — received a total of $280 million in federal grants for fetal tissue research from the National Institutes of Health. A few institutions have consistently gotten large shares of that money, including Yale, the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, which is affiliated with Harvard. (Source)
PBS recently reports on how fetal tissue is vital to vaccine and drug development. (Source PBS)
There are 271 vaccines (and 85 drugs) in the pipeline awaiting approvals that we cannot see the ingredients yet, but you can bet they include fetal lines just like our current ones do. (Source) and (Source- Phrma.org)
![Vaccine E-Book](https://cdn.deeprootsathome.com/media.deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/19042217/Deep-Roots-at-Home-Vaccine-Ebook-Thumbnail.png?strip=all&lossy=1&w=720&ssl=1)
Present Drugs that Contain Fetal Cells
– rhFVIII, rhFVIX, Nuwiq: Hemophilia (Octapharma)
– G-CSF: White blood cell stimulant (Octapharma)
– Pulmozyme: Cystic Fibrosis (Genentech)
– Enbrel: Rheumatoid Arthritis (Amgen)
– Abciximab/Repro (Eli Lilly)
– Aranesp, Procrit Darbepoetin alfa Epogen, Epoetin alfa (Amgen)
Vaccines Do Contain Fetal Cells
I had believed for a long time that vaccines were grown on cell lines, but couldn’t prove they were IN vaccine. Now we know differently.
Take for instance this video (watch to the end!).
Dr. Stanley Plotkin finally acquiesces under oath (at 3:00-4:00) to the fact that aborted fetuses are not only used in the testing and development of vaccines, but are actually in some vaccines as part of the ingredients!
He also admits which parts of fetuses were cut up for use in vaccines!
Dr. Plotkin really struggles in this court deposition, especially near the end. So sad to see such a hardened heart.
Are you Pro-life?
Research the reality that has become vaccine science. (See this PubMed study coolly talking about using fetuses for development of cell lines –> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4526020/)
Many modern day live virus vaccines are grown in cell lines developed from organs of aborted babies and thus is the center for great controversy. This is established fact, clearly labeled by vaccine manufacturers in their inserts and appears on the CDC website. I have attached a chart of the currently used cell lines according to their lab connotations below.
Fetal Cell Lines
Those connotations stand for the following individuals:
WI-38: Developed in 1964, taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female baby. WI = Wistar Institute, 38 = 38th baby. It is the Growth medium for the Rubella virus- RA273.
RA273: Taken from the lung of a 3 month gestation aborted baby. R=Rubella, A=Abortus, 27=27th baby, 3=3rd tissue explant. (Then cultivated on the WI-38 aborted fetal cell line to get the MMR viruses. Stanley Plotkin (whose video under oath is above), vaccine developer, would later reveal that 40 more babies were aborted after RA273 was successfully isolated, with virus strains taken
from 34 of them. A total of over 80 separate abortions were involved in the research and final production.
MRC-5: Developed in 1970 from the lung tissue of a 14 week gestation male baby. Introduced in Great Britain by the Medical Research Council.
HEK-293: Developed in 1973 from aborted baby kidney cells genetically engineered combined with adenovirus. 293 is the number of the experiment.
WALVAX2: Recently developed from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation baby girl. To replace the current MRC-5 and WI-38 which are depleting and will be the new MMR. See the PubMed study. (Source)
To obtain all these, the scientists had to be present at the time of the abortion because, “In order to sustain 96% of the cells, the live tissue would need to be preserved within 5 minutes of the abortion” ~Dr. C. Ward Kischer.
And it’s still happening today. Notice again the last listed: WALVAX2. This is a brand new line in which 9 babies died in the making. (Source)
And it will admittedly continue. Again, PBS recently reports on how fetal tissue is VITAL to vaccine and drug development. (Source PBS)
Why does this matter? For two reasons.
1. People of Faith May Opt to Abstain from such products and why the religious exemption is so important
A considerable portion of America is Pro-Life and may object to such a practice if they were made aware of it. Let’s be aware and spread that awareness. Certainly it’s an understandable reason that people of faith may opt to abstain from such products and why the religious exemption is so important.
Fetal Tissue Research Is Curtailed by Trump Administration
At the Dawn of a New Discovery: The Potential of Breast Milk Stem Cells [PubMed Study]
2. Childhood Cancers and Neurological Disorders can be traced to such genetic interference:
Though it is established scientific fact that loose, living DNA can insert itself into the genome of any host, the introduction of aborted fetal DNA via injections (along with adjuvants designed to stimulate the immune response to the proteins and chemicals with side effects of opening the blood brain barrier) has never been studied by vaccine manufacturers nor the FDA. Many scientists now hypothesize that some childhood cancers and neurological disorders can be traced to such genetic interference. (Source)
![See Cosmetics, Drugs, & Food Additives Mfg. Using Aborted Fetal Cells See Cosmetics, Drugs, & Food Additives Mfg. Using Aborted Fetal Cells](https://cdn.deeprootsathome.com/media.deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/19042624/Capture-cell-lines-22.png?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1)
See the drug lines in the MMR and MMRV (not all are noted so clearly):
![See Cosmetics, Drugs, & Food Additives Mfg. Using Aborted Fetal Cells See Cosmetics, Drugs, & Food Additives Mfg. Using Aborted Fetal Cells. CDC](https://cdn.deeprootsathome.com/media.deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/19041905/37775443_2166653383376004_2417114367628673024_n.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1)
Artificial Flavors
Used aborted fetal cell line HEK-293 to TEST artificial flavors currently used by: (NOT in the product but used to test)
• Firmenich: FreezeStorm products – flavors for mouthwash, toothpaste, etc.
• Ajinomoto: (Spices and seasonings)
• Aji-No-Moto – Umani seasoning (btw, this is poison)
• Techno-A – Savory Seasoning
Nestles Products: All refrigerated coffee creamers, Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles
And you need to know about Senomyx: “Senomyx’s products work by amplifying the intensity of flavors. Because very small amounts of the additive are used (reportedly less than one part per million) Senomyx’s chemical compounds will not appear on labels, but will fall under the broad category of “artificial flavors.” For the same reason, the company’s chemicals have not undergone the FDA’s usual safety approval process for food additives. Senomyx’s MSG-enhancer gained the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status from the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association, an industry-funded organization, in less than 18 months, which included three months of tests on rats.” These additives are made from “HEK293 cells are a cell line widely used in biological and medical research, immortalised through a genetic modification and many, many generations removed from the original human embryonic kidney cells taken from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s. (Source -Wikipedia)
![Vaccine E-Book](https://cdn.deeprootsathome.com/media.deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/19042217/Deep-Roots-at-Home-Vaccine-Ebook-Thumbnail.png?strip=all&lossy=1&w=720&ssl=1)
Where are we at now:
A pro-life group, Children of God for Life, called off its yearlong boycott of Pepsi products Monday after the soft-drink giant provided assurances it would no longer use an aborted fetal-cell line to develop flavor enhancers.
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” ~Mark 8:36
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Thank you for this info…I have done quite a bit of research into the dangers of vaccines and also the benefits of them. I vaccinated my first 3 children, ignorantly, but something always felt “off” about doing it. My husband and I decided not to vaccinate any more and we had 4 more children, whom we never vaccinated. Now my children are grown, the youngest being 17, and are beginning to have their own children and they have their own convictions and I try to mind my own business, but I also have the responsibility to give them the facts…and then let them make their own decisions! That’s not easy! So my question to you is, do you know of any alternatives to immunizations? Because the fact is, vaccines HAVE kept many dangerous diseases from continuing and increasing…but the ingredients are gross and dangerous and not meant to be injected into humans! I have found a little bit of information in my own researching, regarding alternatives to vaccines, but am wondering what you have also. You might find this article interesting (or maybe you already know about this)… https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/nosodes-homeopathic-alternative-to-vaccines/
I really appreciate your website and the information that you get out there into the public. Our children need it! Unfortunately, we are raising them in a world that cares more about making big money and having control over the people, than about keeping our souls, our hearts, our minds, and our bodies healthy, strong, and happy!
I hadn’t read Sarah’s post, Deanna, but think it is a rational and well reasoned approach. Our family has been healed from a number of things with homeopathics alone, but I can’t post about it. We have a wonderful homeopath who has (for lack of a better word, reversed us (through time) from advanced Lyme’s and me from lupus) We are ‘back’ to health and our immune systems are quite strong. I am one who does find (through research and digging ) that communicable diseases were pretty much quashed before intro of vaccines. In this post, I include graphs that are common knowledge: https://deeprootsathome.com/parents-vaccinate/ (even the CDC alludes to it in their graph!!)
Yes, we should build immune systems and not quash them! Blessings, friend!
Thank you! I will definitely read that!
I’m very interested in your journey of being healed from lupus (my mom was diagnosed with lupus last year) and from Lyme’s (my sister-in-law has had it for years).
On a different subject…I have twins, too.. daughters…Aren’t twins SO much fun?!
I’m interested in how you were able to achieve your past Lyme. I have it and some days are unbearable but Icstill have to keep going with no down time.
Stephanie found a naturopath that uses homeopathics. She uses an FDA approved machine that reads pathological frequencies. The pathologies are detoxed with homeopathics. Look into functional medicine and look into Joette Calabresse’s website. You might call her and see if there is someone she can recommend near you! I just prayed for you understanding how debilitating it is. Hugs!
Trea anderson
Thank you emailed you two years ago [email protected] spoke about giving mines on a joke thank you for stop using in the best produce to me Pepsi rock GOD IS LOVE CHILDREN First STOPING WAS GREAT THANK U FOR NOT BEING IGNORANE AS MOTHERS WHO ABORT OPENING THEIR LEGS THEN DONATING A TROPHIE
Hi, Trea! I am sorry but I have reread your comment several times and don’t really understand it. Could you maybe write it more carefully with punctuation. It feels like you are yelling.
Blessings, J
Erica Kennedy
I am appalled to learn that Enbrel is on your list! I injected it weekly some years ago for my arthritis. I gave up the biologics for 4 years, but my arthritis progressed so much that I lost two more joints. Am now on Xeljanz XR and Hydroxyquinoline.
I have begged God’s forgiveness for having fallen into the devil’s trap. I had no idea. I have avoided the other products on your list, and others, because of their involvement with fetal cell lines (baby parts,) for years. Thank you for your devotion to keeping us all aware of these dangers and so many more.
I recently read an article regarding an Alabama hospital listing common drugs which also had fetal tissue used in their development. They listed Tylenol, Tums, ibuprofen, Sudafed, among others. When I tried to find any credibility to that list, I found this article of yours. Have you found any of these common over-the-counter drugs to have been created in this way?
Hi, Tyler,
I have not seen the list you mention, but would be VERY interested to research it and look into the author (hospital?) Please send me the link if you have that and I will will respond with an opinion (but a humble one) as I only have discernment to go on often. There’s so much hidden info now!
Thank you!
Here’s the article:
Also, this article mentions Novavax being a moral alternative to the other mRNA versions. Is this something you’re aware of?
HI, Tyler, a reader sent me this in regards to Novavax and aborted fetal cell lines:
Novavax did use HEK 293 in its testing.
See here: https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/CovidCompareMoralImmoral.pdf
And see here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.06.234674v1.full
May the Lord forgive our nation.
Wow, Tyler, that sickens me because this round of “Vs” is a kill shot, not a safe shot! 🙁