Apricot pits (seed kernels that look a lot like almonds) contain life-giving phytonutrients.
But they also contain life-saving poison!
One Woman’s Story using Apricot Pits (B17) for Breast Cancer
(Shared with permission from my friend Tabitha Alloway, a wise researcher).
A few years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had no desire to go through surgery, chemo, or radiation, and while in the hospital discussing options with the surgeon, he suddenly lowered his voice, learned forward, and told her, “There are other options. Get online. Research. Then if you decide you want surgery, you can come back and see me.”
Mom began taking B17 in the form of apricot seeds. Six weeks later, her one-inch lump had disappeared.
That was 6 years ago.
A while back, I had my own scare with cancer. The doctors were concerned, but thankfully the lump turned out to be benign.
Before they biopsied it though, I began taking the B17 —just in case.
The Science of B17 in Apricot Seeds
Let me explain the science of B17, because most doctors will try to scare you away from it.
B17 is found in several different foods, but it is in its highest concentrated form in bitter apricot seeds.
If you look up anything on apricot seeds you will find articles telling you these seeds possess a deadly poison–cyanide. This is only part of the truth.
Actually there are TWO deadly poisons in apricot seeds: cyanide, and benzaldehyde. Both poisons are deadly, but when put together they are 100 times more deadly than either in isolation!
Doctors will warn you to never, never touch the stuff.
But here’s what they don’t tell you…
Every molecule of B17 contains the following:
– one unit of hydrogen cyanide
– one unit of benzaldehyde
— two units of glucose (sugar)
These units are tightly bound together, and until they are “unlocked” can do no damage.
There is only one “key” that fits the lock: the enzyme beta-glucosidase. Beta-glucosidase is found all over the body in very tiny quantities, but there’s a lot of it at one place, and one place only: the site of cancer cells.
This means that the poison can be “unlocked” and released on the cancer. The cancerous cells are attracted to it because they want to feed on the sugar.
Boom —dead cancer cells.
The cyanide serves an additional purpose, as well. In the presence of certain inhibitors in the blood, the enzyme trypsin can become inactivated. This is bad, because trypsin can help eat away the protective coating around cancer cells.
Surprisingly, hydrogen cyanide acts as a coenzyme to trypsin, reactivating it! It is then able to digest the protective coating around the mutated cells, making them vulnerable to destruction.
But how does the cyanide affect the body’s healthy cells? Is it dangerous to them? (See the caveat of eating sugar below).
Well here’s where rhodanese comes in. Rhodanese is another enzyme produced by the body–present in far larger quantities than beta-glucosidase in healthy tissue. This amazing enzyme has the ability to break down cyanide and benzaldehyde into a thiocyanate (harmless), and salicylate (basically a painkiller). Guess which cells contain no rhodanese whatsoever?
Yep. The cancer cells are the only ones with no protection from the powerful poison they unleash on themselves.
Selective toxicity. That is the way B17 works.
Laetrile is the metabolite form of the glycosides taken from fruit seeds for clinical use. Hundreds of clinical studies have been conducted around the world, proving its efficacy. You will not hear about these from the medical establishment.
The most famous tests ever done on laetrile were carried out at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The man who headed the research project, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, firmly believed in its efficacy. But after 5 years of research, the team released a press statement saying it did not work. Nothing to see here. Go home.
But when a journalist asked Dr. Sugiura if he stuck with his belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer, his reply was “I stick.” When asked why Sloan Kettering didn’t want to use the treatment, he said, “I don’t know. Maybe the medical profession doesn’t like it because they are making too much money.”
As it turns out, another scientist at Sloan-Kettering (Dr. Lloyd-Schloen) ran more tests which demonstrated laetrile’s efficacy. In fact, when he combined laetrile with proteolytic enzymes, 100% of the mice he tested it on were cured of cancer!
Sloan-Kettering hated this.
So they ran MORE tests, purposely designed to contradict the biochemist’s findings. They changed protocols and amounts so that the tests would (predictably) fail. They then reported that laetrile simply doesn’t work.
So there you have the story and the science.
My mom and I were eating 30 cyanide-laden seeds per day for months without a single side effect–other than that her tumor disappeared in 6 weeks.
We also took the pill form of it, which we bought from the company Novodalin. And this company has put 2 1/2 bitter apricot seeds per capsule, so you can gradually increase your intake as Tabitha and her mom did.
There are scary internet stories about people becoming ill from eating apricot seeds, stories prominently circulated by the government and medical establishment. If these are true, they also seem to be an anomaly–and perhaps not all the facts of the case are given. You will hear many, many more success stories of people who used it to treat their cancer without chemo or radiation if you dig a little deeper.
YouTube has banned this video ‘The Story of VITAMIN B17′ by G. Edward Griffin (1974)’. They are trying to discourage us from learning more about apricot seeds.
BUT here is the same video archived at Rumble.com that cannot be taken down. If you are seriously searching for help, this is extremely fascinating from about 2:30:
My mom started with 3 apricot seeds a day and quickly increased till she was eating 30.
Ty Bollinger (in his book) suggests a preventative of 3 pits a day OR 50 milligrams/day to prevent cancer (or half of a 100-milligram tablet).
There are so many, many cancer treatment alternatives. I may share more here as I have the time. One of the best sources for info is The Truth About Cancer (the videos). A lot of the information I shared comes from Ty Bollinger’s book of the same name.
“One needs to be on a good organic diet while avoiding all processed foods when treating cancer. Sugar is an absolute no-no for any cancer treatment. It just feeds the cancer cells. Sugar can allow cancer cells to thrive while ignoring amygdalin’s poisons, leaving too many healthy cells with the burden of avoiding any incidental cyanide breakdowns from abundant amygdalin.
“This burden and extreme apricot kernel consumption could leak some cyanide into healthy cells. But the warning signs are early and clear. Any nausea, dizziness, or headaches indicate it`s time to slow down the amygdalin dosage, or cut the sugar.” (source)
Turmeric’s Direct Effect on Breast Cancer
Laetrile: The Suppressed Cure for Cancer
FB will censor (fact-check) this image, but the facts don’t lie! Read Jason Vale’s story!
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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This is amazing! Thanks for sharing. Christ Beat Cancer is a great resource for healing from cancer naturally (you can find him online). For the best nutrition info, I highly recommend the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Another excellent resource for cancer research is Dr. Hulda Clark’s website. A friend of mine is in remission from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after beginning some of her protocols, mainly the herbal parasite cleanse and using Dr. Clark’s zapper. drclark.net
Thanks again for all your work to help people!
Whoops – it’s CHRIS Beat Cancer, not Christ. Sorry about that!
Katie! Hahaha That gave me a good laugh! Thanks for the fun, friend! And Yes, Christ can and does beat cancer as He is sovereign!! 😀
You’re welcome! I gave myself a good laugh, too. =) And I’m glad Christ beats cancer, too.
I’m so very happy to read this article here! We have taken B17 for ages as someone told us about it. So glad the news is being passed along as we have done for years.
Hi, Diana! I think it is one of the best cancer preventatives! So glad you are doing it, too!!
Btw, how are you doing? You came across my mind the other day!
Blessings and Merry Christmas! ~J
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog while searching for Non-GMO seeds as I wanted to purchase good sunflower seeds (not owned by Monsanto) to grow my own micro-greens. I can’t thank you enough for the wealth of information you provide on your blog. I do have a question with regard to the B17 pills you take. Do you take them daily? How many do you take and for how long have you taken them? My husband has recently experienced (2) occurrences of mouth cancer and I wish to put him on this as to avoid any further recurrence.
Many blessings & Thank you! 🙂
Kristie, I did not write this post my self…Tabitha Alloway is the author and all the information is in the post. I will ask her and then email you with anything else she can add. Blessings, ~J
Hi, Kristie! I am so happy you find the blog helpful and insightful!
I did communicate with the author of this post and in answer to your question, see wrote back,
“If you have cancer, you can get the bottles with either 100 or 500 milligram tablets. I used the 500 milligram tablets and if I remember right, took one/day when I thought I may have cancer (along with eating 30 seeds). Ty Bollinger suggests a maintenance dose of 50 milligrams/day to prevent cancer (or half of a 100-milligram tablet).”
I hope that helps! ~J
Also, have you heard of TRS? If you have cancer, it would be an important part of your toolbox. It is what has gotten us fully past our advanced Lyme, prions, and what we have chosen to do as a maintenance anti-aging, preventative detox. This will give you more idea what TRS is: https://deeprootsathome.com/avalyns-story-how-trs-a-safe-heavy-metal-detox-can-help-you-and-your-child/
Just curious if I can give the seeds to my children for preventative purposes. They are 3.5 years old and with child cancers on the rise I would rather be safe than sorry. The problem I see with small children is not knowing the signs or symptoms that an adult can identify. Any information would be great. Thanks
Nick, I would not on a daily basis. It would/might be fine 1 kernel a week, chewed, but you are correct.
There is no way to know how they are feeling or doing internally because they can’t articulate with the needed reason, etc.
That’s a great website thetruthaboutcancer! They offer 9 videos for free, one at a time. Very fascinating!
Hey, you emailed me a few months ago and I can’t find your email address now. Would you care to email me again? I am the woman who posted who had ovarian cancer. You sent me a lot of information. I am now in remission. I had a recent test done where they found no detectable ctDNA!!! Hopefully I’ll stay there for a LONG time! I attribute it to God first, integrative treatment second, and people like you, sharing knowledge! Thanks so much.
I am wary of ordering from Amazon (plus, I don’t trust them), but had some questions for you if you wouldn’t mind answering them through email.
I also wanted to tell you I have started a blog and am writing some about covid and cancer. There is a LOT of research on both the virus AND the vaccine and how it relates to cancer. Anyway, if you are interested in reading it and seeing some of the research I quoted so you can write about it for your readers, too, it’s http://www.tenfiftytwoblog.com I just want the word to get out there and I know you will have a good take on it.
Thanks for everything you do. ❤
Wow!!! This is great. Thanks for passing this info along. So do I understand correctly that you just chew the apricot seeds and swallow them?
I have a question regarding the statement that sugar is an absolute no no for any cancer treatment. when you say that are you referring to refined sugar and refined grains only or are you suggesting that all fruit and all grains should be removed from the diet to reduce the amount of sugar a cancer patient is taking in?
Hi, Connie,
In my opinion, there is an indirect link between cancer risk and sugar in the beginning, but once cancer has become established in the body, sugar becomes a direct factor. In this post, you will see how sugar influences the body generally. I doesn’t support the immune system needed to fight cancer: https://deeprootsathome.com/reasons-cut-sugar/
And this is the source for that statement in “quotes” that sugar is a no-no: https://www.naturalnews.com/031336_laetrile_cancer_cells.html
I fall into the club that tells cancer patients to cut out all fruit and all grains from the diet to reduce the amount of sugar a cancer patient is taking in. Sugar feeds cancer angiogenesis (blood supply) which supports the cancer’s growth.
Complex carbs like veggies contain enough “complex” sugars to support the body’s need for basic glucose.
I hope that helps,