It’s been over 20 years ago, but I distinctly remember how stressed we were over all three of our colicky babies.
How helpless I felt with our twins both being colicky babies at once. Was it me, I wondered? Was I a bad or clueless mother?
I wanted to make their discomfort go away, but nothing I tried worked! I changed everything I was eating, even going to a soy formula for a time until I figured out that wasn’t good. I was as miserable as they were, I think.
Normally, I had some help from my husband in the evenings, but numerous times during the day, I felt I had to put one or both down and walk run out of the room for 5 minutes to collect my wits and my emotions!
Wish I’d Known
What I would have given to have known about some of the tried and true old-fashioned herbal remedies (below) for my colicky babies back in my young Mommie days.
I didn’t even know about old-fashioned Gripe Water because, as an RN, I was so into allopathic system of medicine and using medicine or drugs. This one is the only one I would consider using because all the others have “natural flavor.” Natural flavors are excitotoxins.
It is estimated that 40% of all infants have colic. I learned as a nurse that it could last until the 4th month. Our babies’ colic lasted until the 6th month!
If your baby seems to be unusually fussy or seems in pain, run through a common-sense mental checklist to see if:
- she has a dirty diaper
- is hungry
- is too hot or too cold
- or simply in need of sleep
Once you’ve ruled out those things, go outside if at all possible and enjoy the wind, birds, colors, and sun flickering through the leaves of the trees. Walk briskly. It is good for both of you to have a bit of fresh air. If that is not possible, you can always try the white noise from a fan or sit holding your babe on a big, bouncy workout ball!
Sticking in there with your baby during these difficult times builds trust and deepens the bonds between you two.
There are many suggestions out there when it comes to relieving colicky babies: giving a massage, swaddling, and bicycling the legs (my favorite way with bottom higher than the tummy), to name a few.
Make your own “Gripe Water” – Wonderful Help For Tired Parents:
Mothers have been using a tea of Fennel and Catnip for generations to stop colic in babies and to help with sleep! It does not ‘always work’ but will in many cases.
The two herbs together can bring comprehensive relief.
Fennel Seed:
Fennel Seed tea is a safe, mild, and natural herbal remedy. I know many who have used it with success, but each baby is different.
Fennel is known to relax the intestinal tract and relieve gas. It is also acts as a mild laxative. These benefits make it a wonderful choice for babies that are generally fussy or gassy.
Making fennel tea is quite simple; just add 1 teaspoon of fennel seed to 8 ounces of boiling water. Cover and steep for 15-30 minutes. Strain. You can also crush the seeds to lessen the steeping time by 10 minutes or so. Make sure your seed is organic and not from a sprayed source.
There are many medicinal benefits of Fennel, but it also wonderful in multi-grain bread and delicious in homemade summer sausage.
The second herb that works in conjunction with Fennel Seed is Catnip (not just for cats!).
Catnip Herb:
Owing to its gentle nature, Catnip Herb is highly prized in the treatment of infants and children’s ailments. Catnip helps them to sleep better, settles the stomach, and is calming and soothing to the nerves.
Parents may want to drink some, too, during a colicky time.
It is also very helpful for adults with insomnia or whose mind races at night; I’ve used catnip tea right before bed to promote a peaceful sleep after a stressful day. Catnip tea can help soothe menstrual cramps and help with premenstrual tension (PMS).
While herbal remedies are not regulated by the FDA, is is always recommended that you check with your baby’s pediatrician before using any herbal remedies to help your baby’s condition.
Directions: Catnip-Fennel Tea For Colicky Babies
Prepare this brew by pouring one cup of boiling water over: 2 teaspoons dried Catnip Herb and 1 teaspoon Fennel Seeds.
Let it steep for 15 – 20 minutes. Strain thoroughly.
How Much?
For Mother: Drinking this brew 20-30 minutes before nursing passes the benefits on to the baby (an added benefit is that fennel also promotes lactation).
For Baby: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon may be added to a bottle of breastmilk, formula, or water.
Other organic herbs that many of our grandmothers used safely to calm babies include:
- Ginger
- Cardamom
- Chamomile
- Dill
- Peppermint
- Lemon Balm
- Anise
Buy equal amounts of each organic herb at Whole Foods and mix for a bulk blend:
• I keep a dry batch at the ready in a sealed tub at all times to make into a tea.
• Steep a tsp. or 2 in boiling water for 5 minutes and strain off herbs.
• You can drink it yourself and it goes into your milk or give it directly to baby/child.
• It’s very effective and the chamomile helps them fall asleep.
Some Thoughts From An Older Mother
One other tip for colicky babies:
Burping your baby right after nursing helps reduce the chance of trapped air bubbles which can cause gassiness.
Besides, there is something settling and calming to taking that time with your little one, making for a calmer baby. Be sure your little one has burped before moving on to something else.
And finally, please understand that YOU are NOT causing it; your infant having colic doesn’t make you a bad mother. Please cut yourself some slack! Call your mom or an understanding friend; actively seek a support network for a little time away or a nap for yourself.
Cheer up, dear Mama, this too shall pass!
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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colicky baby please help
I am really hoping somebody can give me some advice right here. I’m a brand new mom, and my little girl just will not quit crying. She probably spends 4 hours per day crying her heart out, and I don’t know what I can do to help. I’ve tried warm towels, massage, and taking her for rides in the car, but nothing seems to help. My pediatrician says nothing is wrong, and it can pass, but I am worried, tired, and at my wits end. Has any one actually tried Ginger? I know you aren’t supposed to use it on newborns, (my girl is eight weeks), but I don’t know what else to do. Please Help.
Majamay, I would do all the things in this post first and then research ginger. I am not afraid of it as a tea in small amounts diluted in water.
Grace Archer
I had the same problem when my son was a young I took him to the hospital and they found out he had tape worms
Oh, dear! That is terrible, Grace! Colic is not unusual for bbies, but tapeworms would be considered rare in a young baby.
Becca heus
Tapeworms?! How would a baby get this?
Becca, it has been known to happen, but like I said, it is rare. Likely from contamination from someone with eggs on their hands (from not washing their hands after using the Bathroom). Yuck!
Try catnip tea sweety
misty c.
I am currently living the nightmare of watching my beautiful baby cry out for hours in what sounds like horrible pain. I look forward to trying the catnip tea!! Any amount of relief I can give my baby will be a blessing! Can you tell me where I could find catnip tea?? I’ve never even heard of it so I have no idea where to begin my search.. Thank you very much!!
I am so sorry…I remember all too well! It is so hard, but hang in there…it WILL stop soon. I would get organic for just a little bit more. You can get it several places… (Bulk Herb Store)
or Amazon:
or Mountain Rose Herbs:
I think the links are in the post, but if for some reason not working I put them here to save you time. You also may look at your local health food store, but I’d call first to save yourself a trip if not. That was one of the hardest things I ever did and (shameful to admit), but I wanted to throw our dear son once time,,,I just put him on the floor and RAN out of there! It sacred me totally! Anyway, God will see you through. Call out to Jesus and He will calm you if you ask for help and for wisdom!
I am praying for you, dear Mama.
God bless you for mentioning to pray to Jesus and for the wonderful advise you give to everyone! May tthe Lord continue to use and reward you for sharing. Blessings
Thank you, Bridget,
It is my only real source of help all these years of mothering…pray and trust has made the difference in our lives is such tangible ways. he is always faithful to His children! May He bless and pour His grace and mercy on you today, dear Mama!
Also, Misty,
Do try some of the other things I mentioned, especially bicycling the legs 🙂 If it is gas, it will relieve so much of the pain.
Sister J.,
Your blog is beautiful and inspiring! I love visiting! I, too, wish I had known about the catnip/fennel. I’ve since learned much about oils/herbs to help with grandchildren. I hope the advice blesses the new mothers who have commented needing help.
One thing I recall and still utilize to this day is the advice my southern grandmother gave me when I was younger and complained of a bad stomach ache. She told me to “go lay on my stomach”. I did just that then and now and the pain/gas miraculously do get relieved. I didn’t really understand colic so long ago. I would’ve utilized my grandmother’s advice and laid my babies on their tummies while patting them soothingly. It really does help!
God bless all who visit here to find just what you need when you need it. Thank you for such a wonderful place to visit online. Keep up the good work. Will pray for you too!
Wow, thank you, Glenda. How kind to add your wisdom and insight here for others. And thank you for those prayer…we all need them so much.
I also wish I had this information for my firstborn. He was so colicky. My dear Mom told me to keep a journal of what I ate. It did help. But in a panic one Saturday, I phoned my doctor. Unfortunately, he had a replacement that day. This new doctor prescribed a drug called Ancatropine. I was to give him several drops. But with the first drop, it took his breath away. So I tried one drop, and it took mine away as well! I never gave him more, but that one drop seemed to have the adverse reaction of constipating him. The wee sweet babe was then given a barium enema!
Fast forward to the birth of his daughter. She was also colicky. After church one day, the family chiropractor who also attended the same church asked my DIL how the little baby was doing. When she described the colic, he asked if she would mind if he adjusted her. With her agreement, the baby was adjusted. Immediately she threw up what appeared to be mucus she had swallowed in the birth canal. Our grandbaby threw up again once they were home, and from then on, she had no more issues with colic!
Laura, that is an amazing story! I read it twice to get the full importance of it! I wish all babies could be adjusted right after birth, and mamas too!
The gripe water really does help calm and satisfy, and that is why it is an old-time favorite for wee babes!
I love what chiropractic can do to alleviate so many issues! I’m sorry your son had to go through all that.. but I know you learned a lot from the experience. Praise God he helps us in our time of need!
Blessings and Merry Christmas, Laura!
Nicole H
I use a tea from amazon called baby magic. It has chamomile, fennel, and cumin. It seems to help, but now I wish it had catnip in it, too!!
Nicole H., you could obtain organic catmint and add some leaves to your tea brew while steeping to get the same effect, I think!
Glad that is is going in the right direction!
What are some natural teething remedies? Family keeps suggesting medicine (Tylenol, Motrin, etc.. ugh) and I’m not Interested in the slightest. My 3 1/2 month old is going through what I believe is teething and poor baby will only relax a little if he’s pressed up on momma ♥️ He isn’t crying a ton just super fussy and top gums are a little swollen and he has lots of saliva. Please help & share some natural remedies for this stage
Hi, Laura! We always use homeopathics for teething with our grandbabies!:
They work and you don’t want to overdo… just follow directions.
These are also wonderful:
Either of them should help a lot!
Love to you, Mama