Pepper Juice is a quick and easy way to up your body’s resistance to colds and flu in times of stress or exposure. This will certainly strengthen your immune system!
You know you must be a little bit of a mad scientist when you enjoy making concoctions, especially hot ones like this! This is known as Super Tonic, from the book Be Your Own Doctor.
Note: taken properly in juice or water, it isn’t ‘hot’ or distasteful at all.
Pepper Juice Recipe
Approximately equal parts of each ingredient washed and chopped:
Hot peppers (the hotter the better); I used habaneros
Plus, I added organic red and a few yellow beets because I had them on hand from the garden and because beets are an excellent blood and liver cleanser.
1.) You may want to wear gloves when cutting the hot peppers. Keep out of eyes.
2.) Fill a jar 2/3rds full with the cut up ingredients. We used a quart canning jar with a tight sealing lid to allow for shaking the jar periodically.
3.) Top up the jar with raw apple cider vinegar or 80 proof vodka, covering the pepper juice ingredients completely.
There are Three Main Reasons to use alcohol over ACV when making tinctures. If you’re concerned about the alcohol, you can place the tincture in a cup, pour boiling water into the cup, and the alcohol will evaporate within seconds. OR, you can add your dose (20-30 drops) to a cup of water and let the alcohol evaporate for a few minutes.
As I stated in my Elderberry tincture post, the amount of alcohol in the average dose of tincture is equal to the alcohol in a ripe banana.
4.) Seal and date your jar and let it sit in a dark cabinet at room temperature for at least 3 weeks. The longer it sits, up to 6 weeks, the more nutrients the vodka will pull out. Shake the jar every or every other day.
5.) Lastly, strain out the vegetables and pour the resulting pepper juice tincture into a tincture bottle. Label it and keep it in a dark cupboard.
Because it is preserved in alcohol, it will not ‘go bad’ and will have a shelf life of many years. Most tinctures are still wonderfully effective 15 – 20 years later.
How to Take Pepper Juice:
Pepper juice isn’t going to taste hot (no spicy heat) at all if you dilute into water or juice.
• Preventatively, take a dropper full of pepper juice every couple days in an inch of water to give your body the benefits while well.
• When there’s a bug going-around, increase it to every day or twice a day.
• Then at the slightest sign of a cold, cough, or sniffle bump it up to 3-4 times a day.
Older children~
• Squirt a full dropper (measures out to 1/4th teaspoon) of pepper juice into an inch of water in their cup and swallow it.
The smaller and younger their age, the less they need
• Make sure it is in some water so it is dilute enough for them.
• It can’t harm them or make them feel sick (unless you place that idea into their mind).
• Example, a four year-old would only get a 1/3 of a dropper.
• Likewise, a baby should only get 4-5 drops.
• They will likely take their cues from you, so don’t make it a big deal.
Here’s freshly made’ Pepper Juice (on the right), beginning to steep on the counter with my 4 beet kvass jugs.
Benefits of Pepper Juice:
- Vitamin C, B6, selenium, manganese
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-fungal
- anti-bacterial
- anti-viral
- anti-aging
- improves immune function
- thins blood (to control blood pressure)
- increases anti-oxidants/fights free radicals in blood
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-bacterial
- prevents constipation
- increases blood circulation
- rich in chromium, Vitamin C
Hot Peppers~
• analgesic -an excellent pain killer and stimulates production of endorphins
• studies show it to relieve headaches and sinus inflammation
• increases circulatory blood flow to the extremities and to the stomach
• increases the body’s metabolism and oxygen consumption – this means your body is burning extra calories, which helps weight loss.
• increases production of acidic digestive juices
• lowers blood pressure
• reduces local inflammation when applied topically, helps arthritis pain
A little cayenne powder has been sprinkled inside boots of scientists researching in the Antarctic to help them bear the extreme cold – it really does keep feet warm. An internal dose (1/4 t. cayenne pepper in water) will bring warmth and circulation to feet and hands.
Dr. Ziment, a pulmonary specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles, states that hot peppers are beneficial for the common cold, acting as an expectorant: “You’d be better off with hot salsa than menthol cough drops. Menthol cough drops not only dry out your throat, but paralyze the cilia – the tiny hair-like projections all along the airways.”
The Greeks and the Romans prized ginger. In medieval Britain, a pound of ginger was equal to the value to a sheep -only the wealthy could afford these.
Ginger is commonly used to treat various types of stomach problems, including motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, nausea caused by cancer treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery, as well as loss of appetite.
Other uses include pain relief from arthritis or muscle soreness, menstrual pain, upper respiratory tract infections, cough, and bronchitis. Ginger is also sometimes used for chest pain, low back pain, and stomach pain.
Another study was done by Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City showing ginger more effective at relieving motion sickness than Dramamine.
• aids in weight reduction
• expectorant – promotes expulsion of phlegm and mucous
• anti-cancer agent
• increases circulation systemically
• stimulates blood flow locally- relieves joint and muscle pain for rheumatic and arthritic conditions
• anti-inflammatory – similar to aspirin but without the side effect
• enables drainage of sinus pressure and helps clear infection
• counter irritant -interferes with the transmission of pain messages from peripheral nerves to the brain
• increases perspiration (good for detoxing)
• diuretic -increases production and elimination of urine (helps treat edema and kidney stones)
• anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal -helps the body resist or destroy pathogenic micro-organisms
• increases appetite and stimulates digestion
• supports the liver as it detoxifies
Other tinctures I’ve written on besides Pepper Juice:
• It’s Elderberry Time ~ Making Cough Syrup and Tincture
• Tincture Making Directions: From Vanilla Extract To Medicinal Tinctures
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” ~3 John 1:2
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Stuck in AZ
Just to let you know when I make this I use organic apple cider vinegar and not alcohol it works great….
Thank you!! I may do that next time! You are the second that mentioned Org. cider vinegar!
Alvino Cooper
Hi, love everything you do and the awareness you have raised in our household. I have a question, do you know of any tinctures or essential oils that would help my wife with her acute and severe sinus drainage. A thousand thanks in advance.
Hi, Alvino,
I am not a doctor, but you’ll need a multi-pronged approach unless it is a very new problem for her. Sinuses are so warm, dark and moist that once SI gets rooted, it is hard to knock and sinus surgery almost never is the answer, just expensive and even more hard on the immune system. Usually fungal/mold/ or candida based (symbiotically)…
I’d start with Thieves, 4-5 drops in water twice a day for the acute times. Consider using a nettie pot with a saline rinse as in this post: under category Upper Respiratory/Chest/Sinus/Allergies
Make sure there is no mold in your environment!
Cut out processed sugar and go to stevia (I use Trader Joes) in small amounts. Sugar, even fruit sugar feeds candida and fungal based anything.
Also Citricidal very much helps kill off candida which is likely the root of her sinus infection. 2 caps 3 times a day is what we have done for 4-6 months to get it under control or totally knock it out..
I am praying for her and for your wisdom as I know how hard it is for a mama. Hope this helps and so thankful we have a Great Physician.
I have made this recipe 3 times with vodka exactly how it says.
The first time, it tasted like rotten food, so there must have been some mold or other contaminants in the ingredients.
On future batches I took extra care to wash well and soaked all ingredients in vinegar for 10 minutes before chopping. That worked well.
But with each batch, after a couple of months, the flavor went from being very spicey and good, to just tasting like onion water. No spicey flavor at all, it just tastes bad and rather dull. .I have stored the tincture in amber bottles as much as possible and kept out of light.
I am not sure what I could be doing different to make this last longer. Do I need to refrigerate it after it is strained off?
Hi, Jennifer,
Well…I still have about half of mine (in vodka) left and I wrote this 2013. I just smelled and tasted it and it is spicy and ‘good’ – tastes and smells normal. No, I keep it in a cabinet unrefrigerated.
I’m not sure how to advise. Let me know if it turns out for you, friend!
Keith Scott
Happy Halloween 2020!! Last year, I made 2 batches, 1 w/ ACV and the other w/ 80 proof Vodka.. then, last Spring, the ‘pandemic’ hit.. (we suspect it ran through our area back in Nov.-Feb., before all the lockdowns started, that completely ruined the plans for 4/20 worldwide..) but it hasn’t bothered us at all,. we go to the local bar, don’t mask, don’t social distance, don’t feel the need to.. just dosing as a preventitive before and afterwards (I mix it w/ V-8 juice in shot glass).. I’ve given several friends bottles of my mix when they’ve tested positive (though they weren’t actually ‘sick-sick’), and everything cleared up within a few days.. I swear by this recipe, it keeps us well, and we are not terrorized by the fear that the Big Media (and their Big-Pharma sponsors) are trying to sell us.. DON’T FEAR THE VIRUS, FEAR THE ONES SELLING YOU THE CURE!!!
Yay!! Amen, Keith! What a great testimony to the power of natural food and keeping our immune systems strong!
Cheers to you and yours! Thanks so much for sharing your story and the truth of all this SCAMDEMIC!
Bless you!
Thank you for sharing this!!
The more people who become knowledgeable in ways to create wellness outside the paradigm or pharmaceutical heavy western medicine protocols the better.
In herbal circles and the world of plant medicine healing this is known as Fire Cider or Master Tonic.
We have relied on this potent herbal concoction for many years as both as an immune system booster and to knock out pretty much anything viral. I’ve never made it with alcohol, only ACV with amazing results.Good additions are turmeric root and rosemary both having anti inflammatory properties.
This along with elderberry syrup keep us well and good.
I never thought of this as fire cider, because it doesn’t have that many ingredients, but you are right!
Thanks for pointing that out! ~Jacque
Can alcohol be substituted with something else for all tincture?
Thanks for answering
Hi, J,
You will get a resulting weaker tincture with a very short shelf life, but yes, ACV (apple cider vinegar) is used and so is glycerin sometimes.
It’s fine to take this and elderberry at the same time….yes?
Hi, Sara, Yes, Ma’am! It is very good!
Sara Eosefow
Yay, just made two batches!! Thank you Jacqueline for all you do…
Glad to be your sis in Christ