A recent study shows that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins can cause the harm of COVID-19 all by themselves! We’ve also known for a long time that the spike protein is the business end of these viruses; it is what gives the virus its ability to target, latch onto, and enter the cells that it infects.
That study also confirms that COVID-19 is primarily a vascular disease that damages blood vessel walls. (source)
The Salk Institute agrees.
Who’s affected by the spike protein?
We are all affected. 1. Clearly, Page 45 from this PDF by Johns Hopkins University (2018) reveals that self-spreading vaccines can be used to SPREAD the VACCINE “without requiring each individual to be inoculated.”
And 2. Pfizer openly admits their experimental mRNA jab TRANSMITS “when a person receives UNPLANNED direct contact”. [Click To View Full PDF: See Occupational Exposure (Page 69)].
Inhalation and skin contact are both mentioned.
Sterility by second hand transmission has always been known by Pfizer, and may in fact be the goal. This technology is immorally vaccinating the unknowing unvaccinated populations that make “unplanned contact” with the injected population. Just read some of the bulletpoints on pg. 67 and 68 in the PDF under the section: Exposure During Pregnancy!
Very disturbing!!!
Why should we be concerned?
By these “vaccines” generating billions of spike proteins in the recipient, we are essentially recreating the symptoms of Covid-19 with potential to have lung and heart damage, strokes, blood clotting issues, male and female reproductive harm, brain and neurological damage. (source)
Dr. Ryan N. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. 5 minutes.
What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves?
Use as much broad-spectrum protection as you feel is necessary from the list below.
List of Supplements Believed to Lessen or Prevent Continued Damage from the Spike Protein:
(not in any specific order):
1. Vital basics: Immune-Priming Vit C w/K, Vit D3, Vit A, and zinc (See this post for product recommendations and dosages for adults and kids).
• Vitamin D w/ Vit K – Coordinates Immune Response, Stimulates Antimicrobial Peptides, Cytokines and Immune Cell Proliferation.
• Vitamin C – Antioxidant. Protects Healthy Cells Including Activated Immune Cells. Antiviral. Increases Systemic Interferon Response And Serum Antibody Levels.
• Vitamin A – Coordinates Cellular Immune Response, Promotes Immune Cell Proliferation, Enhances Mucosal Integrity.
• Zinc – Essential For Binding Capacity And Optimizing Lethality Of Immune Cells. Promotes Antiviral Enzyme Blocking Viral Replication.
2. To effectively lower oxidative stress:
• Magnesium (500mg/d)
• NAC (1200-1800 mg/day) (this product has no additives)
• You can also nebulize with Glutathione or add 2-12 mg Melatonin to your supplements as per these directions.
A. For Vaccine injury: To remove metals and toxins now known to be in the shots and boosters.
B. To PROTECT from transmission: work up to as many as 10 sprays/day when you are WITH the Covid vacc’d, and go back down several days afterwards to a maintenance dose (1-5 /day) when NOT with them.
C. TRS has an action against the cancers generated by the jabs. This study discusses how “TRS has the rare ability to take in a tremendous amount of positively-charged toxins, indirectly neutralizing their effect in causing cancer…and when the zeolite moves inside the cancer cell, the cell’s [tumor suppressing] P21 gene is activated. P21 appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals.”
D. You can also DETOX after a mandatory vaccine: Work up to 3 or more sprays (in the mouth)/d before the shot. On the DAY OF the shot, take 10 sprays right before and 10 again that night. Continue 8-10 twice/day for 3 weeks minimum before dropping down to 5-6 twice a day. Maintain that level for 2-3 months to continue mopping up metals and toxins until you feel led to wean off or stay at maintenance. You’ll need 6-9 bottles for this.
TRS’s purpose is to bind foreign metals and toxins and carry them out of the body without redistribution.
TRS targets suspected metals and toxins IN the covid-19 experimental “vaccine” but not showing in the ingredient list. One side effect post-vac is a strong metallic taste in the mouth indicating metals. There is also confirmed electron microscopy of graphene oxide, aluminum, and other toxins IN the “Vaccines”.
Science reveals the experimental “vaccine” may lead to “prions” which cause rapid dementia. TRS removes metals that prions need to replicate in the brain.
We personally used TRS to overcome prion disease (our story).
Studies show TRS removes ~80,000 known synthetic and environmental toxins and metals.
TRS cannot undo the alterations to
TRS does not heal or cure anything; it clears the body of toxins/metals so the body can heal and rebalance itself as it was designed to do.
4. Quercetin (800mg) w/ Bromelain(165mg) in 2/day. Found to have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. Bromelain also targets spike protein.
5. Bio-Fibrin (including nattokinase): 5 proteolytic enzymes capable of breaking down circulating spike proteins and clots proven to be injurious to cardiovascular system. Take 1-2/day on an empty stomach after the “Vaccine” or exposure. Contains Serrapeptase and Nattokinase which also possess significant anti-inflammatory and clot dissolving properties.
6. Studies show natural foods as “tea” are protective:
• Pine needle tea = shikimic acid. Possible sources: here, here, here, here, here. Drink tea, 2 cups/day. (Not safe in pregnancy) Best sources are local – to ID trees, go here. Pine tea will contain shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants, and DNA-protective properties. Anyone can make this antidote as tea.
• Fennel seed, pine needle, star anise = shikimic acid. Good source here.
• Dandelion tea. Drink tea, 2 cups/day. Safe for use in pregnancy, may prevent miscarriage. Common dandelion blocks interaction between ACE2 and spike protein and variants. Anyone can make this antidote as tea.
• Hawthorn tincture for weak, damaged hearts, and those with hypertension, angina, arrhythmia, heart valve disease, or Raynaud’s disease (arterial spasms).
• Black seed and black seed oil
There’s a more extensive list here. These specific whole foods are key.
7. Ivermectin is also a must for acute Covid early treatment, for long-COVID, and to lower inflammation in a vaccine injury.
How to use Ivermectin: Dr. Bryan Ardis Gives Life-Saving Protocol & Insight Here
8. Advanced Fulvic acid – purchase link
“Testing shows our fulvic material stimulated 791 genes and down-regulated 550 genes – up-regulating the cells’ free-radical scavenging, cell division, DNA replication and DNA repair while suppressing pro-inflammatory responses.” This is significant, esp for DNA repair after Covid, the vaccine, or transmission of the spike protein – all of which harm DNA!
Advanced fulvic acid detoxes neutral- and negative-charged toxins and metals… while TRS always detoxes positively charged toxins and metals.
Together, they detox the wide range of all toxins (as well as toxins/graphene oxide in the body from the vaccine and other sources like masks, nasal swabs., etc.
More on Advance Fulvic: https://
Please share this with those you love who have been affected.
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Hi Jacqueline,I watched an interview of Dr.Judy Mikovitz recently and she was explaining about Suramin. Apparently there has been some misinterpretation of what she had said earlier. Some people have jumped on that & said it’s inside pine needles. She has not said that Suramin is in Pine Needle Tea. But there has been a product called Suramin produced by MERK which has been effective against shedding. There is a particular turpine from turpentine tree that has suramin but it’s toxic. So I don’t know whether pine needle tea,fennel seeds etc are going to effective against shedding.She talks from 10 minute onwards
Would love to get your thoughts on this.
Hi, Druvi,
I wish I had time to go deeper, but I just don’t. I am not sure we will ever really know the complete truth about Suramin. Many say it works,but we know the early use was always IV. There’s this: https://health.ucsd.edu/news/topics/Suramin-Autism/Pages/default.aspx and this
https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12985-016-0607-2 and this
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31844000/ this article calls it an “enigmatic molecule”. All that to say, the FDA has been hounding those who have come up with an energetic form of “suramin”. I wonder why they’d care if it doesn’t work and can’t harm anyone.
The connection to pine can be made, but there is still so much we don’t know. I always go the natural way over the pharma-harma way bc I trust the Creator to give us only the best… and of course we have to investigate safety, etc. Also, remember Judy Mikovits can talk. She is brilliant, but with that comes some weirdness and eccentricity. Lol My dad was a Mensa genius and he was all over the place!
I don’t know if that helps any or not!
Hi Jacqueline,Thanks for your reply.I will check out those links.Yes I don’t trust health bodies like FDA one bit now as they don’t care about people’s health.
Yes I fully agree with you I would rather go with a natural remedy than a pharma product for sure. If natural remedies like Fennel seeds, Star Anise, Dandelion works in some form I’m on board with it. Just that I didn’t want to have a sense of false protection like the face mask 🙂 Yes we have to have our faith in our creator. You’re assessment on Dr.Judy is spot on. I wish she explained it in layman’s term so that the general public could understand properly.
If you come across any breakthrough info on this subject kindly let us informed.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Jackie, this is an amazing protocol you have given us, but it consists of so many things. It is really not affordable for many of us. Especially in these hard times. There are still many of us who are choosing not to live off government handouts and choosing to work and pay our own way, even with significant income reduction due to covid shut downs in 2020.
If I bought all of these supplements for my own family, we’d have to quit buying food!! Pine needles are free, of course, depending on where you live. Does it really need to be the whole protocol? If you had to go with just one or two things, then what?
Thanks sister!
Hi, Jennifer,
I totally understand that and that’s why I added, “(There is no need to do it all: choose only what fits your needs)”.
Yes, the interests of the elites that run and control this world are not FOR us but AGAINST us.
What I want especially to point out, though, is that everything I shared there is really within the natural realm… none are drugs or man-made in the strictest sense.
Yes, they are compounded but not in the realm of pharma-harma!
I wish that everyone would definitely always take zinc, C, D (or get sufficient sunshine), selenium and magnesium. We are almost all deficient in these things in a big way, esp D and magnesium. Everyone should be on those basics today in my humble opinion. Unless someone lives a very sheltered from the world life, is outdoors a lot and has a rich supply of food grown in the richest of soil with no contaminants that we battle on a daily basis. But in reality, that is not most of my readers.
To us and to so, so many TRS has been a lifesaver, even at 1 spray a day, to begin to uproot years of toxic load… 1 bottle has 140 sprays and so would last 4.5 months of removal of nasty, immune suppressing crap. When getting the 3 pack, the price is $50 a bottle, not $68. That is a very good value for what it does. But if someone has been terribly harmed by the spike protein (however they contracted it), than it is a no brainer as are Biofibrin, NAC, glutathione and ivermectin for humans.
Tell Alice hello for me!
God bless you and your family,
Sending peace,
Hey thanks lady!
I’ve been making a tincture based on some of the herbs I’ve been reading about here on your blog.
Dandelion, root and leaf
Organic orange peels( vit. C)
Feverfew leaf
Star anise
The only things I needed to buy were the star anise and the vodka! I added the chamomile just as an added bitter herb. Also, because I grew so much of it.
Now I just need to learn to make my own vodka and I’ll be all set;)
Much love and gratitude for you and your work here!
J.D., we can totally understand having to prioritize supplements or food and juggling all that each month, as we have a large family. One thing I wanted to mention that has helped us is just eating more whole foods. A diet that is high in water rich fruit, especially, as well as veggies, will dilute the blood and make it less likely to coagulate. And many of these foods have extra benefits … like melon in itself has anticoagulant properties, oranges have Vitamin C, etc. Amy of these water rich juicy fruits like melon, grapes, oranges, citrus in general, apples, mangos, kiwis, pineapple, etc. Also water rich leaves like romaine and butter. Cucumbers, tomatoes.
So many blessings on your health journey! 🙂 I can imagine you’re doing so much already! Anything you are doing to fight in this time you should be proud of! 🙂
The information that you have is so much appreciated! Can I ask if you have ever heard of an unvaccinated person getting breathing problems from the shedding? My husband works with people who have been vaccinated and over the past couple of months he has had about 5 episodes where he wakes up at night wheezing and hardly able to breathe. At first we thought it was an allergic reaction and Benedryl seemed to help somewhat but not a lot. Hot turmeric tea helps some too but still not as much as I would like. Does this sound like anything connected to the vaccine? We are going to get it checked out by a doctor but I wanted your opinion as you are one of the only people I’ve found who is educated about the shedding.
Thank you and God Bless!
Hi, Theresa, Yes, that is entirely possible since the covid man-altered spike protein is the same one that’s in the “V”s – and covid causes lung and vqascular issues..
Anything on the protocol will be helpful, but in your husband’s case go high with NAC 2,400 mg/d split to help support his lungs and read this for understanding of hwo it will help: https://deeprootsathome.com/nac-has-been-unlisted-from-amazon-heres-the-reason-why/
Benadryl will not be helpful: https://deeprootsathome.com/popular-otc-benadryl-diphenhydramine-now-with-a-dementia-warning/
I hope that helps!
Sending peace,
Hi Jacqueline, just wanted to let you know that your 4th link in the article references pg. 45 of the John’s Hopkins paper but the referenced material is actually on pg 47. Great content, first time reader, thanks!
Thank you for the heads up, Raquel! I will check that out, however, it think the page I was wanting to share is 45.
Bless you for caring and letting me know – and welcome to DRAH!
Sending peace,
Hello !
I was wondering if you could go into more detail about TRS. Isn’t zeolite a metal ? I just don’t understand how it works to remove others. It’s in my cart ready to check out, but I just want to understand a bit more how adding metal removes metal. Thanks in advance !
Hi, Melissa,
TRS is not a metal. It is a mineral. You can read the FAQ of what TRS is and does here: https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/faq/
You can also read more of the science here: https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/science/ (and see the Advanced TRS – 3rd Party Testing Results)
What is Advanced TRS?
AdvancedTRS contains nano-clinoptilolite, which is a smaller version of micronized clinoptilolite, with stable chemical and physical characteristics. Its main advantage comes from its tremendously higher pore accessibility and ability to penetrate more effectively to wherever toxins are found. Clinical studies reported to date do not dispute that nano-clinoptilolite is a safe and effective product. Clinoptilolite itself has been shown to:
–Bind heavy metals and over 80,000 toxins
–Adjust the balance of vital nutrients like iron & calcium
–Support intestinal microflora and pH
–Promote healthy immune function
What is zeolite?
Zeolites are microporous crystalline aluminosilicates derived from the reaction of volcanic rocks, ash layers and alkaline groundwater. The Atlas of Zeolite Framework Types currently recognizes about 218 different Zeolite structures, of which 40 natural zeolites are known. Natural zeolites are listed by the USA Food and Drug Administration for human consumption (FDA GRAS Listings, 2006) and considered as non-toxic by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 1997). Moreover, Codex Alimentarius Commission (1999) lists some zeolites as a granted substance in Organic Food Production and Plant Protection.
Most of us are familiar with the zeolites used in water softener systems. The zeolite core of the water softener absorbs large amounts of metals like calcium and magnesium from the water. Periodically, the zeolite in your water softener is flushed with highly concentrated salt water to flush out the metal ions and regenerate the zeolite for more absorption. The most common forms of zeolites used in water softeners are the natural aluminosilicates, gluconites (i.e. greensand), and synthetic permutite.
It’s on the FDA GRAS List (Generally Regarded as Safe).
How does Advanced TRS help the body to remove heavy metals and toxin?
The strong attraction of zeolites for toxins is the result of the way the elements oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and alkali metals (e.g. lithium, sodium, potassium) are arranged inside the material. The Silicon-Oxygen and Aluminum-Oxygen bonds that create the nanometers-sized hollow cages inside the zeolite are bulky and rigid. The strong bonds between these elements leave the interior space within the cage with a negative electrical charge, and elements and molecular fragments with positive charge are strongly adhered, sometimes by multiple connections, making it very difficult for the captured species to escape. Zeolites, like that in Advanced TRS, have the capability of absorbing any metal found in a positively charged state. The actual amounts will depend on which element, if it is a combination of elements, and the form of these elements (i.e. if they are dissolved or part of larger metallo-organic complexes.).
Noble metals like gold and platinum are usually neutral and would have little affinity to advanced TRS.
As a mom and an RN, I love it and it’s the best tool in my medical toolbox.
Here is the major metastudy: “Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo”: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/
I hope that is a place to start!
Sending peace,
Could you tell us what mg of Quercetin as I couldn’t find that info on the links. Thanks for all the helpful info. Just trying to stay safe like everyone else, but I’m also drinking dandelion tea in addition to the supplements. Are you aware of the Frontline Doctors site? They have protocols for before infection and after.
Hi, Geri,
#3 in the post lists Quercetin (800mg) with Bromelain (165mg). Quercetin is found to have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted antiinflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions. Bromelain also targets spike protein.
I hope that helps! ~Jacque
PS: the link to that product is in the post.
Hi Jacque,
I want to thank you for your recent posts that have been very thought provoking and informative. TRS has been fundamental for the health of my family and so I’m especially thrilled that you brought that to people’s attention.
I did have one concern that I wanted to share with you and that is the recommendation of vitamin A and D in the health protocol. I’ve recently been following a doctor by the name of Garrett Smith who has put out some fascinating information about potential toxicity of both those vitamins. You can find all of his stuff on YouTube under the name Nutrition Detective. This is not like me to make health recommendations for other people, but this has been truly eye opening and I think you would enjoy looking into it. Thanks so much again for your posts. Looking forward to hearing more!
Danielle Morgan
Hello Jacqueline,
I am using many of the supplements you recommend and a few of my one for immune modulation and stem cell enhancement. I would like to add TRS to my regimen, but my question is can I use TRS while breastfeeding? What is the best way to protect my daughter who is 4.5 months old? I understand that she will get mannose and nutrients from my milk but wondering if there is anything I can do beyond that. Thank you so much!
Hi, Danielle,
Yes TRS is regularly used in pregnancy and while breastfeeding, and is the only detox that does not redistribute toxins on the way out. Our own daughter and DIL have used it before and during their prognancies and will again for its protective effect on the developing baby. I will email you with stories from very happy moms.
And here are the complete meta-studies (220 some of them) for you to look over if interested: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/
TRS is neuroprotective and so much more. TRS does not heal or cure anything, but it clears the body of toxins/metals and such so the body can heal and rebalance itself as it was designed to do!
‘See you’ again in a few!
Dear Jaqueline. In January of this year I was stricken with what was later on debated as Vestibular Neuritis. I spent two nights in the hospital. Under went CT scan, MRI,and a few other tests and because I’m a veteran the wheels of treatment have kept me from being treated yet. My head under goes constant fatigue. disorientation, frequent headaches,etc. As of August 2021 my whole family was hit with Covid and my brother spent 20 days in ICU with the Delta variant. I’ve been doing the best I can to make thru each day and do research to protect my family from this evil virus and educate others. I’m still concerned about the Spike protien transmission from the Vaccinations. That’s thought to be the reason my brother ended up in the ICU with Delta variant. But because even though I’ve kept distance between me and others I’ve still had to be around the general public and wondering based on the factual truth of this presentation if my head issues aren’t Vertigo at all, but possibly a transmission of the spike protein that somehow reach my brain thru sinuses, respiratory, ears, eyes ???? Its hard for me to trust doctors because few have ever accurately diagnosed me for any condition. PS. I’ve been through alot. Your testimony had me in tears because I can relate to the decietfulness of sin and the destructive consequences but I’m also born again now. I’m so grateful for you n your husband and that I came across your web page. God bless you.
I think I have spike protein exposure. I have not had the shot but since Friday I started having aches like the flu with a bad headache. Then my neck started hurting and then I got this weird rash on my chest that I thought was hives. It’s not hives. Its now turned into a huge tender to the touch bruise. I read that white pine needle tea is a good detox for spike protein exposure because of suramin. I read that dandelion tea has it also. I drink two cups of that yesterday and today I feel almost normal. I’m going to keep up with the dandelion tea. With that my concern is that if u was exposed to the spike protein does that mean it is in me just as if I would have gotten the shot?
Hi, Kar, we don’t know anything for certain, but it does mean that the spike protein transmission can do damage to organs and blood vessels, but we can’t exactly equate it to the “V” bc there graphene oxide and other toxins aren’t coming with it… We do know the spike protein has truly problematic features. I am sending my Master email that give more understanding and the FULL protocol that a group of us health care workers have been using and recommending for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmitting). https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Hi Jacqueline,
What do you suggest as a protocol for pregnant mamas? I have searched and searched but can’t seem to find one. Are any of the above items considered appropriate?
Thank you!
SB, forgive me, your comment got lost!
I would start with weak dandelion tea, 2 times a day. You can also do a good number of the supplements in the protocol. https://deeprootsathome.com/the-spike-protein-protocol-what-we-all-can-do-to-stay-healthy/ Please feel free to research. https://deeprootsathome.com/common-dandelion-blocks-s-protein-binding-to-ace2-receptors/
Oh, and TRS is safe in pregnancy and our daughter and DIL both have used then and are still using it to protect from the toxins in the “V’s ” transmission. They hav been helped.
I will add a post on this to the schedule!
I hope that is a start!
You can find out more here: The Full Protocol & TRS Info
Whether you are inquiring about TRS, wanting to know about how to PROTECT from the spike protein or you’ve requested the PROTOCOL, everything needed to answer most questions is in my Master email.
I hope that helps!
Sending peace,
Tried messaging you on Facebook. Doesn’t seem to be working.
I was hoping you can give me some ideas on how to counteract the J&J vaccine. I have to do it before I lose my job. I ordered dandelion root tea and will be taking it immediately.
Is there anything else you would recommend?
My vaccine/execution date is November 4th.
David, I will email you now. There are things you CAN do to mitigate the jabs.
Sending peace,
Ana Smock
Hello Jacque, I would like to know if TRS would be good for my family. My kids ages are 14, 12 and 10. I think my 10 year old would benefit from the information I’ve read in your blog. He is doesn’t have any ADD or ADHD but sometimes I think he does. The teachers say no and the doctor said he didn’t think so because there has been no complaints from the teachers. But I think he would benefit, is it safe for kids and how do you use it? I would like to give it to everybody at home for protection from the spike, specially now that people will be vaccinating their little children, so sad.
I would also like to know more about fluvic acid?
Thank you so much and I love your blog!!
Hi, Ana, a slow detox with TRS does help a child (or an adult, as well) with a wide range of processing issues as metals and toxins (incl. pesticides (glyphosate), fluoride, vaccine adjuvants, food additives and dyes, Lyme co-infections and biofilms, etc.) are bound and removed. It also is part of a broad-spectrum protocol for protection from the spike protein coming at us in so many ways!
We see reversals with ADHD, ADD (even if this isn’t a clear diagnosis), in eye contact, processing disorders, stimming, verbal delays, behavioral and sleep issues, etc. It is so safe that it is used regularly in pregnancy and there is no redistribution of toxins as they are firmly bound all the way out of the body. Science confirms this.
TRS does not heal or cure anything, but it clears the body of toxins/metals and such so the body can heal and rebalance itself as it was designed to do!
This post will give lots of insight until I can email you later this afternoon: https://deeprootsathome.com/avalyns-story-how-trs-a-safe-heavy-metal-detox-can-help-you-and-your-child/
Can you take k+ iodide with current thyroid disease?
This is what you need to read: https://www.thyroid.org/questions-and-answers-about-potassium-iodide-ki-american-thyroid-association/
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with so many others. Your service (especially at this particular time in our history) is SO appreciated!!
An amazing heart support that can even heal heart conditions is Strophantus. It is little known but worth trying. I found a quite nice article here – it is wider known in Germany but this brief information is quite good:
Thank you for all you do.