Here is a general homeopathic guide that Dr. William Wolfe has shared on his website for self-prescribing in common dental conditions. I hope this will be useful for you.
You can print this very helpful list and add it to your preparedness binder. And refer to the dosage recommendations Dr. Wolfe has given us to guide self-prescribers below.
Belladonna: Best for early dental abscess accompanied by redness and throbbing.
Bryonia: Use for acute inflammation or if pricking or stitching pain is relieved by firm pressure.
Hepar sulphuris: When there is an abscess accompanied by pus formation.
Pulsatilla: When the pain is accentuated by heat and relieved by cold water.
Pyrogenium: When pus is present without drainage and there is a risk of infection.
Silicea: Used in low potencies (like the 6X cell salts) to hasten the discharge when pus is draining.
Aconite: When there is panic, fright, and general mental and physical restlessness, or sudden violent attacks of fear.
Calcarea carbonica: Use for the fearful, weary, and hopeless person who worries toward evening.
Coffea cruda (homeopathic coffee): Works well as a tranquilizer.
Chamomilla: It has a tranquilizing action for restful sleep. It also raises a low pain threshold.
Nux vomica: Works well in many high-strung, nervous, irritable people with stomach problems.
Pulsatilla: Useful for states of anxiety in mild gentle persons.
BRUXISM: A state of grinding or clenching of teeth, in children or stressed adults.
Belladonna: When the grinding problem causes painful teeth.
Tuberculinum: Used for children who grind their teeth. Consult a homeopath.
Arsenicum album: Unhealthy, bleeding gums.
China: Also used for gum tissue that is bleeding.
Ferrum phos: Used for poor gum tone or gums that bleed after brushing.
Hypericum: For tender gum tissue and to promote healing.
Kali chloricum: When you have acute ulcerative tissue (canker sores) or decay in the teeth.
Natrium mur: Needing tissue integrity or health.
Hepar sulphuris: Tissues with suppuration, the tendency for chronic abscesses.
Silicea: Periodontal abscess with swollen glands.
Staphysagria: Loose teeth, the pain increased by pressure.
Symphytum: When there are injuries to the periosteum or the bone. Stimulates growth of normal skin on ulcerated or decayed surfaces.
Mercurius solubilis: A state of acute ulcerative tissue/ tooth decay with a coated tongue and metallic taste in the mouth.
Nux vomica: For swollen, painful gums where the back of the tongue has a whitish coating in a person who consumes a lot of stimulants such as coffee and tea.
Phosphorus: Used for swollen gums that bleed easily, and when there’s an overproduction of saliva.
Ruta graveolens: Injured bone and alveolitis (“dry socket”).
Merc vivus: When there is tenderness and swelling of the bone in a condition like dental periostitis.
Arnica montana: Bleeding accompanied by bruised soreness of the teeth.
Ferrum phos: When there is bright red bleeding of the teeth.
Phosphorus: Use for persistent or chronic bleeding.
Apis Mellifica: Post-injection soreness after dental work.
Chamomilla: This can be used an hour prior to a dental appointment for patients with a low pain threshold. It also speeds the numbness wearing off after the appointment.
Gelsemium: Eliminate the nervous reactions to local anesthetics; calming the child/ adult before the procedure.
Hypericum 200c: Where there is an injured nerve.
Ledum: For puncture wounds and soreness resulting from a dental injection.
Magnesia phos: Stiffness and soreness of the jaws following prolonged dental work when the muscles are cramped and feel better with warmth.
Staphysagria: Used for incision-type wounds after soft tissue surgery.
Symphytum: Used for trauma of bone and periosteum, after dental operations.
Baryta carbonica: When there is excessive salivation during sleep, this remedy can be used.
Bryonia alba: Use for an extremely dry mouth, with dryness of mucous membranes and great thirst.
Phosphorus: Hyper-salivation, when the gums are swollen and bleed easily.
Pulsatilla: Diminished or scanty saliva with no thirst at all.
Calcarea flourica (Calc fluor): When there are hypermobile joints in a person.
Calcarea phos: When the mouth cannot be opened without pain.
Carbo vegetabilis: Vertigo with nausea and tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
Chamomilla: When the pain threshold is low in a person. Unbearable spasms of pain radiating into the ear.
Cuprum metallicum: When the mouth or jaws cannot be opened fully, with difficulty with eating, drinking, and oral hygiene.
Granatum: When there is painful cracking of the joint.
Magnesia phos: When there are muscle spasms around the joint.
Phytolacca decandra: Earaches with pain extending into teeth, jaw, and throat.
Rhus Toxicodendron: Joint stiffness that improves with movement and for popping of the TMJ.
Antimonium crudum: Toothache that is worse at night and is aggravated by heat.
Belladonna: Throbbing tooth which gets worse when pressure is applied.
Calcarea carbonica: Toothache that worsens when exposed to hot or cold air.
Chamomilla: A toothache with intolerable pain that gets worse from warmth and not better with cold.
Coffea cruda: Toothache that worsens with heat and is relieved by ice.
Ferrum metallicum: Toothache, relieved by ice water.
Magnesia carbonicum: Toothache, worse at night, person must get up and walk about for relief.
Magnesia phos: A toothache, worse from cold and better from warmth.
Pulsatilla: Toothache, relieved by holding cold water in the mouth.
Staphysagria: When the pain is from major decay of a number of teeth.
Calcarea carbonica and Calcarea Phos: Both are used for the delayed eruption of teeth.
Chamomilla: For difficult or painful teething.
Natrum mur: Cold sores and fever blisters are addressed by this remedy. Lips and corners of mouth dry and cracked lips.
Nitric acid: Ulcers with irregular edges and a raw appearance with a tendency to bleed easily.
Calcarea Fluorica (Calc Fluor): when wisdom teeth lead to ear pain
Dosage Guidelines For Dental Remedies 200c and Under
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of local signs and symptoms, prescribe low potencies, under 12c.
When the treatment is prescribed on the basis of a mixture of local, general, mental and emotional signs and symptoms, prescribe higher potencies, 30c – 200c.
Low potency remedies (under 12c)
• first aid every 5-30 minutes
• acute conditions every 30 minutes to hourly, decreasing to 3-4 times a day
Medium potency remedies (12c – 30c)
• one to three times a day
High potency remedies (30c – 200c)
• once a day
The lower the potency, the shorter its duration of action (acute conditions).
The higher the potency, the longer its duration of action (chronic conditions).
For any long-lasting or recurrent issues, I recommend working with a professional homeopath. Here is the NASH directory. Healthgrades has a directory. Or find a homeopath here.
Places To Order Remedies: Helios in the UK, Washington Homeopathic Products (WHP), or There are also Pure Formulas and iHerb and Amazon. WHP will give you the most for your money. Helios is a the largest homeopathic pharmacy in the world.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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