Need evidence?
Sometimes we just need to know there are others that have gone through terrible, hard things and gone on to thrive! And if we understood how good most of us really have it, we wouldn’t be so prone to b downcast or to complain.
Our family first heard of Darlene Rose’s story on Focus on the Family 16 years ago. We listened almost holding our breath, it was so amazing and raw, and so I bought her story on a set of 2 cassette tapes (before CDs). We poured over them again and again through the years on the road or during lunch clean-up as a part of our homeschool.
Evidence Not Seen: A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II is a powerful and riveting true story. It chronicles the early years of Darlene Deibler Rose as a new bride with her husband, Russell Deibler, as they minister in the jungles of New Guinea in 1938.
As WWII and the Japanese army invade that corner of the world, they are drawn up into circumstances that would crush or kill most of us. Taken from the native peoples they love – and separated from one another – they spend 4 years in a Japanese POW camp in the most terrible of surroundings.
Where was the evidence of God’s mighty hand?
Before WWII: Doors Open To Go
On one of Russell’s survey visits to Papua, New Guinea, the native chieftain he was talking with said he believed Russell and the others with him were spirits because they were all men. “Who gave birth to you?” he asked as if to say, “Where are the women”? Russell explained that he did have a wife, but his “chieftain” said she could not come because the trail was so dangerous that many men had died. The chieftain replied, “Your wife would have made it. Wherever we go, the women follow and carry the loads.” He said if she were so weak she could not make it, he would send men to help her.
Meanwhile, others of the tribe decided to test whether some of the men were spirits or human by shooting arrows at them to see whether the arrows passed through or killed them, and, unfortunately, some of the tribe members were killed when the government officials who were along shot them in self-defense. On reading this in a letter from Russell, Darlene prayed, “Lord, if those people are ever to believe and understand about you, women are going to have to go there.”
Immediately she felt an assurance that she was supposed to go. She dashed out to find their mission leader, who said he had a letter from Russell giving his consent for her to go.
At her first meeting with the people, they shoved her sleeve up to see if her arms were white “all the way up” and wanted to pinch her flesh to see if it was real. The chieftain did not believe she was a woman until she took off her hat and took the pins out of her heir, letting her hair fall over her shoulders. From the first moment she felt that these were her people, and she approached them and the living conditions with grace, courage, and humor.
By May of 1940, they heard that Nazis had invaded Holland; it fell within five days. Soon word came from government officials that their post must be evacuated, though they begged to stay.
They moved to Macassar, Indonesia, and within five months learned that their post was to be reopened. But then Russell was appointed assistant field chairman by a unanimous vote of the other missionaries. Russell and Darlene were both grief-stricken, but felt it was the Lord’s will, and reminding themselves that they had been willing to go anywhere, remained in Macassar.
War At the Door
Meanwhile, they heard news of war increasing until finally Pearl Harbor was attacked. They sought the Lord’s counsel as they continued to work and hear news reports of the Japanese taking islands near to them.
One day a Dutch policeman came and told the missionaries that they had a ship on the coast and wanted to evacuate all foreigners as well as Dutch women and children. Their field chairman, Dr. Robert Jaffray, encouraged them all to take time to pray about whether the Lord would have them stay or go so that they would have His assurance, whatever happened, that they were right where He wanted them to be.
None felt led to leave.
Three days later they learned that the ship had been torpedoed and sunk with no survivors.
Where Did They Take The Men?
By March 8, 1942, their island had been taken by the Japanese. They let them stay together for a while, until one day they suddenly came to take the men. Russell’s last words to Darlene were, “Remember one thing, dear: God said that he would never leave us nor forsake us.” She never saw him again.
Need Evidence?
The women were eventually taken to a prison camp, where the bulk of the book takes place. There is not space here to tell of many of the experiences, but God proved Himself faithful many times over, protecting, assuring of His Presence, answering prayer.
The camp commander, Mr. Yamaji, was notoriously cruel. Yet God gave Darlene some measure of favor in his eyes. When news came that Russell had died, Mr. Yamaji called Darlene to his office to try to encourage her somewhat. God gave her grace to tell him she did not hate him, that she was there because God loved her…and God loved him, and perhaps He allowed her to be there to tell him. She shared with him the plan of salvation, and Mr. Yamaji broke into tears and left the room. Yet from then on she felt he trusted her, and years later she heard a report of him that seemed to indicate he had trusted the Lord.
Some time later, Darlene was arrested by the secret police and taken to another prison for “questioning.” The conditions were horrible, to say the least, and Darlene also suffered from dysentery, cerebral malaria, and beriberi. She asked the Lord to heal her of dysentery — and He healed her of all three ailments. One day she saw out of her window someone secretly passing along some bananas to one of the other women. She was in solitary confinement and knew she would never receive one, but she began to crave bananas: though she had been healed, she was still starving. Surprisingly, Mr. Yamaji came to the prison to see how she was doing and to tell the secret police that she was not a spy. After he left he had ninety-two bananas delivered to her! Ninety-two days later, when she ate the last blackened banana, she was released back to the prison camp.
Little Evidence
There was little evidence that God was there in that place, except for the faith at work in her heart. Her faith was alive with the power of God as she touched lives all around her.
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance [evidence] about what we do not see.” ~Hebrews 11:1
I won’t give away any more of the story – you’ll just have to read the book. Our whole family loves Darlene Rose, and there were tears when we heard the news of her death. On Tuesday, February 24, 2004, this dear saint laid her head back, smiled that special little smile and closed her eyes.
Her unforgettable book, Evidence Not Seen remains my and my daughter’s all-time favorite. You will always remember Darlene Rose. I will say, she is one of the first we hope to visit with in glory!
Surely, Corrie ten Boom saw the evidence, for she said, “There is no pit so deep, that God’s love is not deeper still.”
Listen to the Evidence:
Part 1 of Darlene’s story (as told by her in her 70s) here.
Part 2 of her story is here.
Part 3 is here.
You can listen to the audio book free online here.
to eat up my flesh,
my adversaries and foes,
it is they who stumble and fall.
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise against me,
yet I will be confident.”
~Psalm 27: 2-3
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
I liked the family treasures book the best!
Marguerite Harrell
I will be looking forward to learn more about this. This does sound interesting to read!
Belinda Camp
Those Titanic paper dolls are awesome on the Nobel site. And Evidence Not Seen is my kinda book! Love this giveaway!
I heard this story a long time ago too, I’d love to hear it again!
Apry Yoder
I have NEVER heard of her!! 🙁 And I LOVE reading Missionary biographies!!
Thank you for this giveaway!!
Denise Bradley
I love this book!! Especially the answered prayer for bananas. 🙂
Denise~ Shhh… :0 Don’t give it away 😉
I also picked up Darlene’s testimony on cassette tape to listen with my children. God bless my husband for the upgraded minivan, but there’s no tape player in this one 🙁 I didn’t realize she wrote a book, although I feel a little foolish for never thinking to check! We just loved those tapes so much 🙂 Whether I win or not, I will definitely be reading this book to my children! With three girls ages 10, 12 and 14 this is the kind of role model I want at the front of their minds. As for my boys ages 6 & 8, this is the kind of woman I hope they will seek to marry; one with a love for God and true conviction of heart and character!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!
Her name is new to me; I would love to win!
Rebekah Courter
I would love to have my very own copy. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Natalie Nyberg
How coincidental that you are giving this away! I almost purchased it off Amazon last week. I haven’t read it for myself, but from yours and others’ descriptions, it looks like an incredible book! PS, I loved how you said that the Bible and, if any other book, Evidence Not Seen should be read once a year. 😉
Karen F.
Yesterday I put this book on my wishlist-I’d love to read it!
Penny Raine
I have heard her story too, wonder if it was the same you heard, it has been many years, would LOVE the book!
Thank you your website. I get so much wisdom from reading your posts. Thank you for following the directive to mentor other women in Jesus. I have this book on my wish list. 🙂
LOVE reading about “heroines of the faith”… Thanks for sharing her story yesterday!
Miss Antoinette
Oh how exciting that you are giving her book away! *jumps up and down*
I greatly enjoy reading books of such heroism of our brothers and sisters in Christ who have touched the hearts of those far away, spreading the gospel to the Nations who need to hear his word, and this dear lady is certainly one of those!
Praying whoever wins this book is blessed, and encouraged by it, and if I don’t win I shall certainly be buying it very soon! 🙂
Blessings in Christ,
Miss Antoinette
I would love to read this. 🙂
Wow…this book sounds absolutely incredible! Thanks so much for sharing!
meg v
Would love to read this.
Wow…I have seen this book promoted before, but until you shared some excerpts, just passed it by. Would be HONORED to receive it!
Renee, I feel as if I know her intimately, so transparent and genuine and honest. I’m praying it blesses many!!
Elaine Ellen
I have only heard good things about this book. I have never read it but I know family members have. Someday I will read it…
Dolly Madison Designs
Ooh! Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway. I found it via Miss Antoinette. 🙂
I am so glad you entered, dear one! God bless you both 🙂
I’d never heard of her, so I’m so glad you posted about Darlene’s story.
Hope your weekend is peaceful and cool. *fans meself* 😉
Toni, as in *sitting on the porch hoping for a breeze and a hand fan*? When we went down to visit my Nana in Jackson, MS, it was always so hot. When I was 11, she was able to purchase her first electric fan, an Emerson with brass blades! It was a beauty 🙂 Stay cool, dearie!
This book sounds wonderful. Any encouragement given by those who have gone before us through life in this world is noteworthy.
Thanks so much for telling me about this woman, her book, and now for the chance to win a copy of her story. You are one of my very favorite bloggers!
Mary Lou
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful book with us! It sounds very inspiring.
Looks like a wonderful book for both young and old alike. I’m glad you’re hosting this giveaway!
Jocelyne Bowman
Just found your site today! Never heard of this book but am very interested in reading it!
Looks like a fun and encouraging book!
angela zimba
Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
This sounds like a wonderful book 🙂
This was one of the first testimonies I heard after becoming a Christian more than 20 years ago. It greatly encouraged me. I would love to read this book.
Esther Courter
i read this book a long time ago and wanted to read it again,
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway.
I’ve never heard of her, but love reading missionary biographies. Thank you for the giveaway and for introducing us to her story!
Terra W
I love these kinds of stories! Would love to win a copy!
A friend was telling me about this autobiography just yesterday! 🙂 Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway!
God bless,
My daughter says this is the best book she’s ever read. I need a copy!
Valerie Wilson
This biography sounds awesome…..would love to be the recipient of the giveaway but if not, I am going to note it to purchase soon!
Julie Lukavsky
I would so welcome a great book like this! Sounds like a great story.
Sherry K.
Heard her on Focus on the Family, have not read her book though.
I love her story! I saw a video of her giving her testimony years ago at a conference, and it was soooooo good!
Sue Rhea
Sounds like a terrific read plus a major blessing. How inspiring to read about her strong faith & what a wonderful witness.
April J.
I would love to win this book! What a great example of following Jesus.
Sounds like an amazing book!!
What a picture of true joy and beauty her life must have been…and still is. I would love to get a closer look into this lady. Thank you for offering such encouraging things! Us younger women so appreciate the words of wisdom and comfort you share.
I may have to buy this if I don’t win! Sounds like a great read!
Would love to read this book!
Just read a short biography about her. It’s so inspiring! I love to know more about her story! 🙂
Charlotte Moore
I would love to win this book. I have never heard of her. I only enjoy reading real life true inspirational stories.
Sherri Bailey
Thank you for this giveaway! I will chech this book out even if I don’t win it!
Elizabeth Ann
This book sounds excellent. Thank you for bringing it to our attention – and for creating this giveaway!
This book sounds great….I love the time period, and Darlene seems like an amazing woman!
Nicole Alvarez
I could use a shot of encouragement. I would love a chance to win!
Nicole in MD
Heather-Joan Carls
I would very much like to read her book…it sounds like a great, inspiring story.
just wondering what my summer reading would be! thanks~a
This would be a great addition to my summer reading!
Emily Baer
I want to win! Sounds like an awesome book!
Sounds lovely but all your rafflecopter thingy will say is loading … 🙁
ah finally it worked! 🙂 Would love to read this I know one of my favorite books ever was “A Chance to Die” about Amy Carmichael
phew! Good 🙂 Glad it worked!
Thank you so much for the opportunity — I would love to win this book!
Thanks for the great giveaway and telling us about this book!
Deidre Lake
My knowledge of this remarkable lady is limited to your post. I did search our local library’s site for the book, but to no avail. I appreciate the opportunity to perhaps have my own copy.
Kindest greetings,
Thank you so much for sharing about Darlene Rose. Heroines in the faith are such an encouragement especially during these uncertain times in our country. I went to the Darlene Rose website and have read her 1st husbands testimonies. What an encouragement to be obedient to God’s calling on our lives! I look forward to reading her book and sharing it with my children.
Esther N
Sounds really interesting!
This sounds like a great book. The only missionary woman I have known of is Elizabeth Elliott. Thanks for the opportunity for a book. God bless you for sharing your soul and opening your heart on your blog.
Love all of your book recommendations! Most have wound up on my homeschooling wishlist. This sounds like a must have book on the shelf 🙂
Cheryl Smith
I just found your post yesterday, and I am so glad I did! I tried inserting your button into my blog, but for some reason it isn’t working? Has anyone else had the same problem? I am not the most computer-savvy person in the world! LOL! When I click on your button on my blog, it automatically re-directs me back to my own. Any help would be most appreciated. I loved reading your testimony just now. God is an amazing God! He turned your tests into a wonderful testimony! I’d love to have you visit my blog sometime, if you are interested. God’s peace, Cheryl
This sounds like a wonderful book and a wonderful story! Thanks for the opportunity!
Brittany Whitley
I would love to read more about this sister-in-Christ. What a wonderful testimony!
Pixel Berry Pie
I enjoy reading missionary stories, but I haven’t gotten to this one yet, although it’s been on my list. Would love to actually own a copy! I recently just read “Through Gates of Splendor” about Jim Elliot and Nate Saint in the Ecuadorean jungles… it was quite an exhilarating book. Thanks for this giveaway!
Lindsay H.
Thank you for this special giveaway. I don’t know about this woman, but I would love to dive in and read her story. I enjoy reading historical books about inspirational women God has given us to read about and hear their story. I hope I am one of the lucky winners.
Jane McDonald
I love a book that you want to read over and over again, one that is a constant friend and that you learn something new from each time you read it. Mrs. Ross’ story sounds like it will be such an encouragement, and the person who receives a copy will be so blessed by you. Thank you for the opportunity!
Kelly Grossman
I would love to read this book! Thank you!
I absolutely love your blog!
She sounds like a very interesting lady. I would like to know more about her.
Kristen Wirth
I would love to read this book and I love your blog and Have a wonderful Monday!!
Jennifer Thomas
Been wanting to read this!
This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Janet O.
This sounds like a book that I WOULD love to win/read!!!!
Would love to have this book in my library for myself and for all of my children to read!
Meg @Cracking an Egg
I have been looking for an encouraging book for my mother to read – this would be lovely. Thank you for holding the giveaway! 🙂
Oh my…I would SO love to win this book. I LOOOVE missionary biographies, especially those of missionary wives…they sure fuel my desire for missions, and encourage me to pray harder for God to make missionaries out of my siblings and I! =) God is so good to give us such incredible heroes of the faith to learn from!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Sending blessings and continued prayers your way, <3
I have been wanting to read that book!
Love your blog and would love to win!!
I find it incredibly encouraging to read biographies of other Christians striving with all their strength to live for the Lord!
Belinda Carrico
Thanks for telling us about this book, its now on my book list!
Please enter me in your giveaway! I would love to read about this great woman of God.:)
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful book with everyone. I am sure whoever wins it will be blessed.
I’ve never heard of Darlene Ross – but she sounds like someone I need to “meet”! 😉 Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Gail E
I’ve been thinking about this woman ever since you mentioned her yesterday, so to win a copy of the book and have the opportunity to read her story would be absolutely wonderful. Thanks not only for the give-a-way, but for bringing such a woman of God to our attention.
rachel v.
Thanks for having a great giveaway!
I am blessed each time I read your postings.
Deborah M.
I have never heard of her before. Looks like a wonderful testimony. I love to read biographies and then pass them on to my DIL who loves them too.
Tania J
This story looks so inspiring. My friend’s daughter is named after a Darlene–so this may be special for her.
linda turske
A great book to read with my daughters!
I would love to read this book!
Can’t wait to read it.
I would love to win this! I look forward to reading it!!
Ray M.
I would love to win this! I look forward to reading it
Would love to read this book!
Mary S.
Sounds like a great book to read! If I don’t win I will have to check and see if the Library has it, or look into ordering it online. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
Sarah Farrand
I love this book! It was my “curriculum” while I was homeschooled in 7th grade–lots of research about pygmies, the war, great vocabulary/spelling lists, etc. 🙂 My mom has had it for years, but I would love my own copy to pass on to my daughters!
Domestic Lady
Warning…reading this book will change your life! I have bought and given too many copies of this book to remember. Blessings to you and yours!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post that lead me to this and this post. I have savored Corrie ten Boom’s writings and story … although when I read it a couple of years ago – I was greatly aware of how much her times sound like ours. Don’t know where we’re going in this world … anything could happen. Having their stories is such a blessing. I’d love to read Evidence Not Seen and thought I’d give it a whirl to see if I could win it instead of purchase it! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and this book. Jenn
LuAnn Braley
Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway. I love reading about women of faith.
Rosanna R
I would love to read her story!
I would love to read this. If I don’t win it, I will be buying it.
I never heard of her, and this looks fascinating! I think it’s just what we all need: to see Faith..unshakeable..and fierce determination. Yes, that’s what these times will call for. Thank you for sharing this.
Sounds like a fascinating book!
Thank-you for doing this give away. I think my favourite genre of book is biography with missionary biography near the top of the list. I learn so much reading about what others have struggled with and how they have persevered.
I have heard of this missionary lady–it is a pleasure and challenge to read stories like hers and others from this time period. There seemed to be a different attitude of obedience in those years. Thank you for considering giving her book away.
Jacqueline – I appreciate your blog so much 🙂
Katie Kramer
I would love to get a copy of this book. My kids and I are studying missionaries this year using My Father’s World curriculum – Exploring Countries and Cultures. This would go perfectly.
This book looks so inspiring. I
Renee @Doorkeeper
I have read Darlene’s story & was changed by it. I’ve shared about her life on my blog also. But my copy of this book is falling apart. I’d love to win a copy to share w/ my students–I teach in a Christian high school. Thanks for the opportunity. Blessings!
Thanks for hosting this give-away. Just curious if you have seen the video interview of her? Wow! What a humble servant of God. We would all do well to follow her example.
No, Hilary, I haven’t seen the video. I need to find a link for it and share that, too!! What a great idea to further build up the body with a deeper love for our Savior 🙂 Many thanks and blessings!
Sounds like an inspiring read!
I’d love to read this!
Pam O
Thanks for giving the opportunity to win this book, Jacqueline. It looks fascinating – I love biographies!
Thank you for the giveaway. This would be a perfect read for our upcoming school year.
Thank you again 🙂
Carla <
I would love this book. I’m always looking for ways to strengthen and renew my faith!
Just a head’s up. It says the contest ends on Sunday at MN but at 4:28PM on Sunday it is closed. Sometimes this happens when the 12:01am time is chosen for Sunday. I have had this problem before so I know.
My parents had a cassette tape of her giving her testimony that I remember hearing when I was young. Would love to read this book and also share it with my kids!
Jennifer Langford
I would love to have a copy to read! I love personal stories and testimonies!!
Cheryl L. Stansberry
I’ve never heard of this book. Looks interesting.
Jessica A.
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to read it 🙂
I never heard of her, but I’ve been reading missionary biographies, and this one sounds really good 🙂
Tina H.
This is an interesting story. I’d like to read it even if I don’t win!
Looks like a very interesting book. Would love to read it.
Katalina P.
Her name is new to me. I would like to know her story. Thanks!
I’m homeschooling for the 1st time this year and would love Christian educational books for us.
Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the giveaway:)
I am looking forward to reading this book!
I would love to read this book! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I have this on my wishlist at CBD!
I have never heard of her. I would love to read this book!
Sara B.
I read this when I was growing up and remember liking it a lot. I would love to read it to my children.
What makes one want to read biographies over a math or history book? I don’t know but do know I enjoy the christian stories I have read over the yeas. My favorites are the ones by Isobel Kuhn who was in China. Like all the others, I’d love to win this bio, read it and pass it on via the church library. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Kathleen D.
I would love to own her book! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Emily M.
I would love to read this book.
Emily Lynn
Would love to add this to our library!
Thanks for adding a day. Speaks highly of your integrity.
Tori P.
Lovely giveaway! I love missionary stories!
I am just now discovering your site – what a blessing to see a site where Godliness and modesty is encouraged. I wanted to respond to the book you have mentioned by Darlene Rose. I agree, everyone should read it yearly! I had the great honor of meeting the precious Mrs. Darlene Rose and her husband Bro. Jerry several years back. (they have both since gone home to be with the Lord). Altho I had read her book and listened to her cassette, it was still wonderful to sit and listen to her tell the stories. I can say one thing about Mrs. Darlene, she was a wonderful saint of God!!! We still have contact with one of her sons and his wife; the live in Australia and were here for a short visit last year. Ladies, Mrs. Darlene is a lady to look up to!
Oh, yes, Tricia, I can’t tell you how much Darlene Rose has meant to me and our family. God has used her in some amazing ways and I look forward to meeting her in heaven one day 🙂 Thank you so much and may the Lord bless you richly.
Vicki garzanelli
I have read this book 11 times. It is the best book ever.I cry every time I read it. Wish I could have met her!
Vicki, you are a gal after my own heart! I would love to have met her, too!
A neat side story is that my mother got to meet Margaret, one of the other missionaries mentioned in the book, in San Francisco when she was on a ship and they made friends. After the war, she received a postcard from her which we have some where in mom’s paperwork! Mother never met Darlene Rose, but loved reading the story and connecting them. 🙂
Jan Smith
God called my husband and I to serve Him in Papua New Guinea 9 years ago in an amazing turn of events that only God could orchestrate. Since that time we have served Him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea and are grateful for our dear brothers and sisters in Christ who are are friends and neighbors here. So many people here are receptive to the Gospel. Every week people are making professions of faith. We thank God for those who went before us to make it possible for us to be here. Thank you Lord! John 1:29
Ohh Jan, as I read your words, I have goosebumps of joy and thanksgiving! He is marvelous beyond what we can ever imagine and one day we’ll see His majesty and glory face to face!
I would love to meet you and hear all of your story! May God bless you abundantly and richly and those you serve for the Lord Jesus! <3 Jacque
I have a cassette tape somewhere that I recorded off of the radio back in the 70s of her FotF interview, but I’d forgotten much of it. Now that you mention Dr. Jaffray I know that she was a CMA missionary as I’m working on memoirs of a CMA missionary to Laos in the late 20s and remember the area director’s name. Thank you for continuing to tell of her life and testimony.