People of many cultures have been using honey and cinnamon to treat disease for centuries.
Folk wisdom still retains knowledge of the healing properties of both raw honey and cinnamon. Both are great alone, but mixing them together increases their power exponentially.
The Fabulous Duo
Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind, and honey’s popularity has continued throughout all of history. While excavating Egypt’s famous pyramids, archaeologists have found pots of honey in an ancient tomb. The honey, dating back approximately 3,000 years, is the world’s oldest sample – and still perfectly edible according to National Geographic.
Cinnamon’s essential oils and honey’s enzyme that produces cleansing, purifying hydrogen peroxide qualify the two “anti-microbial” foods with the ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi.
This simple mixture has worked well for us, and if we have a cough, we add my No Side-Effect Cough Remedy.
Keeping these two powerhouses on hand in my home-remedy medicine chest is a time saver. I also consider both raw honey and cinnamon to be in the top 10 on my list of preparedness musts.
Obviously, mixing them up is nothing complex; a child could do it in a pinch.
Honey and Cinnamon: A Powerful Duo
If you are diabetic, first read below on the different types (1 or 2) and how it may affect you.
Ingredients and Directions:
• 1 level teaspoon of preferably local raw honey (or this one) True non-processed or previously-heated raw honey should not flow and be thick. (Verify your source)
• 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
• pinch of grey or pink sea salt (such as Redmond’s Real, Celtic, or Himalayan) for the wide array of minerals
• you can double or triple this recipe to save time if there are others taking it
• mix thoroughly
What dose? Take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon two times a day for 3 days for best results. Both honey and cinnamon are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. If you are diabetic read on to see why this may actually be helpful for you.
This amazing combo will usually knock out a cold within a day or two, no joke!
Cinnamon and Honey for Diabetes???
Cinnamon has an insulin-boosting property (water soluble compounds called polyphenol type A polymers) which have the ability to boost insulin activity about 20 fold and can benefit people who have high sugar levels (obese people, pre-diabetics and diabetics. (Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010 May; 4(3): 685–693).
Also, read the honey hibernation diet theory to find out how honey contributes to the metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid, provides a fueling mechanism for the body, keep blood sugar levels balanced, and let our recovery hormones get on with burning body fat stores.
Consumption of raw honey can reduce risk of developing diabetes and help aid medication used to treat diabetes.
Some Honey & Cinnamon Mixture Benefits
The combination of raw honey and cinnamon can be especially beneficial to healthy blood sugar management, as well as many other health concerns like gingivitis and acne.
Dr. Axe states, “Recent studies published out of the journals Nutrition Research and Pharmacognosy Research suggest that up to 1,500 mg of cinnamon supplementation benefits the lipid profile, liver enzymes, insulin resistance, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in diabetics and people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease patients (the #1 cause of liver disease in the world).”
According to a study out of Dubai, honey has been observed to cause a lower elevation of plasma glucose levels in diabetics compared to dextrose and sucrose. Some suggest that the insulin boosting power of cinnamon can counteract this glucose elevation in honey, which would make your honey and cinnamon mixture a low glycemic index food!
Raw honey:•
• increases insulin
• decreases hyperglycemia
Try consuming a little at a time and see how your blood sugar reacts to it.
Warning for those who are insulin dependent (Type 1):
There are different types of diabetes.
• For folks with type 2 diabetes who are insulin resistant, cinnamon can help the body use the insulin it creates.
• For type 1 diabetes (give themselves insulin through shots or a pump, regulating blood sugar between highs AND lows is a daily battle, so cinnamon isn’t actually going to help all diabetics.
• While honey has many health benefits, helping lower blood sugar is not one of them. And, pairing it with cinnamon, which has many health benefits, will not reduce the amount of insulin needed to process the honey, regardless of how well the pancreas works, because of how fast the body absorbs the concentrated sugar content of the honey.
• However, honey can be very helpful in treating LOW blood sugar (hypoglycemia), because of it’s high sugar content.
• Low blood sugar is rarely an issue for patients with type 2 diabetes if they have not become insulin dependent.
• And this is not guaranteed to help everyone. We are all individual complexities!
• Consult your doctor!
Other Benefits of honey and cinnamon according to NaturalNews.com:
• Drinking honey and cinnamon results in them moving through the bladder and destroy the bacteria in the urinary system. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and half a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink.
• Drinking this beverage on a regular basis can also relieve arthritis pain, and in some cases, entirely cure it.
• This mixture strengthens the immune system, helping fight colds as well as some viruses. Make a glass of lukewarm honey water mixed with a generous pinch of cinnamon powder to help boost your immune system during the cold season. It is also helpful in clearing the sinuses.
• Regular consumption of honey and cinnamon together, when combined with an overall healthy diet and moderate activity level, can prevent heart disease by clearing clogged arteries.
• Applying a paste of honey and cinnamon on a gauze pad to infected gums can ease pain and bleeding as well as slow the progression of the infection.
• Honey and cinnamon also provide energy, making people more mentally alert and ready for physical activity which in turn increases the metabolism.
• When consumed together, honey and cinnamon can ease digestion, helping to prevent gas.
Warning: do not give this to infants under the age of one year.
Coffee-lovers – consider adding cinnamon and honey to your brew and then drink a big glass of water! Coffee is very dehydrating, but I digress…maybe I’ll talk about that in another post 🙂
Remember local honey is best because you get local pollen content, and that will help you fight things you are allergic to in your area.
We personally use only raw, local honey.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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