Many people who are prescribed blood pressure meds may find themselves completely unable to obtain their prescriptions in a SHTF or way-off-grid scenario.
This peer-reviewed PubMed article is by Mark Houston, MD, a cardiologist, who uses whole food and supplements to get his patients OFF their blood pressure meds. Dr. Houston has triple-board certification. He is certified as a hypertension specialist by the American Society of Hypertension.
The information is not new, but it has been suppressed.
If you’re on prescription blood pressure drugs, you likely know which classification of antihypertensive you are taking (listed in Table 1). If not, ask your doctor. (The list below may not be completely effective in an acute situation, but if you are out of your meds and have no way of getting more quickly, these are a very viable and real option).
I boiled down this paper to a few foods/supplements that have multiple purposes. You can read the whole paper here.
- Probably everyone knows Garlic does it all (see Table 1), but if you are of African descent, garlic may not work as well as watermelon or anything in the gourd or squash family, if available.
- Vitamin B6: (or as in a B Complex) works as a diuretic, a calcium channel blocker, a central alpha agonist, and an angiotensin receptor blocker
- Taurine: works as a diuretic, a calcium channel blocker, a central alpha agonist, an angiotensin receptor blocker
- Magnesium: works as a diuretic, calcium channel blocker, and a Direct Vasodilator
- Hawthorne: works as a diuretic, calcium channel blocker, a Beta Blocker, angiotensin-converting enzyme blocker
- Celery (powder): works as a diuretic, calcium channel blocker, central alpha agonist, an angiotensin receptor blocker
- C0Q10: works as a diuretic, a central alpha agonist, an angiotensin receptor blocker, and a direct vasodilator
- Hemp protein & seed oil: contains gamma linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and is rich in magnesium, fiber, L-arginine, Vit B6, zinc, protein, and other elements that act as calcium channel blockers, central alpha agonists, angiotensin receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme blocker, and direct vasodilators
- Vitamin C (aka sodium ascorbate) acts as a synergist in combination with all of these. 2,000-4,000 mg/d, divided, are optimum.
Dr. Houston demonstrated that hypertensive patients had significantly more micronutrient deficiencies compared with normotensive patients.
In six months, 62% of the hypertensive patients were able to taper off and/or simply discontinue antihypertensive drugs (leaving all the side-effects behind) and maintain their blood pressures to between 120/80 mm Hg and 126/84 mm Hg.
Natural Compounds With Blood Pressure Lowering Qualities
You can see in Table 1 here all the Natural Foods & Compounds with Antihypertensive Qualities
- Note that Hawthorne berry is listed repeatedly as effective to lower B/P naturally. Learn how to make your own tincture here.
- Also note that ‘fiber’ is listed in 4 of the 6 categories.
“Many patients can have hypertension prevented or controlled without pharmacotherapy.” ~Dr. Mark Houston, cardiologist
One reader: “Spinach works to dilate blood vessels and beetroot does too but using a different mechanism. One I use as a substitute for one BP med and one for another. I use celery as a diuretic and banana to deal with the potassium/sodium balance. (I eat the banana with the spinach and the beetroot, celery, carrot & apple get juiced every second day.) Together these 4 plus just one beta blocker has been enough to drop my BP from 200/100 down to 125/60. When I discovered spinach, I also found it improved my physical stamina by about 20% and my short term memory by about 200%, yes it tripled my ability to remember short term instructions.”
A commenter: “Somebody keeps asking me how I know about the effects of watermelon and squashes having antihypertensive effects on persons of Color. I got stuck in Texas after my credit card got hacked and had to hang around for a week waiting for my bank to send me another one. I had only enough $ for lodging and budget meals while I waited for the replacement. I ate dinner every night at a supermarket cafeteria and every night a gentleman of color walked in and purchased a huge plate of watermelon and ate the whole thing like a dying man! I couldn’t figure out why anyone would do this until I asked him. Turns out hypertension in persons of African descent has very much to do with Vitamin absorption and the production of skin pigment. Watermelon and squashes contain a high amount of citrulline amongst other things, that act directly on the kidneys and cardiovascular systems in people with darker skin tones. The gentleman was lowering his blood pressure in the supermarket cafeteria. As I said elsewhere, it’s probably best to eat what your grandmother told you to eat.”
And my husband’s personal experience: that the leafy green vegetable Bok choy (1 small-med leaf and stem daily) is very effective. It’s loaded with potassium, magnesium, and calcium, all of which help to reduce your blood pressure naturally. It has been his preferred way for over 6 years.
So ditch the side-effect laden man-made B/P meds (with your doctor’s help, of course) by eating God-given targeted whole foods and nutraceuticals. You will be surprised that your body works like it was designed to work! You don’t have to wait for the SHTF.
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” ~Ayurvedic Proverb
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Thank you so much for continuing to be a blessing & wealth of knowledge for those of us seeking true truth! It’s great to know there are doctors out there that genuinely care about their patients’ health as opposed to the legalized drug dealers pushing pills that do more harm than good. In case any of your readers are interested, they might want to check out Dr. Patrick Flynn’s The Wellness Way. They have clinics across the U.S. They’re all about strengthening the immune system naturally and using food and supplements to treat an individual’s needs. We’re currently in their wellness program and are loving it!
Audrey, thank you for sharing Dr. Patrick Flynn’s The Wellness Way here. Many do not know how many good doctors have left the “system” and are doing excellent work uphold the “first do no harm” ethic!
Thanks, again,
The famous cartoonist Scott Adams just in the past week or two revealed on his YouTube podcast that over the past few months he has been feeling so poorly that he no longer had the will to live. He was in pain most of the day and had no strength to exercise or do routine chores. He was perplexed as to the cause, given that he follows a healthy diet and has always had a positive outlook on life. As an experiment, last week he decided to stop taking his blood pressure medication. Within a day, all his symptoms went away. He is convinced the medication was the problem. When he shared the results with his healthcare provider, he was told to DOUBLE the dose! In his podcast yesterday or today he said since going off his medication he has started taking 30 minute walks and cutting back on coffee. With those simple steps, his mildly high blood pressure has dramatically improved WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION! I don’t suffer from high blood pressure, but I would encourage anyone who is having strange symptoms on these medications to go listen to Scott’s recent podcasts. It’s called Coffee With Scott Adams.
Sandy, thank you for sharing Scott’s story! I will check it out!
What he says validates what I have seen with pharma medications in general… they seem to help for a while and then the patient just starts to become sicker and sicker!
That’s so true Jacque! More people seem to be finally realizing this. Scott’s discussion of his experience starts at around the 7 minute mark of today’s podcast (Nov. 1).
As always, very helpful information. Thank you so much for all that you do to help others.
Bea Ann Bridges
Thank you for sending out today’s email with info on the short animated film exposing abortion. I found it on YouTube b/c I couldn’t get your link to work and I don’t see it on Deep Roots at Home website.
What a hard 4 minutes to view – what a tragedy this is happening!
P.S. I can’t figure out how to post this comment as private.