Three men made the difficult choice to follow their beliefs despite deadly consequences to their own flesh.
Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer made what some would say was a fatal choice to hold to their faith in converting to the teachings of the Great Reformation which had sprung up in Europe.
The reign of Mary I was a dangerous time to preach against the then-corrupt Catholic church. In all, Bloody Mary’s reign of terror claimed the lives of more than 300 Protestants. It ended with her death in 1558.
Latimer quoted to Ridley as they burned: “Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man! We shall this day light such a candle by God’s grace in England as I trust shall never be put out.”
There is a powerful side story which made a huge impression on our family as we visited this site.
Thomas Cranmer
The third man, Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, should have been burned on the stake with Ridley and Latimer, but….
Thomas Cranmer (the exalted Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England) was imprisoned in the Tower of London, tried for heresy, and condemned to death with Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer.
[Here are portions of the story from The One Year Book Of Christian History, by Michael Rusten, October 16, pg. 580-581.]

“After much pressure Cranmer finally signed a recantation denouncing Luther as a heretic and affirming the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. But Queen Mary I and the Catholic bishops had no intention of sparing Cranmer. They knew that the Reformation seemed to grow stronger with each martyrdom, so their plan was to show the folly of the movement through the collapse of a major leader. They planned to have Cranmer make a public statement of his conversion to Catholicism to show his weakness and then execute him!!!“
A whole year went by.
“But Cranmer had the last word. On that appointed day Cranmer was brought to the platform to speak to the assembled crowd. He confirmed his faith in God and the Bible. Then to the horror of the church dignitaries, he said, “As for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ’s enemy and Antichrist, with all his false doctrine!” Amid an uproar, Cranmer was pulled off the platform, but he broke away and ran straight to the stake and stood resolutely to be burned.
“The flames soon consumed Thomas Cranmer, but his brave denunciation forever destroyed the power of Roman Catholicism in England making it a Protestant nation. The deaths of Latimer, Ridley, and Cranmer indeed lit a candle that has never been put out!“
He never gives us more than we can bear, but that He carries us through it.
When I remember such history, it makes me want to live more and more simply. It makes me want to have little to hold me here. It makes me want to be utterly enthralled with Jesus so that “to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Can you say with these Christians: “the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life” (Psalm 63:3)? Better than life! To live in the love of God is better than life with husband and children.
Jesus called Himself ‘the Way’ (John 14: 6) and’ the Door’ (John 10: 7). May we all choose the Door that leads to life eternal whether we face persecution or not.
“I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” ~Revelation 3: 8
“When one door closes, another one opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.” ~Alexander Graham Bell
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
I found you through the blog party and enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for hosting this link up!
What a fantastic post! I am spending the entire month on spreading the Good News and would be honored if you came back and linked up on Friday.
Thank you for stopping by Merry, Married, Mary Mom. I’ll definitely be back to read more.
Annie Kate
What a lovely post. I had read about this, but had never seen the actual location. Thank you so much!
Annie Kate
Mrs. White
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It’s nice to see another mother who has grown children. You are doing a wonderful job with your blog!
Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home
Oi Jaqueline! Que Deus nos conserve nos seus caminhos! Precisamos ensinar os pequeninos a crer e servir a este Deus tão poderoso. Minha caçula termina a faculdade este ano. Parece que minha missão termina também, mas mãe é mãe sempre.
Hi Jacqueline! May God preserve us in his ways! We need to teach the little ones to believe and serve this God so powerful. My youngest child finishes college this year. It seems my mission ends well, but mother is always mother.
the site is beautiful & love the door & quote. I do have a hard time justifying the death of another because of the faith they have chosen. Unless it is in Satan himself. God has many names, but is all One in spirit and fills the soul with knowledge and comfort the person needs. as far as formal religion goes, sadly there is corruption in many a high place through out. We must follow the truth in our heart & what touches the soul.
hugs~ Faythe @GMT~
Madame Wildflower
It can sometimes be difficult to go through the doors that the Lord desires us to walk though. I know that when doors have closed in my life, it has been particularly difficult for me. However, reading this encouraging message has given me a better perspective on things in this regard.
At any rate, this is my first time to your blog, and I have truly enjoyed my visit. It seems like you have some very encouraging and helpful words here. I am sure to return to read more of your writings.
~M. Wildflower
Jennifer Price
Thank you so much for sharing this post…and your heart.
Your heart about your family, parenting, and the change of seasons.
And, I liked the picture of you in front of the door~very elegant lady you
are at ‘almost’ 60. I appreciate your FAITH!
What an interesting post. We are currently reading about the Thirty Years War and I find this area of history to be very intriguing.
What an interesting post. We are currently reading about the Thirty Years War and I find this era of history to be very intriquing.
As always, dear friend, you are being that “titus 2” woman of God and I so appreciate all that you share and my interactions with you and your lovely daughter and some of the things you have shared concerning your sons, just shows the wonderful fruit of the Holy Spirit and your faithful teaching and training in all of those wonderful homeschooling days. I pray that the Lord would continue to lead and direct your steps to bring glory to His name. <3
Thank you for your kind words, Karen. It is all the Lord b/c I am so messed up!
Wow, how powerful and informative!
Thank you so very much for sharing this at Memoir Mondays!
I am honored that you linked up.
I hope to continue the MM hop in Sept…I have kept the linky open but have not written specific Memoir Monday posts since mid June due to crazy, busy summer commitments and a lengthy trip my fam took cross country. We just arrived home a few days ago and we’re getting back into a “routine.” I took a long blogging/tech break, which I really really needed.
I am looking fwd to seeing you around the blogosphere!
Thanks again for linking!
God bless!
(I see from your IP that we passed your neck of the woods this summer!:) We drove from NY to San Fran
Thanks for the sweet note back 🙂 I am glad and thankful you are home safe and sound! It sounds like it was a wonderful, enriching time! Come this way anytime!