What I present today should give you enough information to do more research if you find this valuable. I have no affiliation to the product from Germany you’ll read about in a minute.
[Thanks to Dr. Mark Sircus for providing some of this text. First, I need to set the groundwork of why this may be helpful for you or someone you love. I know too many who have used CD with very good results now to disregard it any longer, however, this is for informational purposes only.]
Early on, almost a year before the first COVID vaccines were released on a naïve, trusting public, doctors were reporting bizarre, unsettling cases that didn’t seem to follow any of the textbooks they’ve trained with. They describe patients with startlingly low oxygen levels — so low that they would normally be unconscious or near death — talking and swiping on their phones. Some patients who, by all conventional measures, seemed to have mild disease were deteriorating within minutes.
I’ll never forget the day I watched Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ER and critical care doc in Brooklyn say in a viral video, “It’s as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are stuck on a plane at 30,000 feet and the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen”. He shockingly and convincingly suggested that we are treating using the wrong measures.
And more recently, reports of healthy people in their 20s and 30s dying of strokes are the latest twist in our evolving mystery of Covid-19. Once thought to be a pathogen that primarily attacks the lungs, it has turned out to affect nearly every major organ system in the body.
Chlorine Dioxide To The Rescue
Chlorine dioxide, that extremely safe medicine that the FDA would rather not exist, works on the central damaging aspect of COVID vaccines, which is coagulation in the blood. “Normally doctors prescribe an anticoagulant, such as warfarin (Coumadin), which is a substance equal to rat poison, which in the long term, will cause strokes, etc. So it’s not a solution at all. However, chlorine dioxide is a solution because we have seen that it directly dissolves mini clots before they get bigger,” says Dr. Andreas Kalcker.
“Oxygen deprivation is the cause of death for most covid-19 victims. Chlorine dioxide floods the blood with oxygen, immediately enriching the hemoglobin molecules on red blood cells and allowing patients to breathe again,” continues Kalcker.
Notably, many sick and dying have red blood cells clumping together and not moving freely. Severely clumped (Rouleau) red blood cells affect proper oxygenation because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. Remember, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell noted that it seemed COVID patients had been transported to 30,000 feet in altitude and were starving for oxygen?
This video shows that after taking chlorine dioxide, the red blood cells regain proper size and shape and move freely through the blood. 4 minutes.
[The free 90 page PDF DIY with Chlorine Dioxide: A Guide for Using Chlorine Dioxide in the Home by Dr. Brian Stone mentioned at the end of this video can be found here: https://bit.ly/CLO2-Do-it-yourself As one reader said, ‘it is pure GOLD!’]
Chlorine dioxide does not thin the blood as a blood thinner like Coumadin would. It simply allows a more free flow of hemoglobin-carrying red blood cells around one another. It does not impact the patient’s ability to create blood clots normally.
Is Chlorine Dioxide the Perfect Water Medicine?
Jim Humble, trained initially as an aerospace engineer, is the person most responsible for bringing to light the many unique benefits of Chlorine Dioxide, which is a simple water purification substance widely used by campers and industrial water purification systems for decades. That’s the shortlist of uses for this unique substance.
While using chlorine dioxide as a water-treatment solution during an expedition in South America, Humble made a serendipitous discovery. He observed that chlorine dioxide quickly restored health to malaria victims, evidence of chlorine dioxide’s apparent ability to strengthen the immune cell response to infection. Intrigued by this success story, he became utterly committed to sharing his discovery with the world and exploring chlorine dioxide’s benefits, with religious zeal, in treating other diseases.
On the first page of one of his books on chlorine dioxide, Jim Humble claims that “chlorine dioxide is recommended as a treatment for a wide range of diseases. These include cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B and C, Lyme disease, MRSA, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high B/P, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, and many others.”
I blew this off when I first read this about 12 years ago. Now I know better.
It just so happens that chlorine dioxide not only purifies water but it purifies our inner systems. It does the same thing to us as it does to water. It clears the water of all pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and fungus. There is no doubt about this in the water purification industry, and now there is no doubt that it does the same for the people who use it. It clears our bodies of pathogens. It oxidizes them with oxygen. The formula for chlorine dioxide is CLO2.
Jim Humble promoted chlorine dioxide as a stand-alone cure for everything, which it is not. Chlorine dioxide will not alleviate all the problems from magnesium or iodine deficiency, for example, nor will it address CO2 deficiencies in the blood. But the royal road to recovery from most diseases starts with the removal of viruses, bacteria, and fungus. It also begins with blasts of oxygen released by chlorine dioxide. So it is now my Tiger Tank, the spearhead of the panzer division of helpful healing substances, many of which are used quietly in ICU departments.
Of course, the FDA, which loves to approve hazardous medicines like COVID vaccines, ignores safe and inexpensive alternatives. The FDA hates chlorine dioxide, and the federal government will throw you in jail if you market it or sell it as a cure for anything.
So one has to buy the basic, widely available 2-part kit and make a purified form of chlorine dioxide-infused water AT HOME. See HOW to make it in this 3 minute video.
It will make healing from anything that much easier. Though I will write later about its effect on autism, read my lips, every parent of an autistic child or adult should investigate and use chlorine dioxide (read about mom Kerri Rivera here). The same goes for cancer patients.
A patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas decided, on his own, to refuse chemotherapy and to treat himself with oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide. As a result, his blood tests and radiological examinations have almost normalized, and the disease is stable at 18 months.
The Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine demonstrates chlorine dioxide is effective and safe in the treatment for COVID-19. Also, for Lyme patients, Dr. George Georgiou says, “I am on the cusp of showing scientifically that chlorine dioxide can knock out Borrelia too, but this is a tricky pleomorphic organism that has protective mechanisms, but we are moving closer to 100% kill rate.” Georgiou already published the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide against MRSA.
Now to rub this in the face of the FDA:

Though the people who are behind this company teach people to make CDS at home, here is an EU-approved German-made product (see ‘Efficacy and approval’ section):. The company says clearly: “CDSplus is our newly developed and patented 2-component product. After activation, it contains a pure and absolutely chlorine-free aqueous concentrate of chlorine dioxide solution as a biocide for highly effective control of bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores, algae, mites, parasites, biofilms, and other pathogenic germs such as the dangerous legionella. CDSplus is up to 99.9999% effective, which the Robert Koch Institute confirmed.” However, bear in mind that no claims are made, and it is only APPROVED for water cleansing, not for internal use.

So do not pay attention to one word the FDA has to say. If you do not want to make it yourself, go to the Aquarius site. For fifty Euros, you can get 250 ml (250 doses) of something quite magical. Read the CDSPlus 3 (pictured above) product information here. Jim Humble was correct to call it the Magical Mineral Supplement. It does its magic to water and the entire body environment. It is the ultimate gift you can give yourself for health.
CDSplus is approved for drinking water treatment, general disinfection in the private sector, hygiene in the veterinary industry, the food and feed sector. So drink up without a second thought. Treat your water with it and drink it down for body purification and detoxification. You use chlorine dioxide to make the ultimate water. It is the perfect water medicine.
CDSplus and the CDS you can make at home have none of the problems of the original chlorine dioxide solutions! So now we can go beyond the magical to a heavenly God-given molecule. Dr. Georgiou agrees with me, saying, “I call it God’s Natural Antimicrobial (GNA).”
If you are seeking a route to get well from long-covid or jab-injury, please invest 16 minutes and hear Dr. Kalcker explain:
[From The Perfect Water Medicine, Dr. Mark Sircus]
“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” ~Proverbs 3:7-8
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Deborah Berko
Thank you Jacqueline! I have been adding CDS to my water since Dr. Ardis came out with the info on venom. Mike Adams mentioned in the interview that Andreas Kalcker told him CDS works on venom.
Hi, Deborah,
It does, plus a plethora of other things that are coming at us! It is so easy to do, as well.
I need to mention that we should do it on an empty stomach for best effect and not to take Vit C or high Vit C foods, drinks right then because they may be enough to antidote the effect!
Blessings, friend!
Deborah Berko
Thank you. I especially appreciate the link to the 90 page PDF by Brian Stone – this info is GOLD! I sure appreciate all that you do to protect and enrich our lives Jacque.
Where can i find this link?
Terri, I asked Deborah the same question! I wonder what she means. Thanks for your patience!
Terri, see Deborah’s comment. Here it is again: “Towards the end of the short video there was a link for the book: https://bit.ly/CLO2-Do-it-yourself. That opened up on this link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxUMfJnkDmHEZBiDqV7gI0PHcXr0GVag/view “
Debbie, what PDF is that? Someone beside me is asking, too! Thanks!
Deborah Berko
Towards the end of the short video there was a link for the book: https://bit.ly/CLO2-Do-it-yourself. That opened up on this link:
Goodness, I missed that! Thank you so much!!! <3
Will you please add this info to the main body of the blog post? Not everybody reads comments and this is important (knowing to take on an empty tummy not close to vitamin C supplements or foods).
I may have missed this, but where can I get pure CD to add to the liter of water w to make this?
Thank you for your good work, Jacqueline, I am a fellow wild crafter, would-be herbalist and an avid reader of your posts 🙂
Hi, Heather, you can click on the image of the product. Also, there is a link in the text right below that image to Aquarius (the company and to the product page).
I hope that helps!
Sending peace,
Might I ask how much of the Aquarius Plus product (after activated) you personally have tried adding to water? I seem to read 1 drop per 1 cup and also 1 drop per 1 gallon???
Rachel, I apologize for the delay in answering. I believe Deborah has given us the answer in her comment here. If you are wanting to disinfect 1 gallon, it is 1 drop.
Again, see this spreadsheet and video, and that is when you use part A and part B together to activate it. I have not received my Aquarius Plus product yet, so until I do and know more, I can’t say with certainty how much of the product to use to purify water.. but, I plant to drink it as directed.
I hope this is helpful! ~J
Here’s what I do using Sodium Chlorite (28% C102) and 4% HCL: 1) 1 drop Sodium Chlorite (C102) in a glass, 2) 1 drop HCL 4% on top of the first drop; shake glass, 3) wait 30 seconds until the mixture turns a yellowish amber color, 4) Add 4 oz. water and add to the 1 gallon of water needing purification, 5) Mix for 5-30 seconds and wait 30 minutes before drinking.
This information was taken from the link by Dr. Stone that I listed earlier.
Thank you, Deborah!!!
VERY helpful for anyone and everyone who is working to be prepared!!
Warm hugs,
Most welcome Jacque. God providentially led me to figure this out for my own use a few days ago.