Dear Father, this time is nearing an end, and I’m not ready yet! Today the ‘little years’ flood my mind with sweet remembrances and a deep feelings of loss at their passing; I lift those feelings and fears up as a sacrifice of praise to You, Lord!
There were stories my mom used to tell me of how she couldn’t nurse me and the sadness she felt…not enough milk…how she cried out to God in the shower. As a teenager I didn’t really understand what a invaluable, precious time that is between a Mama and her babies. Now as a parent, I look back and rejoice in the miracle of our children’s births and the time God allowed me to revel in my happy place as a mother of children in a safe and loving (though imperfect) home, rocking, singing, and praying over each of our little ones. I purposely lived it to the full.
“He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.” ~Psalm 113: 9
Thoughts On Time
Long past are the sweet days spent tucked together on the couch with such precious books as the Wisdom and the Millers Series and true animal stories by E. W. Dolch including Bear Stories. Animated group Bible memorization around the lunch table often resounded with pleasant laughter.
Among our many other favorites, Beautiful Girlhood was read aloud and discussed, one topical chapter at a time, with pajama’d mother and daughter warm in the big bed.
Home-educating with all its challenges (in hindsight, not so difficult as I had feared) proved to refine me and them more into the Lord’s image.
Such bonding and understanding surely was of His design! I thank Him for the leading only He could have given as I cried out for wisdom one year at a time.
Rapidly, like a technicolor dream, 20-some years have passed. Our home is now filled with all the hustle and bustle of our young adults and the plans, hopes, and dreams they carry in their hearts. Those ‘little years’ seem so long ago.
Time Flies: Moving Shadows
As the shadows creep over the floor in clockwork regularity, morning to evening, day after day with the passing seasons, I catch a glimpse of how short our time really is here on earth.
“So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” ~Ps. 90:12
So how do parents of young adults stay effective in this new season of their lives?
We model, coach, speak into, exhort, facilitate, encourage, and cheer on our young eager progeny. It is the way our Lord designed it as hopefully we pass the baton of wisdom and fear of the Lord on to the next generation.
We pray continuously asking the Lord to give them wisdom, correct any heart-deviations from truth, and show them His direction for future work, financial security, marriage and family, and what that might look like in the years ahead. And we must start these things early!
All our birthdays are within 40 days of each other, and mine will finish the cycle in a few days once again reminding me of the passage of time. There is joy in the journey.
Time For A New Season
It has taken some getting used to knowing that I am not in the childhood parenting mode anymore, though I will always be a Mother. There is a principle at work similar to that voiced by John the Baptist in John 3:30: “He must become greater; I must become less.” It is right and good that we are working ourselves out of a job!
John’s mission was to go before Jesus and prepare the way for Him. Our mission is to model Christ-like lives for our children and along the way gradually give over the reins for them to become totally independent. They are to ‘leave and cleave’. That timing is up to God.
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” ~Deuteronomy 6: 6-7
Despite occasionally serious feelings of sadness that those ‘little days’ are over, I look forward to the years ahead and to what God will continue to do in our marriage and ministry. Perhaps one day I will be able to pour into the lives of little grand-children. And once again, I lift those hopes to the Lord as a sacrifice of praise!
“Strength and honor are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her…”
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©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Thank you so much for this sweet post! I try to remember how time flies, as I look back at the years they are so quick and yet in the moment they are exhaustingly long. Another blogging lady ( wrote an answer to a young mom’s question and I’ve held on to her advice: I’m learning how to constantly put self aside after years of not having to. Thanks for the reminder… as I’m tempted to frown at my needy little co-sleeper slouched next to me on the sofa after 4 attempts to lay him on his own. 😉
Jacqueline….wow…your post today is sweet encouragement to my heart. Only two more years and all our children will be adults and mothering will take a different form. I agree there is joy in the journey and it goes by so fast. Thank you friend for sharing your thoughts. Have a blessed week and happy birthday.
Beautiful words of wisdom! How time flies! We really LOVE the Wisdom and the Miller Series. In fact, my daughter just YESTERDAY re-found the Missionary and the Millers and was sharing with me some of the stories that touched her heart! These books are pearls 🙂 as so are the reminders you have given us here. Bittersweet though they are…
Charlotte Moore
It sure does go by fast. We have 3 grandsons and even our first great grand daughter. She is already 14 months old. So hard to believe.
Lindy Thomason
Thank you Jacqueline for such beautiful thoughts at the beginning of my day! Your sentiments are mine…. What a beautiful role God gave us in the light of the choice Eve made…. He truly maketh all things beautiful in His time…
I hope to never have to open my inbox and not find something you’ve written… I pray for your strength and courage each day as your live the life He’s called you to live and yet have time to share with us.
Thank you!!
I really really appreciate this post – as well as your blog. I love the encouragement I get from reading your posts. So glad to have found you!
Thank you for your kind words, Courtney. It is my pleasure to share and to know that some of the comfort I felt in the Lord can be shared with you and others.
This scripture comes to mind:
“Praise be to the…God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer.” 2 Cor. 1: 3-6
Blessings, dear one!
Niki at For Journey's Sake
I have caught glimpses of your blog before, but today I took the time to read this post, because of seeing your lovely picture on someone else’s blog. I am so glad that you are taking the time to invest in younger women’s lives like myself. It is wonderful to see your someone with your experience share your wisdom with others. I am hooked! I will definitely be back for more and I hope you find grace and contentment in this season of your life.
However you found Deep Roots, Nikki, I’m so glad you are here. I will stop over at For Journey’s Sake and visit you now. May your day be filled with joy and thanksgiving in the Lord as you seek to serve Him. Blessings!
Niki at For Journey's Sake
Thank you, Jacqueline!
Thank you for the reminder. I am in the remembering stage and also still in the little years. Our oldest is 25 and married, and a mother, and the youngest of our 11 children is just a year old. I love the long season of little years I have had and look forward to the other seasons as well.
I enjoy your blog posts but hardly ever comment or link up due to time restraints.
Wow, Christi,
I am so blessed to hear of your extended season…what a real blessing to be able to pour into the gems the Lord has given you and your husband. I am SO glad you took this moment to comment. It gives me the opportunity to pray for you today. Grace and peace, sweet mama.
This was such a beautiful beautiful post that I really really share in the memories of the passing seasons. Life is short!! Jesus is coming!! I loved seeing the pictures of your staks of books. We read those books too, often (daily) cuddled on the sofa. One of my girls would braid my hair into a braid for each sibling (and practically put me to sleep) or rub my back (SLOWLY) while her oldest brother would try to sneak out of the family room if I (inevitably) nodded off!!
Thanks for linking up with me this week. It is such an honor that you would link with me over at WholeHearted Home. Your blog is one of my favorite ten or so.
Haha! I fell asleep, too~~ How funny and so true for the tired Mama! Bless you!
Oh Jacqueline! I am smarting quite a bit lately over my eldest son becoming a senior in high school in just a few months. He is 16 going on 26 and I am feeling woefully inadequate to tackle this new journey of almost adulthood. I so long for the time back to do over, or do better the thing I have goofed up on. Alas, I can not, and so he is as he always was in God’s hands. The time goes so very fast. I am astonished some days to wake up and see this great big man-child sitting at my table wolfing down bowls of cereal. Thank you for these sweet thoughts and thank you for the reminder that every season should be of joy and thankfulness.
I think you have inspired the beginning of a new blog post for me… 🙂
Ah, Gretchen,
It is a time of pain and great joy! We must hold these men-children in open hands, lest our tightly clenched fist need to be un-pried (new word or misspell?) Anyway, I am praying for you, dearie. Remember, “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” 1 John 5: 3-5
This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith!!!!! Stand firm, dear Mama! Trust and obey. I am praying now for you all!
Sara Shay
So sweet! They remind me of mine. Especially the first picture. I am amazed how fast it has already gone. My oldest will be 7 in 2 weeks.
Sara, for some reason I thought you had a 10 year old, too! You are such a good Mama 🙂
Your postings are so wonderfully written and the photos always touch my heart.
I can so relate to this post – my oldest son is now a senior in college, and my youngest child is a sophmore in high school. Many times I will pause at a photo in our house, or I will go into one of their rooms and just remember…and it is so bittersweet. I cannot believe how fast the years go by. We have pencil portraits of our children that were done just 6 years ago and I cannot believe how much they have changed. I mean really, 6 years? That is not that much time!
But, the “times they are a changin”! Thank you for all your love poured out in your posts. And your testimony is so powerful. Thank you, thank you!