(I’m excited to bring you something of eternal value for your young children. Kathie Morrissey of Character Corner has graciously allowed me to share her post here and add some of my own favorite hymns.)
I often mention singing together as a family because it’s one of my favorite memories of when our kids were all at home. We sang with them from the time they were very young, all the way through the teen years.
Teach Them Young
We also played good Christian music when we were in the car, when they were playing, or even at nap time. We taught them lots of Scripture songs, kids choruses, and hymns. Today I want to share a list of 25 hymns that I think our young kids should know, because they are foundational to our faith.
I was brought up in a home where hymns played a big part. We sang them at church, my mom listened to them on Christian radio, and often sang hymns throughout the day as she worked.
I learned to love hymns, and the message of them. Today they still speak to my heart. I want to pass that on to my kids!
Music does something for your spirit, and it can also bring comfort during times of hurt. Singing together is a great way to bond with your kids, and spend time together in a profitable, enjoyable way.
If you start when the kids are young, they will develop a love for music, and as they get older the music will minister to them.
I have noticed that music continues to be important to my kids, even though they are older. It is comforting and encouraging to them. I’ve seen a couple of the kids, as teens, take their Bible and a hymn book to a quiet place to worship and spend time with God. They use the hymns to worship, and prepare their heart for what God has to say to them from His word.

We sing hymns about our salvation, the power of God’s Word, what Christ suffered for us, and His greatness; we sing some hymns to bring comfort when we have heartaches. Hymns are powerful and strong.
Teaching our young kids great hymns of our faith (and others that aren’t hymns, too) should be part of their education, as these hymns reinforce the Biblical beliefs we teach them daily.
There are many, many others that are good, but this list will get you started.
Why not start singing hymns as a family – when your kids are still young?
- This is My Father’s World
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Take My Life and Let It Be
- It is Well With My Soul
- All Creatures of Our God and King
- Great is Thy Faithfulness
- Oh, God Our Help In Ages Past
- Amazing Grace
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- Christ the Lord is Risen Today
- Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
- Blessed Assurance
- The Old Rugged Cross
- My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
- How Great Thou Art
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
- To God Be the Glory
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- How Deep the Father’s Love
- Rock of Ages
- Trust and Obey
- Power In the Blood
- A Mighty Fortress
- All the Way My Savior Leads Me
- Praise To the Lord, the Almighty
Learning Theology While Young – Effortlessly
Elisabeth Elliot, missionary and author said this about hymns: “One of the things that I think is so important to teach and often neglected nowadays is the learning of hymns, because it’s an easy way to learn theology. My father was not a theologian, but he was a very, very devout Christian and a writer and an editor of a Christian magazine. But we sang a hymn every single morning after breakfast. Because of that, we children learned hymns by heart without any effort whatsoever.”
Hymns Help with Easy Memorizing
Here are some things we did to help children memorize all the stanzas easily:
1. Besides read alouds, sing hymns. Started by choosing 4 or 5 hymns and singing those same hymns every night until the children were very familiar with them. Then add more.
2. We would informally crowd together by the portable CD player in the kitchen and sing. Sometimes it was over lunch! We sang and read stories of the hymn writers. The children and I grew to love that time together. It also made our lunchtimes memorable, though they weren’t perfect!
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” ~Proverbs 18:10
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