This situation is critical and vital for parents to understand.
Over half of all US children now suffer from a chronic condition, disability, or disease. (Source)
Americans spend the least on food, the most on “health care” and have the sickest kids of any industrialized country.
Chronic Illness
More kids than not are chronically ill with various illnesses, developmental delays, and consume or are injected with prescription medications from cradle to grave, which is going to be a quicker trip for them than it was for their parents, according to data on life expectancy in the US. We have become accustomed to undesirable, chronic health outcomes like regressive autism, epilepsy, chronic allergy, asthma, diabetes, obesity, Crohn’s disease, and, yes, cancer. Psychiatric meds abound…
We are dying younger. We are going backwards.
I grew up not knowing a single child with these conditions. I neither had the flu nor a flu shot (they weren’t a thing yet). I only remember being sick when I had the chickenpox, which was a rite of passage for the ten and under. I was outside playing with calamine lotion on and nobody feared the chickenpox. We’re now seeing shingles outbreaks in the young, an illness that only the 60 plus demographic used to be susceptible to.
In 1983, children were required to have ten vaccines by age six. That changed to 74 doses by age 18 in 2019 (counting flu shots).
To maximize profits, doctors, once told to give no more than four simultaneous vaccines, are now expected to give up to nine. This means that twelve-month-old babies can get a total of twenty-five antigens in one day, an astounding immune assault for a twenty pounder.
Pregnant women are now encouraged to have flu shots, which was found to trigger more fetal deaths. Still, nobody blinks. Our government just adds more, telling pregnant women to get TDaP shots, too (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis).
The FDA has never tested the results of giving all these vaccines together in one day, or the cumulative effect of giving so many to a very young child. By the age of six, under the current schedule, kids get at least eighty-five viral and bacterial antigens, plus mercury (still in flu shots), aluminum (linked to Alzheimer’s), formaldehyde, nut oil adjuvants, and contaminant viral or bacterial DNA.
In 1995 genetically-modified crops entered the US food supply without review or regulation.
Papaya and tomatoes were the first foods tinkered with. Soon after came soy and corn – key ingredients in infant formulas and processed food for infants and children. For the first time in human existence, infants were injected with GMO viral material on the day they were born, and ingesting GMO formula.
GMO foods and vaccines jam genetic traits across species into each other, in combinations not possible in nature.
[There’s nothing more alarming than altering DNA. Think about it: injecting Male DNA into females and vs versa. And we are NOT told this…but it was in the ingredient lists until January of this year. Now that we’ve started a movement, and we are speaking up, they’re removing things.]
Because of disturbing data on how GMO foods disrupt beneficial human gut microbes, trigger chronic allergies or cancers, and injure organs, other countries refuse American GMO crops, ban GMO foods, or require GMO labeling.
Not us.
The government’s symbiotic relationship with Big Food ensures that we have no idea what we’re eating.
No action is taken on a federal level since the FDA dubbed GMO foods “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS), a designation that requires no safety testing. This happened simply because a Monsanto consulting attorney told the FDA to do it that way, in 1992.
A quarter century later, consumers are wising up, and trying to get state-mandated labeling laws. Predictably, these usually fail thanks to outrageous sums of money poured into states from corporate interests eager to keep you uninformed enough to continue buying their products.
Concerned yet? You should be. We’re being poisoned.
As for measles —NO ONE was afraid of it! 8 minutes.
If you decided to vaccinate and now regret it, you can still detox that vaccine.
Strabismus, Facial & Spinal Asymmetry Occurring Post-Vacc: Look For It
What I’d Tell You Over Coffee If You Asked If We Vaccinate
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes!
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
If any of your readers are from New York State maybe they can sign this petition below as NYS is trying to make it mandatory for kids to have the HPV vaccine. Totally unnecessary!