Just for fun my daughter and I began this mini-series entitled A Portrait Of Feminine Dress. We wanted to share some ideas to show a casual, feminine style with your mix-n-match pieces plus tips to minimize and simplify.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; She laughs at the days to come.” ~Proverbs 31:25
So take a moment to think of how you can simplify your life by purging your closet. I have found it saves me accumulated hours of time in a year just deciding what to wear if I don’t have to wade through excess stuff.
Take the Plunge and Delete Items:
- you feel you don’t look your best in or make you feel awkward
- that don’t fit anymore
- aren’t an ideal color for your skin tone
- you haven’t worn in years and thought you might wear again
- that aren’t your style in the first place
Mix-N-Match Ideas For the Busy Woman
Keep the pieces you love and feel comfortable in. Favorite separates can often be paired with another separate you never thought possible. Look for colors, textures, or themes that naturally work together. Mixing a simple flowing skirt and a classic top with a contrasting scarf is a real wardrobe extender.
A simple understated jean jacket with layered tee and comfortable cotton-tiered skirt works for so many things. All thrifted; total under $8.00.
I love this mother’s eye for mixing ‘n matching things that go together. Skirt on Left: $3.00, shirt: $1.00, belt: 0.50 cents, sandals: $1.00 (all garage sale finds).
Jennie says, ” I love little sweaters and jackets. They are so nice at hiding areas. I use this sweater with many outfits.” Dress on Right: $2 Garage sale, Light sweater: $10 Target clearance with coupon.
This REAL SIMPLE article gave me some helpful, new ideas: 13 Pieces, 1 Entire Wardrobe
For travel, stay with wrinkle-free, crushable fabrics such as the outfit below. All this outfit is is an easy care maxi-skirt and a classic black knit T-top. Four skirts and four tops can mix-n-match to make multiple outfits. Again, expand with accessories.
Stretching your wardrobe means having a number of tops that work with a fewer pairs of cute and comfortable jeans. We love tunics that forgive figure flaws.
Laying out a mix-n-match outfit on the bed first often helps me to ‘see’ it better first and is a time saver.
A basic cardigan sweater can be thrown on in the summer over a summery dress if it gets chilly and the style value goes up a notch!

You can dress with a theme in mind such as this nautical style. Others could be vintage, eclectic, classic, sporty, or country girl.

Be creative for business or dentist appointments. You may get the door opened for you, be able to thank someone for being a gentleman, and gain an opportunity to undo some of the damage done by feminism in our culture.
My daughter was happy to find this embroidered white skirt and blue smocked blouse ~ $4.oo each, thrifted.
Lisa looks lovely in the blue and black patterned top she found just last week. It matches her favorite black skirt. She shows us how she dresses beautifully and with feminine appeal in separates she found thrifting and adds that shopping department stores often leaves her frustrated.
My friend Laura, who has just had her second child, sews wonderfully with a decided feminine flair. Laura is a beautiful model of what a young wife and mother can be.

Usually, simple is best.
Don’t expect to overhaul your wardrobe overnight: by consistent looking at your favorite thrift store or outlet, you can developed a sense of what would ‘go together’ and spend very little money. Consider learning to sew if you don’t already.
Confidence in being God’s child is attractive and radiates in one’s face and eyes, transcending clothing.
“A true woman is willing, serious, and determined to reflect the beauty and heart of Christ to her world. She seeks to live a God-centered life, trusting Him and saying “Yes, Lord!” She knows this is only possible by His grace, and seeks to do so in community.” ~Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Do you find this series helpful? How have you simplified and what tips can you add?
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Kendra@ A Proverbs 31 Wife
Funny… my last post was on modesty. I love how modesty, beauty and femininety all go hand in hand.
I’m going to link this post in my modesty post to show just that!
I agree, Kendra. I am glad you tackled the topic. It is so fraught with controversy, but so needful to discuss (especially with our daughters) from the youngest ages.
May the Lord bless you!
Jill's Home Remedies
Love, love this series ~ and your taste in clothing!!
Thank you, Jill =) You are always so encouraging to me. I have been enjoying your post on infertility over at Growing Home. That takes me back many years, but it is not sad anymore. god has worked a work of joy in my heart.
I love the outfits. When my oldest daughter lived at home (she now has 2 little ones) she made all of our dresses, skirts and jumpers. I love home made clothes, I just don’t have the time or knowledge to fit the clothes to the person.
Charlotte Moore
I love the long aline skirts and dresses. We were not allowed to wear shorts or pants growing up and I continue to dress in long skirts and dresses today. Love it!!!
Dear Charlotte,
These posts have been a collaboration between me and my daughter. We have such similar taste, so we thought it would be fun to share pretty and feminine things. We hope it is helpful to jump start thinking in this area for those who may never have thought about it. Remember Jacqueline Kennedy in the early 60s? I don’t know about her faith in Jesus, but she carried herself like a lady.
I’m ready for bed…sleep well, dear friend 🙂
Love this and have similar ideas “cooking”… I am loving the scarves and am finally getting brave enough to wear them! AND thrift stores… Ahh! My favorite Saturday outting. My daughter, a cup of coffee, second hand books and clothes = a lovely day!
Jennifer Flanders
Wonderful pictures. I love all the skirts, and the girls all look beautifully feminine wearing them!
Mrs. T.
I loved the comment about enjoying shopping at thrift stores, but getting frustrated at department stores….I am the same way! My girls and I enjoyed the photos of different combinations since we are forever swapping around skirts and tops between us! Thanks :).
This is a nice series. I found last year that I love long skirts (and our Salvation Army has had some winners). I’m looking forward to cooler weather for my heavier skirts. My problem is footwear. Maybe you could touch on that. Blessings, and thank you for all you share and encourage us with!
This series has been delightful so far. I love the pretty, feminine styles featured and the ideas you share. 🙂 We’ve been thrift-shoppers most of my life. One think to consider, though, is that sometimes a thrift shop gets worn out on certain days. If you don’t find anything then, plan to return sometime shortly after. Things change quickly in the used-clothing world!
Another idea for consignment shops—be sure you ask how long an item has been there. If the time has been over a couple weeks or so, the proprietor may give a helpful discount.
In ten minutes I was in and out of one thrift store with a beautiful, nearly new gathered denim skirt. At another shop, I found two very feminine plaid blouses, one red and white with puffed sleeves, and a pink one that looks like it came from Boot Barn. 🙂 I love dressing femininely! Blessings to you, Jacqueline!
Those are good points. The consignment shops here will often have a tag to tell you on what date the item will be marked way down, so it pays to keep an eye on something if you really like it.
Thank you for sharing your ideas 🙂
You’re welcome! Your feminine dress posts are also encouraging…this world frowns on Godly behavior and it can be difficult sometimes to keep a cheerful attitude. But modesty really is of the heart, from which all behavior comes. Thank you for the edification!
Thank you for this! I recently started thinking about what I wear and what the Lord wants me to wear. The problem is, I’m terrified of being frumpy (something I have to work on, I know). But this post showed me that covering up doesn’t mean frumpy! And I love all the belts. Thank you so much!
It is my pleasure, Christy 🙂 I pray you will find courage to live your convictions in a way that is balanced and brings glory to the Lord. I am thankful it was helpful!
Elle Jane
I think it’s funny how fashion trends lead so many women to dress immodestly. Especially when about 90% of us all know that we look at feel better when we’re covered up a bit more.
It was hard as a child to explain to my friends why I wouldn’t wear short shorts of sleeveless shirts even though it was hot. But now I am sure glad to be able to say that I’ve held close to my standards and dressed modestly my whole life.
Way to go showing some really cute outfits! And what’s better than being thrifty???
What Joy Is Mine
Jacqueline…what fabulous fashion inspiration! I loved! that embroidered skirt you shared. I have a long white skirt that’s embroidered and I haven’t found the right top for it. Hopefully, I will soon. Thank you for giving us wonderful ideas for dressing with femininity and modesty. I’m glad you stopped by and shared this with WJIM. Blessings sweet friend.
Alana @ Domestic Bliss Diaries
Hello, Jacqueline! This is my first time to your blog {brought here through Growing Home’s Tuesday Link Up}. I notice that all of your outfits include skirts, which I love to wear. However, I wear jeans most of the time {though I’m also at home most of the time, too}. Thing is, my husband prefers jeans, saying that he doesn’t like most skirts or dresses. So, my question is: do I try to incorporate them into my wardrobe slowly, wearing them more and more… or do I just not worry about it since he doesn’t really like them? I mean, I don’t know if I’ll ever only wear skirts but I do appreciate them greatly for their modesty and femininity.
Hi, Alana,
I believe you ask a very important question. I think the bible is clear that we must be subject to our husbands, but you might ask him to take you on a date to find a few skirts (he) thinks DO look cute, if that is possible. It might take a little research on your part online. It may be that you can’t find that perfect ‘look’ in a local store(and too pricey). Also, you might share your heart and the biblical goal of modesty with him so very gently that he doesn’t feel pressed… If he really is firm in his wish, be at peace and embrace his taste in as modest a way as possible. It may be that your peaceable spirit will soften his heart and that he will want to bless you. Another thought, ask him to tell you if he ever sees something in the line of skirts that he doesn’t find objectionable 🙂
My husband used to like me best in shorts, but as he changed, he was thankful that I wanted to be his alone. Later, he didn’t want me to stimulate thoughts in other men’s minds. It took a long time to get there. Praying for you, dear one.
Earlier this morning, I saw your comment and replied. but just now I was working on my featured posts for tomorrow’s link-up and ran across this: http://youngwifesguide.com/what-modesty-is-and-isnt/ Maybe it is something you can share with your sweet husband 🙂 Blessings, new friend!
Katie @ This Chick Cooks
Thank you so much for the inspiring post. I was just this morning thinking that I am feeling a bit frumpy wearing stretchy waist pants and a tee shirt so often lately. Your post is just beautiful, reminding us to honor the Lord and embrace our God-given femininity. Thank you and have a blessed day!
I absolutely love these ensembles, and the replies from other viewers have brought such joy to my heart. I rejoice the fact that I’m among others here who are of one mindset, and we have The Way, The Truth, and The Life to thank so dearly for that. I’m so thrilled to be able to walk in full confidence in the Lord while in the face of adversity. I have never felt any freer since the day I walked away from the worldly ways. God bless!
Thanks for posting these examples..I love these styles, and being a young wife and mother I want to have a more “grown up” and modest look about me. Love these ideas!
Any thoughts on slacks and other pants? This post is conspicuously lacking in them and they can certainly be modest and feminine.
I follow you on Pinterest, and I love the inspiration, but the titled image cracked me up and I had to come see if you made it, or if someone else did… You do know that beige and white are basically the antithesis of “fun” and “colorful”, right? I mean, I know most people aren’t as anti-beige as me, but that seriously made me chuckle. I thought it was even funnier when I saw some of the other pictures of truly lovely, fun, and colorful outfits on this post. Thanks! I needed that! A good laugh is always nice. 🙂
And all ribbing aside, keep the good stuff coming.
Lacy! Now you made me giggle!! I needed that 😉 And I appreciate the encouragement more than you know!
Blessings, friend ~J