The following logical, reasonable, scientifically-supported observations are what Facebook, the AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and especially the pharmaceutical industry itself would consider to be “misinformation” from which the general public must be protected at all costs, including the loss of our Constitutionally-protected rights.

A letter from Microbiologist John Dorman, PhD:
“Vaccines were never intended to be the first-line of defense against infectious disease nor were they intended to be provided under such an aggressive immunization schedule.
As most of you are aware, the development of modern sanitation has contributed far more to limit the spread of disease than the vaccine.
My greatest issue with the current vaccine schedule is that it fuels the fire of viral mutation.

Consider the 2015 measles outbreak at Disneyland. It had nothing to do with the un-vaccinated, but rather a very simple process of an accelerated morbillivirus mutation.
Why do you think we alter the flu vaccine every year?
Are we causing rapid viruses mutation?
Viruses mutate naturally, but do so at a greatly accelerated rate when threatened by the antigens provided through the vaccination process. (BMJ 2015;350:h1453)
At some point the rate of mutation will surpass our ability to develop a vaccine. If this occurs there will be nothing left to stem the advance of the disease.
And herd immunity is grossly misunderstood.
True herd immunity can only result from a healthy, fully functioning immune system.
Vaccines cannot confer “herd immunity” because vaccines only stimulate one of the two essential elements of the immune system.
“In the vaccinated, the body’s natural immune response is impaired, and the antibodies are not as strong as they would have been had the virus passed through the immune system in a ‘natural’ manner, therefore leading to an ever-increasing reliance on developing more vaccinations.”
Unfortunately, the immune response mounted by the vaccine is enough to trigger mutation in the attacking virus.
I too want herd immunity, but it will never be achieved through vaccination.
Why are so many booster shots necessary to bring antibody titers up to serologically acceptable levels? Does this not indicate that our current science does not yet allow us to formulate an injection that mimics naturally acquired and lifelong immunity?
The current truth is it is impossible to create permanent immunity through the artificial induction of a vaccine.
“Many of the infectious diseases we immunize against are simply a result of poor hygiene and or septic recycling systems, unnatural diets, metabolic congestion (especially liver) and persistent immune suppression via pharmaceuticals.”
These infections are natural in these environments and in many cases, designed and created by and within the body itself to carry out a janitorial duty by infecting and removing all cells of poor integrity so the body can be revitalized by their new replacements.
There is enough evidence to prove that vaccines diminish the integrity of every cell in the body and exacerbate the need for a deeper, more widespread infection at a future time.
Mass vaccination is, in my opinion, bad science at best and will eventually lay waste to any natural immunity of humans at worst.
The only way to ensure lasting and permanent immunity is through a truly healthy “herd” which is the complete antithesis of a drug dependent population that find themselves unable to fight any infection naturally.
First, we abuse the antibiotic and witness the birth of the super-bug. A mutated strain, 100% drug resistant, and now through the abuse and overuse of the vaccine, we are forcing the antigenic drift and accelerated mutation of the virus.
And for proof?
I have compiled much research over the years, but it is not possible to point you to a single study or a ‘smoking gun’. It took me several years to unravel the dogma that I was taught and accepted early in my career. I don’t know all the answers, but I am certain we are not asking enough of the right questions.
I know many doctors, nurses, researchers, chemists and fellow microbiologist who do not “tow the party line” when it comes to the “science” of vaccines.
The science is NOT settled and anyone in the medical community who attempts to convince you otherwise is either willfully deceitful or woefully ignorant. We have chosen to roll the dice and gamble with our health.
What will save us from disease when this Ponzi scheme of mass vaccination and symptom management collapses?
I fear we will be left with nothing to defend ourselves against invading pathogens because we all chose to remain ignorant rather than integrate the truth while we still had a chance.
We chose to believe that vaccination would magically provide us immunity because many of us were too lazy to learn how to build immunity naturally through diet and lifestyle or to learn the symptoms of environmental poisoning.
We chose to numb the pain instead of addressing the cause of the pain.
All of these short-sighted decisions will eventually circle back around and bite us all in the collective arse.
I truly hope we all wake up soon.”
Signed, Microbiologist John Dorman, PhD
Critical to understand: Andrew Wakefield describes natural herd immunity vs. vaccination which has destroyed natural herd immunity to our very great harm!
12 minutes.
Sanitation, Nutrition Better Than Vaccines at Protecting Children From Disease
In the 20th-century U.S., rising standards of living, including improvements in nutrition and sanitation, deserve the lion’s share of the credit for health improvements —not vaccination or other medical interventions.
In 1908, Jersey City, New Jersey was the first city in the United States to begin routine disinfection of community drinking water. Over the next decade, thousands of cities and towns across the United States followed suit in routinely disinfecting their drinking water, contributing to a dramatic decrease in disease across the country (Fig 1). (Source: CDC data)

The significant decline in mortality from illnesses such as measles, pertussis and influenza —so-called “vaccine-preventable” despite ample evidence of vaccine failure —occurred well before the development of any vaccines for those diseases.

Questioning vaccine safety does not make you anti-vaccine.
Questioning vaccine safety makes you pro-health, pro-child, and pro safe vaccination.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” ~William Wilberforce
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes! https://buff.ly/3KmTZZd
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Jeffrey Boyd Garrison
This is a rational stance.
I am concerned with the lack of immunity in new moms. Can this new generation of heavily vaccinated young women offer the same protection to their newborns, that previous generations did?
LeighAnn, what you say is profound insight! Thank you for expressing it!
We don’t have far to look to see the effort to lower the population through eugenics in all its various forms!
Let’s pray for wisdom by more and more moms!
TY, Jacqueline
Thank you for compiling this and making the effort to inform whomever is willing to hear. There are many of us who are either beginning to question the “system” or who are settled in our position yet are confronting varied points of contention or scorn, and are needing support, continuous education, and encouragement as we navigate relationships. Most of us love our children, whether we vax or not, but once we make choices that don’t fit in with the “norm” we can be scorned, and worse: bullied with fear tactics.
One piece to this puzzle is the multi billion dollar industry running it… the mass populous is being played and we will all suffer as it continues unabated. Honestly? It should be a crime, because we are being lied to or deceived. Children esp are affected by death, and disabilities. This is such a massive scale and yet hard to point to a “smoking gun” because of the layers of years and data that are challenging to unravel.
I heard a Ped say “vaccines are created as a charity to help the world, they don’t make any money”. I had sat quietly while the Dr offered his list of reasons to vaccinate and accepted the print offs to look at, because after all, I did come for his advice, I just chose to not do any vax that day. But that comment he made generated a quick response from me and I simply wouldn’t let that bold faced lie go unanswered. Drs are well compensated for pushing this and it is important to keep informing about what is true.
Thank you!!
Well, Shelley, I am not looking for a fight here on the blog, but continue to feel compelled to share the real concerns I have and the data I now have to dig for.. It is increasingly hard to find data that hasn’t been tinkered with. I look for studies published before the push for conformity..ones that haven’t been taken down or destroyed!
Here is a look at the compensation that doctors receive: https://deeprootsathome.com/how-to-choose-a-pediatrician-that-is-right-for-you-your-child/
Thank you so much for your encouragement and sincere concern! I pray we all do wake up and pray for the families and the children harmed by this Lemming rush to the edge of the cliff!
Blessings, J
T Bigelow
Do you have the original source of this quote? I see this quoted in various places on the internet but have yet to find the original source.
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.
T Bigelow,
If you are speaking of the title, I don’t have any idea. I wrote the title myself, but may have had it in the back on my mind!