A tiny amount (1 gram) of mercury can contaminate a 20 acre lake, according to the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, and cause damage to plumbing pipes and sewage treatment plants.
A regular paper clip weighs about 1 gram.
There is no known safe level. Any mercury exposure can cause adverse effects during any period of child development. (See actual “Smoking Teeth” and what causes that in 2 videos below)
But Using Mercury Amalgams in Your Teeth, and it’s Okay?
But, when dentists don’t call it ‘mercury’ any longer and use the term ‘amalgam fillings’ instead, it is still approved by the FDA, EPA and the ADA as safe even when mercury shows up in the urine of children and great damage is done.
As part of a lawsuit settlement with several consumer groups, the FDA was finally forced to publicly admit that all “silver” dental filling are poisoned with mercury. These facts have been known, and covered up —for 30+ years.
Attorney James M. Love, who filed the lawsuit, said in a statement that American consumers and dental professionals are being misled by the American Dental Association (ADA) — the largest and most powerful advocate for continued amalgam use. (source) “The ADA has misrepresented FDA’s lack of regulation as proof of safety, and continues to use this toxic dental filling, despite scientifically demonstrated risks.
Most individuals remain unaware that those ‘silver’ fillings consist of 45-55% metallic mercury and that there are health risks associated with those fillings. (source)
Mercury from dental amalgams attack the brain as it is absorbed into the blood, and fumes are emitted whenever one of its victims chews.
The FDA statement after the lawsuit read as follows:
“Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses. When amalgam fillings are placed in teeth or removed from teeth, they release mercury vapor. Mercury vapor is also released during chewing.” ~www.fda.gov (source)
In spite of the court order, they still wrote that mercury “may” have neurotoxic effects, as if toxicologists are not really sure about it yet, and they even went so far as to pretend that brain poisonings should only be an issue to consider for infants. (source)
The court had required them to post this information publicly. However, true to their nature, after this statement was published, the F.D.A. removed the web page (http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/amalgams.html) that the above quotes were taken from, which is a flagrant violation of the court order.
Watch startling footage of what happens to the mercury when heated to 110 degrees — the average temperature of coffee and tea. What about teeth grinding, drilling, and gum chewing?
5 minutes.
What Happens When Mercury Amalgams are Heated By Coffee or Chewing Gum
8 minute video (Teach this to your children!): The mercury release demo was done at the IAOMT Oxford, England Symposium, 2002.
Amalgam Industry Guilty
The mercury amalgam industry had claimed that the mercury in the filling has an antibacterial effect. But mercury has long been discarded for this purpose due to the horrendous side effects. Modern research showed that the bacteria become resistant after a few weeks.
The mercury amalgam industry is thoroughly guilty of supporting harmful mass medication without the knowledge or consent of the patient. This is highly unethical and illegal in most countries.
What happens in unborn babies and small children?
In 1991, the WHO acknowledged that the predominant human exposure to mercury is from your fillings. That should be of concern to anyone wanting to have healthy children, because mercury is highly damaging to unborn babies.
“Experiments in sheep shows that the mercury from the sheep’s fillings transfers immediately to the placenta, to the fetus, and the bones and to every conceivable potion of the fetus’s body. It even increased in the lamb higher after birth from the mercury in the mother’s milk.”
There is no such thing as a safe filling. All mercury fillings leach the toxin.
All dental schools in the U.S. teach dental students how to place mercury amalgams without informing them of the dangers of mercury while working with the product.
The use of mercury amalgam filling material is banned in Norway and Sweden.
Update – Another important thing I’ve recently learned: At Michael Biamonte’s health clinic, testing the mercury levels in his patients with various illnesses, Michael found that 84% of his patients with Candida had elevated mercury levels. The exact same number held for patients with parasites. Dr. J. Trowbridge has written in his book “The Yeast Syndrome,” that some doctors specializing in Candida treatment have discussed with him that they have discovered clinically that 98% of their patients with chronic Candida also had mercury toxicity. (source)
Safely Removing Toxins including Mercury w/o Redistribution
There are many partially successful detox methods. However, Advanced TRS is the only detox method that fully binds 80,000 metals and toxins (and does not release them back to the body).
What are the ingredients in TRS?
TRS is a 2-ingredient oral spray made with ultra-pure nano-zeolite mineral and purified water. The specific type of zeolite mineral in TRS spray is clinoptilolite with a robust safety profile.
How does TRS spray work?
Zeolites have a high negative charge and a strong affinity for toxins as toxins are positively-charged. With the nano zeolites encased in water, a good way to think about it would be hundreds of thousands of little toxin magnets encased in water molecules clusters going into your body. These toxin magnets are attracted to heavy metals, pesticides and any other toxin that has a positive charge. Their tiny pore size of 0.9 nanometers means that they have a huge amount of surface area to capture toxins in their honeycomb shape. The encapsulation in water molecules clusters means that they can go wherever water goes. They cross the blood brain barrier easily and detox the whole body at a cellular level. They never interact with the body, only the toxins.
Once toxins get pulled in and stuck onto the magnets, they are captured, are rendered inert, and have no chance of breaking loose. This is why TRS does not cause redistribution or damage to the body. The loaded TRS molecule is transported out of the body mainly through urine and other usual elimination pathways in 6-7 hours. As the nano-zeolites are so tiny, the kidneys don’t have to filter them: that’s how gentle this method of detoxing is.
Here is my personal link to order TRS.
Purchasing as a ‘preferred customer’ gets you the lowest prices which is ‘autoship pricing’. You can cancel or alter the dates at any time. There is no penalty for canceling autoship.
Two anecdotal stories from families using TRS for amalgams:
Study Mercury vapor – a significant source of exposure
Study Reducing Mercury Pollution from Dental Amalgams and Batteries EU Commission
“And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.” ~Psalm 9: 10
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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First of all, I absolutely love and appreciate your posts.
I recently had extensive dental work done including replacing old damaged amalgam fillings with non amalgam fillings. My dentist agrees that mercury is harmful. But since the dental work, my fingertips have been extremely sensitive, almost stinging, when i touch cell phone screens. I relate this to the mercury. How do I detox?
JJ, I will tell you what we are doing to detox in an email you ~J
Gail Harvey
I’d like to know more about what to do with mercury fillings. Thank you
Hi, Gail! I will give you information on email! ~J
I am very concerned because I have many of these fillings and have no idea how to help myself.
Hi, Cindy!
I will email you now, friend! ~J
Doree Hoit
Jacqueline, my husband was in the military for 29 years. He took a lot of vaccines because we didn’t know how bad they are at the time. Now at age 73, his memory is getting worse, he acts out his dreams while he sleeps, often yells or laughs loudly, plus he is having physical problems with lower back pain. We both have lots of ‘silver’ fillings. I would like to purchase the TRS but would like to get the preferred customer rate if I can. How do we become preferred customers? Thank you for your help.
Hi, Doree, I am happy to help you. Your husband is the same age as my husband. I sure appreciate his service to our country and also you families that serve, as well. Thank you both!
Distributors and regular customers all purchase for the SAME price options so there is no need to become a distributor to get a better price.
These steps will ensure that you get the lowest prices available which is autoship pricing.
One bottle of TRS is $95 but it drops to $68 on autoship.
Three bottles of TRS retails for $170. The autoship option for 3 bottles costs $150.
The best value would always be the three bottle pack.
The autoship option is very straight forward; it is set to monthly by default but you can cancel or alter the dates at any time. There is no penalty for canceling or any hidden fees for signing up for autoship.
This is the website to amend your autoship details: [http://mycoseva.com/login.html]
If you ever have issues with your user name or password and want to cancel or amend your autoship, you can contact customer service to do that for you at [email protected]. If you would prefer to call, Coseva’s telephone number is +1(844) 426-7382. Hours are 9am -5pm, Monday to Friday, Mountain Time.
It is suggested to use TRS for a minimum of 6 months or the 6 bottles’ equivalent of TRS to see significant improvements.
Some families see results very quickly in weeks. But many more report that significant gains start showing up AFTER the 6 – 9 months mark because they need prolonged, DEEP detoxing.
As symptoms alleviate, some families choose to reduce to a lower daily usage rate to protect themselves from environmental toxins or wean off altogether if they are certain that they have no chronic sources of heavy metals and toxin exposure.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Once you order, I will send via email additional information so that you get the very best experience and results.
Margaret Howard
What if my amalgams are very very old?
Margaret, old amalgams leach more than new ones, and have microscopic cracks and pits.. Seek out a biological dentist. I hate to be the bearer of bad news…I have removed mine 1/4 of my mouth at a time and my husband is starting this Wednesday with his first extraction. I am praying from you! Let me know if you would like info on how to detox out the mercury poison with TRS.
Christine Dora
I was a dental assistant for 30 years. So besides having a mouth full of amalgam fillings I assisted long before gloves and masks were worn. Cleaned spilled mercury by rolling it in my hands and actually playing with it because it was rather mesmerizing. It was so heavy but fluid. I’m 68 years old now. My health is not failing but I wonder how much better I would be without the mercury that has probably leached into all of my organs.
I would like more information please.
Hi, Christine Dora!
I have a friend who worked similar to you and for years as you have, and they have had physically compromised children, ever one. I am assuming you have good genetics!
I will email you! ~J
Hi, again, Christine Dora! your email didn’t work, so will need another one! I am sorry! ~J
I’m interested in find out more about TRS. Please send info!
Hi, Jenny! I will answer you on email! ~J
Mary Jean
Hello Jacquiline,
I have been concerned for years about the many mercury fillings in my mouth. However, I have been hesitant to pursue having them removed, even by a bio destist. What if he made a mistake while removing?
That being said, I’m wondering if it is advisable to try TRS while the fillings are still in place.
Thanks so much for the info. I look forward to finding more help with this problem.
Hi, Mary Jean! I will email you now! ~J
Please email me on detoxing from amalgam fillings. I believe I’ve had mine all replaced, but I’m not sure. Thank you!
Hi, Peg, I will email you now! I am so sorry it has been so long for me to get to you!
I would like more information to detox. I am well aware and have been planning to get mine removed just struggling to budget it as I am single mom.
I just emailed you, Lori!!
I’m interested. pleasee send me information on this!
Hi, Bobbie, I just sent you an email! ~J
Margaret Howard
Yes, please let me know how to do the detox. But, how much will it help if you don’t get rid of ALL the amalgams?
I had most of them removed already.
I’d really appreciate any info you could please email me on how to go about getting rid of, and detoxing from, silver fillings. Thanks so much!
Sure, Tabitha! I will email you now! Sorry it has taken me so long. It has been a very busy day! Blessings, J
Hi, Jacqueline.
Please contact me when you find the time. I’m a homeschooling mother of 3 young children and desperately want to detox and heal myself and my children from heavy metal exposure and stachybotrus exposure. I’m so excited to have found your page!
Hi, Brianne! I will email you now! hang in there! ~J
Wanita Hauger
Can I use TRS if I still have mercury fillings? I would like to have them removed but the cost is very high, at least where I live. I’m also interested in being added to your TRS Facebook group.
Yes, Wanita, you can. Many are using TS just for that very purpose. I will find you on FB first and friend you, then once we are connected, I will add you to the closed FB group!
Blessings, ~J
I have these fillings and would like to know more. Thank you!
SueAnn, I just emailed you!
indah mayasari
Hi Jacqueline, I have a daughter who has a severe eczema all over her body for over a year. I just wondering if TRS can help with this situation? Cheers.
Hello, Indah!
Yes, TRS has helped many. I will email you tomorrow.
Have you read Avalyn’s Story? https://deeprootsathome.com/avalyns-story-how-trs-a-safe-heavy-metal-detox-can-help-you-and-your-child/
You can look over this meta-study, too: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/?fbclid=IwAR0aP6KsX5j60zi0A3CaBJ0OcdmSAvWbjHSXuZyyCMJGhwFv49KN2anyFcU#!po=9.00621
I do coaching with every order through my back office link: https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/
TRS does not heal anything, but it clears the body of toxins/metals and such so the body can heal itself as God designed it to do! This will
Diane Brubaker
I am very interested to know more about this. Also I was a dental assistant for several years.
Diane, I will email you now! ~Jacqueline
Sharon Koser
I have a huge mercury filling in a wisdom tooth that if removal is attempted the tooth will probably disintegrate, from what I’m told. I do have some health issues so I’m very interested in detoxification.
Sharon, I will email you now! ~J
Hi Jacqueline. Thankyou for your insightful and knowledgeable posts. I have always suspected amalgams have been toxic but I’ve never been able to find good evidence of it, until reading your post. I am interested in purchasing the TRS product however I am currently taking antidepressants which I’m slowly coming off and aim to be off by 2021. I’ve been on them for over 10 years. Is it safe to take TRS with these medications? I’m in Australia so I don’t know if that makes a difference in terms of brands, quality etc….? Thankyou for your help.
God bless,
Hi, Christie!
I will email you now! I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond! ~Jacqueline
Laura Scott
Thank you for your posts! Especially the one about journaling for our husbands.
Please let me know how to safely have the silver fillings removed. Thank you, Laura
Laura, I will email you now! ~J
Sorry for the delay!
Denise Coxon
I would like more info about this type of fillings also. Please
( I have a private question if possible.) Thanks so much for all you research and post.
Denise, I just emailed you soon! Thanks,
Please email me as you’re able. Thank you!
Hi, Teani!
I will email you now!
Emily Smith
Thank you Lord for gifting Miss Jacqueline enabling her to bless our lives with Your knowledge and truth.
Please continue to lead, guide, & shield her and her family in Your paths for Christ Jesus’ glory, Amen.
Please I would like to know more about this mercury amalgam detox process. Thank you, Mrs. Smith Johnson
Hi, Emily!
I just emailed you! And thank you for the sweet uplifting prayer! I am blessed!
Hi Jacqueline
I have a mouthful of Mercury. I would like to try TRS.
Hi, Sharon! Will email you now! ~J
I would appreciate receiving information on how to detox. from mercury fillings. I am a senior and my mouth is full of these fillings since childhood. Thank you!
Melinda, I will email you now! ~Jacque
Joanna Ballard
I’ve got amalgam fillings and am being told I need a root canal. We’re in the same state. Could you send me information on how to detox and give me any recommendations on how to find a holistic/biological dentist who could do something less invasive?
Hi, Joanna, the biological dentist I used to go to was just so-so, and think there are some much better. That office did most of the right things, but the dentist had a abrasive personality and it make the experience unpleasant.
I have not been to the practice I’m linking to below So I cannot grade it, but this is the one I would go to first to do an interview appointment.
I see he doesn’t do root canals, so I’m pretty sure he has better options that won’t make you sick.
For detox: I used a goodly amount of Advanced TRS before and after each removal to bind the metal and vapors (we did a quarter of the amalgams each time). After that, TRS helped build up bone in my jaw after killing the infection there, so I only had to have 1 implant instead of 3 ( it allowed me to save the tooth on either side of the one I needed worst. Saved me many thousands of $ and also got 4 of our family past Lyme.
This post has some more info on TRS re: topical use and for teeth, but let me know if you’d like me to email you, and I can share more specific anecdotal stories about teeth. https://deeprootsathome.com/topical-care-for-wounds-bites-mrsa-burns-eczema-teeth-gums/
I hope this helps, Joanna!