The American Heart Association just told us we all should steer clear of coconut oil! Did you notice how the media had an absolute hay day with headlines? “Coconut oil is bad and has always been bad,” was the sensational click bait of the day.
It’s not too surprising; history repeating itself. About thirty years ago a brutal and long-standing attack against coconut oil was waged as the soybean oil industry wrestled for domination. This battle had its own name… “The War of Oils.” Coconut oil was labeled “the oil from hell.” Newspapers and TV headlines slammed it repeatedly and warned it would lead to heart attack and early death. It was described by health gurus as one of the most evil and dangerous foods you could consume. Now here we are watching it all happen again in living color. So take a seat and hold on for the ride.
(Sorry in advance for the length of this post but we have to be thorough and we already shortened this by a long shot. Be thankful for that and read to the end… wink (okay… save and read for later then).
Nothing New At The American Heart Association
First it is important to realize that this update by the American Heart Association did not come because of any new alarming data on coconut oil, they simply reviewed the existing data, and once again reiterated their claim that saturated fats are “bad.”
The “fat is bad” mantra is surprisingly still entrenched in the medical community and despite ~100 studies on the benefits of coconut oil. This dogma continues to be pushed down our throats as though it is fact. Essentially the American Heart Association is just buckling down and sticking to their guns… their darling still being canola oil.
It has never been the Trim Healthy Mama way to attack other diets or health associations. We THM-ers keep our heads down and simply encourage our way of eating then let the positive results speak for themselves. But in light of this new media campaign to unfairly smear coconut oil, we think it is time to shed some light on what is really going on here.
This whole anti-saturated fat movement started being widely promoted in the seventies and eighties. That is when we were told insane stuff such as butter equals bad and margarine equals good. Now thankfully, most people have come to realize that margarine is actually toxic to the human body. Strangely though, the promotion of canola oil (and other oils such as soybean and corn) by the American Heart Association continues in full strength. Why do they keep forcing this doctrine? Why is canola oil still their golden child when it has clearly shown to have serious health implications?
We hate to even come to this awful conclusion… but could another darker reason possibly be due in part to the fact that the Canola oil industry has been an ongoing financial donor to the American Heart Association and actually funded their massive “Face the Fats” campaign? No… we are not making this stuff up, the following is a quote directly from the canola oil industry itself, very happy with themselves at the rising demand for their product due to partnering with the AHA… “Alignment with heart-health was reinforced through sponsorship of the American Heart Association Face the Fats Public Service Announcement campaign, which generated 237 million impressions.” (see pg. 9/20 in PDF)
BUT THE STUDIES THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION CITE FOR LAST WEEK”S ANNOUNCEMENT don’t LINK EATING MORE COCONUT OIL TO HEART DISEASE. Research published in Clinical Biochemistry suggests that coconut oil may protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation, reducing its tendency to accumulate on artery walls.
And let’s be very clear about this… LDL cholesterol as a “heart health baddie” really is an old fashioned view of it…Your body needs cholesterol for almost every bodily process. A large percentage of your brain is actually made from cholesterol. But size matters. Small dense cholesterol particles can squeeze between the cells of your arteries and get stuck. Once they’re stuck they become “plaque”, they oxidize, turn rancid and cause inflammation.
So, you don’t want small LDL molecules, you want larger, fluffier, healthier ones… well guess what? Research (including a study cited in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67(5), 828-836 demonstrates that eating saturated fats (butter, coconut oil) increase the size of your small LDL molecules and thus reduces your overall risk of a cardiac event. It is a diet high in refined sugars and starches that contributes to smaller, more dangerous cholesterol particle size and raises triglycerides (a marker that measures circulating fat in your bloodstream).
More and more doctors (who are willing to be open minded and not entrenched in old fashioned dogma) are now realizing inflammation markers in the body are much more indicative of heart attack risk than mere LDL cholesterol levels. Read for yourself a recent study published in Ind J Clin Biochem that supports this concept.
How do we decrease inflammation in the body? If you are a Trim Healthy Mama, you know that beating the sugar monster does a fabulous job of this. Making out that coconut oil is the heart risk meanie… that it is basically a heart attack in a jar waiting to happen… doesn’t make any sense at all in light of recent knowledge about inflammation. Coconut oil is an undisputed inflammation fighter for Pete’s sake!
Virgin or extra-virgin Coconut oil comes from coconuts, plain and simple. Why are we saying something so obvious and ridiculous when of course you know that? Well, in contrast, let’s look at the chief oil that the American Heart Association promotes. Canola oil is a made up name. Canola oil doesn’t come from a God-created seed or nut. There is no such thing found in nature. Canola oil comes from the hybridization of the rape seed. The rape seed is a plant seed which is why it’s monounsaturated (the American Heart Association very much likes monounsaturated oils) but it had to be modified as it is high in a toxin called erucic acid which is lethal to the human heart. Not fit for consumption but great for oiling machines.
In the late 1970’s, when The War of Oils began and saturated fats started to be shunned, monounsaturated fats like olive oil began to be touted as healthier oils. A problem developed. There was not enough olive oil for world demand, not to mention that it was too expensive for producing cheap processed foods. Until that time most packaged foods were using palm or coconut oils but the new mantra “saturated fats are bad” was now in full force. The food industry needed a new cheap oil.
Researchers came to the rescue by engineering a new plant from the rapeseed which was lower in erucic acid. They reduced this acid to less than 2 % (there is still a lot of debate about how harmful it is in these smaller amounts but the powers that be let it slide) and canola oil was born. They didn’t want to call it Rape Oil, bad for business. So since it came from Canada and “ola” means oil… Canola oil stuck. Canola oil is highly refined and often partially hydrogenated to increase its stability and shelf life but it somehow became the new darling of the health industry. The American Heart Association encouraged all of us to use it in place of natural, God-given saturated fats like butter and coconut oil. In 2006, the FDA allowed canola oil and products containing canola oil to be labeled with heart health claims.
Let’s examine this so-called ‘heart healthy’ oil more closely. Canola oil is processed at high heats. It is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, (the American Heart Association likes this) but Canola’s particularly delicate omega-3 fatty acids oxidize and turn rancid and foul smelling very quickly from the high heats of processing. How do manufacturers get around this? They deodorize it, bleach it, degum it and more. The standard deodorization process removes a large portion of the omega-3 acids, so bye bye to those. Sadly, the American Heart Association is not sharing to the public that oxidized oils cause damage to your cells and tissues. Oxidation is not only a major contributor to most degenerative diseases, it also causes inflammation. You know now that it is excess inflammation, (not necessarily elevated cholesterol levels) that creates the biggest risk for heart event problems. Excess inflammation in the body can also give rise to anything from arthritis to more serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, bipolar moods, schizophrenia, and obsessive compulsive disorders.
Here’s a sobering fact. Canola oil is 90% genetically-modified. You can go on the internet and see that Monsanto is still one of the chief sponsors for the growers of canola oil. They don’t even try to hide it! For real, go look at their logo proudly displayed as a sponsor. In 1995, Monsanto created a genetically-modified version of canola oil and this is the version that is chiefly used to this day. The American Heart Association never mentions that.
There have been no long-term, viable studies done on GMO canola oil but there are reports that it has caused many kidney, liver and neurological health issues. Read more on its sickening effects here.
In stark contrast, coconut oil has been a traditional food in tropical climates for thousands of years. Studies done on native diets high in coconut oil consumption show that these populations are in general good health and do not suffer nearly as much from the modern diseases of western nations where coconut oil use is far less.
Asian and Pacific populations both use coconut oil not only in food but also in their traditional medical practices. Praised for its many healing properties, Coconut Oil is believed to be the cure of all illnesses in the Pacific Islands. It is so highly valued they refer to the coconut palm as “The Tree of Life.” The populations of two South Pacific islands (Pukapuka and Tokelau) were examined over a period of time starting in the 1960’s. Coconuts were a staple in the diets, with up to 60% of their caloric intake coming from the saturated fat of coconut. That’s a heck of a lot! The study found very lean and healthy people who were relatively free from modern diseases. Their conclusion stated: “Vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations.”
We don’t have enough room now to go into the documented benefits of coconut oil on your health.
As we mentioned earlier, there are literally thousands of studies you can dig into. But to hit a few highlights… it is anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-weight gain. Yes… you heard us right… it trims you! It raises the thermogenic temperature of your body and this ignites your fat-burning potential. If you’re skeptical about this try this little experiment. Next time you’re cold, go swallow a teaspoon or two of coconut oil. Notice how your body will start to warm up. It literally revs a sluggish thyroid which helps you burn fat!
We’ll let you go do your own research, but we want to leave you with this thought to ponder. Mother’s milk and coconut oil have eye-opening similarities. If coconut oil really is the villain it is being made out to be why would God make it so similar to human breast milk? Both human milk and coconut oil have more saturated fat than the monounsaturated oils that the heart association promotes. Breast milk relies on these saturated fats to protect infants from pathogens and infections and other harmful organisms and these are the same middle chain fatty acids which make coconut oil so healing and protective. Out of the three middle chain fatty acids, lauric acid is highest both in breast milk and coconut oil alike… they match! Without these saturated lauric acids your baby would probably not survive long. Almost all formula companies add middle chain, saturated fatty acids to their mixes to ensure a baby is properly nourished. God created middle chain fatty acids, he knows their incredible healing power and he made sure that both Mother’s milk and coconut oil contain plentiful amounts in almost identical proportions.
More and more people are learning of the benefits of coconut oil and you can bet it is scaring the vegetable oil industry. They tried last time around and succeeded in causing the world to shun coconut oil for a while, but you can’t keep a good thing down. The truth always shines through. Coconut oil might get hammered, but it won’t be defeated. We are all armed with too much information now. Perhaps thirty years ago all the scary headlines were believed. Now… we doubt they’ll have the same luck. Coconut oil is going to stay in our grocery carts and thanks but no thanks to the fake, fandangled, gmo, hydrogenated cocktail of trans-fat, bleached sludge canola oil, corn oil and soybean oil being pushed on us. We’ll stick to the good stuff. Now… off to make some Skinny Chocolate!
Check out the Trim Healthy Mama’s Facebook page and the Trim Healthy Mama Plan. Learn more about how SO many are finally succeeding to be more fit, active, mentally-focused and overall healthy.
(For further reading be sure to check out this awesome article from a renowned heart surgeon on how saturated fats are not to blame for heart disease but sugar is!
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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I would like to read the unshortened post!
Theresa, Hi! Go to the link I provided (the viral RB post) and it should take you to their exact post! I hope that helps!
Thank you!
Charlotte Moore
This is very good the people that don’t know all the good benefits of coconut oil. These money craze companies just keep trying to put down healthy stuff. What a shame the AHA would be bought out, or so it seems.
Thanks for all you do to keep us informed.
Hi, Charlotte! I hope you are well, and I think of you often! You are such a faithful friend! J
Has anyone had gallbladder attacks from eating too much coconut oil? I made Jacqueline’s bon-bons earlier this year and couldn’t eat just one….after 2 or 3 my gallbladder started to complain. Anyone else?
Rosemerry Blash
THank you for sharing this post. My daughter and I were talking about the latest on the oil wars. I told her to note who the latest study was funded by. I am so glad to see that Coconut Oil is still on the good list. I would have been using it anyway. I really believe in the health benefits of coconut oil.
I really enjoy your website. I will be coming back to visit often.
Rosemerry, coconut oil is part of what helped my son get back to health after severe Stachybotris mold exposure. The toxins destroyed his gut and to heal it healthy fats (oils) were part of the long term healing. I wrote about it and the others here:
Thank you for your kind words!! J
The ONLY good thing to come out of the deranged AHA is finding lovely and wise blogs like yours !
Aww.. what a sweet thing to say, Aces! Makes my day 😀
the impossible game
I regularly visit your site and find a lot of interesting information.
Not only good posts but also great comments.
Thank you and look forward to your page growing stronger.
Melanie Gunsolus
Can you recommend a healthy brand of coconut oil? There are a few popular brands on the market today.
Hi, Melanie! Nutiva is one that I have ordered before:
But I also like to use Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin:
I hope that helps, friend!