When I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease about 6 years ago, I had blood tests on a weekly bases. One thing that shocked me was my genetic testing.
From week to week my genes would change.
Like a city of workers
Sometimes we have a weak gene that messes up the chain of functions the body performs. Our body works with a complex chain of workers converting and translating vitamins, minerals, and nutrients into useful functional tools for use.
Think of it like a busy city of people where one of the workers is missing.
How B Vitamins & Folate Direct Healthier Genetics
B vitamins are critical for the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. So basically the little workers talking, communicating, and processing information have to have B vitamins.
Studies have shown that low B vitamins are associated with cognitive decline and many other weaknesses.
Folate has a number of the worker functions that enhance cognitive performance including lowering inflammation and reducing homocysteine, two things that are linked to brain disorders.
Folate occurs naturally in foods.
Folic acid, on the other hand, is a synthetic form of folate that is found in most supplements.
In order to use both naturally occurring folate and synthetic folic acid, our bodies must convert these forms into methylfolate. But some research estimates that up to 40% of the population cannot make this conversion efficiently. If you cannot make the conversion, you could potentially develop low levels of folate even if you’re eating plenty of folate-rich foods and supplementing with folic acid.
Methylfolate does not need to be converted, meaning our bodies can use it immediately. (source).
Folic Acid vs Folate in Pregnancy
Synthetic folic acid can hog the folate receptor sites in the MTHFR (detoxification) pathway, so eat whole foods rich in folate, and when pregnant, take a methylfolate-based prenatal supplement!

And if you have the MTHFR gene (or simply do not know yet) you need methylfolate, so please look for a prenatal that has methylfolate not just folate.
Update: In response to questions about a high-quality prenatal recommendation, Dr. Axe Ancient Multi – Prenatal with Methylated Folate is excellent but more expensive. Garden Of Life prenatal is now owned by Nestle, and no longer to be trusted with such an important job! Mama Bird Prenatal, Methylfolate (Folic Acid), Methylcobalamin (B12), Whole Food is a great value cost-wise!
This is the Methyl B Complete I take when I’m NOT pregnant, but it may not be right for you. You will generally know in a few weeks (2-4) if it helps or not.
When unusable folic acid is blocking/hogging the receptor sites where methylfolate is needed, a folate deficiency occurs and the following can happen:
- Neural tube defects
- Recurrent miscarriages
- Midline defects including tongue tie (read more about folate and tongue tie here)
- Neurological problems
- Anxiety (many people don’t realize they have anxiety until starting folate and having it go way down)
- Growth problems
- Thyroid problems
- Anemia and more
Avoid processed foods as these are fortified with folic acid and this causes a burden in detoxification and metabolism, especially for folks with the MTHFR genetic defect(s).
Studies have shown that adding folate/methylfolate to brain cell cultures can “turn off” the gene that produces the toxin beta-amyloid proteins, which are the hallmark of Alzheimer’s.
It has been fun watching my genes change and get stronger. I am sweating for the first time in my life, which is weird and great! It is a very important part of detox.
I am getting stronger for me but also for my babies. I want to help them with their genetics.
And I want to change our family’s future!
So many positive studies show B vitamins (including folate!) support healthy genetics:
“If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong.” ~Thomas Jefferson
When Shoshanna Easling was growing up, herbs were like tomatoes. They grew them. They put them up for the winter. They used them daily, and gave concoctions away to people in need of them. Her mother Debi was always teaching them. By the time Shoshanna was 13, her family started the Bulk Herb Store which has now been bought by Baker Creek Rare Seeds. At 18, she ran the Bulk Herb Store. She had a passion to help people.
Her passion continues today as Shoshanna and her husband James love to teach what they know and inspire you to learn and research beyond that.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Marilyn K
Could you recommend a good source of folate? Or would it be in a high quality B supplement? I currently have Isotonix B Complex, which contains 432 mcg folate.
Hi, Marilyn! I linked to this one in the post: https://amzn.to/2X8mFfE It is my favorite to recommend and contains 800mcg of folate as well as molybdenum to help with detox. It is the best, in my opinion. It is also raw and safe with nothing man-made added to do harm. I hope that helps. Blessings! J
It is timely that I opened this blog post tonight. I had just run out of my Thorne Prenatal and was researching whole food prenatals. I almost went with the one you linked to but it has Vitex and one reviewer stated that this messed up their menstrual cycle. My NFP Instructor had also indicated one should take Vitex only in the luteal phase.
Hi, Vanessa! I would defer to the brand your NFP recommends. I know that we are all so individualized, and wonder if vitex messes up everyone’s or just a few bc I know this (https://amzn.to/2Iusgsk) is a really good fit for many women. If I see one that is similar without it I will be glad to come back and link it in the article, too!! May the Lord bless you (and your family) as you search and learn, young friend! J
PS This one also has 800mcg of Folate, but it doesn’t have molybdenum which I feel is imperative for detoxing: https://amzn.to/2D8MqF6
Also no vitex so you are good there! 😀
Sarah Williams
This is Sarah Williams. I’m looking for the best blog to post one of my client’s articles. I found that the posts on your blog are quite interesting and admirable to read. So, I’d like to suggest your blog (deeprootsathome.com) to my clients.
Now, I’m reaching out you to ask if you are interested in posting sponsored content on your blog. If so, please devote some time to let me know your thoughts.
I hope our post will definitely bring you valuable information to your avid readers.
I’m eagerly waiting to hear from you soon.
Thank you,
Sarah Williams
Hi, Sarah, I currently have almost too much material. May I ask what niche your client writes in? TY! J
I also would like to know a good brand
Hi, Shonni! Here is the best, in my opinion..I linked to it in the post: https://amzn.to/2X8mFfE It is my favorite to recommend bc it contains 800mcg of folate as well as molybdenum to help with detox. It is also raw and safe with nothing man-made added to do harm. I hope that helps. Blessings! J
Hi Jacqueline,
Would a prenatal (which is the one recommended above), be good for me since I am in my 50’s?
Hi, Shonni! I’m sorry, I was thinking you were in childbearing years! This is what I take at 67 and it also addresses the general MTHFR defect issue. J
Hi, Shonni! I’m sorry, I wasn’t tracking with you. This is what I take at 67: https://amzn.to/2D9uoCA Pure has good levels of folate and B12 as well as molybdenum for increased detoxing.. It is a good start for addressing MTHFR in general if that is an issue for you. I chose it bc I am MTHFR and want to optimize B vitamins and daily detoxing as Shoshanna mentioned. Blessings!
Well, it’s pretty clear why I had three miscarriages and why both my daughters were tongue tied. I was told last year that I have a mutation of one of the MTHFR genes. (I forget which right now, but I will see my NP next week and will ask again.). And I will have both of my girls checked out also. Thank you for featuring Mrs. Easling. I’ve been a BHS customer for years.
Oh, Anni, how hard. I am so thankful we now have more knowledge to help us begin addressing this! I am praying the Lord for your wisdom, that of your NP as he instructs, and for abounding grace! Hugs, friend! J
Rebecca VanEssendelft
I have 2 children (out if 9 living, 2 in heaven) that have specific epilepsy disorders. My oldest, 21, has Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME), and my youngest, 4, has recently been diagnosed with Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy (MAE, or Doose Syndrome). Preliminary genetic testing on the 4yo says it’s not genetic, but I suspect when (Lord willing) his whole exome is tested, it might reveal more information. My 4yo has been and is on NUMEROUS different medications and supplements, including high dose vit.B6, a children’s multivitamin (Super Kids by Beeyoutiful), cbd oil from Palmetto Harmony, and fish oil from Barleans. Nothing seems to work long term for him, and has only been seizure free intermittently since he began having seizures 15 months ago. He is also very slightly tongue tied, but had no problems breastfeeding or with speech. We recently tried leucovorin / folinic acid, a different form of folic acid which by passes the lining of the brain to get it into the brain w/o success. I guess I’m curious to know what the difference would be b/t folate and Folinic acid, and if folate is something worth pursuing for him. Is there a good supplement you would recommend for young children other than dietary as his appetite varies greatly? When we get around to doing the genetic testing and then meet with the geneticist, it will be interesting to see what they have to say about what’s mentioned in this article. Thanks for all your time and effort on this blog, it’s been a blessing to me over the years!
Dear Rebecca, I am not an expert on what your son is experiencing, and it must be discouraging that what you are trying has not giving longer benefit (at least on the outside). I hesitate to recommend, but am assuming there is underlying MTHFR. It will do no harm but may help him, but I did find this whole food b vitamin complex https://amzn.to/2Iqekjj I would keep him on the cod liver oil, but make sure it contains naturally-occurring Vit A and not retinyl palmitate which is synthetic. The best value and what we take (and our son with some remaining gut issues from his mold exposure) is this one: https://amzn.to/2D8Q01O I am praying that the test results will give you a clearer picture of the direction to go. Also consider keeping a journal of what you try and when and any observations to help you make sense of it all. Hang in there! I can tell you are a wonderful mother…may the Lord Jesus give you wisdom, peace and strength in this trial! Blessings, J
PS…I have a lot of confidence in cod liver oil, but it isn’t always an overnight thing (due to other factors you are testing for) but it can strengthen a lot neuronally. Have you read this? https://deeprootsathome.com/dianne-craft-fish-oil-protocol/
Mrs. M.
Thank you for a wonderful article. Your blog is such an informative resource! I have a question about folate for my husband. He has issues with anxiety and so it seems like it would benefit him to get more folate. We currently take these multi-viatmins https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XRY19HW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 which are the MyKind Organics gummy. The men’s vitamin contains 120 mcg of folate. I am taking the prenatal kind which has 600 mcg of folate, (not because I am pregnant but because I have been told that all women in their childbearing years should take prenatals to support early development if they become pregnant and don’t realize it right away). As far as I can tell the only differnce between the prenatal and the men’s is that the prenatal contains more folate. Would it be good for my husband to take the prenatal one for a while to get the additional folate? I know that seems weird, but if they are identical except for the folate he wouldn’t be getting anything odd in the prenatal, right?
Mrs. M. Let me look over the different components and just make sure. I will get back to you tomorrow!! Blessings!
Hi, again Mrs. M!
I did some looking and found a multivitamin that has several things in it that will help him (but check with your doctor ;). It contains higher (more appropriate levels of Zinc and copper (in ratio), also molybdenum which is important for daily detoxing. I also noted that there is lithium orotate and that may be very helpful in add’n to the added folate. You can read this for more info: https://www.verywellmind.com/the-benefits-of-lithium-orotate-89475 It is not supported by studies but the word is that it really helps with mood and withdrawl of substances.. I hope that helps. May God bless you and your family! J
Mrs. M.
Thanks very much for taking the time to research that and respond! I think you forgot to link to the vitamin though ; )
After reading the article, unfortunately, in the side effects section it sounds like the lithium orotate would interfere with some medication he is taking so I’m not sure that would be a good solution for him. It sounds like overall more folate would be of benefit though so we’ll work on that. In addition to trying to get more from supplements, I also want to try to add more whole foods that contain folate. The only one I really know of is dark leafy greens. Any other good suggestions?
Thanks so much!
Haha, Mrs. M, I did forget to add the link, but it is just as well bc of the possible contraindications. I will add more to this reply tomorrow or Tuesday and be thinking!. Have a blessed Easter/Resurrection Day! J
Jerri C Campbell
Thanks for the amazing info! I have three kiddos. The first baby had no issues. The second had some odd sensitivity to egg and a rash behind her ears (she has now outgrown both at 3 years of age. The third baby was a boy and had tongue tie and pretty bad reflux. We are hoping for a fourth but have had two miscarriages. I have never been tested and dont know much about MFTHR. Do you recommend I take Mama Bird or the Garden of life Prenatal? And my kids are 7, 3, and 1 – what vitamins do you recommend for them?
Hi, Jerri! I will answer you on email! Thanks, J
Can you recommend a strong b complex with kosher certification?
I was going to buy Garden of Life My Kind Organics but you don’t think it’s good?
I’ve been using their prenatal.
I take prenatal and b complex for nursing, I need both for energy
Hi, Devorah! I loved Garden Of Life prenatal, but now it’s owned by Nestle – which I don’t trust. I believe the past owners sourced their ingredients ethically and naturally, but Nestle has proven to not be an ethical company bc they have tested foods with fetal cell lines: Nestle has used aborted fetal cell line HEK-293 to TEST artificial flavors (NOT in the product but used to test) This post shows this to be true (see the Artificial Flavors section): https://deeprootsathome.com/cosmetics-drugs-additives-fetal-cells/
Devorah, check out this MegaFood B complex: it is Kosher and a solid company: https://amzn.to/2PVRan7
Thank you.
I'm just wondering about a few other vitamins as well which kosher products you would recommend that are healthiest for daily supplementation:
vitamin dry E
vitamin D3
Vitamin C
Devorah! Just emailed you! ~J