Cod is a very easy entree which we serve often to save time during the haymaking season. We love cod fillets, and I am just finding out how nutritious it is for us!
Nutrients in Cod (Nutrient % Daily Value)
4 oz. serving (113.40grams): tryptophan–90.6%, selenium–75.8%, protein–52%, vitamin B6–26%, phosphorus–25.2%, vitamin B12–19.6%, potassium–16.7%, vitamin B3–14.1%, omega-3 fats-13.3%, Calories (119)-6%.
These are really high numbers – especially valuable after a workout!
Is Cod a Superfood?
Cod also delivers some wonderful health benefits. It is especially heart healthy and can lower triglycerides, control or lower blood pressure, and provide substantial protection against heart attack.
It has been pointed out to me that the words “cod” and “cold” are so close since cod needs the cold, deep, Arctic waters to survive. Haddock, flounder, and pollock are in the same family and are mild, without a ‘fishy’ taste. It takes on other flavors nicely and blends well with whatever is served alongside.
Right now it the perfect time to harvest dill fresh (not the flowering tops).
Our favorite way to serve it is with a liberal sprinkling of fresh harvested dill leaf, sea salt and black pepper.
Be A Label Reader
When you’re in the fish department, look in the frozen fish section.
All U.S. cod is wild-caught (at least right now) because it is a cold water fish! There is no farmed cod that I know of except a little from Iceland and Norway! Look for frozen cod (cold-water or Arctic) fillets, but be a label reader!
More and more we are seeing preservatives added to so many things, frozen fish included.
We have found good quality, additive-free, frozen, cold-water fillets at Meijer, Trader Joe’s, and now at Aldi’s at very reasonable prices. Just pay attention because things change.
My Basic Cod Recipe
Here is a simple Lemony Dill Butter to top it with just before serving while hot. For every 1 1/2 lb. use:
- 8 tablespoons softened butter
- 1/2 tsp. lemon juice (or to taste)
- 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1 teaspoon finely chopped dill
- salt and pepper to taste
Baked Cod Directions
- You can grill cod basted with olive oil and sea salt, but it tends to flake early and can be lost if the grill rack is too open. This fish or veggie grilling rack works wonders for when you want to grill!
- Or bake it in a casserole dish drizzled in olive oil. Bake at 325-350° in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or until it flakes apart easily with a fork. Very important for tender, moist fillets: thaw first before baking and don’t exceed 20 minutes.
I avoided fish fillets for the first years of marriage because I overcooked it, and the result is tough and dry!
If you don’t have dill but want another option, Old Bay is a New England favorite. Years ago my sister recommend it for fish. It is amazingly tasty and (unless they’ve changed the formula) has the same additive-free ingredients it had 50 years ago.
I hope this gives you a quick and healthy meal idea for your family! Bon appetit!
“Then God said, “Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.” God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.” ~Genesis 1: 20-21
****For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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