Seems today people expect a lot of medicine and their doctors – maybe too much.
For some, like my parents, medicine had become some sort of secular religion. They worshiped their doctors.
Due to the triumphs of antibiotics, pharmaceutical creations, the ascendancy in life expectancy and highly-touted restorative surgeries, it has lead to the expectation that medicine could fix anything.
But a crisis in expectations has lead to disillusionment.
Critics of modern medicine today see it as a more of a business than a noble vocation – a place where profits outweigh the importance and safety of people. Critics believe the healing of human beings has become a vast commercial enterprise, often with under-the-table ties to the pharmaceutical giants.
We now know because of this PDF file of Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Physician Incentive Program (formerly available online), that insurance companies pay pediatricians massive bonuses based on the percentage of children who are fully vaccinated by age 2. (see pg. 15) (See my post on this!)
Prescription drugs taken as directed kill 106,000 Americans a year.
This statement about drug deaths is unfortunately true, and it’s been confirmed in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
It easily exceeds that.
“Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in US after heart disease and cancer – and most doctors don’t want you to know about it!”
- A Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die EVERY YEAR from medical errors.
- Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 400,000 a year.
Pharmageddon1 is “the prospect of a world in which medicines and medicine produce more ill-health than health, and when medical progress does more harm than good”.
Doc Melhorn and the Pearly Gates by Norman Rockwell
It is not surprising then that there’s a redirecting towards ‘alternative medicine’, seen as less invasive, more personal, gentler, of course, more natural than its high-tech counterpart.
There is a yearning in people to get back to more natural ways of medicine and healing.
The media’s persistent pharmaceutical ads targeting every imaginable demographic and the FDA have almost totally erased the age-old knowledge of natural medicine from our thinking.
And increasing disassociation from our roots as careful stewards of the earth hasn’t helped. Almost erased is the notion that God supplied us with an endless amount of healing medicine for our use and that we can steward it with wisdom.
Drugs vs. Herbs As Medicine
For 30 years I’ve read that the powers-that-be could conceivably, one day, block the purchase of natural herbs and supplements, claiming them to be dangerous substances, but as one editorial wryly reminded, “even the FDA will never get rid of the weeds.”
Yes, believe it or not, the weeds are a gift from God and when God gives us something, no one can take it away.
The editorial goes on to say, “The Bible condemns the use of poisons for medicine and labels it as sorcery, and very plainly tells us that true medicine is “leaves”. The common name used for medical leaves is herbs.
Ps.104:14 says that He has given us “herbs for the service of man.”
Almost prophetically, Thomas Jefferson gave us this warning: “If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
Remember, this statement was made about 100 years before there ever even was an FDA!
Do you believe for a minute that the government’s health care plan (under any administration) is designed to help us live longer healthier lives? Do you know how easy it is for medical universities (funded by pharmaceutical companies) to convince new doctors that “drugs save lives”?
Have you ever wondered what The Bible says about medicine?
[I dispensed meds and IVs to hundreds of patients as a student RN on a medical floor in a large teaching hospital, so I was unwittingly a ‘poisoner’. Please understand I am not pointing fingers at anyone in these professions.]
Strong’s exhaustive concordance of the Bible, which lists every word in the Bible, lists the word “sorcery” as word #5332 and tells us that it is translated from the original Greek word “pharmakon.” It gives the definition as: a drug i.e. a spell-giving potion, a druggist, a poisoner.
Look in Webster’s 2nd Collegiate Dictionary published in 1980 under the word “pharmaceutical.” The definition reads: “pharmaceutical” the practice of witchcraft or the use of poison.
The very first place the word “medicine” is used in the Bible is in Proverbs 17:22 and it says, “A merry heart doeth good, like a medicine.” If medicine and drugs are the same thing, this would, at first glance, seem to reveal a contradiction in the Bible. This question is answered in the very next text listed in the concordance under medicine: Ez. 47:12, “Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
The Bible is telling us that medicine is good and it tells us where to obtain it: from the leaves or what we commonly call “herbs“.
[Excerpted from editorial article by Christopher Gussa]
A Prescription For Families
It’s going to be a long time before the Big Pharma monopoly is broken, but in the meantime, there’s plenty you can do to protect yourself and your family.
Unlike my overly-trusting parents, be slow to take any prescription drug. Carefully research side effects and spend a lot of time making sure you know what’s going into your body and how it works.
If possible avoid prescriptions altogether. Turn to natural and homeopathic remedies for illnesses and ailments.
It’s shocking to find out just how many problems are actually caused by the man-made drugs that are supposed to keep a person healthy! Learn more about osteopathic medicine (holistic without the New Age focus), chiropractic, and alternative medical treatments.
Understand your parental rights.
I guess I sound like a Mom, but I tell my children to “stay out of the hospital”.
Avoid high risk behavior that will take you there.
Eat right, listen to and pay attention to your body.
Study widely and know your natural medicine supplements and what specific herbs do.
Start questioning what pharmaceutical companies and doctors tell us. Don’t simply accept that their shiny new medicine is the answer we’ve all been waiting for to save us from all of our problems. Why WebMD is No Longer a Trusted Source of Health Information
Let’s take back responsibility for our own health!
(And, yes, there are times when we will need crisis intervention, and then I am thankful for the excellent trauma care we receive in the US that is second to none.)
Doctors Tell All – And It’s Bad!, The Atlantic Mag – recommended reading!
“Any patient in a hospital, when we take their clothes away and lay them in a bed, starts to lose identity; after a few days, they all start to merge into a single passive body, distinguishable … only by the illnesses that brought them there.” ~Terrence Holt, M.D., Internal Medicine
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” ~Psalm 103: 2-5
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Thank you so much! I like to read this. It’sa good lesson forme.
xxx Big hug and I wish you a blessed day.
River Baggins
I love this article. Thank you so much for sharing it!
I have often said I am a medical luddite. Between your article and the one I am about to share, my beliefs are perfectly expressed!
Tina S
Do you have a book based on the points mentioned in your article here? I’d love to read more and share with others.
Tina S., I do!
Dr. Rex Russell wrote ‘What the Bible Says About Healthy Living’ and it is helpful. Jordan Rubin wrote the forward and I also respect him. I hope this helps! ~J
Debbie Emerson
The reference to Ez 47:12 is talking about the future.
Yes, I agree, Debbie. I am not sure how you think on this, but I believe He has already given us plants and herbs and natural things from the earth for all our needs now! That Ez. passage is an inference to the expanded GIFTS He will bless us with there! ~J
We use herbal tinctures and essential oils in our family and are very hesitant to use pharmaceuticals. My 12 yr old daughter has asked to study the history of medicine for an elective for homeschooling this year. She particularly wants to learn about the more natural modalities of health. Do you have any recommendations for books that might be appropriate for her to read? I’m not sure where to begin.
Hi, Kathy!
I do have some ideas:
Be Your own Doctor by Rachel Weaver
How To Raise a Healthy Child Despite Your Doctor by Dr. by Robert S. Mendelsohn MD
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
These are just a few! I hope that helps!
Thanks so much for the recommendations! I will check those out.