[I have permission to bring Lori’s experience to you here on the blog because we both feel strongly about sharing knowledge with readers and letting you make up your own mind. Our family has also used it with good success! This is anecdotal only.] By Lori Alexander
Our Experience With Black Salve
This is my opinion only!
I take no responsibility for the results you experience with Black Salve sold here or here, but my family has had wonderful experiences with it. I bought it many years ago, and I forgot who told me about it but it has gotten rid of our moles, warts, pre-skin cancer, and skin cancer (basal cell and squamous cell).
It truly is amazing. Not one thing that I have treated has EVER grown back!
If you have something growing on your skin, you put a big blob of it on a little round band aid and put it on your sore, mole, or wart. Wait twenty four hours, then take the band aid off. Sometimes it stings a lot. This definitely means it is something that needs to go.
If nothing happens, it means that there was nothing that needed to go.
I had a sore on my chest that was getting redder and wouldn’t heal. I put some Black Salve on it and it immediately started stinging. It stung the whole 24 hours and when I took the band-aid off the sore was white, swollen, and full of puss.
The thing that is great about Black Salve (sold here or here) is it only goes after the cancer, wart, or mole. The skin around it gets a little red but that is all.
When you take the band aid off, clean the sore with hydrogen peroxide, put a dab of Vaseline or coconut oil on it (I bought my Vaseline at the health food store so there wouldn’t be any petrochemicals in it), and put another small round band aid on it.
Do this (apply vaseline or coconut oil) every day until it is healed.
[Clarification from Lori: You apply the Black Salve only once for 24 hours. Then after this, you change the band-aid (applying Vaseline or coconut oil to the sore) daily until the root falls out and it completely heals which can take up to three weeks if it’s big like the one of my arm was.]
This is the key to having the smallest scar possible. Sometimes it leaves a little scar, but if you went to a doctor, they would probably leave a bigger scar (if it had to have it cut out).
You can get a fever using it. We’ve never gotten one, but I heard it is possible as your body fights the injury.
Usually after several days, the root will eventually fall out and leave a hole in your skin, but it will heal. Sometimes if the wart or mole is a little stubborn, I will keep it on for 48 hours. I would suggest doing no more than one area at a time so you don’t overwhelm your body.
I love finding things like this that I can take care of instead of going to the doctor. We have had amazing success with this and will keep on using it since it works so great! We have had our small jar for many years and all of my family uses it.
Recently, I had this sore right near my elbow that wouldn’t heal. I put some Black Salve on it and immediately it began to burn. It burned the whole 24 hours and became red and swollen. Even when I took the Salve off and put vaseline and a band aid over it, it burned for about a week afterwards.
It was by far the biggest spot I have ever used this on. Puss and even a little blood oozed out from under the band aid.
The Root Uprooted with Black Salve
The big white thing is now the root. It should come out in a few days.
(It is true, the good Lord didn’t bless me with good skin. I freckle and wrinkle very easily, and I am 56 years old with way too many years in the sun!)
Here it is several weeks later. This was by far the worse treatment so far. It was much bigger and deeper than I thought it would be. It was very swollen and painful for at least a week and then it again “leaked” clear fluid and blood.
I finally put on Manuka Honey on it yesterday to help it heal up faster, and it did the trick! It will take a few more weeks for it to completely heal, but it’s getting there.
Two Months Later
Above is a picture about two months after applying the Black Salve (found here or here). It is a flat red spot that will probably completely disappear in a few more months.
I LOVE this stuff!
***UPDATE: It’s been six months and I can barely see it!
5/13/2018: Here’s one that I treated with Black Salve (found here or here) a few days ago on my neck. I will show you it in a few months to show how little scar it leaves!
Mind you, I am not recommending that you use it – just showing what we use. We’ve had our one jar for many years and we have shared it with others. We only need/use a tiny bit each time.
Update: there is a Black Salve capsule now to work alongside the salve from the inside out. The reviews on my Facebook Deep Roots at Home page are really encouraging, and it’s fair to say that it should be helpful in the protocol for serious cancers because of it’s herbal ingredients graviola and burdock. I have written on graviola (soursop) here.
“This stuff is amazing! I’m a retired dermatology nurse that was in Mohs speciality and this is what I use!” ~E.L.
“Go to Best Products On Earth and order the Black Salve Bloodroot Capsules. I tried everything (and I mean everything) but the salve, because I was worried the root of the warts would be too deep and I would have terrible holes after using the product. This WORKED!! It has MANY benefits.” ~K.S.B.
Also, there appears to be a knock-off product: DO NOT USE IT. They even removed it from on Amazon. It is called “Virxcan-X Salve” by Sunstone Formulas. Sunstone is NOT the same.
Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. ~Revelation 22:2
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Thanks for sharing your experience! Quick question about this paragraph: “When you take the band aid off, clean the sore with hydrogen peroxide, put a dab of Vaseline or coconut oil on it (I bought my Vaseline at the health food store so there wouldn’t be any petrochemicals in it), and put another small round band aid on it. Do this every day until it is healed.”
Did you apply the black salve only once (for the 24 hours) and then apply the Vaseline every day after that? Or did you apply the black salve every day until it was healed? (Just want to make sure that I’m reading it correctly.)
Thank you!
Candice I will ask Lori to respond here if she is able. It is good to clarify 🙂 Thanks for the question, friend!
Lori Alexander
Hi Candice,
You apply the Black Salve only once for 24 hours then after this, you change the band-aid (applying Vaseline to the sore) daily until the root falls out and it completely heals which can take up to three weeks if it’s big like the one of my arm was.
I removed nine moles from my face and neck with black salve — it is amazing! The smaller moles only needed 12 hours with the salve, I cleaned the edges of the wound with peroxide and then applied the Vaseline. Whee we n I was healed enough to stop using the Vaseline, I applied colloidal silver to aid in healing.
It didn’t work for a skin tag. I tried using it to remove sun spots but it left a white scar.
Val, that is valuable information! Thank you for sharing it here for others edification and help!
Great information, Jacqui! I just came across this article from someone’s link on MeWe.
My wife asked if Prid is the same thing as black slave. I said I didn’t think so, but I would ask.
I know this article is 5 years old almost (!!!), but you’re still doing your blessed work here, so maybe you would be around to help answer that for us.
Hi, Rick,
No Prid is different. This is the real thing with all the right herbs, but if you sue it, do it exactly right and make an informed decision.
We’ve used it a bunch on my husband’s back (basal cell) and it has been excellent, saving us a lot of time and expense, but it looks horrible for 2-3 weeks then heals right up.
Blessings to you and your wife,
I’m getting right on it! I have moles on my face that have been there for 25 years. I can hardly imagine them gone! ?
Oh no. Not available or able to ship to Canada. Sigh.
This is a really good article. I appreciate the honest review of the salve, and the photos are very encouraging. One of my sweet grands has a mole on her cheek that she hates. I just ordered the salve so when it arrives I’ll have her read this post for encouragement. She will be so glad to get rid of that thing.
Thank you, Lori and Jacqueline!
Hi, Toni! Thanks for letting me know that. There are many reviews I have been reading and many work perfectly. The ones that get 1 or 2 stars just say it doesn’t do anything to it. Let me know how it does!
Hugs and blessings to you! J
PS…did you see Lori’s comment below? Apply the black salve only once, not over and over!
I wonder if this would work for keloid scars? I have a really large painful one on my chest that is SOOO itchy!
I’ll have to see if I can find it in Canada. ?
Joanna, that I don’t know. A typical keloid isn’t a growth like a mole or basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, but you can test a small area. If it isn’t something that can “die”, it should not hurt or help. Just my opinion 🙂 J
Thank you for your reply.
I feel like I’ve tried so many things for my keloids (including steroid injections by a dermatologist- which made one WORSE because he hit a blood vessel right in the middle of my chest ?.) SOOO frustrating!!
I’m a little afraid of black salve since it will take the cancer out (if it’s skin cancer), as deep as the cancer goes… But I am covered in freckles and moles, and literally everyone in my family has had squamous or basal cell, and even a few melanomas, so I probably should buy some and carefully use…
Did you know there is an Amish farmer in federal prison for making black (or bloodroot) salve because of the label on his product? I am friends with his nephew, who is also named Sam Girod. Terribly sad story.
Yes, Katrina. It is a sad story. Thousands have used it safely but I am sure there are others who are either not following instructions or have something else going on besides. After all I have seen in the OR and from medical malpractice, I trust myself much more and can use common sense after researching. But, I digress. I would love it of you would take a few pictures to add to this post if you are comfortable with that. Blessings!
Charlotte Moore
This is amazing! WOW! Thanks for sharing.
Kimberly Beaty
Thank you for sharing this reaource! One question: Is there anything to help the pain? That is the one thing that makes me a bit nervous!
Kimberly, in several places she mentions it stinging…If you are a highly sensitive person or have a very low pain threshold, I wonder if you can find a topical ointment with lidocaine in it and put a tiny amt. right around the bandaid (but not on the spot you are targeting?
Hi Lori,
Thankyou! This has been so helpful.
Is there any reason it needs to be vaseline or coconut oil? Is it possible to use pure vitamin E oil?
Emily, it can be Vitamin E oil, but it also needs to keep the scab moist. I actually do not like vaseline, so have started to use only raw honey or coconut oil so there is no scarring. It is under a bandaid, so not sticky! Hope that helps! ~J
Thank you so much for the prompt response and the suggestion! I will be looking into it further.
Hi Jacqueline, I have a question regarding moles. Will this work on raised moles or is it only for flat moles? I have one on the base of my neck that I’ve had since I was a little girl and have been self conscious because of it. It is close to the size of a pea and stick out. I would love to try this, but want to make sure it will work. Kindest regards, Emily
Hi, Emily! I would try lemon juice first. I have not personally removed a mole so don’t want to advise on that. Lemon juice has worked for several friends’ moles on their face. Here is what they did: https://articles.mercola.com/how-to-get-rid-of-moles.aspx
I hope that gives some guidance! ~J
Kimberly Beaty
Hi Emily!
Being in the comments thread, I received this and thought you might be interested in knowing that I recently removed a raised mole (that had been a little bit itchy on and off for years) on my back with bloodroot salve (black salve) from Zenith Herbal. This is said to be the best, most reputable source for high quality, safe products. I feared the pain, etc. but having first tried vitamin C powder (that was said on Mercola not to impact anything but the mole), I quickly discovered the salve was so much better. The C powder DID affect my normal skin around and along with the mole. I stopped using it, let it heal, and then used the black salve which only went after the mole with FAR LESS pain! (Brief, stinging ache was all) It was gone in one week and has healed so well! I kept it covered with a round, sensitive skin band-aid and applied the healing salve also sold by Zenith, but found that my old stand-by herbal healing salve (Lucinda’s 8-Herb Salve) worked even better. (Plus it is much cheaper!!) Maybe this will help you, too! ?
Diane Clark
If the skin cancer has grown to the size of a large marble, would it still work? I am interested in trying….
Diane, make sure it is not a melanoma. That is not what Black Salve is for – black salve does nothing for melanoma. Once you know it is a basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, you may consider it at that size. Where is it located? That makes a differnce, and if it is pendulous, that would also be a consideration. I would pray about it and ask the Lord to lead you. You can also detox internally and I can tell you how to do that on email if interested. Let me know!
Blessings, ~J
Yes interested in detox. It is Basel cell and it is behind the ear.
Hi, Diane! I will email you now! ~J
Dear Jacqueline, I would be interested in learning about the detox, if you will email me as well. Is it for carcinoma situation or is it an overall well being detox?
Seems this producr is no longer available, unfortunately. Would you happen to know where else it can be found?
I know, Jennifer. Sadly, I don’t another product to recommend. It is the only one that I personally feel to recommend. Do thoroughly research before you buy. Praying for you!!
Hi can you tell me how to rehydrate black salve, it has gone a bit dry
Marney, I am not sure to tell because I don’t know the ingredients that your salve contains or the size of your container.
If it is oil based, I would use a tiny bit of olive oil or coconut oil. Obviously not too much. Start very small and stir or mash in with a small spoon.
If it is water based, use a few drops of water.. work with it like you would bread dough to get the right consistency!
I hope that helps!
Marie Russel
Hi Jacque,
Thanks for posting this article…have you ever heard of someone using this for breast cancer? I’ve been detoxing deeply and now my tumor is at the surface, I feel it really wants to get out! Its quite large, maybe 3 centimeters…I know this would be quite intense, and I would need to be brave, any recommends you have a greatly welcome and appreciated.
Thanks for posting your article, I had do a bit of digging to find anything positive on black salve.
Hi, Marie! I do remember seeing a video a long while ago on someone doing what you spoke of, and it did exit with some blood and pus. If I remember, it was intact.
I can’t say that I know of anyone else that has done that, otherwise, though. I would love to know what you have been deeply detoxing with!
God bless you as you seek for wisdom and an answer to your question!
Alice Goncharenko
Hi Marie- Have you heard of C-Herb? I worked in a health food store years ago, and many people who had been diagnosed with cancer purchased it to use both internally and externally. I just found some online at taylormadeorganics.com.
Join the Black Salve research group on FB. There are people doing it on there.
My husband has a lump near his elbow. It is under the skin and tender. Would black salve help with this?
Becky, I am sorry, but I cannot advise on that. It doesn’t sound like something for black salve. If you think it is a cyst or a boil-type thing, you could put on a poltice or “drawing” salve and try to draw it up to the surface.
2-3 days usually works.
This is a great recipe to give you an idea! ~J
Alice Goncharenko
First, I want to thank you for all of your great content. Your articles have been such an encouragement to me in faith, family, and health. I just wanted to comment that I found a great website taylormadeorganics.com that has black ointment for MUCH less ($16/2 oz.) They also carry C-Herb. Have you ever heard of it? It is worth researching. I worked in a health food store many years ago and people would use it both internally and externally for pre-cancerous growths. I personally used it on several suspicious moles and was amazed at how it worked. I just thought I would share, in case you weren’t familiar with it. …Another question for you, do you have any recommendations for a 19-year-old daughter with debilitating monthly cramps that only seem to be getting worse?
Hi, Alice!
Thank you for your comments on the source for good black salve and also the C-Herb. I am not familiar with it so hope to reasearch it and learn!
And, yes, I do have something for your daughter that has helped many. I will email you!
Have you seen the info circulating about the CV vax shedding possibly causing menstrual issues in tens of thousands of women? My 12 year old daughter and I (who have not taken the V) have both been affected, as well as many of my close friends. Horrible cramps, starting cycle 1-3 weeks early, starting cycle weeks late, intense breast pain, feeling pregnant, and even many reports of miscarriage. I’ve also read about the timing of 5G with the vax. Who really knows, but something is happening for sure. I’d love to know what she recommends for the cramps. My daughter started using TRS detox spray several months back and literally the very first month her cramps didn’t make her cry or wake her up or make her toss & turn all day. It has worked beautifully for 3-4 months but these last couple of months she’s experienced some of that again while I’ve experienced the weird symptoms many of my friends have testified of as well. We don’t use pain killers in general, but a few times hers were so bad I had to give her an ibuprofen just so she could sleep because essential oils, teas, etc weren’t touching it. Thankful for the TRA spray helping but would love to know other natural remedies too. 🙂
Hi, Alice!
I apologize, I just read your comment about your daughter’s menstrual cramps getting worse and your question if I know something to help her.
It was because someone else here answered your comment that I saw yours and that I had missed it! They recommended TRS, and that is what I also recommend for your daughter’s debilitating monthly cramps that are just getting worse. Yes, it will help her!
Here is information to read:
FAQ on my website: https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/faq/
reads: AdvancedTRS contains nano-clinoptilolite and water (Just 2 ingredients) and Clinoptilolite itself has been shown to:
—Bind heavy metals and over 80,000 toxins
—Adjust the balance of vital nutrients like iron & calcium
—Support intestinal microflora and pH
—Promote healthy immune function
Have you read Avalyn’s Story?: https://deeprootsathome.com/avalyns-story-how-trs-a-safe-heavy-metal-detox-can-help-you-and-your-child/
I just emailed you and attached some stories from families using TRS for your daughter’s problem.
I do complimentary coaching via email with every order through my link, https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/
Please contact me if you have any questions! I am here to guide.
Blessings, Jacque
Stacey R
Is it important to only use coconut oil or vaseline until the scab/core falls off/out? Is it important not to use colloidal silver or neosporin because that would cause the core to just heal back into place…?
At what point is it okay to use colloidal silver or neosporin?
Thanks so much!! I have quite a big/deep white core ready for the next steps after the initial salve.
Stacey R
Also, what would happen if one applied the salve to a melanoma unknowingly?
Stacey R, that I do not know from personal experience. The post states it help, “I take no responsibility for the results you experience with Black Salve, but my family has had wonderful experiences with it. I bought it many years ago and I forgot who told me about it but it has gotten rid of our moles, warts, pre-skin cancer, and skin cancer (basal cell and squamous cell).”
It doesn’t mention melanoma at all. ~J
Stacey R,
The post doesn’t mention ‘melanoma’, so I cannot advise on what to do, but I would not use colloidal silver/ or Neosporin bc your hunch may be valid.
I presented Lori A’s post because it has helped many. Of course, there are those in allopathic medicine that say it is harmful, so everyone is left to do their own research.
This post is helpful and balanced. https://draxe.com/health/black-salve/
And this is also insightful: https://youarethehealer.org/black-salve-on-skin-cancer-with-photos/
I have used black salve on my husbands back at least a dozen times and have removed the squamous or basal cell cancers w/o problem, but we got a dx on what the growths were first.
I hope that helps,
Stacey R
Thanks so much for your quick responses. I appreciate your input!
I’m on day 3 for a mole removal. It’s pretty gnarly looking and sore. But hasn’t changed much since my initial 24 hours of the black salve. I’m feeling pretty nervous that I’m just going to end up with an ugly mark on my chin. But I’ll update once it’s finished.
Should I leave the bandage on it until it is completely healed?
Thank you,
Hi, Nj,
This is what Lori Alexander wrote in her guest post:
“When you take the band aid off, clean the sore with hydrogen peroxide, put a dab of Vaseline or coconut oil on it (I bought my Vaseline at the health food store so there wouldn’t be any petrochemicals in it), and put another small round band aid on it.
Do this (apply vaseline or coconut oil) every day until it is healed.
[Clarification from Lori: You apply the Black Salve only once for 24 hours. Then after this, you change the band-aid (applying Vaseline or coconut oil to the sore) daily until the root falls out and it completely heals which can take up to three weeks if it’s big like the one of my arm was.]
Those are the instructions as written in the post for guidance..
I hope that helps you.
Valerie B.
I removed two very large moles from my face. Where the largest one was, there is a small white patch of skin. I must’ve done a better job with the butterfly bandage on the other one (towards the end of healing), because there is a tiny scar. The large one was under my lip, so there was constant movement.
Valerie, it sounds like you got the roots of both of those moles!
Great job! Yep, it is harder where there is movement and disturbance of the healing site.
I used this on my mother, she had basal cell skin cancer. Worked beautifully! Thanks for the information!
Val B.
I removed 8 moles from my face and one from my neck. Love the way my face looks now! When I was cleaning the largest one towards the end of the process, I felt a twang of pain and flinched … the q-tip sent the mole flying across the room, LOL! I had to go find it. I guess it came out a day early.
I did this with a mole on my chin. It’s bothered for me for years. It started as a pimple and just stayed. Changing size and color ever so slightly over the years. I washed my face one evening (gently I should add) and afterwards, the mole was bleeding. Well I decided to try the black salve I had sitting on my shelf.
I kept it on under a bandaid for a little more than 24hrs. Let it rinse off gently in the shower. Kept it covered with a bandaid for about a week. It did exactly as these pictures show. I’d use a little hydrogen peroxide around the edges when it oozed and then put so coconut oil on it.
After the eschar fell off I had a large crater that filled in quickly over 4 days. I packed it with coconut oil and covered with a bandaid because I have very little children and farm animals and was nervous to have an open wound on my face.
3 months later I have a little red scar tissue spot that lessens every day. I’m sure that in 2 more months you’d never know I had a mole there.
My mom.and aunt were excited for this option, as they both recently had smaller spots on their faces removed at a doctors office that left them with 2 and 3 inch scars on their cheeks and a bit of trauma from over 72 injections to numb the pain.
This was a very anxiety ridden process, especially because it was on my face, but I’m so glad I did it now.
Nicole, thank you for your neat testimony and to know how it is resolving! I hope it helps others!