Some mainline medical centers and researchers from all over the globe are suggesting that pomegranate juice may be a safe and effective answer to reversing the #1 cause of death in the industrialized world: heart disease.
I’m pretty sure that most will still resort to drugs (the big pharma solution) or surgical intervention, but in the meantime, as an old surgical heart nurse that’s seen too much, I will rely on safer, more natural means to achieve that end.
I think this is the best of DIY because it requires no surgery, drugs or hospitalization!!
What I read as I pulled together last week’s post on pomegranates is pretty amazing stuff!
The ‘superfruit’ pomegranate (technically a berry) has a remarkable astringency, giving your mouth and gums that dry, puckery-mouth feeling. This cleansing sensation is technically caused, as with all astringents, by shrinking and disinfecting your mucous membranes.
Apparently, it works similarly on the lining of the arteries to clean them of plaque. There are also enough poetic visual clues there for us: it does resemble a multi-chambered heart and its juice looks like blood, at least when you consider its appearance in comparison to most other fruits. Like the walnut looks like the hemispheres of the brain and are the top tree nut for brain health, so the pomegranate is great for the heart and its vessels
Pomegranate Juice Reduces Heart Blockages
[Near the end under “Take Action”, I have listed a few brands (juice, capsule, powder) to look into.]
The pretty red pomegranate fruit recently made its way back into the news after some spectacular clinical results. Here’s what Dr. Fuhrman writes:
A compound found only in pomegranates called punicalagin is shown to benefit the heart and blood vessels. Punicalagin is the major component responsible for pomegranate’s antioxidant and health benefits. It not only lowers cholesterol, but also lowers blood pressure and increases the speed at which heart blockage (atherosclerosis) melts away.
Just 1 Oz. Pomegranate Juice = 30% Reversal in Plaque
Recent medical research studied heart patients with severe carotid artery blockages. They were given one ounce of pomegranate juice each day for a year. Not only did study participants’ blood pressure lower by over 12%, but there was also a 30% REVERSAL in atherosclerotic plaque (heart blockage).
Just as astounding, participants who did not take the pomegranate juice saw their atherosclerotic plaque INCREASE by 9%.
To an old heart surgery bypass-graft nurse, this is real news. But I can guarantee we will not hear much about it!
Just 1 oz. of fresh pomegranate juice a day for a year and plaque is reduced by 30%!! Such a small amount of juice for such fabulous non-invasive results. Read on…
In other studies, potent antioxidant compounds found in pomegranates have also shown to reduce platelet aggregation and naturally lower blood pressure, factors that prevent both heart attacks and strokes.
Not only are pomegranates good for your heart and blood vessels but they have been shown to inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, leukemia and to prevent vascular changes that promote tumor growth in lab animals. Several in vitro studies have shown this remarkable anti-cancer effect.
• Int J Vitam Nutr Res. (Cholesterol-lowering effect in type II diabetic patients.)
• J. Agric. Food Chem., 2008, 56 (4), pp 1415–1422
• Proteomics. 2012 Nov;12(21):3251-62.
• J Med Food. 2005 Winter;8(4):469-75.
• University of Maryland Medical Center, Pomegranate
• Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Jul 1;12(13):4018-26.
• Isr Med Assoc J. 2011 Aug;13(8):474-9
• Phytother Res. 2010 Feb;24(2):182-5.
• J Nutr. 2005 Sep;135(9):2096-102.
•, Clean Your Arteries with One Simple Fruit
• Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Mar 29;102(13):4896-901.
• National Geographic News March 22, 2005
• Rev Urol. 2008 Spring; 10(2): 168–169.
• Int J Impot Res. 2007 Nov-Dec;19(6):564-7.
Reverse Heart Blockage
Another fascinating study in Life Extension Magazine:
Nineteen patients from the Vascular Surgery Clinic in Haifa, Israel, were selected to participate in this three-year trial. All were non-smokers between the ages of 65 and 75, with asymptomatic severe carotid artery narrowing (stenosis) ranging from 70% to 90%.
In other words, their arteries were so occluded by plaque buildup that only 10-30% of the original artery volume was available to permit blood flow. Ten of the 19 patients consumed 50 mL (1.7 ounces) of pomegranate juice daily, while the other nine received a placebo beverage.
“Despite the patients’ advanced atherosclerosis, ingesting pomegranate juice produced statistically significant reductions in the thickness of their carotid artery walls, which is correlated with decreased risk for heart attack and stroke. After only three months, the average thickness declined by 13%, and after 12 months, the thickness dropped 35% compared to baseline. During this same 12-month period, the average carotid artery thickness of the placebo group increased by 9%. This study also measured various other parameters of cardiovascular health. One year of pomegranate supplementation reduced the systolic blood pressure itself dropped by 21%.”
Take Action
If you do decide to drink pomegranate juice for medicinal purposes, make sure it contains no added sugar or flavors and is preferably organic.
Heart blockages don’t form overnight, and as this thorough 3-year study showed, it took at least one year to show a 30% reversal.
The most interesting thing is that the control group that did not consume pomegranate juice, common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) increased by 9% during 1 year. For more medical studies and research papers, see here.
You can take this as juice, a capsule or I found an organic, cold-pressed, freeze-dried nothing-else-added powder. I think juice in glass is best, then the powdered. Look for it at health food stores.
“For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land of fountains and springs, flowing forth in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey…“ ~Deuteronomy 8: 7-8
One thought to all those who regularly read Deep Roots at Home blog:
I almost hesitate to share all the really good things we can do for our health and well-being lest we begin to place all our hope on ‘things’ and they become our hope. Our only true hope is in the Lord God Who created us.
Though we want to be wise and do good things for our bodies, the best thing I know of for real lasting (forever) health is to believe on the name of Jesus:
“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” ~Acts 4: 12
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Hi there! Stopping by to say that I’ve seen several murmerations of birds this fall and thought of you each time. 🙂 Hope you are doing well. Wishing you and your family a joyous season.
Cheryl Smith
Dear, sweet Jacqueline! It has been so long since I took the time to leave you a comment. I think of you often and love getting your posts in our inbox. I so appreciate each time you share such helpful information and/or whatever the dear Lord places upon your heart. You are such a Divine blessing in my life and someone I look to who exemplifies what a woman of grace should look like. So, I am here today to just say, “thank you”, and to wish you and your sweet family a very blessed and Merry Christmas! So thankful to have “met” you and to share this Christian blogging journey with you. 🙂
Hello Jacqueline,
Thanks so much for this informative post. I haven’t visited your blog much lately but something led me to it today and I believe it was a God thing. The reason is because there is a lot of heart problems in my family. My dad passed away from it, my mom has A-fib, one of my brothers has had stints put in, and my sister and I have murmurs.
I love pomegranates and now I surely have a reason to eat them and to drink the juice. Thank you Jacqueline, for taking the time to research for us and to give us all the facts. You are definitely a blessing to me.
God bless you and your family and have a very Merry Christmas!
Cris Dorval
Amen! I could not have said it better myself. Sounds like we have similar family health history.
Cris Dorval
As I was reading this inspiring article I kept thinking that the Lord is leading me to ways of supporting and sustaining health. Then I read your last comments about how our health comes from the Lord, and it was like He was hearing my thoughts. Thank you for your faithful, hard work to keep us informed and encouraged. Your Sister because of Jesus. ❤️
Barbara Fisher
I would love receiving your news letter
HI, Barbara,
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Sending peace,
For the last several months I’ve been experiencing high blood pressure, but not wanting to believe the numbers, I didn’t rush in to anything. I knew you had information on this health issue and so glad I found it. I just ordered the juice and will be taking an ounce a day! Thank you and blessings!
Hi, Geri, TRS should be very helpful with BP over time, but sometimes it is good to attack a problem from several angles! I will email you what TRS does for many (some stories I’ve received).