Today, I share Dr. Paul Tinari’s own words regarding the contentious topic of male infant circumcision.
[Caveat: Please do your own research, examine both sides (I share some thoughts below Dr. Tinari’s story), and pray for wisdom. I will always advocate for parental rights on this and other important topics.]
Two of my physics professors at Queen’s University (Dr. Stewart & Dr. McKee) were the original developers of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for medical applications. They and a number of other Queen’s physicists also worked on improving the accuracy of fMRI for observing metabolic activity within the human body.
As a graduate student working in the Dept. of Epidemiology, I was approached by a group of nurses who were attempting to organize a protest against male infant circumcision in Kingston General Hospital. They said that their observations indicated that babies undergoing the procedure were subjected to significant and inhumane levels of pain that subsequently adversely affected their behaviours. They said that they needed some scientific support for their position. It was my idea to use fMRI and/or PET scanning to directly observe the effects of circumcision on the infant brain.
The operator of the MRI machine in the hospital was a friend of mine, and he agreed to allow us to use the machine for research after normal operational hours. We also found a nurse who was under intense pressure by her husband to have her newborn son circumcised and she was willing to have her son to be the subject of the study. Her goal was to provide scientific information that would eventually be used to ban male infant circumcision. Since no permission of the ethics committee was required to perform any routine male infant circumcision, we did not feel it was necessary to seek any permission to carry out this study.
We tightly strapped an infant to a traditional plastic “circumrestraint” using Velcro restraints. We also immobilized the infant’s head using standard surgical tape. The entire apparatus was then introduced into the MRI chamber. Since no metal objects could be used because of the high magnetic fields, the doctor who performed the surgery used a plastic bell (“Plastibell“) with a sterilized obsidian blade to cut the foreskin. No anesthetic was used.
The baby was kept in the machine for several minutes to generate baseline data of the normal metabolic activity in the brain. This was used to compare to the data gathered during and after the surgery. Analysis of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to significant trauma. The greatest changes occurred in the limbic system concentrating in the amygdala and in the frontal and temporal lobes.
The neurologist who saw the results postulated that the data indicated that circumcision affected most intensely the portions of the victim’s brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions. Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child’s brain never returned to its baseline configuration. In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery.
Our problems began when we attempted to publish our findings in the open medical literature. All of the participants in the research including myself were called before the hospital discipline committee and were severely reprimanded. We were told that while male circumcision was legal under all circumstances in Canada, any attempt to study the adverse effects of circumcision was strictly prohibited by the ethical regulations. Not only could we not publish the results of our research, but we also had to destroy all of our results. If we refused to comply, we were all threatened with immediate dismissal and legal action.
I would encourage anyone with access to fMRI and /or PET scanning machines to repeat our research as described above, confirm our results, and then publish the results in the open literature.
Dr. Paul D. Tinari, Ph.D.
Director, Pacific Institute for Advanced Study
Because it went against the status quo, Dr. Tinari’s study was not published—not because it was inaccurate, but because it didn’t fit the “official narrative” of allopathic medicine (though an increasing number of parents (even Jewish parents) are refusing circumcision for their baby boys).
Circumcision is associated with many different potential complications and risks. For example, they include heavy bleeding, infection, surgical injury, and in rare cases, death.
Studies on Infant Genital Cutting and Neurological Change:
• 26 studies of peer-reviewed research on circumcision, brain changes, behavior
• Circumcision Pain Studies End Early Due to Infant Trauma
• Infant Pain Impacts Adult Sensitivity and Perception
• Known Complications and Risks and More Studies Showing Adverse Outcomes
• New Study In Denmark Reveals Circumcision Increases Chances Of Autism By 46%
Reasons Circumcision God’s Way Is Not Problematic… But the Modern Medical Way Is
I believe the reason why God established day eight postpartum for circumcision of Jewish males is that clotting factor vitamin K peaks at 8 days of age. The 2nd clotting factor, which is essential, is Prothrombin. It peaks at 110% on the 8th day, just before leveling off at 100% of normal.
Why Circumcision for Gentiles is Not a Law
“The earliest Christians were all Jewish. And even as believers in the Lord Jesus, they still considered themselves Jews under a covenant relationship with God – a covenant relationship that involved circumcision. So, it was only natural that they would expect all believers to follow the Old Testament covenant requirements. And that was OK until the church began to reach beyond a Jewish audience and into the Gentile world. And then, requiring Gentile converts to become circumcised became a point of contention. (source)
“It would seem most of the early work done among the Gentiles did not advocate circumcision for them. Acts 11:19-21 is the first recorded intentional outreach to the Gentiles, taking place in Antioch. Nothing in that passage is said about circumcision. But in Acts 15:1 some Jewish believers from Judea come to Antioch and attempt to push circumcision as a requirement for salvation. That this created an uproar in the church at Antioch would indicate that this church had never required it, at least for the Gentile believers.
“Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem, representing the church at Antioch as well as the greater Gentile mission. They meet with the apostles and elders there to settle this question. Must the Gentiles be circumcised in order to be saved? And the answer coming from this first church council was that ‘no’, the Gentiles did not have to be circumcised. They were essentially free from the old covenant obligations.
“I believe this marked a major milestone for the new church. No longer were they a sect of Judaism, even though the church still contained thousands of practicing Jews. Instead they were a multi-ethnic body of believers. And circumcision was no longer a sign of their covenant relationship with God. While circumcision remained a contentious issue for many Jewish believers, the church, as a whole, no longer recognized it as a distinctive, or requirement, of the faith.” (source)
[If you’ve already circumcised a son (as we have), it doesn’t mean you are a bad parent. It just means you didn’t know. Marilyn Milos didn’t know. She had all her boys circ’d. They are all grown men now and she’s the founder and director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) and coordinator of the International Symposia on Circumcision, Sexual Mutilations, and Genital Integrity. And she’s the first to tell you that she just didn’t know. When you know better, you do better.]
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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This saddens me that I put my son’s through this..but I was thinking about when they are old men (hopefully not in a nursing facility)..and them not getting the care they need in bathing. My sister used to work in a nursing home facility and when it was her shift to do baths..she often found men with situations of lack of care. Simply from others not taking the time to clean well or at all. Since I will not be around to check in on their care when they are elderly..I didn’t want them in that situation.
Karen Williams
I’m so glad I didn’t get my sons circumcised. My husband wanted it and it was only because we couldn’t afford it that it wasn’t done to the first son even though my feelings were already against it, lack of knowledge meant I would have done according to my husbands wishes.
I’m just wondering now about God prescribing this cutting as a symbol of covenant for Jewish babies… and Jesus himself! God would know if circumcision changed/harmed the brain, wouldn’t he? I’m just thinking out loud and would like to know what you think about this?
Yes, Lori, I have wondered a LOT about it. Similarly, it is why I don’t choose to go out and buy pork, but will eat it if presented to me (which is hardly ever).
Then there is the ‘beneficial’ vs ‘not beneficial’ consideration.. “23“Everything is permissible,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is edifying. 24No one should seek his own good, but the good of others.… 1 Corinthians 10:23
I am still not feeling convicted about it spiritually either way, and I have asked for the Holy Spirit to show me. Just waiting on the Lord at this point.
And with the allopathic medical ‘system’ being what they really are – in many cases, corrupt and agenda-driven – I want our children AWAY from anything invasive where possible. Being in an office or surgical setting (I’m a surgical nurse and have seen way too much), that is a high danger opportunity for them getting a vaccine and often the parent will never know. I KNOW of many instances where a shot is given even when the parent requests none be given.
I am glad you felt welcome to ask or process this here!
Sending peace,
We had our two oldest sons circumcised 40 years ago, in the hospital after their caesarean births. Sorry guys! Then, I had much new information and I had a homebirthed girl, and then a homebirthed boy. We took him to a Jewish urologist on the 8th day after his birth, had his penis anesthetized and we able to be right there to comfort him. I let him suck on my pinkie and stroke his little hand. There was virtually no bleeding and no crying.
Okay, I had to close and post before I completed my thoughts because I was losing power and had to plug in my iPad.
This is what I had learned before we circumcised our youngest son, 30 years ago.The ancient Jewish procedure was very different from the current allopathic procedure. The baby was held by his mother, the procedure was done on the 8th day, at the time of the greatest Vitamin K presence in the body to inhibit excess bleeding, the baby was given wine as an anesthetic, and the baby sucked on his mom’s finger. He was surrounded by his family and comforted. His rabbi performed the procedure.
Peg, this is very insightful! Thank you for sharing the historical perspective!
This is very interesting, Peg. Thank you.
I have heard that the ancient procedure was different and that not as much of the foreskin was removed, but I haven’t ever researched it for myself to find out. I wouldn’t be sure where to start.
I live in a community where (at the time of my sons’ births) the medical community was strongly against circumcision. We were advised to go to a neighboring city if we wanted the procedure done and we didn’t bother because we didn’t feel strongly either way.
Thanks for sharing this.
Regarding birth, there are two things I learned by experience that I always tell my children and other expectant mothers:
1) Leave your newborn’s umbilical cord attached to the placenta after birth until the cord stops pulsing, or for 20-40 minutes. This allows the blood from the placenta to be pumped into the baby’s body and that results in a much healthier and vigorous baby.
2) Make sure Mama goes to the bathroom during labor so her full bladder doesn’t get in the way of pushing baby out!
I will make sure to tell my children about this circumcision study as well.
Thank you for your response… And the interesting input by Peg regarding the ancient practice/method. That actually speaks more of God’s creative knowledge if the Vitamin K on 8th daily is truly His plan for a better anti bleeding experience!
Lori, Yes it does! I may need to set aside some time to add these GOD-given benefits to the post!
Blessings to you and all who are sharing! ~Jacque
Thank you for writing about this. I encourage you to research further here:
And here:
Circumcision in ancient times given to Abraham wasn’t the same as the circumcision created by Jews by the time Jesus was born. Just as they had taken the 10 commandments and expanded it to a few hundred burdensome rules, they also went from a symbolic slit to the complete, and very traumatic, practice of removing the entire foreskin which was later promoted by Dr. Kellogg as a way to prevent boys from having sexual desire as well as a host of irroneous claims that it cured or prevented a list of other conditions. The truth is that routine infant circumcision, whether done by a Jewish Mohl or by a medical doctor, is child abuse. We have laws to protect girls from being circumcised, but excuse away the same abuse in boys as “parental choice”. My husband insisted our oldest was circumcised. Not knowing the truth about the surgery I signed the consent. It is my biggest life regret. I would do anything to go back and have protected him. Our younger two sons are intact. My heart goes out to regret parents that made a decision without true informed consent by a medical system that profits many times over from charging for the procedure, the treatment of the numerous complications over a man’s life, selling foreskin to cosmetic and other companies, etc.
“1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
2Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. 5For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. 6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:1-6
Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing those resources. There is a lot to this and everyone should do their own research!
I’m glad adding this topic to the blog may cause parents to go deeper and gain as much understanding as possible!
Sending peace,
What benefit was there, other than
for obedience, for the Jews? I think God wouldn’t have required something that was harmful. We had a 7th Day Adventist Doctor perform one on one of our babies and he said he hadM thoroughly researched it and the 8th day command was for a reason- high naturally occurring vitamin k, (for clotting) as well as highest pain tolerance in a male’s life, on that day!
Didn’t know about the pain tolerance level on day 8. Also, I read about the incidence of reproductive cancer in women with circumcised husbands was much lower. I knew a family who didn’t circumcise their baby boy after his homebirth. Because of infection when he was young, maybe 4 or so, he had to have it done as an outpatient, and of course, he was anesthesised.
My cesearean birthed son had a small infection after his circumcision and a stand in for my vacationing regular pediatrician gave him a prescription for an oral antibiotic that thankfully was not fillable! My La Leche League leader and OB nurse who was a midwife for my next birth said using that script would have been the equivalent to “killing an ant with an atom bomb”.She said to use Neosporin, an antibiotic ointment. It worked like a charm. I had so much to learn!!
Yes, and this is also helpful!! Thank you! ~J
I was told by a college Bible teacher that on day 8 the body has the highest level of vitamin K which has a lot to do with blood/ blood clotting. I think I am remembering correctly. Perhaps if our medical system would not do it before day 8 and force it before discharging Mom/baby due to insurance..
Jacque, I’m so glad you’re using your blog to tackle difficult topics! And Peg, I love hearing this historical perspective! Compared to what is going on now, the way God prescribed circumcision to be done is definitely more beautiful! I think as parents wrestle with whether to circumcise their little ones or not that circumcising from a Jewish perspective, even taking their little one to a Jewish urologist, should strongly be considered.
I wanted to share my perspective as a former pediatric nurse (for-profit clinic setting, not hospital) who assisted with many circumcisions. I look back now with so much remorse and regret at all the little infant’s tears that were shed. This was before much healing happened in our family, both physically and emotionally, and I was more numbed to what was going on in front of me. I just assumed it was what everyone else did. Of course I know God can use what was done for good, but I think it might be helpful for readers to get a behind the scenes viewpoint as to what happened.
The baby was strapped down to a cold plastic board, both across his chest and his legs. Anesthetic was injected. But the baby was away from his parents. No one was there to comfort him while the procedure happened, and there were tears that were shed. Please don’t believe the lies that the baby can feel nothing. Most every little boy cried and definitely did feel something. The procedure was treated as a regular occurrence, not a special, spiritual act. I was allowed to give sugar water, but that is teaching from an early age that something else besides mama can be of comfort. There was also risk of bleeding after the procedure (probably because it was done on a day that was not day 8 postpartum!). I remember a baby was bought in same day after the procedure a few hours later that was having trouble with bleeding from the site. It was an *awful* sinking feeling to see the site with uncontrolled bleeding and to have to send him to the hospital right away (fortunately there was one right across from the clinic).
Knowing what is going on in the world right now, if you are considering circumcision, I would insist that you would be back in the room with your little one while the procedure is going on. This was 10 years ago that I was practicing . . . so much more could happen nowadays like was said above!
I hope this insider’s view can help some as they sift through pros and cons!
Megan, thank you for speaking up and sharing your perspective as a healthcare worker/peds nurse! I value this so much! I hope everyone reads it!
I am going to point to your comment IN the post so others might not miss it! Thanks, again!