Many people have concerns about using DEET with the unpronounceable chemical formula N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. It has been used as an insect repellent since it was developed by the U.S. Army in 1946.
But is there a better, safer way?
Dangers of DEET
Studies say when it’s applied with common sense, avoiding exposed skin, for short periods of time, that DEET can be used as an effective to avoid insect-borne diseases. (source) Problem today is people aren’t just exposed to DEET alone, but to a cumulative toxic body burden which might include dozens of different synthetic chemicals on a daily basis.

Duke University scientists found that frequent DEET exposure led to diffuse brain cell death and behavioral changes. The conclusion: REAL LIFE DOSES produce significant neurobehavioral deficits and neuronal degeneration in the brain, but there are NO outward signs.
My thoughts on the situation? Many man-made, synthetic (hence toxic) chemicals come with side-effects both known and unknown, and DEET is no exception.
Why chance it — especially when all-natural herbal methods are available.
Update: Look into Cedarcide Extra-Strength Tickshield & Mosquito Repellent. Kills & Repels Ticks, Fleas, Chiggers and Mosquitoes for People & Pets. We really like it!
Cistus Incanus: A Life-Giving, Non-Chemical Alternative to DEET?
German scientist, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses medical discovery of the multi-property Mediterranean plant Cistus incanus —how it is, in the opinion of a number of top scientists, more successful than any antibiotic treatment —making it a top treatment for chronic Lyme, mold, Epstein-Barr, Herpes-viruses, and also human-endogenous retroviruses (HIV).
11 minutes. Turn up sound..
Although there’s limited human clinical research on Cistus, it has been traditionally used for thousands of years.
Natural Insect Repellent That Works
One reported health benefit of the Cistus incanus plant is that regular Cistus tea drinkers are found to suffer fewer mosquito bites and tick bites. Functional medical practitioners and osteopathic doctors have recommended drinking cistus tea to their patients for years.
Studies show that Cistus tea has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and biofilm-breaking qualities (here, here, here, here). It also showed activity against Borrelia bergdorferi, one of the tick-borne co-infections. And drinking Cistus also helps the body deal with retro-viruses like HIV.”
“Cistus tea may be more potent than any other agent known for biofilms. Crosses the blood-brain barrier and is 100% absorbed in the gut. It is antiviral. You can rebrew the tea 3 times. It whitens teeth (breaks down biofilm which causes yellow teeth).” ~Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
“Ready to stop using DEET? Then start drinking 2 cups a day of Cistus tea for at least a week in order to realize its natural insect repellent effects.” (source)
How to Prepare the Tea:
• Using one teaspoon of cistus tea leaves (in a tea ball a tea diffuser or teabag) per 1 1/2 cups of filtered water. Bring water to a boil.
• Add the boiling water to the cup with tea and let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
• COVER continuously with a lid to preserve the valuable essential oils manoyloxides and labdanum, which are powerful anti-Lyme components.
• The color of the water will turn a deep amber. You can drink a cup immediately or ice it and store the rest in the fridge.
• Start slowly with 2 cups per day. Increase to 6- 8 cups per day as tolerated for acute conditions, less for general health purposes.
• It’s best to drink on an empty stomach.
•Tea can also be given to pets. Simply mix a little in with their food to keep them healthy.
You can repeat the above steps two more times to release the goodness, since there are still phytochemicals that can be released. (source)
Easy Cistus Tincture Recipe
From a Lyme support group via my friend C.D.:
• Fill a 4 or 8 ounce glass canning jar half full with the dried cistus tea leaves – then fill the jar to full with potato vodka. If you have a corn allergy, use potato (or other) vodka.
• Cover the inside of the metal lid with a piece of parchment paper to keep the alcohol off from the metal and screw on the canning ring over it. You can also use a plastic canning jar screw top.
• Shake the bottle once or twice a day, leaving it in a cool, dark space.
• Steep it for for the traditional 4 weeks.
• Strain out the liquid through cheesecloth. (you’ll have to squeeze the tincture out of the leaves). Funnel into amber glass dropper bottles. Label and date. Shelf life 6-10 years.
• Start with 20 drops in the morning (1 dropper full).
• Listen to your body and if you wish to increase your dosage slowly, you can go up to 60 drops a day. (that’s approximately three droppers full)
Start using the tincture in early April when the ticks are coming out and finish up by October when you are less apt to go out.
A reportedly-effective homeopathic preventative remedy to repel ticks and flying insects is Insect Relief Combo 30c. Read more here.
If you have been bitten by a tick, follow this protocol immediately. Better to be prepared than to have to wait for your remedies to arrive.
Where to Get Cistus Tea
It can be hard to find a high-quality Cistus tea (use Mediterranean grown only). Etsy has 8 0z. or 2 pounds. Ki-Science. Amazon. Amazon.
Linden Botanical Mediterranean Cistus is wild grown, pesticide and heavy metal free, and responsibly handpicked during the budding season from the island’s mountainous regions. (Winter-harvested Cistus tends to test lower in bioactives.)
Please leave a comment if you know of this. I would love to read your experiences.
“And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.” ~Genesis 1:29
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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