(Portions of text from friend Bambi M.)
Please don’t read this post if you are sitting at the computer for hours and hours and not caring for your family as you ought. This is on my heart today, and I must share it.
In my testimony, I shared how my parent’s generation coming out of WWII were focused on getting that first dishwasher or possibly a second car, but the last several generations, from the Baby Boomers on are focused on entertainment, perhaps in an attempt to escape the emptiness that materialism bred.
Our parents abdicated parenting to work harder, but today parents are abdicating to play harder!
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” ~Matthew 5: 13
Ladies, Wives, and Mamas, don’t lose your saltiness ! Well, what to do I mean by that?
Salt has at least three unique qualities:
- it cleans, heals, and kills many germs on contact. God cleans the oceans with salt. Can you imagine the foul mess without the purifying effect of salt?
- it preserves and ‘cures’ foods giving them keeping qualities.
- it brings out the real flavors in food.
As a woman, when the Bible speaks of not losing our saltiness, it is referring to the special influence that we can have within our families and that is so needed in this world. It starts in our sphere of influence, usually the home. Don’t let Satan, the flesh, or the world steal our influence from us.
“They [older women] are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” ~Titus 2: 3b-5
In Titus 2, Paul instructs the elder women to teach the young women to be “keepers at home”. What does this mean? The Greek word translated “keepers at home” (KJV) or “homemakers” (NKJV) is oikouros. This compound word is from oikos– house, household, family; and ouros– a guard, guardian, a watcher. Let this thought sink in for a moment: the word “oikouros” translated “keepers at home” carries the meaning of “watching the house, of a watchdog”.
So, my prayer is for mothers and wives today who are attached to their computers for hours on end. Please don’t be insulted; I wrestle with this, too, but we must continue to be salt and light! Who else but faithful parents will stand in the gap? I’m not opposed to spending purposeful time online, but let’s evaluate how our time is spent for our children’s sake.
Don’t read this blog
If you haven’t spent time reading your Bible today.
Don’t read this blog
If you haven’t yet today humbled yourself in prayer to your Heavenly Father.
Don’t read this blog
If you haven’t sung heart-songs of praise to your Creator.
Don’t read this blog
If you haven’t met your husband’s needs–whatever they are.
Don’t read this blog
If you have told your children you are too busy to read to them.
Don’t read this blog
If you have no dinner plans and the floor needs to be vacuumed.
Don’t read this blog
If you are too busy to minister to church family that needs help.
Don’t read this blog
If there are strained sibling relationships that need your undivided attention.
Don’t read this blog
If you use the computer as an escape from submission to your husband.
Don’t read this blog
If you aren’t investing in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
Heavenly Father, we are weak. Help us to keep our eyes on You and our priorities straight.
“Woman, how divine your mission,
Here upon our natal sod;
Keep—oh, keep the young heart open
Always to the breath of God!
All true trophies of the ages
Are from mother-love impearled,
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.”
~William Ross Wallace (1819-1881)
Whoops! I forgot one of the most important things needed to help us sort it all out! As I was outside cutting back the raspberry canes this verse came to mind~
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” ~James 1: 5
(Portions of text from friend Bambi M.)
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
A hearty “AMEN!”
Jill @ Jill's Home Remedies
Wonderful as always! I agree!
Dear Mrs. L,
That was excellent! How Satan would love for us to loss our saltiness by forgettng about what matters most! Though I’m not a wife or mother I still have priorities and opportunities the Lord has put in my life and must tend to them. Thank you for this encouragement! May our light shine…so others would praise HIM!
Happy thanksgiving to you!
Sarah beth
Amen! My children and I memorized this verse, its a good reminder. Thank you for posting!!! Even with the election results, its time for us to wake up and be the salt and the light!!!!!!
Marci Ferrell
Thank you for sharing this today Jacque – such we words we all need to hear and be reminded of daily!
Auntie Em
Excellent post, Friend! Satan can and will use anything we involve ourselves with, neutral or even good things!and he is relentles and wiley. We have to actively keep on guard. Thanks for the timely reminder!
I needed to hear this…. and now I’m shutting down my computer 🙂
Wonderful and gentle correction…thank you, dear friend. You are a faithful woman and I do wish that we were neighbors! <3
Tara J
Thank you for this post 🙂 Tara (The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary)
Charlotte Moore
Very thought provoking post.
Rhonda Devine
Amen, sister:)
Such a wonderful reminder in this technological age! We must always remember that loving God and loving others is the most important thing in life. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for this eyeopening reminder! I just copied it and will print it off to make a post-it on my laptop. I really needed this reminder… And now I will go and mop my floors… (oops…) 🙂
Jo in BC
Thank you! I needed that today! My laundry is piled up on my table, the two youngest were fighting and mom is ‘escaping’ on the computer!:( Bye! Back to being a helpmeet/keeper at home! Love Jo PS I just found your blog/website? – whatever it’s called- and I LOVE all your encouraging articles, healthy recipes and advice! Keep up the GREAT work!
I love your heart, Jo! I’m praying for you, Mama! I’m almost 64 now, so do spend more time on the computer, but I could not have done it when the children were younger. Stay the course and you WILL succeed with the Lord’s help! I am praying for you, dear one <3
“I sought the LORD, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces will never be ashamed.…” Ps. 34: 4-5 Love, J
Kristen Soley
Thank you for your witness and honesty. Our vocation is such a gift, with great eternal responsibility. Thank you for your, “Yes!” and all you allow Him to do through you!
May I please use your image on a talk in am giving on our Fiat in our vocation? It is perfect. I would cite you for image credit, and I am going to cite your article as well, as I am going to use a direct quote.
Kristen & Co.
Hi, Kristen
Yes, feel free to share it. I have no idea where I found that image, so I cannot take credit for it! Thank you for citing the ‘Don’t Read Another Word’ article.
God richly bless and prosper your talk and may listening hearts be softened to serve their families!
I am already praying for you!
Grace and peace,
Oh dear, have I fallen in this hole—so many perceived priorities. Oh dear Lord, please rescue me!
E, I am praying for you (and all of us) now! May the Lord pierce our hearts with the greif over our many sins. All have sinned and fallen, but for the blood of Jesus!
Fight and stand firm to win this battle. Don’t let it weaken your mind and your family’s fellowship and discipleship esp in this time of the near coming of the Lord!
God bless you, dear one!