I remember years ago getting up from watching television thinking those are hours I would never get back, but it’s really much worse than I thought. You may be outraged at the information that has been down-played or hidden from us for decades.
A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine calculates that for every hour you spend watching television over the age of 25, your life is shortened by 21.8 minutes. If you think that number is far-fetched, read Harvard, the Journal of American Medical Assoc., and here and here.
This is comparable to risk factors such as smoking, with other research showing that one cigarette cuts 11 minutes off a lifespan – equivalent to half an hour of watching TV.

Is Your Television Affecting You or Your Child(ren)?
This Public Health Emergency warning states the following:
Hidden from you by the television companies themselves, exists hundreds of scientific studies that show TV’s devastating effects on your health, intelligence, happiness, and even your life span.
Extracted from the books Remotely Controlled and The Plug-in Drug, here are some of the effects of television viewing, every one of them backed by multiply- documented scientific studies:
- Is a Major Cause of Depression
- Decreases Academic Achievement
- Lowers Libido in Men and Women
- Is a Leading cause of half of all Violence-related crime
- Stunts the Development of Children’s Brains
- Damages the Brains of both Children and Adults
- Inhibits Speech Development
- Decreases Reading Comprehension
- Increases the Likelihood of children developing ADHD
- Decreases Creativity & Imagination
- Decreases Ability to Succeed
- Causes Vision Problems
- Makes you Less Likely to Exercise
- Causes Emotional Problems including PTSD
- One of many causes of Autism
- Makes you Eat More, Crave Sugary Foods, Causes Obesity
- Increases Children’s Chances of Becoming Alcoholics Later in Life
- Makes Men Feel Less in Love with Their Partners
- Makes Families Spend Less Time Together
- Increases Divorce Rate and Negative Moods
- Increases ‘Copycat’ Suicides
- Lowers Self-Esteem and Confidence
- Increases Desire for Cosmetic Surgical Procedures
- Decreases your Lifespan
- Reduces Athletic Performance
- Causes Alzheimer’s Disease
- Stresses the Body
- Causes Sleep Deprivation
Besides Exposure
But even if it weren’t true, what about exposure to:
1) Disrespect, 2) Feminist Ideology, 3) Deviant Lifestyles, 4) Soft —and increasingly more blatant— Porn and Immodestly Dressed Women and Men, 5) Crude Language and Poor Grammar, 6) Sexual Innuendo, 7) Visual Exposure to Material Goods and Unhealthy Foods that ‘get their wanters going’ as we would say in our family, 8) Sarcasm, 9) Materialism, and 10) Dysfunction on many levels.
And I didn’t mention lost time exercising the body and mind playing outside in the fresh air!
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” ~Ephesians 5: 15-17
If as Christians part of our purpose is to raise a godly seed and keep our hearts from evil, we must live with conviction and courage! Taking this stand when you’ve had television as part of your family forever will take wisdom and understanding.
When Moses talked to Israel and Joshua before his death about ‘taking the land’, he girded them up with these words:
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” ~ Deuteronomy 31: 6
Do you feel your lives are out of control?
I am so glad the Lord (through the Holy Spirit) gradually lead us to trash our TVs when our first child was a baby, and you can do it, too! It was not easy because we’d already had a TV for 19 years of married life and were pretty devoted to it!
It takes a fear of the Lord to disentangle from powerful attractions like the TV.
Take Back The Time
To start, here are some helpful tips I found online to channel the time spent on the tube into useful pursuits:
1) Fill the time normally spent on TV with more rewarding activities like getting outside
2) Create a TV schedule
3) No TV at dinner and other meal times
4) Cover your TV
5) Get rid of extra TV’s
7) Disconnect your TV
8.) Cut the Cable or Satellite Subscription and use it for a nice vacation
9) Skip all commercials
10) When applicable, use VidAngel
“Getting rid of your television should not be considered extreme. You are immediately doubling the amount of free time you have and, after a short period of time, you are very unlikely to miss it.” ~ Dr. Aric Sigman
“I will walk in my house with blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me. Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil.” ~Psalm 101: 2b, 3-4
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Homeschool on the Croft
I agree so much with the place the TV has in people’s lives, and in their homes. We have a TV, which may go on once or twice a week for a specific programme we wish to see, but I can’t believe when I go into people’s houses and they sit there ‘talking’ to me but leave the TV on …. ON!
But my least favourite sight of all is when I see young children ‘stuck’ in front of the TV so Mum can ‘do her own thing’, whether that is housework, or dinner, or …. whatever.
Really, if it’s a snare in your home, if it goes on ‘automatically’, if it tends to be on even when nobody is actually watching it, I would truly recommend you CHUCK it out 🙂
(I think part of the reason I’ve never heard any of our kids say, ‘Mum, I’d like xxxx for my birthday or for Christmas’, is that they don’t watch TV with all its adverts (as well as being home schooled and so are not surrounded by ‘peer pressure’).
I couldn’t agree more. We’ve been tv free for years. We have a life that we enjoy and don’t miss it at all. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to those who may be helped by your post. Have a great week!
We have cut down over the years and now only have Netflix, so that commercials don’t exist for us.
When my mom moved to my town a little over a year ago she couldn’t get her cable hooked up right away. She spent every night at her sister’s, EVERY night for a month. Watching tv until 11 pm or later. My aunt was exhausted. My mother can’t function almost without it on. Drives me crazy, but that is whole other cans of worms. I pray that tv never becomes that central to my life.
Jessica B
I love this, thank you for it!
Thanks for sharing! We watch Veggie Tales movies on sick days, but that’s about it around our house. If we had cable I would never get housework done!
I found it quite sad when my mum told me about a sermon by a visiting preacher (I was very young at the time) who challenged the congregation to unplug their TV’s for a month. He came back to the church in a months time and asked for a show of hands from the people who had done it….there was not a single hand raised in church that day 🙁
I moved out of home at 18 years of age and never purchased a TV and have raised my kids without one and what a blessing that has been 🙂
Hi, Kerrie,
It is addictive and so I really am not surprised. I think I’d love your pastor. He is a bit like a shepherd caring for the flock…It is sad, but with addictions, we can overlook the harm done.
There are a few shows I like to watch. Hubby has to have the TV on most of the day, even if he’s just flipping channels.
But we do have a lot of days where it’s not on at all.
Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Annie Kate
Great post. I’m so blessed to have grown up in a TV-free household and to be raising my kids in one too. So are several other families in our church. In the last few years we’ve started watching movies, but as little as possible.
I had no idea TV was so terribly dangerous.
Hi, Annie Kate!
I had a feeling it wasn’t good (basically because of stolen time), but I had no idea of the deeper health affects. We do watch some movies, but use the computer and always preview and read about the content. I will be sharing some of our favorite movies next week! May the Lord bless you and your family 🙂
Charlotte Moore
We have not had a TV in 15 years I guess. Let me rephrase that.. We have a TV but it is not connected to any kind of cable or antenna. We do watch gospel singing videos and clean family movies.
I went to a shower the other week and the TV stayed on until finally the sister in law turned it off. I could not believe she was opening gifts and the TV was above her and you could hardly hear.
If you took away my TV/video, you would transmute my summers to “Solitary confinement.”
Here in Phoenix, the heat rises to 120 degrees, driving me indoors by sheer physical torture. My finances limit other options: no car, and no place to go if I did. How many hours can I spend window shopping? Is the library much different from solitude- people don’t go there to interact. I couldn’t afford the bar or even Wendy’s more than a few times a week. And I sincerely doubt anybody would talk to me!
Granted, a book would be a better cure for boredom. But one has a need for people: faces, voices, even if they are illusions.
So, as much as I understand the inferior nature of video, it is for me, a lifeline.
Dear James,
My heart goes out to you. I will/am praying for you and understand a bit of what you share…we all need people. I would like to suggest something, however. Would you call out to the Lord Jesus (who already knows your heart)and if you don’t know Him personally as your Lord and Savior, ask Him to show you of His care. Ask Him, if He is real, to make a way. I ask that you seek Him and ask for Him to show you a solid Bible teaching/believing church with caring members that could minister to you. Granted, people have lives and are not perfect, but the Lord may choose to send a lifeline in the form of a true believer who can encourage and pray with you. What is on TV is not really there for you, but Jesus, the Son of God, is.
“Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call on him while he is near.
7Let the wicked forsake his way (we are all sinners)
and the evil man his thoughts.
Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” ~Isaiah 55: 6-7
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
6 This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
9 Fear the Lord, you his holy people…” ~Psalm 34; 4-7
Jesus said. “I will never leave you or forsake you” (when you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, you are NEVER alone)
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10
Thank you so much for sharing from your heart. I will be praying, friend.
Wow, we knew the television was harmful, but not in SO MANY ways!!! That is scary stuff… We would do a family movie night on Fridays but even that is not always doable because there is less and less titles that are worthy of viewing (and I am talking about the movies sold at Christian stores as it looks like they are getting more trendy which is very unappealing to us). Once you cut the TV and are exposed to it after a few years at a friend’s house, etc., you can not believe what they put on for public television (It is PG-13 stuff!!!). But before I pat myself on the back, I know that the internet can probably produce half of the given “side-effects” that you listed for the television. That is something I really have to monitor! Has one evil been replaced by another? I look forward to seeing your movie list as it may afford us a new title for our popcorn night 🙂
Jacqueline, thank you for your boldness in posting this. I have been disenchanted with the TV for several years now, but I had no idea that it literally takes years off of your life, although that makes perfect sense. I had opened this in my browser with the intent to come back and read it when I had time. My husband found it and read it before I got back. He was really compelled by your article and told me so, and I thank God for using it to get him thinking about it.
Throughout our marriage, we have been making hard cuts to try to keep our debt to a minimum and not having TV all this time had largely been a financial decision as I could not in good conscience spend over $80/month on cable. We have had “bunny ears” instead and even on the local stations I have been alarmed at the rapidly growing indecency in the shows and commercials on there. The news is terribly violent and unnecessarily descriptive. My oldest child, 5, is usually in and out of the room, so I have come to the conclusion that I don’t even want to watch the news anymore. It does make you feel distressed and discouraged! Other than an occasional documentary on PBS (and those have to be screened for humanism), I find nothing worthwhile to watch. My daughter usually takes in a few PBS or Qubo cartoons a day, but after reading this, those too will be carefully narrowed down.
But what concerns me most about the TV is the dulling effect it has on our awareness of what is really going on around us. Most of the problems with our country I think can be attributed to our national obsession with entertainment. We have been deliberately and gradually desensitized to wickedness and perversion, unaware of the things that are really going on in our world, the freedoms we are losing, the lies we are being sold, the things that are being done to us as others use us for profit, the spiritual battles lost, and manipulations of our way of life by evil men (who don’t have nearly as much time for entertainment).
Even among some of my Christian friends, the idea that we need to turn off the TV would be taken in offense.
We’d do well to heed Proverbs 6:10-11 and awake out of our television comas: “Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.”
Wow! Journey11, you are SO much better at articulating this than me. I just didn’t know how to put that into words and you have!! I struggle with being too out there and percieved as a nay-sayer and continual critic :0 We are being lulled to death and into ignorance and so they say “ignorance is bliss”! So very sad. Proverbs 6 is perfect to describe the mental and moral poverty we have come to.
I had worried that I may have come across too harshly about it, but what is the saying…if you aren’t outraged, you aren’t paying attention? I just wanted to point out that a lot of things go on right under our noses while we are being distracted. I think Satan really takes advantage of the consuming distraction that TV can be.
KM Logan @lessonsfromivy
We got rid of the extra TV, and it was an excellent choice. The other suggestion you could make is never subscribe to cable or satellite. Less choices mean less likely to watch.
My hubby is a HUGE TV watcher. I started watching more TV after I met him actually! But with our kids, I cut back a lot. When my husband isn’t home (which is every other day, due to his work schedule), the TV is off for most of the day. It’s off when the kids are at school and when they come home, I give them an hour to watch and unwind. Then it goes off until after dinner – then we’ll watch a Christmas movie together (at this time of year). But when hubby is around – the TV is ALWAYS on! It’s quite frustrating since we have a small house. But I continue to pray on it and I know the Lord loves my children more than I do and He has it all in His hands. Great post!! Thanks for sharing!
In place of the word TV in this article you can put Computer. Too much Computer time is just as bad as too much TV. The dvd “Captivated” is worth the watch!!!
Becky, We loved the message in ‘Captivated’! It made us even more aware of the addictive place we were in with electronics and computers. We have talked a LOT about it and have made some changes. Thankfully, we have always had Covenant Eyes for accountability and time settings! Thanks for mentioning it and reminding me!!
Mel @ Trailing After God
Very convicting and true! I would like to see the same studies done on computer time because for me, that’s probably worse. You are giving me the gumption to finally dump the cable because there is never anything on it anyway! Thanks for the challenge.
We stopped watching television a few years ago. We had been watching less and less anyway. I grew up with the t.v. on all the time whether it was being watched or not.
We do not miss it!
“I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.” Psalm 101:2-3
When I was growing up, our tv was on every night from the time we all got home from school and work until bed time. When I got married, my husband suggested that we didn’t buy a tv. He had the privilege of living in a community that didn’t have one. I was the one that had a hard time with it. Also, he loved to read and I was not a reader. We lived 9 years without a tv in our home. Even before we had children, we would read together and that was a beautiful, building time for us and one of the side benefits was I became a reader! 🙂
We were offered tv’s multiple times by people who either thought we couldn’t afford one or thought we were isolationists. We did get a tv eventually and still have one, but where we live we can’t access any channels, so we use it just for movies that we own on dvd or vhs. Also, we have only 2 days a week that we allow a movie. One day is for the smaller kids, for movies appropriate for them and the other day is for the older kids (and us) to watch something older.
As I was reading that list, the thing that struck me was the waste of time and being idle…which causes all of those things…I would be so bold as to say, that computer and computer games have the same effect. Anything that would keep us from being physically and creatively active. My two cents! 😀
I agree with you on the computer and computer games. They are just as much a trap, but that’s for another post 😉 We, too, watch some wonderful movies and documentaries, hmm…maybe every 3 weeks, but do it on a computer screen. Our goal is to do it all together, but we sometimes can’t make that happen.
We had a miracle (of sorts) happen on a TV!! Back in 1985, we weren’t yet going regularly to church. We were watching Robert Schuler 🙁 and didn’t as yet know about the prosperity message and that it wasn’t biblical. We actually heard him (really the Lord through Schuler) say (and Schuler would have never said this!) “If you aren’t attending a local Bible-believing church you should be. Turn off the TV and go worship with a local body of believers.” Wow! We looked at each other in surprise and we both knew it was from God!! We never listened to Schuler again 🙂 Haha!!
Thanks for commenting with your thoughts 🙂 Love you, sister!
Tiffany @ No Ordinary Homestead
We usually only watch TV for specific shows and rarely on weekends. If it’s on, I can’t really be productive with anything else and just get sucked in by the mindless chatter, so I prefer to keep it off as much as possible. We don’t have cable but only pick and choose from sites like Netflix.
Really interesting post and appreciate all the research you put into it!
Thanks for linking up at NOH!
Crystal @ Serving Joyfully
I hate the TV! I watch it sometimes when it’s around, but I have begged my hubby to get rid of it entirely, or at least put it in a room other than the main room, but to no avail. Maybe you can add your prayers to mine because I know that God requires me to honor and submit to my husband and He will work out everything else 🙂 Thanks for sharing this.
I’m praying, dear one! The Lord knows your heart~ Just stay strong and love your man. Wait on the Lord 🙂
A Little R & R
Stopping by from Growing Home. WOW! This really gives so much food for thought. I grew up without a TV and confess that while we closely monitor what our boys watch (mainly DVDs because cartoons today are too violent and we want to skip all the ads about toys), they still watch more than I would prefer. We did cancel our cable when we moved because we just didn’t see that we were getting our money’s worth. But I agree with this article so much – I just wasn’t aware as to the level of damage this could cause. I guess this is one resolution I am adding to my list. Less TV in 2013. Thank you for this article. Blessings from Croatia. Rosilind from A Little R & R. http://www.littlerandr.org
Welcome, A Little R&R!!
I am so glad this can be of use to you. May God bless your home!
Goodness, that is awful! We are tv watchers though we do have a television. I had no idea the negative affects of it could be so far reaching. Makes me want to get rid of it completely!
This makes me so glad we got rid of it when we did 🙂
We’ve had a TV my entire life. We had cable for about 5 years, sometimes we thought about getting rid of it but parents liked FOX news. We’ve since cut the cable(financial), and just have basic because of sporting events.
Do I think TV has caused ill effects on my family? No. We’re careful what we watch, it’s usually not on for more than 2 hours at night. My little sister watched alot of movies, but we try to keep them limited to cartoons and Veggie Tales. However, she did sit through all of Anne of Green Gables, and Anne of Avonlea at 8 years old!
Most of my TV watching is now done on the computer through Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Will I limit my childrens TV watching? Just as much as my parents did. TV is not as harmful or evil as people make it out to be. You just have to screen programs, based up your families convictions.
The negative effects in this article do not all come from watching TV. “One of the many causes of autism.” Excuse me, but if you did your research you don’t DEVELOPE Autism, you are BORN with Autism!! No one knows why people have Autism. Some think it’s vaccines(that’s a whole debate right there), some think it’s a chemical thing, a nerve firing to the brain. But I an assure you TV does NOT cause Autism. My sister is Autistic, and that is highly offensive. Secondly, it does NOT cause ADHD. Again I have another sister who has ADHD, and if you did your research TV does not cause ADHD. A child who has ADD/ADHD wouldn’t even sit STILL for longer than 20-30 minutes in front of a TV. ADHD again is NEUROLOGICAL illness, that is chemical imbalance in the brain. People that have severe ADHD have to have medicine, structure, and diet changes for them to function properly in society. Third, TV does NOT cause Alzheimers! My great-grandmother had this and barely watched TV. Do you think if we knew what caused Alzheimers, there would be a cure or drug to help??? That’s the point, no one knows what causes this.
Please do your research before including facts like these!
Jo @ Jo's Health Corner
I’m glad to see my home country Sweden still don’t watch much TV. When we lived there when my children were very young they only showed about an hour of children’s programs on TV each day on the main TV station. Of course they had cartoon network and such on cable but most parents thought one hour a day is enough. In my country they pushed and I hope they still do, that children should be outside at least on hour each day. We have a saying that there’s never any bad weather, just bad clothes.
We haven’t had TV in our house since 2006 and my kids are so much better. They are doing great in their studies, have a great imagination and even though only one year apart, they never fight..They still play at the age of 12 and 13 and I love it.
What we’ve done in our home to eliminate a LOT of tv watching and to limit the amount of money we spend on t.v. is that we’ve gotten rid of cable t.v. and we now have streaming t.v. This limits the amount time we spend in front of the t.v. because we now have to search for what we want to watch, the kids get up and don’t even think about the t.v. and we have no commercials.
Stephanie. I must look into that. Frankly, I know about live streaming, but had not thought about it for the TV. Thanks for this good thought!! Many blessings!
I think often about a “TV cover” but never knew such thing existed…of that anyone else had thought of doing it =) I guess I could just throw a blanket over ours, but I’ve always thought that someone could make something cute that would just slip right over. We don’t watch much…not even something every day…but I hate that the kids ask so much and think that if it was covered, maybe they wouldn’t think about it! Maybe soon we will just move into the basement. Thanks for the post!
Thank you! I couldn’t agree with you more! Here are two articles about the same thing.
I banned tv in our home (for my children) last year. They only watch the occasional educational show or dvd’s/videos pre-approved by me. I only watch a few shows now myself.
I sometimes feel bad because I’m cutting off anything that could connect them with their peers, but since we homeschool, I don’t really need to worry too much about that.
I feel as though I am making my children lead a sheltered life by not exposing them to what is ‘out there’, but I try to remember that reality is the only tv they need.
I would like to counsel, though, if I may: we need to make sure we aren’t just making rules without giving our young children biblical reasons and teaching and modeling it ourselves, thus really isolating (and eventually alienating) our children. Watching TV ourselves and telling them they cannot is duplicitous unless they can watch what you watch. Our young people will begin to respect and back us up on these decisions (usually) when they have a strong relationship and love for you based on your love and sweet relationship with them.
We need to develop a biblical understanding of the world’s depravity without being judgemental to the people, ie. hate the sin, but not the sinner. We must cultivate a love for the lost and pray for and love them and treat them with graciousness. I remember one day we stopped in the parking lot of a strip joint and prayed for the girls inside and for the men who used them as toys. I didn’t have to describe what they did inside, but the caring act of prayer displayed a GENUINE compassion for their pain and suffering as we brought their plight before the Lord and asked Him for help. We asked that He would open their eyes to the lies they believed and help them to see what was really beautiful and lovely and honorable. My boys and daughter ‘got it’ minus judgement and pride. I wanted to develop compassion for them as people with real feelings. I thank God for that opportunity~
Love to you and may God give you wisdom to help your children (using the Word of God and a humble spirit) not just conform to outward displays of doing the right thing, but to have heart-change and grow in their own faith, love, and self-control, for someday they will not be under your roof for you to control.
good post..
we have TV but rarely watch just for the sake of watching. I love the oldies & so it is set to My Three sons or the like 🙂
I find it a bit ironic the those that say they never have had or only watch tv occasionally… are obviously sitting at a computer screen reading posts & Posting..
so , what boundaries do you put on yourself when it comes to screen time.
Or do you have a I-phone that does it all ?
I think as it is with most things in life.. common sense is worth more then gold..
AMEN ! ?
Hi, Lisa,
Valid questions, friend!
We do bring in the movies we want to see but are pretty busy people so we don’t spend quite as much time on electronics as many. We’ve gone back to corded phones in the house because of the EMF issues with cordless: https://deeprootsathome.com/simple-tips-to-lower-your-emf-risks-start-in-the-bedroom/ Our kids and my husband do have smart phones (and Covenant Eyes monitoring) (I have an old track phone with no texting that I use only when I go somewhere), but we run a farm and are active on our state’s homeschool board so we just don’t have that excess time for lots of entertainment. I have a PC that I use to write this blog, but there are days that go by that I’m too involved with live people to even get on. I made the decision years ago that “less is more” and I’m happy where I’m at. Btw, my computer is set to shut down at 11PM, but I ask my son to over-ride it sometimes to get a post out.
God bless you 🙂