Former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has a terrible reputation as a promoter for agribusiness-biotech giants like Monsanto and is known to have often traveled in Monsanto’s jet.” (source)
He has served as head of the US Dairy Export Council, which is deeply invested in perpetuating the use of pesticide-drenched genetically-modified feed, the practice of keeping prices paid to farmers below the cost of production to drive the consolidation of ever-larger factory farms and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). (source)
Biden’s appointment of Vilsack to head the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) completely opened the breach to an ever-increasing contaminated food supply which negatively affects the health of our families over the months and years —and few will ever know what hit them.
The Organic Consumer’s Association list of more hidden GMOs in our food supply illuminates what we have to thank Tom Vilsack for. It feels like a corporate stealth campaign:
1. Cloned animals and organic milk from cloned animals. Europe called a ban on imports of cloned animals and their produce and offspring, but Vilsack did not, leaving the door open to animals derived using cloning technology being allowed into the category “USDA Organic.” Since clones are most likely to be used as breeding stock, especially dairy bulls, it is very likely that the offspring of cloned animals are being used to produce organic milk and other dairy foods. (source)
2. Lab-made meat. Vilsack let companies like Memphis Meat begin engineering cell-cultured meat without having the USDA’s regulatory authority inspect or label it.
3. Monsanto’s Roundup Ready sugar beets. Inevitable contamination of non-GMO sugar beet crops will eventually lead to the loss of the consumer’s ability to purchase a non-genetically engineered sugar.
4. Arctic Apple (Golden Delicious and Granny varieties). This apple remains bright green when juiced, doesn’t turn brown when it is bruised or start to go bad. It was the first USDA approved GMO created with RNA interference. Evidence exists that the double stranded RNA survives digestion, enters the bloodstream, and can influence the functioning of the consumer’s cells.
• Dairy substitutes. Vilsack allowed companies like Perfect Day to begin using genetically-altered yeast cultures to manufacture synthetic dairy substitutes―with no regulations to protect consumer health or the interests of family dairy farmers.
• 2,4-D-tolerant corn, cotton and soy. A known endocrine disruptor, Dow’s 2,4-D is linked to cancer, thyroid disorders, decreased fertility and birth defects. Vilsack’s approval of the crops increased the use of 2,4-D as much as 600%.
• Innate potatoes. The former Monsanto scientist who invented this “RNA interference” GMO exposed the dangers of his work four years after Vilsack approved it in our food supply. He found an accumulation of toxins in the potatoes, and even scarier, he found the double stranded RNA survives digestion, enters the bloodstream, and can influence the functioning of the consumer’s cells. (source)
• Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa, the first genetically-modified perennial crop. By the end of his term, it had gone wild, costing American alfalfa growers and exporters millions of dollars in lost revenue.
• Monsanto’s DroughtGard corn. The GMO seeds actually ended up yielding 11% LESS corn than conventional corn during the 2012 drought. (source)
• Syngenta’s Agrisure corn. Vilsack just watched passively as this seed that contained genetically engineered traits—illegal in China—was sold to U.S. farmers. The corn crop was rejected, costing farmers $1.51 billion. Seven years later, Syngenta (now owned by ChemChina) still hasn’t mailed settlement checks to harmed farmers. (source)
And there’s more to be aware of:
• Wind drift of Monsanto’s toxic herbicide dicamba-tolerant Xtend for soy and cotton has been a nightmare for farmers and state pesticide regulators fielding complaints of crop destruction. It has destroyed millions of acres of non-resistant soy crops, as well as nurseries, vineyards, vegetables, trees, native plants and ornamentals. States have instituted bans on using dicamba, but that hasn’t stopped the damage in those states or across the country.
• Scotts Miracle-Gro Roundup Ready lawn grass. Vilsack told the company it didn’t need federal approval or permits to conduct field trials or sell the seed commercially, even though a different type of genetically engineered grass had already escaped from company test plots.
There are also concerns related to Black farmers, including false claims that there was a renaissance in Black farming under Vilsack’s leadership. (source)
This is NOT okay! Let us all pray for a course correction soon.
“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” ~Psalm 9:9-10
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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We were affected by dicamba last summer. Our garden was nearly a bust. Going with organic seeds doesn’t help, if nothing will grow. It is a bit helpless feeling.
The only way to truly trust the quality of your food is to grow it yourself or to buy it from someone you know and trust.
My husband had a friend in California who talked to a farmer there. The farmer was bragging about having two farms. One was conventional and one was organic. He had located the conventional farm upwind of the organic farm. He only sprayed his crops with pesticides and herbicides when the wind was blowing from the conventional farm towards the organic farm. This way he got to use non-organic pesticides on his crops that were sold for organic prices. I’m pretty sure he isn’t the only farmer gaming the system. I wouldn’t be surprised if plenty of the regulators know about it and look the other way.
Christy, that is so sad! Our son is an organic farmer and her only has smaller fields. The restrictions on him are enormous, and he abides by them to the letter.
Still I would not be surprised that there are those who take every advantage like the Cali farmer. Corruption is everywhere!