Did you know that fluoride can damage fertility, destroy bones, causes hyperactivity and lower IQ in children?
Did you know that the US is one of only eight countries in the entire developed world that fluoridates?
Even China does not allow water fluoridation because it’s too toxic and causes damage, according to their studies. Instead, the waste product from their phosphate fertilizer industry is shipped to the United States, where we add it to our water supply! (source)
Water fluoridation has been rejected and banned in many countries including: Israel, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, India, China, and Japan. Nearly all of Europe’s water supply is fluoride-free.
It started in 1945 when local water treatment facilities began to add sodium-fluoride to our water supply. Now, fluoride is ubiquitous in the American food supply. Not only is it in our home water supply, but also in bottled water, in juice, soda, wine and coffee, in soups and processed food, and in baby formula…anything reconstituted with tap water.
According to Dr. Mercola, “fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product and a neurotoxin, which is also contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants.
The story gets even more convoluted, as now declassified files of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission show that the original motivation for promoting water fluoridation in the United States was to protect the aluminum-, and other fluoride-polluting industries from liability. In the early days some of the sodium-fluoride used to fluoridate water supplies in the U.S. came from Alcoa.”
Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and author whose trailblazing research has tirelessly documented the fact that there is an epidemic of neurological disorders in the western world which are directly connected to toxins in our environment. I have respected his research so much through the years, especially on neurotoxic aspartame and MSG.
I am not a “conspiracy theorist” (nor is he), but I found this fascinating and you may, too.
Researchers at Harvard University performed a meta-analysis of 27 different epidemiological studies on fluoride levels in water and neurobehavioral development.
Fluoride is a poison, and though the amount of fluoride in toothpaste is pretty small, we’re putting into our mouth twice a day, 365 days a year.
1. Reproductive Problems
When male rats were exposed to 2, 4, and 6 ppm of sodium-fluoride in their drinking water, their testicles and prostate gland shrank in size. In addition, sperm counts plummeted and the sperm that were produced were dysfunctional. The concentration of protein in the testes (needed to manufacture new sperm) was also significantly suppressed. (source – Toxicol Ind Health, Oct. 2007; Vol. 23, Number 9, pp. 507-13)
A US epidemiological study showed very increased rates of infertility among couples living in areas with 3 ppm or more fluoride in the water (Freni 1994). Two studies showed reduced level of circulating testosterone in males living in fluoridated areas (Susheela 1996; Barot 1998). Do we want to see less courage, initiative, and leadership tendencies in our young men? (source)
2. Damage To the Brain
“It appears that fluoride has the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain.” — the National Research Council (2006) (source)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists fluoride among about 100 chemicals for which there is “substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.” Experiments on animals reveal that fluoride accumulates in the brain and alters mental behavior (Mullenix 1995). There have been over 100 animal experiments showing that fluoride damages the brain and impacts learning and behavior.
The human placenta does not prevent the passage of fluoride from a pregnant mother’s bloodstream to the fetus. As a result, a fetus can be harmed by fluoride ingested during pregnancy.
3. Lowered IQ
There have been 24 studies from China, Iran, India and Mexico that show an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ. One research team (Xiang 2003a,b) estimated that fluoride may lower IQ at 1.9 ppm (parts per million), while a recent preliminary study (Ding 2011) found a lowering of IQ in children drinking water at levels ranging from 0.3 to 3 ppm (relatively low levels).
The authors of this latter study reported that for each increase of 1 ppm fluoride measured in the urine there was a loss of 0.59 IQ points. According to the National Research Council (2006), “the consistency of the results [in fluoride/IQ studies] appears significant enough to warrant additional research on the effects of fluoride on intelligence.”
4. Bottle-fed Babies
Bottle-fed babies receive the highest doses of this toxin. Since they have a liquid diet, formula-fed babies have the highest exposure. As a result, researchers have recommended that parents not use fluoridated water when reconstituting formula for their babies (Ekstrand 1996; Pendrys 1998; Fomon 2000; Brothwell 2003; Marshall 2004).
The American Dental Association (ADA), the biggest advocates of fluoridation, sent a November 6, 2006 email alert to its members advising that parents should make baby formula with “low or no-fluoride water.”
5. Early Puberty & Fluoride
Reduced IQ is not the only neurotoxic effect.
Fluoride affects the pineal gland. Studies by Jennifer Luke (2001) show that it accumulates in the human pineal gland to very high levels. In her Ph.D. thesis, Luke has also shown in animal studies that it reduces melatonin production and leads to an earlier onset of puberty (Luke 1997). Consistent with Luke’s findings, one of the earliest fluoridation trials in the U.S. (Schlesinger 1956) reported that on average young girls in the fluoridated community reached menstruation 5 months earlier than girls in the non-fluoridated community.
Studies: It causes hypothyroidism which affects the reproductive system in rats. And Chronic Fluoride Exposure and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder!!!
6. Thyroid Patients Listen Up
Fluoride displaces iodine in your thyroid gland!!!
Without bioavailable iodine, your thyroid becomes underactive. People with underactive thyroid glands tend to gain weight. In 1955, the New England Journal of Medicine reported a 400% increase in the number of thyroid cancer cases in the years after San Francisco’s water began to be fluoridated. (source-Alexander MJ. Occurrence of thyroid cancer in San Francisco. N Engl J Med July 14, 1955)
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, increased cholesterol levels, and heart disease.
7. Arthritis & Fluoride
Skeletal fluorosis (a fluoride-induced bone and joint disease) mimic the symptoms of arthritis. According to an article published in Chemical & Engineering News, “Because some of the clinical symptoms mimic arthritis, the first two clinical phases of skeletal fluorosis could be easily misdiagnosed as arthritis” (Hileman 1988). According to the CDC (2002), 1 in 3 Americans have some form of arthritis. It usually takes years of misdiagnoses before doctors finally correctly diagnose the condition as fluorosis.
Cipro, Levaquin, Avalox: Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics That Will Ruin You!!
8. Bone Defects & Fluoride
An early fluoridation trial (Newburgh-Kingston 1945-55) revealed a two-fold increase in bone defects among children in the fluoridated community (Schlesinger 1956), and in 2001, Alarcon-Herrera reported a correlation between the severity of dental fluorosis and the frequency of bone fractures in children and adults in a high fluoride area in Mexico. (source) There is also a tie between fluoride in the domestic water and periodontal disease.
9. Hip Fractures in the Elderly
What a failure! Fluoride (average 26 mg per day) was used in trials to treat patients with osteoporosis in an attempt to harden their bones and reduce fracture rates. This treatment actually led to a higher number of fractures, particularly hip fractures (Inkovaara 1975; Gerster 1983. (source)
One Chinese study looked at hip fractures in six Chinese villages, and found an increase in hip fractures as the concentration of fluoride rose from 1 ppm to 8 ppm (Li 2001).
It is illegal to dump this toxin into our lakes and rivers, but somehow it is OK, ‘just fine’ to put in our drinking water and toothpaste!
How To Effectively Filter Fluoride From Your Own Water
• Drink distilled water and add back minerals.
• Safety-tested artesian spring water should be fine. Ask those responsible for testing that spring about the fluoride levels.
• All wells contain naturally occurring levels of fluoride, some low and some quite high.
• We use the Big Berkey Filter in our home and take our own ‘on-the-go’ water. This is the BEST PRICE I know (and I have searched) for the best filtration. However, it does not include the 2 fluoride filters, so they would be seperate!
• The Travel Berkey (purifies up to 2.75 gallons/hr and includes 2 Black Berkey and 2 fluoride filters) is popular for smaller homes, smaller families and, of course, travel.
Other Things To Avoid Fluoride
• Buy fluoride-free toothpastes
• Inform your dentist you will pass on the Fl treatments – our family has since 2000
• Avoid coffee or iced tea at restaurants – make it at home with pure water
• Avoid bottled water (with the exception of European water) as it is usually fluoridated – Complete List of Fluoride-Free Bottled Water
• Drink wine and beer imported from Europe. Most US wine is contaminated
• Don’t use tap water if feeding your baby formula (I don’t recommend using baby formula at all, but if you are not able to breastfeed, it’s best to make homemade baby formula though I understand sometimes there is little choice)
• Don’t use Teflon (non-stick) cookware
“True healthcare reform starts in your own kitchen, not in Washington.” ~Anonymous
Fluoride Affects Male Fertility: 5 Ways To Reduce Exposure To Sodium Fluoride
Learn ways to seriously reduce you and your family’s Fl intake.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Can I also make the suggestion that taking high doses of magnesium can help to clear it from your body? Magnesium has a + charge and fluoride has a – charge so the magnesium attracts and binds the fluoride. Even if you do manage he to avoid ingesting fluoridated water, fluoride is a transdermal capable compound meaning it is absorbed through the the skin so you and your kids will still get a high dose this way through bathing. Try taking baths and adding magnesium salts or other + charged salts, again they bind and ‘neutralise’ the – charged fluoride and again keep taking high dose, good quality magnesium supplements. Good luck guys! Xx
Awesome to know! Thanks for your sharing here, Hannah!!
I’d love to know then how to prevent cavities. Is it purely genetics? I’ve tried Weston Price’s remedies for a year on my 4 yo, eating nourishing traditions cookbook foods, and he still gets them. I feel terrible for him and fluoride became my last (& obviously least favorite) resort. Clear fillings are $500+ on our insurance so it’s not an option either. Help!
J, thank you for you all this wonderful information.
Could you please send me an email?
Hi, Amy! Yes, I will! Thank you for your encouragement! <3