Did you know that fluoride can damage fertility, destroy bones, causes hyperactivity and lower IQ in children?
Researching to write Fluoride: Not About Kid’s Teeth, But Getting Rid Of Hazardous Waste At A Profit! opened my eyes to the sad truth.
Clean water is often regarded as the most important nutrient for life. Most people can survive no more than 7 days without it, but are you drinking pure water?
The Berkey water filter is what we’ve chosen to remove the toxic chemical pollution now common in most of our country’s water supply and many wells.
UPDATE 9/12/23: The government is trying to shut Berkey (the company) down. It never ends. Read about it here. Listen to the owner tell the sad story:
Most filters are out of stock or outrageously priced online due to this.
We Also Want to Be Prepared in an Emergency with No Electricity!
I don’t mind admitting I think about being prepared for emergencies.
The general rule of thumb is to store one gallon of water per person per day. In an emergency situation, you should drink two quarts (half a gallon) of water a day – more if you’re in a hot climate, sick, pregnant, or a child. The other half gallon can then be used for hygiene (thanks in advance).
You can run rain, pool or even stream water through your Berkey filters and still have pure, uncontaminated water to drink if the electrical grid is down for a length of time.
We searched and read lots of material over the years to find the best all-round performance available.
Berkey Water Filtration
This powerful system purifies both treated water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be substandard at best.
Perfect for everyday use, outdoor activities, and a must in hostile environments where electricity, water pressure, or treated water may not be available.
The Berkey® system removes all of this without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs. Virtually no other system can duplicate this performance.
For some people, all this sounds too good to be true, but here are third party lab results for effectiveness of Berkey filters.

Constructed of highly polished 304 stainless steel, all the different sized systems comes complete with two purification elements and utilize the latest technological advances.
Royal Berkey & Big Berkey
The Royal Berkey system has a storage capacity of about 3.25 gallons (12.3 liters) and when in use it stands 23″ in height with a diameter of 9.5″. The upper chamber nests within the lower chamber for transport and stands only 15.25″ in height.
Configured with two Black Berkey® purification elements the system will purify up to 4 gallons (15.1 liters) per hour. This system can be expanded to use four purification elements to produce twice as much per hour.
We use the Big Berkey Filter in our home. This is the best price I know for the Big Berkey and filters. Includes Free shipping.
The Smaller Travel Berkey
The Travel Berkey system is slightly smaller for families with 2-4 people.
This is the BEST PRICE I know including the fluoride and regular filters. Free Shipping. It filters 2.75 gallons per hour.
Here’s a GOOD QUESTION! If Black Berkey filters remove 99.9% of the fluoride, then read here to find out why I should I add the fluoride filters, too!
We do keep extra filters on hand because having the ability to have clean water is your #1 emergency need.
The Black Berkey filters are re-cleanable with a Scotch Brite pad, and so can be used over and over until flow slows markedly. We have done this many times using a brand new Scotch Brite pad. The 2 filters will generally need replacing every 24-36 months depending on volume.
Minerals are not stripped out of the water, but the pollutants are.

I keep our Berkey right beside a small secondary kitchen sink (with the spigot over the sink to catch drips) for easy access to the faucet when filling.
Note: Because you can not see the water level in the lower tank, Berkey started making a sight-tube available to prevent accidental overfilling. We love it…no guessing how much water to add!
Tested and Accredited
The Berkey™ Filter element has been tested by accredited laboratories to exceed EPA & ANSI/NSF (Std. 53) protocol; Tested by the University of Phoenix Spectrum Labs, the Department of Toxicology and Environmental Science Louisiana University. Accreditation and/or certification by ISO 9002 Quality Standard, National Sanitation Foundation standards 42 and 53, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Water Quality Association, Department of Health (Toronto, Canada), Spectrum Labs (Minneapolis, USA), Water Research Council (UK), British 5750 Quality Standard, England’s Water Research council (WRc) Performance Standards, California Department of Health.
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. I have started doing this to support my time writing this FREE resource as an encouragement and resource for families. I only recommend products I use or am familiar with personally, and I humbly thank you for your support.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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