At the end, I share very helpful resources by Natasha Campbell-McBride and a video.
GAPS Story #1
GAPS testimonial:
I have to share our story of the progress my son has made over the past week because I am not only shocked but also feeling incredibly hopeful for his future, for probably the first time.
My son will be 5 in two months. His has ASD and SPD, as well as extreme difficulty speaking. Although he babbles constantly his words often come out sounding like gibberish and his inability to communicate verbally has caused a lot of emotional and behavioral issues. I started him on the full GAPS diet last Thursday, with a few exceptions to help him adjust to new flavors, such as mixing store bought chocolate syrup and almond butter with the new fresh things I have made.
Up until this point he has had a very limited range of food he will eat so the adjustment has been a little difficult. Bread, most fruit, almond butter, juice, applesauce, kombucha, yogurt, spaghetti with sauce, and tuna with mayo, oatmeal, and granola are the only things this kid has agreed to eat for going on two years. Meats, vegetables, milk, eggs, and warm beverages have been out of the question and are always met with an epic meltdown.
Today, he ate scrambled eggs with gusto. He drank homemade chocolate almond milk on the side. He had an entire bowl of applesauce and “granola” (raw nuts and seeds chopped in the food processor, then baked with raw honey), even after watching me put the probiotics in it (in the past a foreign element in a familiar food would have set him off).
In addition, he’s been repeating the words I’m saying for days. Most of them are very clear, and the ones he struggles with (such as avocado) he continues to attempt.
He’s been giving me small directions—“do it,” “come on,” “let’s go,” etc., and even more shocking FOLLOWING directions without confusion. Today I asked if he could bring me a diaper and to my utter shock he jumped up from the couch and went to the diaper bin to retrieve one for me. He has NEVER done that before.
His anger and aggression has been halved, and usually only strikes during instances of frustration over being told no, over-exhaustion, or when he’s getting “hangry.” Prior to this week he would burst into fits of tears and anger for seemingly no reason, and could take up to an hour or more to recover.
I have spent countless nights over the past two years in tears, feeling completely hopeless about his future. Now, I’ve been crying tears of relief and happiness over every small progress that he makes.
I am so thankful for the parents and people who have come before me that have fought tooth and nail to make this information possible, and accessible. I will continue to update his progress, and I thank everyone in this group for being supportive of one another and giving me a small community in a world where I generally feel very alone ❤️❤️ (Check out the Kay Ness group)
Story #2
Just wanted to give a GAPS shout out, and encouragement. My formerly ASD, ADHD, bipolar, hypoglycemic, dyslexic son, now a freshly turned 16-year-old, got 100% on his driver’s test today (after a year ago getting 100% on his written driver’s test).
We got home and I gave him $10 to go drive by himself and get some ice cream. I didn’t worry one second, only thought of errands I could have him run.
When we started, he was a ballistic, spinning, constipated, hitting, biting, drooling, non-smiling, no eye contact boy. Any over-the-counter dairy gave him a CSI crime scene nosebleed that lasted anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. He is fully allergic to dairy on several blood tests.
It works, my friends. When you support the body properly, it can repair itself.
For us, gaps is powerful. ~Becky P.
Story #3
From a closed FB GAPS page:
“It is late and i am tired but i wanted to share with you all our story in hopes that someone will be encouraged! pass this along should u see fit!!
My dear daughter is 19 years old and was dx w celiac disease at 3yo. a couple years ago came a dx of HS (hidradenitis suppurativa). it wasnt until this past December with a flare caused by eating too many goodies, did I learn that this was also auto immune!!! my quest for healing began!! we added nightshade free along to her gluten free and low gylcemic diet. a month later we omitted dairy – desperate to get her flare free! around this time my sister told me about a friend who did GAPS with her family for two years – her two children with celiac were both healed to different degrees. i jumped in before my book even arrived! about 3 1/2 months later i just want to share how excited I am because not only is her HS doing much better but i feel like her brain has woken up a bit!!! She has down syndrome and has always verbally expressed herself well but I feel like im seeing a smarter kiddo here and I am truly excited- as I wasnt looking for this at all!! (goal was only to heal gut and put HS into remission) .
Friends have noticed that she is more interested in others – whereas before conversation was very one sided, now she is engaging friends by asking about details in their lives that she is remembering from previous conversations!! she is witty as well!!! ppl I am so blown away!!!
God bless Dr. Natasha Campbell and so many others here who are so willing to help! this journey isnt for the weak at heart!!! Be strong ya’ll! im so encouraged that all the hard work is worth it!”
GAPS Story #4
I just passed my 4th full week on the GAPS introductory diet, and I have to say the news is all good. I’ve seen significant improvements in 1) my pain level, 2) my brain fog, 3) my weight 4) my mood, 5) my GI issues, 6) my sleep habits, and 7) my energy levels. I wish now that I had used tally marks to keep track of how many gallons of broth I have consumed so I could blow you all away, lol!
I am currently at level 4, moving into level 5 this week. I have had no cravings except once and a big glass of water took care of that. All this to say that if you suspect you have leaky gut (a whole host of symptoms are associated with this condition) then run, (don’t walk!) to the internet and read up on The Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet. You can thank me later.
Right now, I’d like to share my thanks with Kay N. and Kate S. who encouraged me to take the plunge. Even if I don’t improve past this point, I think I will live now and even enjoy the process. (Oh! And not one single migraine in the past 4 weeks!) ~Sherrie H.S.
Story #5
In August 2016, my son Axxx was intubated and put under general anesthesia to have an ENT exam, a hearing test, and a dental cleaning and extraction of four horribly decayed molars. His mouth was a mess from his grinding and inability to tolerate a toothbrush in his mouth due to PTSD and sensory issues.
Today, after 13 months and still going strong on the Gaps Intro Diet, we just left my amazing holistic dentist’s office where he sat and said, “ah” and tolerated an exam and cleaning like a pro. No tears. No objections. Just happy to watch a video on the TV and allowed the hygienist to scrape what little there was to scrape.
AND best part: his teeth were crumbling and yellow two years ago. Now, whiter and stronger. No cavities this time. Far healthier gums. Doctor said she never sees mouths like this in children.
We don’t use toothpaste (too many toxic ingredients). We don’t use mouthwash. We brush with water twice per day and eat a healthy traditional diet.
This mommy is crying joy tears.
I will never forget the day when his Brooklyn dentist told us we should just accept that full sedation dentistry would be something we have to do every few years to take care of him.
Another Major mental health and sensory healing milestone. So proud of my little boy. All of his work, all that we left behind in NYC, all that I feel as loss, all worth it.
If you are new to GAPS
The Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAP Syndrome or GAPS) diet was created, initially, to heal behavioral and developmental disorders like autism and ADHD. If you’ve heard the saying “the gut is the second brain,” you can understand how healing the gut also heals disorders considered to be neurological in nature.
This term was created by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition) in 2004 after working with hundreds of children and adults with:
- autistic spectrum disorders
- poor concentration and focus
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD)
- schizophrenia
- dyslexia
- dyspraxia
- depression
- obsessive –compulsive disorder
- bipolar disorder
- and other neuropsychological and psychiatric problems
GAPS in a Nutshell
This is one of the most understandable videos on GAPS and the interrelationship of vaccines I have found. Well worth the 36 minutes if you are searching for answers!
To learn more about Gut and Psychology Syndrome, first visit Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s user-friendly website to get started. Then please read Dr Campbell-McBride’s very helpful book. To purchase Gut and Psychology Syndrome in US. To purchase worldwide.
Consider the fabulous GAPS cookbook The Heal Your Gut Cookbook, which will make intro go much easier for you.
Private Facebook Groups are also extremely helpful for sharing your story, learning and connecting. These are excellent resources:
“When ours plans are interrupted, his are not. His plans are proceeding exactly as scheduled, moving us always (including those minutes or hours or years which seem most useless or wasted or unendurable).” ~Elisabeth Elliot
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Aritha Vermeulen
Thanks! Good to read about this. Never before read about it.
Aritha, I am so glad you found it helpful! I hesitated bc I thought it might be redundant! Blessings, friend!
Nicole j
I kinda following the gaps protocol for introducing solids to my son! I didn’t want to start off giving him sugars and starches and my research led me to someone who does generally follows the gaps diet for her babies. The only thing left out in the first year of life is the fermented foods to make sure no harmful bacteria is given to the baby.