I love to see parents “wear” their babies! The positive effects of carrying their babies around with them are numerous, and it is heartening to see more and more parents return to this ancient, natural practice. That being said, when the modern world tries to introduce a commodity or product, it tends to make alterations based on style, not health or well-being. Such is the case with infant carriers where the baby faces outward.
Telling parents that babies “want to look where they are going” is one such marketing ploy that created these outward-facing carriers. Unfortunately, the marketing is unsubstantiated by facts, and the position is not better for the baby.
In truth, the practice of using an outward-facing carrier has some major drawbacks for the baby’s developing neurology and structure, though some manufacturers of outward-facing carriers are trying to correct that with better design.
Chiropractors recommend wearing your baby facing inward.

Here are seven reasons why outward-facing carriers cause our babies stress.
1. These carriers are not designed to support the child’s developing hips.
These areas are still forming in the infant, and are very dependent on correct positioning for their optimal development. Take notice—in your typical outward-facing carrier, the baby’s legs dangle down. This position is not only unsupportive of normal hip development, it may have adverse effects.
The optimal positioning for a baby’s legs is with the knees up above the hips in a squatting posture, and with the legs separated in a straddle type of position. That’s why when you pick up an infant, he will instinctively draw his legs into this squat/straddle position.
In other cultures where the baby is carried with their legs splayed around their mother’s waist such as Nigeria, hip dislocation and dysplasia is virtually unknown.
2. Outward-facing carriers put undue stress on the infant’s spinal curves.
Babies are not born with the secondary spinal curves of the neck and low back. These curves are established in time, through specific, self-activated movements. First, the neck strengthens and develops its inward curve, as the baby begins to hold his head up while lying on his belly. Then, as he becomes stronger and begins to crawl, the neck curve strengthens and the curve in the low back develops.
When a baby is facing outward in a carrier, this primary “C” curve is forced into a reversed position before it has gone through the normal developmental stages it needs. Adversely affecting spinal alignment in these critical stages could have lifelong effects on the child’s spine, nervous system and overall well-being.
3. Take notice: Many parents who have their infants facing outward are either holding their baby’s legs up, or the baby is grasping the parent’s fingers.
This is because babies are off-balance in this position, and have nothing to hold on to. To compensate, they tend to lean their pelvis back for balance. This, too, affects structural development and adds additional stress to the spine and nervous system.
4. Babies bond with human faces, particularly those of their own parents.
Facing outward deprives them of this natural, innate need which enhances communication, security and optimal neurological development. This early bonding lays the neurological foundation for empathy and the ability to relate to others.
5. Babies like to nurse on demand. In an outward-facing carrier, this is impossible.
Nursing is so much more than just a “quick snack”; it is an opportunity for babies to “reconnect” with their source of assurance—Mom—as they are observing and learning in their new environment.
6. Babies like to nap frequently.
Dad can continue to go about his way and the baby can have a secure, warm cuddle at the same time. Also, when a baby falls asleep on the parent while being carried on his chest, she has the beneficial opportunity of sleeping with her head gently turned to one side or the other. This simple posture stimulates an incredible amount of neurological integration and development for the baby.
7. Wearing babies facing out hurts the wearer.
The wearer’s center of gravity shifts forward, putting strain on her spine. In other words, outward-facing carriers are not ergonomically correct for parents, either. It adversely affects their spinal alignment, which compromises their overall health and well-being.
As parents in a consumer-driven world with many commodities, it is important to look deeper into products as we make our informed choices. Chiropractors, in choosing options for their families’ health and well-being, look first to what is most natural and physiologically sound.
Wearing babies facing inward is the safest, most natural way to carry a baby, and has been practiced for centuries by our ancestors.
This article appeared in Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, Issue #42. Shared with permission.
And additionally, Swaddling Is Wonderful for Baby when done CORRECTLY!
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” ~from Psalm 139

©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
It depends on the carrier. There are some that are designed with hip dysplasia in mind, like the Ergo 360. I bought that one and a K’tan wrap, which lets you adjust the angle of the baby’s legs into the healthy ‘frog legs’ position. These wraps are not cheap but worth it for babies who hate wraps. I cring when seeing babies being held up by their crotches! Ouch!
Jessica, I am glad you found on e that allows for proper hip placement. However, you still have the problem of the positioning of the spine. The post addressed that separately by stating: “When a baby is facing outward in a carrier, this primary “C” curve is forced into a reversed position before it has gone through the normal developmental stages it needs. Adversely affecting spinal alignment in these critical stages could have lifelong effects on the child’s spine, nervous system and overall well-being.” You may want to check your baby’s posture if she spends much time at all in an outward facing position.
Thanks so much for sharing this! I wish I had known this stuff before I had children – it would have made such a big difference! This will go into my file of info for my own kids to read before they have kids! It will also become part of what we talk about with taking care of babies from now on. That picture of the mama in Africa w/ her baby on her back sure brings a smile to my face – it’s on my desktop for now!
Speaking of important info on babies – I learned just before our last child was born that leaving the umbilical cord attached for at least 20 minutes or until the cord stops pulsing gives them a significant boost in strength as a newborn because it allows the nutrients and blood from the placenta to be pumped into the newborn. This doesn’t happen when the cord is cut immediately.
Something else I came across is that Western mothers often struggle with nursing because of wrong posture with nursing. Most moms try to nurse sitting up, but apparently nursing works much better in a reclining position – U read about it here a few years ago: http://www.mothering.com/articles/natural-breastfeeding/
Thanks again for your blog. I’m always looking forward to the next new post! And I love the old blog posts you share on FB, too.
Katie, I am so glad you were able to voice your experience and that you will be sharing it with your grown children one day. You know, I need to write about those last 2 topics and have meant to, but I am all over the place and pulled by the next thing that comes across my plate! They would be foundational truths and so I should get going on them! I loved nursing on my side so often with out oldest, but then felt I had to nurse sitting up with the twins. Thankfully, I had an abundance of milk and they were quite satisfied nursing together! Thank you so much for the encouragement, bc it can be a thankless job sometimes 😀 ~J
Very interesting! I swaddled my babies, back in the 60’s and 70’s; not sure how I learned, but it was very similar to this. Maybe it’s why both of them were such good sleepers! Who knew?
Pat, I love swaddling. I am sure it has helped your children to sleep better, bc they feel secure! Our daughter is learning it is also good to allow babies sooner than later to soothe themselves to sleep without it. No crying necessary.