Today, we’re making a garlic tincture, and in a minute I’ll show you how.
One of God’s greatest medicinal gifts that can be found on this earth is garlic or Allium sativum. It has been used as a natural remedy for thousands of years and is one of the easiest herbs to grow.
Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It is also an excellent antioxidant, an immune-stimulant, and an anti-inflammatory agent across all body systems.
Garlic is clearly able to lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol, even though this reduction can be moderate (5-15%).
Losing Intrinsic Knowledge
Up until the early 50s, the home medicine chest was comprised of locally grown herbs and plants. Almost every village or small town had a midwife or herbal healer who had a vast working knowledge of these plants and their use in healing. Common medicinal herbs were certainly a part of a home garden or landscape.
What Do You Take Garlic Tincture For?
This tincture has a vast number of reported health benefits.
Externally, it can be used for the treatment of viral skin infections, wounds or ulcers.
Internally, in the old days, it was a common remedy for flu and colds, viruses, strep, worms, high blood pressure, kidney and bladder problems and respiratory ailments.
Garlic was successfully used to fend off the plague and anthrax, and when bird-flu was going around in Asia, they found that the country with high diet of garlic, had no incidents whatsoever.
Garlic can boost the production of glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant and a critical antioxidant for detoxification. (source)(source)
This is directly attributed to the sulfur-containing allicins, which are so abundant in this potent herb. It can be used as a natural mosquito repellent and works so well in my Vinegar of the Four Thieves.
There are too many other wonderful garlic health benefits to mention here.
Garlic Tincture Recipe:
• Chop one cup of garlic and add to a clean glass Ball jar.
• Add 2 cups vodka (or organic apple cider vinegar) and screw the lid on.
• Write the contents and date on the jar.
• Shake the jar every day or so for 3 weeks.
• Once 3 weeks are over, strain out the chopped garlic and
• Store the tincture in dark, labeled dropper bottles in a cool, dark area.
Garlic Tincture Dosage:
The recommended dosage of antibiotic garlic tincture for adults is four to five drops of tincture once a day. I have taken 4 drops (yes, that is all you need!) a day in a 4 oz. glass of water 2 times a day when I wasn’t going anywhere, but no more than that.
Contraindications and side effects:
• This tincture is not recommended for people on blood thinning medications
• Garlic tincture is not recommended for those suffering from anti-coagulation disorders
• You may experience dizziness, nausea, and sweating after excessive intake of garlic tincture (ie. more that the recommended above)
• Garlic tincture may cause menstrual changes
You can avoid garlic breath by eating a few leaves of any chlorophyll-rich herb afterwards like:
• fresh mint
• cilantro
• parsley,
• or basil
I use 4 oz. amber bottles to store my tinctures. A vodka-based tincture will store for many, many years. I get my bottles on Amazon.
Warning: A Note On Making Garlic Oil for Cooking
Sherilyn, an astute reader, just brought to my attention (in the comments) something we all need to be aware of! I quickly found a good article on this for us all to read if we want to make our own garlic-infused olive oil: Be Aware of the Risks of Botulism With Homemade Garlic-Infused Oil. Mine has been sitting unrefrigerated for 3 days, so for the sake of wisdom, I am throwing mine out!! So now you we know!
The FDA recommends that if you want to make your own infused garlic oil, you should prepare it fresh and use it right away.
If you are saving any leftover garlic, you must refrigerate it right away and use it within a week.
There are a number of prepared garlic tinctures available in the local health food stores. The ones I found on Amazon start at $15 (plus shipping) on up.
I would like to encourage you to grow your own garlic and make your own tincture.
We are slowly disabled when we become dependent on others. We lose touch with the Creator’s workmanship ~ the blessings of soil, growing things, working with our hands, fresh air, and good exercise.
A working knowledge of medicinal herbs will be essential for anyone trying to stay healthy in these uncertain times.
Garlic is a mighty weapon in your medicine chest and right at the top of my list.
“He causes the grass to grow for food, and herbs for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; And wine that makes glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengthens a man’s heart.” ~Psalm 104: 14-15
Contraindications, Cautions, and Side Effects of Garlic:
• Take raw garlic with a few bites of cheese or a glass of water if you eat it raw on an empty stomach. Excessive amounts of garlic or garlic tincture can result in gastric distress such as heartburn or intestinal gas.
• It is best to avoid garlic before surgery because of anti-blood clotting effects.
• Garlic tincture is not recommended for those on blood thinning medications such as Warfarin or Heparin.
• Garlic is not recommended for those who have blood clotting disorders.
• It’s always best to check with your personal health care provider before taking any herbal medications, including garlic tincture.
Amazing Uses for Garlic in Your Home & Garden
Garlic Does Lower Cholesterol, Evidence Suggests
**For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Sherilyn Massengill
I used to make garlic oil, but I haven’t for a number of years because I read that having the garlic in the anaerobic environment like that can be a risk for getting botulism. I am not sure if refrigerating the oil will remedy the situation. I’d love to be able to keep garlic oil on hand though, so will have to look into it more.
The garlic tincture would be wonderful! I’d much rather do that than buy capsules or chew up the bulbs (and possibly fumigate everyone in the vicinity with my pungent breath). It truly does help lower blood pressure.
I really like your site. It is encouraging and inspirational. Thank you!
Thank you, Sherilyn,
I just googled it and this is what I found out: Yikes!! I will put a notice in the post! Thank you for bringing this to my attention!!!! Blessings!!!
hi, thank you for sharing what you do, it is much needed! I am new to this way of treating ailments, i totally believe We have the ability to heal ourselvse with what is already here on our planet, and folks like you to show us the best way to use it, thank you much!
Julie, It is my pleasure to be of help!
Blessings to you,
I heard this as well…so I don’t make oil infusions using the actual plant.
I make my tinctures of lemon, rosemary, garlic, etc… which individually have healing properties taken as a tincture and in combination for certain issues…but for eating…I just lightly heat some oil on the stove and use the tincture I made.
The alcohol is evaporated by the heat but you still maintain the properties and flavor of whatever you’re using. It should keep for some time, as you aren’t actually using any plant material in the oil.
I just make it on an as needed basis…but it works for me 🙂
Annette Wolf
Love this article, Jackie! The Lord is bringing so much encouragement to others through your heart to your “pen”. Thanks.
I. love. garlic. It just makes so many foods taste better. Not to mention all the health benefits – I’ve been known to eat it on bread for a little extra antibiotic punch when sick.
Heh, vampires beware! 😉
Have a wonderful day, Jacqueline.
Great post. I once read that Christian prisoners in Siberia were so pleased with garlic, which they got from their family who came to visit …
What is the purpose of the tincture? I read the entire page and just read info on how to make it and then garlic infused oil, but what is the purpose of garlic in vodka and taking it on a regular basis?
All the health benefits mentioned in the post. Do you want these health benefits? Regular taking of the tincture has helped me keep my BP under control and also kept me cold and flu free when I start to feel one coming on 🙂 A link in the post takes you through the ways garlic helps us stay well:
Hope that helps!
Hi, Jackie! Is there a way to make this tincture with glycerin?
Hi, there, Amanda~!
I hope Hannah’s neck/shoulder is feeling better by now! I wish I had some White Flower oil to give her!
Using glycerin would be akin to using olive oil. The the bacterium Clostridium botulinum grows in anaerobic conditions. With vodka, it is killed, but with olive oil and glycerin, it would possibly flourish and unless you make it fresh and keep it refrigerated like the link in the post (FDA recommends) says, and use it right up, it could be a serious problem.
If you’re concerned about the alcohol, you can place the tincture in a cup, pour boiling water into the cup, and the alcohol will evaporate within seconds. OR, you can add your dose (20-30 drops) to a cup and let it dry up. When you add water to swallow it, there will be less alcohol left than in a ripe banana.
In this link: read the last paragraph..It will explain.
Hope that I answered the question and isn’t overkill 🙂
Love your whole family!
Please tell Greg and the boys I send my warmest greetings and love! Praying you all settle in well. I miss you~
The bit about botulism is far more scare than reality! Botulism requires a completely anaerobic environment in which to grow. Unless you have canned the product, there is virtually no chance of creating the colstridium botulinum bacterium and of its growing. If you want to be safe, allow the tincture or oil infusion to steep for a day on the counter, then refrigerate for a few weeks. With the oil, after a while, strain the garlic out through a coffee filter and store the resulting oil in the refrigerator.
The article referenced is clearly an internet scare designed to entice you to buy their own “safe” products. Garlic oils and tinctures have been used for centuries during times refrigeration did not exist. If it was the “killer” the article claims it to be, that fact would be in the collective histories of the people who have been using it.
Be smart, people! EVERY website that is selling you something picks and chooses the information it provides, often creating scenarios and presenting facts that, if there is any basis of fact at all in them, is so far removed from reality as to be an outright lie. Undoubedly, under certain specific and unlikely conditions it may be possible for there to be danger in creating a product such as this. But, is a 1 in 10 million chance worth the fear mongering the article generates? Absolutely not!
We’ve been creating and using our own garlic infused oil and garlic tinctures for decades. Four grown and healthy children later, we are still doing so.
Truth creates confidence and bolsters faith and happiness. Lies spread fear and hatred. Choose which one you want to listen to.
Vania Dyer
A little late for replying, but I just came across this website and almost immediately bookmarked it in my Favorites, as I could tell it had a wealth of information to glean. But I wholeheartedly agree with you and highly suggest people do their own independent research on anything that affects their’s or their loved ones health or wellbeing.
Thank you, Vania!
Yes, I am a big proponenet of people learning to dig in and research! I want to clone myself in that regard!
Thank you for your kind encouragement, too! It is often a lonely job!
[email protected]
ok this is amazing. Thank you for teaching me something new to try! I love this. I just hope I do it right!! I am stopping by from The Homemaking Blog Party blog hop. I look forward to your visit at
Happy homemaking!
Hi! I made your tincture a few days ago and it has turned green. Is that normal? I used vinegar instead of the vodka. Thanks! ~Kristin
That is a VERY good question~ I have not used vinegar myself, but I have read that this color change is normal for using vinegar! Here is one place I saw this: I believe you should not worry!
My garlic tincture turned green and I used vodka. Is this normal?
Hi, Abby,
Yes, that happens sometimes, but it isn’t bad… It is mentioned a number of time IN the comments about it giving a slight green hue… this is normal (due to higher copper levels from the siol it is grown in) and not to be misinterpreted for going bad.
With vodka, it cannot go bad.
I hope that helps, friend! ~Jacque
I only had time to skim this post but I want to come back and really read and understand it. I have been interested in alternative ways to be healthier (rather than have the dr write more scripts) and I think you can help with this info. Thank you for linking it up with me, it was nice to see you at my place 🙂
Thank you, Connie~
I enjoy your link-up!
It is my understanding that the green or bluish green color comes from levels of copper in either the garlic (or the water used to wash your utensils) and is nothing to worry about. Just oxidation of a trace of mineral is all.
Awesome to know! thanks Jorge!!!!! Blessings!
Really captivating article, thank you author. In case you want to find more information about home remedies here is another good article:
Take care.
Hi, I’m glad I found this! I use garlic for everything, including infection. But, I think it would be a good idea to let newcomers to the garlic scene know that, in some cases, people who suffer from migraines can have issues with taking concentrated or high doses of garlic. I learned this the hard way.
My bolivian father-in-law has made garlic tincture (with alcohol) for many years, and he has used it for fighting colds, influenza, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, body aches/joint issues, and so much more! Now he can’t take it anymore due to being on blood thinners, but my husband takes it at the first sign of a sore throat and it’s gone within 15-30 minutes! I usually gag at the taste, so I swallow garlic “pills” instead, but a few times I have been desperate enough to beat a cold to gag it down and it really works!
That is so awesome, Rachel! I wish you father-in-law could still take it, but it would interfere…garlic does that.
I’m so glad you shared your testimony here 🙂 Thank you!
Is it safe to make to use in your hair for long periods of time. I live in overseas, and the price to buy it is out of this world and then you have to top off the shipping cost.
Please help.
I am not sure if your question is in jest or serious 🙂 I don’t know a real reason to use Garlic tincture in your hair unless it was to kill parasites or something 😉 Also, there are so many countries where you can get garlic readily!
You might want to use Rosemary. Garlic thins the blood. I don’t know how great it would work for stimulating hair growth.
Hey! I did want to ask about using the tincture long term say 3 months as part of a hair growth regimen; carrot oil, onion oil, garlic oil, cayenne pepper & B-complex powder (I know, Overkill ?) I planned to extract them all by alcohol & store in the fridge. How long do you think it would keep? Thanks!
Carmela, I am intrigued! I am not an expert on hair regrowth, but I think this link will address shelflife: I hope that it helps, and God bless you!
Hello friend i hope im not late for the party, but i tried mine, my mum told me its amazing, but we live far away so i followed this instructions, but somehow my garlic tincture on the next day i put it turned out Blue ish.
Do you know the reason for this? Is it maybe because the garlic isnt fresh enough??
thank you for your help
Mayumi, I thought there was something in there about it turning bluish or greenish…I found it in Jorge’s comment: “It is my understanding that the green or bluish green color comes from levels of copper in either the garlic (or the water used to wash your utensils) and is nothing to worry about. Just oxidation of a trace of mineral is all.”
I hope that helps, friend, and so glad it turned out wonderfully!!
Thank you so much 😀
Deb VanKalker
I made this tincture and it has a green hue. I did everything exactly per the directions (with vodka). I’m wondering if I should use it. Thanks for your input!
Jessica Ruffing
Thank you! I just today made garlic tincture with vodka (we always seem to have some in the house, so I thought “why not?”). Garlic is my soul food, much to my husband’s delight (not) 🙂 …. I had a question for you – was hoping to get the Immune herbal blend from the Bulk Herb Store. Here are the ingredients, but I see in your photo that it looks like you have made tinctures with this before: Elderberry Whole Organic, Echinacea Purpurea Herbc/s Organic, Echinacea Root c/s Organic, Peppermint Leaf c/s Organic, Rose Hips c/s Organic, Nettle Leaf c/s Organic, Eleuthero Root c/s Organic
Is this something a 13 month old, and up could take? I felt comfortable with the echinacea, elderberry, and peppermint, but thoughts on the rest? Thank you!!
Jessica, I’d go really slow with a giving anything that isn’t really needed at 13 months. If needed, just a drop or 2 from the dropper, except the 3 you mention. I hate to give advice without knowing more!
Katy H
Hi! My husband and I were looking for a tincture like this thank you! I made it already but have not tried it yet! So after I put in bottles can I store in the refrigerator? Or is that too cold? Thank you in advance! Katy H.
Hi, Katy!
If you are using vodka as your solvent, you will never need to refrigerate it. It will keep at room temp out of bright sunlight for many years!
I hope that helps! ~J
Malcolm Walker
Hi There
I would like to know if I should refrigerate my tincture made with apple cider after straining it.
How long does the tincture made with apple cider vinegar last and do I take 5 drops per day?
I would really appreciate your reply.
Thank you and Kind Regards
Malcolm Walker.
Hello, Malcolm!
Normally ACV doesn’t need refrigeration, but if it is not difficult for you, refrigerate it.
When I ferment our garlic with raw honey, I do not.
But some AVC has the mother in it, and some doesn’t. If it does, I would trust it, but if not fermented, I would refrigerate!
If you take 5 drops a day, you may want to take it with food and not on an empty stomach. Garlic is strong so best with food!
I am glad to help!
thomas orr
I’ve come across a study ( pubmed?, I’ll find link if requested or Google) that details the efficaciousness of garlic vapour/aerosol for treatment of lung infections.
Is there a way to make this?
I’m guessing you could heat the vodka tincture and inhale under a towel as you would do with other inhalations.
It’s the best way to get a ” high dose” allicin direct to the site of infection. You’d make yourself ill if you tried to do it systemically. Eat ? 6 whole bulbs chopped raw…. I clove makes me gag
Hi, Thomas! Can you send me that link and I will take a look! Thank you! ~J
My garlic/vodka tincture has been steeping for a few months. Is it still okay to strain and use?
Dana, yes, absolutely! I have often left mine for 4-6 months, especially with elderberries. The shelf life is really practically “forever”. The vodka has literally preserved everything in there, so not to worry.
Enjoy! ~Jacqueline
Christi Francois
Thoughts on using dried/ minced garlic to make a vodka tincture? Would this lessen the concern for botulism? Or is the concern just with making it with oil?
Christi, I would use actual garlic cloves if you use vodka! it is delicious in recipes.
The problem is just using oil. It can’t kill botulism.
Hope that helps!!
Sarah M
Hi Jacque,
Thank you for all of your wonderful posts. I have two questions – if you are taking garlic tincture at the first signs of a sore or possible strep throat, is there a certain length of time to take it, like you have to do with antibiotics? Secondly, I made my tincture with ACV. How long does it last compared to the vodka-based tincture, if it is stored in a dark dropper bottle in a dark cabinet? Thank you!!
Hi, Sarah,
With garlic, as long as you aren’t taking blood thinners, you can consume garlic as a food or as a tincture for many days. GArgling with it is helpful.
For strep throat, also consider adding usnea lichen:
You may know about fire cider, too, as it is pretty powerful (and broader in spectrum), as well!
Sarah M
Thank you, Jacque!
I want to make this tincture. I will make it with vodka. My question is if it will give you bad breath even though it has alcohol? Thanks!
Hi, Ana, No, not like raw garlic. And you take so little. If it too much for company, take it when you are alone, if possible 😀
Blessings, J